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Gratitude Wave


Amanda Hadley
New Earth Energies 2018

Copyright 2018 and beyond

Cover Image- Pixabay
This is a FREE self-attunement that is to be available to all at
NO cost.
Please respect the author's right to this manual, no text or part
may be copied, removed or quoted without written permission.

If you wish to translate this manual please contact me first,

This manual is to be passed on freely to students and it must

remain intact with acknowledgement to
New Earth Energies.

Many thanks

There are many more great attunements and empowerments

on my site

Please note that this self- attunement/ empowerment as with any

other energy systems is complimentary and will work in
conjunction with any Western Medicine/Treatment you may be
receiving, BUT should never be take the place of a licensed medical
Gratitude Wave

Gratitude Wave is part of the Wave Series of self-attunements.

These self-attunements are designed to activate a wave of
positive source energy. They can be used whenever you want
either to increase existing states of being or to re-activate them.

The Gratitude Wave works with the heart chakra and will
provide a wave of gratitude that opens the heart chakra and
sets off a process of gratitude, once activated you will begin to
feel more and more grateful for all that you have and the more
grateful you feel the more you attract to you things and people
that are good for you.

Why use the Gratitude Wave?

Sometimes it's not easy to feel grateful, we can be in a situation
that make us feel that nothing is working out, despite our best
intentions. This can lead us to subconsciously starting a train of
thought of lack. We feel that things aren't working or are not as
they should be, as we expected them to be and then we start to
find more and more examples to back up our thoughts.

This can be a very negative process which sends out a signal to

the Universe and in return you find more and more of what you
don't want because your focus is on the negative things in your
life and you are attracting them to you. It can become a vicious
circle because the more negative things you attract, the more
difficult it is to feel gratitude, so the negative thoughts continue
and more negative stuff shows up!

The Gratitude Wave will stop this negative thought process and
enable you to change your thoughts from what you don't have
or what is wrong, to what you DO have and everything there is
to be grateful for in your life. These may be very basic and
simple things like shelter, food, fresh air, but they are things to
be grateful for. Once you start feelings gratitude your heart
chakra opens and you begin to feel more and more grateful for
all the other things in your life.

Your focus changes from lack to abundance and in this state you
send out a message to the Universe that triggers more and more
good stuff to start turning up in your life.

The Gratitude Wave can be used as often as you want. It will

provide a boost of energy direct from source that activates your

“What if you woke up today,

only with what you were grateful for yesterday.”
To Receive Gratitude Wave Self- Attunement

Make yourself comfortable and do any preparations that you

would normally do for receiving an attunement.

The energies for this self-attunement are already set in the

ethereal realms and come from unlimited source energy.

When you are ready, connect with your higher self and source
energy and then state your intention,

“I (state your name) am now ready to receive Gratitude

Wave self-attunement set by Amanda Hadley of New Earth
Energies, I ask to receive the strongest possible energies for me ”

The attunement will begin and will take approx. 15-20


When you feel that the energies slow down and stop the
attunement is complete and you can slowly open your eyes.

Once you have received your self-attunement it is important to

activate the energies by using them! You can now call in these
energies whenever you wish.
How to Activate the Gratitude Wave

Once you have received your self-attunement from Source it is

easy to activate the Gratitude Wave. Whenever you feel that you
need a gratitude boost, state your intention and call on the
energies. Your intention is key to activating so you can choose
any words that feel best for you, then say,
“Gratitude Wave activate now” x3
The energies will run for a short time and you will feel
wonderful energies of gratitude flow through you.


I hope that you find this self-attunement useful and


I wish you much peace and light on your journey,


Reiki Master
New Earth Energies
This manual is to be freely shared, please do not charge for this energy
or change, remove or add anything to this manual. Thank you.
Copyright 2018 and beyond

Please note that Gratitude Wave Self-Attunement, as with any other
energy systems is complimentary and will work in conjunction with
any Western Medicine/Treatment you may be receiving, BUT should
never take the place of a licensed medical practitioner. Gratitude Wave
Self-attunement is not a substitute for health care.

If you have any health concerns at all, please seek professional medical
advice first.

New Earth Energies/Amanda Hadley accept no responsibility for any

loss/damage that occurs as a direct result of using/misusing any of the
information contained in this manual.

Gratitude Wave Self-Attunement is an original energy system and is

not affiliated with any other systems or attunements that may exist
now or in the future.
Reiki Attunements and Systems channelled by Amanda Hadley
(these are not free self-attunements)

Chakra Cleansing Empowerment

Peace Reiki
Sole Wolf Journey Reiki
Comfort Blanket Reiki
Thinking Outside the Box Reiki
Negative Thoughts Flush
Energy Vampire Protection
Pet Bereavement Reiki
True Voice Reiki
Responsibility Reiki
Rose Quartz Self-love Flush
Seahorse Empowerment Reiki
Haematite Protection Reiki
Deep Sleep Empowerment
Tree of Life Reiki Empowerment
Celestial Golden Starfish Empowerment
Power Animal Reiki System

For a full list of attunements available please check out my


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