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Disorder-Induced Multiple Transition Involving Z2 Topological Insulator

Ai YAMAKAGE, Kentaro NOMURA, Ken-Ichiro IMURA, and Yoshio KURAMOTO

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 053703

# 2011 The Physical Society of Japan

Person-to-person distribution by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 053703 LETTERS

DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.80.053703

Disorder-Induced Multiple Transition Involving Z2 Topological Insulator

Ai YAMAKAGE, Kentaro NOMURA1 , Ken-Ichiro IMURA2 , and Yoshio KURAMOTO
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Correlated Electron Research Group (CERG), RIKEN-ASI, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Department of Quantum Matter, AdSM, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8530, Japan
(Received November 29, 2010; accepted March 10, 2011; published online April 25, 2011)
Effects of disorder on two-dimensional Z2 topological insulator are studied numerically by the transfer matrix
method. Based on the scaling analysis, the phase diagram is derived for a model of HgTe quantum well as a function of
disorder strength and magnitude of the energy gap. In the presence of sz non-conserving spin–orbit coupling, a finite
metallic region is found that partitions the two topologically distinct insulating phases. As disorder increases, a narrow-
gap topologically trivial insulator undergoes a series of transitions; first to metal, second to topological insulator, third
to metal, and finally back to trivial insulator. We show that this multiple transition is a consequence of two disorder
effects; renormalization of the band gap, and Anderson localization. The metallic region found in the scaling analysis
corresponds roughly to the region of finite density of states at the Fermi level evaluated in the self-consistent Born
KEYWORDS: Z2 topological insulator, HgTe, disorder, phase diagram, density of states, transfer matrix, self-consistent
Born approximation

Topological insulator is a distinct type of insulator, conserving SOC. This paper takes full account of such
showing a metallic surface state. During the last few years Rashba-type spin-flip terms incorporated in the BHZ model
an increasing attention has been on its Z2 version1–3) which and deduces a phase diagram of the disordered and disorder-
realizes without an external magnetic field and preserves induced Z2 TI. We demonstrate that disordered BHZ model
time-reversal symmetry. This is contrasting to a more shows as many as four transitions for a given value of trivial
prototypical integer quantum Hall insulator. Another twist band gap as a function of disorder. As disorder increases, a
motivating the present study is a recent proposal on the narrow-gap topologically trivial insulator first turns to a
concept of so-called ‘‘topological Anderson insulator’’ metal, second to a topological insulator, third again to a
(TAI).4–6) which extends the limit of topological distinction metal, and finally back to the trivial insulator. Occurrence
beyond that of band insulator. of such ‘‘multiple transition’’ intervened by a finite metallic
In two spatial dimensions (2D) disorder plays a funda- region is a distinct property, providing us also with a useful
mental role in electronic transport. This paper deals with a point of view on the understanding of TAI.
2D version of the Z2 topological insulator (Z2 TI), a variant We consider a tight-binding version of the BHZ model
of the model proposed by Bernevig, Hughes, and Zhang; on 2D square lattice. We add Rashba-type SOC in order
hereafter referred to as BHZ.7) The BHZ model has been to generalize to include the electric field perpendicular to
proposed to describe a Z2 TI implemented in HgTe/CdTe surface, which is induced by structural inversion asymmetry
superstructure.8,9) An important element added in this study of the quantum well or gate electrode. Without disorder, the
to the BHZ model is a Rashba-type spin–orbit coupling Hamiltonian becomes block diagonal in momentum space
(SOC), which breaks spin-axial symmetry along z-axis and reduces to the following 4  4 matrices,7,9,19,20)
inherent to the original version of BHZ model. This sz non- " #
hðkÞ ðkÞ
conserving SOC changes the topological invariant charac- HðkÞ ¼ : ð1Þ
terizing insulator from Z to Z2 .10,11) ðkÞy h ðkÞ
Effects of disorder on topological insulators have been The first (last) rows/columns correspond to real spin " (#),
extensively studied.4–6,12–18) Directly relevant to this Letter i.e., sz ¼ 1. The 2  2 matrix ðkÞ represents Rashba SOC,
are refs. 12–14, which have treated the sz non-conserving the explicit form of which will be determined by symmetry
cases of Z2 TI, and refs. 4–6 dealing with TAI. The basic arguments. The diagonal blocks, hðkÞ and its Kramers’
viewpoint on TAI on which we are based is due to ref. 6, i.e., partner h ðkÞ, are of 2D Dirac form: e.g., hðkÞ ¼ dðkÞ  ,
spin-independent potential disorder brings about renormali- where
zation of the gap, both its magnitude and sign, allowing for
dðkÞ ¼ ðA sin kx ; A sin ky ;   2Bð2  cos kx  cos ky ÞÞ:
conversion of an ordinary band insulator to a topologically
non-trivial one. On the other hand, a metallic behavior  is another set of Pauli matrices [than the real spin
induced by disorder is also expected in the sz non-conserving s ¼ ðsx ; sy ; sz Þ], representing an orbital pseudo-spin. The
system we study. Since the existing studies on TAI dealt parameter , which is associated with the band gap, can
with the sz conserving case, there was no discussion about be tuned by varying the thickness of HgTe layer. Then
how such metallic conduction combines with the renorma- nontrivial phase with Z2 topological invariant  ¼ 1 realizes
lization of band gap and localization effect to determine the when 0 < =B < 4 and 4 < =B < 8, whereas trivial
phase diagram of disordered BHZ model with sz non- phase with  ¼ 0 corresponds to =B < 0 and =B > 8.
In the presence of a random potential, the total

