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Effect of Disorder on Fermi Surface in Heavy Electron Systems

Junya OTSUKI, Hiroaki KUSUNOSE, and Yoshio KURAMOTO

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 114709

# 2010 The Physical Society of Japan

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Journal of the Physical Society of Japan

Vol. 79, No. 11, November, 2010, 114709
#2010 The Physical Society of Japan

Effect of Disorder on Fermi Surface in Heavy Electron Systems

Junya OTSUKI, Hiroaki K USUNOSE1 , and Yoshio K URAMOTO
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Department of Physics, Ehime University, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan
(Received August 1, 2010; accepted August 23, 2010; published October 25, 2010)
The Kondo lattice model with substitutional disorder is studied with attention to the size of the Fermi
surface and the associated Dingle temperature. The model serves for understanding heavy-fermion Ce
compounds alloyed with La according to substitution Cex La1x . The Fermi surface is identified from the
steepest change of the momentum distribution of conduction electrons, and is derived at low enough
temperature by the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) combined with the coherent potential
approximation (CPA). The Fermi surface without magnetic field increases in size with decreasing x from
x ¼ 1 (Ce end), and disappears at such x that gives the same number of localized spins as that of
conduction electrons. From the opposite limit of x ¼ 0 (La end), the Fermi surface broadens quickly as x
increases, but stays at the same position as that of the La end. With increasing magnetic field, a
metamagnetic transition occurs, and the Fermi surface above the critical field changes continuously
across the whole range of x. The Dingle temperature takes a maximum around x ¼ 0:5. Implication of the
results to experimental observation is discussed.

KEYWORDS: large Fermi surface, Dingle temperature, metamagnetism, Cex La1 x Ru2 Si2 , coherent potential
approximation (CPA), continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CT-QMC)
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.79.114709

Theoretical studies have been performed for binary alloys

1. Introduction of Ce and La ions, and the change from the Kondo singlet in
The Fermi surface (FS) reflects strongly the formation the dilute limit of Ce to the heavy-fermion state in the high
of heavy quasiparticles. Suppose that 4f electrons in Ce density limit has been discussed.10–20) However, the location
compounds behave as localized spins decoupled with of the FS in the disordered system has not been derived
conduction electrons, the volume surrounded by the FS despite extensive studies from experimental side. In this
does not include 4f electrons in a sense of Luttinger’s paper, we theoretically investigate the effect of disorder on
theorem.1) In this case, the topology of the FS is the same the FS. In considering dHvA results, we should pay attention
with that of the corresponding La compounds, which is that dHvA experiments observe electronic states under
referred to as ‘‘small FS’’. On the other hand, in the heavy- magnetic field. Actually, under magnetic field, the FS
fermion state, the quasiparticles involve 4f electrons, which topology may look as if no 4f electrons contribute, even
therefore contribute to the FS volume to yield ‘‘large FS’’. though the quasiparticle is composed mainly of 4f elec-
Thus, investigating the FS is a direct way of observing the trons.21,22) We shall demonstrate that the substitution leads
formation of the heavy-fermion state. to qualitatively different FS depending on strength of the
CeRu2 Si2 is a typical material that exhibits heavy-fermion magnetic field.
behavior. Magnetic field gives rises to a metamagnetic We examine the effect of disorder based on the Kondo
crossover2) and simultaneously, the topology of the FS lattice model. Details of the model and the computational
changes from 4f-itinerant one to that similar to LaRu2 Si2 , method are explained in the next section. We then show
accompanied by an enhancement of the cyclotron effective numerical results for the case of Ce end (x ¼ 1) under
mass.3) According to Luttinger’s theorem, the total volume magnetic field in §3. Results for disordered system are given
surrounded by the FS cannot be changed continuously in an in §4. We summarize in §5 with discussions on realistic
ideal system. Hence, the change of the FS topology should materials.
be referred to as ‘‘transition’’, but should be distinguished
from the ordinary phase transition in thermodynamics. A 2. Model and Computational Method
similar FS transition has been observed by applying pressure We consider a disordered Kondo lattice model in which
in some compounds such as CeRhIn5 4) and CeIn3 .5) localized spins are randomly distributed with concentration
Substitution of Ce ions with La ions is an effective x. We refer these sites to the A-sites. The Hamiltonian then
technique to reveal the role of 4f electrons in physical reads
properties. Especially for the FS, it is useful since the H¼ ðk   Þcyk ck
topologies at both limits are different. Strictly speaking, the k
" #
momentum distribution function has no discontinuity even at X X
T ¼ 0 in the alloys with disorder. Nevertheless, de Haas– þ J cyi ci0  ðSi Þ 0  þ 2HSzi ; ð1Þ
van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations have been observed for i2A  0
wide range of the Ce concentration.6–9) Hence, in this paper, where  ¼ , and ci ¼ N 1=2 k ck eikRi with N being
we use the term ‘‘Fermi surface’’ for the steep slope in the the number of sites. The chemical potential includes the
momentum distribution. Zeeman splitting as  ¼   H, and the g-factor for
conduction electrons is assumed to be the same as localized

E-mail: spins.
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J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 79, No. 11 J. OTSUKI et al.

A randomly disordered alloy can be dealt with by the as TK  0:1. With these parameters, the antiferromag-
coherent potential approximation (CPA).23,24) On the other netic ordering is suppressed by formation of the Kondo
hand, strong local correlation can be taken into account by singlet.28)
the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT),25) which can be
combined with the CPA.10–19) We shall give a brief review of 3. Effect of Magnetic Field at x ¼ 1
this framework for application to the Kondo lattice model. We begin with the pure system (Ce end) under magnetic
We assume, for the electronic state, the translational field. Figure 1(a) shows the magnetization process. We
symmetry of the lattice. This assumption can be realized by define H1 and H2 as lower and upper fields of the
taking an average over the random configuration of two ions. magnetization plateau, respectively. The appearance of the
Within a local approximation for the self-energy, the single- magnetization plateau is explained in a quasiparticle band
particle Green function for conduction electrons is given by picture, which also gives an account of the change of the
FS topology.21,22) In the heavy-fermion system, an almost
G ðk; zÞ ¼ ½z  k þ    ðzÞ1 : ð2Þ
dispersionless quasiparticle band is located close to the
The self-energy  ðzÞ incorporates both the coherent Fermi level. Mixing with a conduction band results in a
potential and the many-body effect due to local interactions