E-mail: Hamiltonian is defined only in real space,
053703-1 #2011 The Physical Society of Japan
Person-to-person distribution by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites.

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 053703 L ETTERS A. YAMAKAGE et al.

X 3.0
H¼ ½cyr r cr þ ðcyrþa tx cr þ cyrþb ty cr þ h:c:Þ; ð2Þ Δ = −1 L = 16
2.5 32
where r ¼ ðI; JÞ represents a site on 2D square lattice, and 64
a ¼ ð1; 0Þ and b ¼ ð0; 1Þ are primitive lattice vectors with 2.0
the lattice constant set to unity. Explicit form of the hopping

λ L /L
matrices tx and ty are determined as follows. We take the 1.5
Rashba-type interaction, HR / ð p  sÞz ¼ px sy  py sx , and
adapt it to the BHZ model. The two components of the 1.0
orbital pseudo-spin consist of 6 orbital with the total
angular momentum j ¼ 1=2, and one of 8 orbitals with
j ¼ 3=2 and jz ¼ 3=2. The form of HR is constrained due 0.0
to various symmetry requirements. First, notice that hopping 6 7 8 9 10 11
matrix elements transform under  rotation with respect to
the y-axis as W
 ha; jz jHR j0; jz i ¼ ha; jz jðHR Þj0; jz i W=6 L = 16
2 32
¼ h0; jz jHR j  a; jz i : ð3Þ 64
Here, particle–hole symmetry is assumed, implying that the 2.0
matrix elements considered are independent of jz . Combined
λ L /L
with translational invariance, eq. (3) guarantees that  is 1.5
real. Second, invariance under =2 rotation with respect to
the z-axis requires, on the other hand,
ha; jz jHR j0; jz i ¼ ihb; jz jHR j0; jz i 0.5
¼ ha; jz jHR j0; jz i; ð4Þ
where a positive (negative) sign corresponds to jz ¼ 1=2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
(3=2). Note that =2 rotation gives rise to a factor,
expðijz Þ ¼ i. By combining eqs. (3) and (4), hopping Δ
matrices tx and ty are determined as,
Fig. 1. (Color online) Scaling behavior of  L as a function of W (upper
A  panel) and  (lower panel). In the upper panel, the system with  ¼ 1 is
tx ¼ B z  i  x sz þ i sy ; ð5Þ topologically trivial in the clean limit. The lower panel shows the behavior
2 2
of ‘‘Z2 topological Anderson insulator’’,4–6) since the region  > 0:5 is
ty ¼ B z þ i  y  i  z sx : ð6Þ made topologically nontrivial by the effect of W.
2 2
Thus off-diagonal coupling in eq. (1) has been determined as,
Figure 1 shows representative data for different size of the
ðkÞ ¼ i diag½sin kx  i sin ky ; sin kx þ i sin ky : ð7Þ
system in the presence of sz non-conserving SOC with
Terms connecting jz ¼ 1=2 and jz ¼ 3=2 states are  ¼ 0:5. In the upper panel,  L =L is plotted as a function of
neglected, for simplicity. W with  ¼ 1 fixed. At each value of W,  L is evaluated
For the impurity potential, we take a site-diagonal form. for systems of different circumference L. It is clear that
The local energy r at site r is given by there are two values of W where  L =L does not depend
on L. This indicates a critical point that separates metallic
r ¼ ð  4BÞ z
I þ diag½WrðsÞ ; Wrð pÞ 
I; ð8Þ
and insulating regimes. In contrast with ordinary phase
where I is 2  2 identity matrix in spin space, and strength of transitions, the critical point is meaningful only at zero
non-magnetic disorder is specified by WrðsÞ and Wrð pÞ for 6 - temperature, as an example of the quantum phase transition.
and 8 -type orbitals, respectively.7) It is assumed that each As W increases from zero, the system becomes metallic at
impurity potential obeys uniform distribution in the period: W ¼ W1 7 up to W2 9:5. When W is further increased,
½W=2; W=2.  L =L shows again a monotonic decrease as a function of
We have performed extensive numerical study on the L. Namely we observe a reentrant behavior: localized !
localization length  L using the transfer matrix method.21) metallic ! localized, with increasing W. The emergence
For a given set of parameters ð; WÞ, the localization length of metallic state by the sz non-conserving SOC has already
 L is estimated by varying the system size L. If  L =L been studied by ref. 12 for the Kane–Mele model of
decreases (increases) with increasing L, the system is judged graphene, which belongs to a topological insulator in the
to be insulating (metallic). Hereafter, we concentrate on the clean limit. In our case, however, the value  ¼ 1 means
case of E ¼ 0, where the Fermi level is located in the middle that the system is the trivial insulator in the clean limit.
of band gap. The other parameters are fixed as A ¼ B ¼ 1. Namely, in contradiction to naive intuition, the disorder first
We identify the localization characteristics from scaling converts insulator to metal, and then back to insulator.
behavior of the localization length  L , and determine the The lower panel of Fig. 1 shows  L =L as a function of 
phase boundaries between metallic and insulating regions. with fixed W ¼ 6. At each value of ,  L =L is evaluated for
053703-2 #2011 The Physical Society of Japan
Person-to-person distribution by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites.

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 053703 L ETTERS A. YAMAKAGE et al.

(i) Z2 -nontrivial ! metallic ! Z2 -trivial for positive ;

(ii) Z2 -trivial ! metallic ! Z2 -nontrivial ! metallic !
Z2 -trivial for 0:5 .  < 0.
These multiple transition are to be contrasted with the case
 ¼ 0 where intervening metallic phases are absent.
It is natural to ask the origin of the reentrant behavior with
negative . In order to answer the question, we now turn to
the density of states ðEÞ of the system. Let us first study
how the region of nonzero ð0Þ is correlated to the region
of metallic conductance. We follow the previous study6) for
the sz conserving case ( ¼ 0), to employ the self-consistent
Born approximation (SCBA). Note that interference of
electronic wave functions, which is crucial for the Anderson
localization, is beyond the scope of the SCBA. However, the
SCBA does describe disorder-induced renormalization of ,
Fig. 2. (Color online) Phase diagram of disordered BHZ model in the whose sign distinguishes whether the system is topologically
presence ( ¼ 0:5, blue triangles) and absence ( ¼ 0, red circles) of sz non- trivial or not.
conserving SOC. Lines connecting the data points are guide to eyes. Effects of disorder are taken into account in the SCBA as
the self-energy ðEÞ of the Green function Gðk; EÞ, which is
the 4  4 matrix in our case. We decompose the self-energy
systems of different circumference L. Overall behavior of matrix as  ¼ 0 þ z  z . Note that the self energy is a
 L =L looks similar to that of the upper panel. Namely, as  scalar in the (real) spin space due to time-reversal symmetry.
increases, the system evolves as: localized ! metallic ! The renormalization of parameters occurs as
localized. Note that the first insulating phase:  < 1
 ! ðEÞ
~ ¼  þ Re z ðEÞ; ð9Þ
0:8 is of trivial nature ( ¼ 0), whereas the second one
with  > 2 0:5) is Z2 nontrivial ( ¼ 1). These E ! EðEÞ
~ ¼ E  Re 0 ðEÞ; ð10Þ
different kinds are separated by a finite metallic region: where jj~ represents the renormalized energy gap, and E~ is
1 <  < 2 . The second insulating phase with Z2 -number the shift of the energy. The SCBA gives the following self-
 ¼ 1 starts already at a negative value: c2 0:5. This consistency equation:
result demonstrates that a Z2 topological insulator can be Z 2
W2 d k
induced by introducing non-magnetic disorder to a clean ðEÞ ¼ hGðk; EÞi; ð11Þ
trivial insulator. In recent literature, similar disorder-induced 12 ð2Þ2
Z2 -nontrivial phase has been discussed,4–6) but without the where hGðk; EÞi ¼ hðE  HðkÞ  ðEÞÞ1 i is the disorder-
intervening metallic region. averaged Green function. Because of particle–hole symme-
By repeating such analysis for different values of  and try, Re 0 ð0Þ and Im z ð0Þ vanish. Hence the Fermi level at
W, and identifying critical points, we obtain the phase E ¼ 0 is not shifted. The density of states is given by
diagram of the system at the ground state. In the clean limit,
1 24
the nontrivial phase appears in the region 0 <  < 4 and ðEÞ ¼  Im tr GðEÞ ¼  Im 0 ðEÞ: ð12Þ
4 <  < 8. Only the region with  < 4 is shown in Fig. 2  
since the phase diagram is reflection symmetric about We solve eq. (11) and derive Im 0 ð0Þ and Re z ð0Þ.
 ¼ 4. The particle–hole symmetry is responsible for this Near the metal-insulator transition, Im z ð0Þ is small and
property. For comparison, we also show the sz conserving converges only slowly in the iterative method. Therefore
case with  ¼ 0. In this case the system is always insulating we apply a root finding procedure called Steffensen’s
except along the transition line indicated by (red) circles. method only for Im 0 ð0Þ in order to accelerate the
Let us focus on the sz non-conserving ( 6¼ 0) SOC convergence.
effects. The triangle symbols (blue) show the transition Figure 3 shows the density of states ð0Þ (upper part)
points between metallic and insulating phases. It is clear that together with the renormalized gap ð0Þ ~ ¼  þ z ð0Þ
the metallic region emerges in the vicinity of the transition (lower part) at the particle–hole symmetric point E ¼ 0.
line at  ¼ 0. Consequently, the two topologically distinct Results at fixed  ¼ 0:2 but with different values of  is
insulating phases are always separated by a metallic region given for comparison. In the upper part ð0Þ is plotted as a
of finite width. Furthermore,  ¼ 1 phase is extended toward function of W, which shows in all cases a finite range of
 < 0 by finite disorder. Unfortunately, in the weak- finite ð0Þ. According to the SCBA, the density of states ð0Þ
disordered region below W 4 with  ¼ 0:5, we have been vanishes outside this range. The change of ð0Þ as a function
unable to determine the transition point from the data up to of W with decreasing  seems continuous down to the limit
64 sites due to strong finite-size effect. The transition can  ¼ 0. Both the width and the magnitude of the region with
occur, on the other hand, only at  ¼ 0 in the clean limit, finite ð0Þ decreases with decreasing , but remains finite at
and the transition line should be continuously connected.  ¼ 0.
Therefore, with decreasing W, it is reasonable to assume ~
The lower part in Fig. 3 shows that ð0Þ changes sign
that the metallic corridor persists and converges to the point around W 2:89, which corresponds roughly to the peak
 ¼ 0. As a result, increasing the strength of disorder W, of ð0Þ. Note that the bare value in the present case is
multiple transition occurs in such a way as:  ¼ 0:2, which corresponds to the trivial insulator with
053703-3 #2011 The Physical Society of Japan
Person-to-person distribution by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites.

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 053703 L ETTERS A. YAMAKAGE et al.

0.0010 0.09
α = 0.0
0.0008 0.07 0.5
0.06 Δ = −0.2

ρ (0)
ρ (0)

0.0000 0
α = 0.0 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
0.0010 0.4
0.0005 Δ = −0.2 Fig. 4. (Color online) Density of states in the strongly disordered region
for the same parameters as in Fig. 3.


sign causes the topological transition induced by disorder.
-0.0010 However, as an important difference from the previous
study, we find that metallic state always accompanies the
topological transitions in the phase diagram. Actual 2D Z2 TI
2.875 2.880 2.885 2.890 2.895 2.900 2.905
systems such as HgTe quantum wells have a sizable sz non-
W conserving SOC, which can be tuned continuously by gate
voltage. We hope that our results encourage experimental
Fig. 3. (Color online) Density of states ð0Þ (upper part) and renormalized
~ (lower part) as a function of W with fixed  ¼ 0:2 for different
detection of (multiple) topological transitions with metallic
values of . In the SCBA, ’s
~ for various  vanish commonly at W 2:89, intruders.
which corresponds roughly to the peak of ð0Þ. Acknowledgments AY acknowledges Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
under Grants No. 08J56061. KN and KI are supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Young Scientists (B) under Grant Nos. 20740167 (KN) and 19740189 (KI). KN
is also supported by FIRST program (JSPS). We acknowledge C. Brüne and E.
 ¼ 0. Thus we find that the disorder drives the system into Prodan for helpful discussions and correspondences.
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053703-4 #2011 The Physical Society of Japan

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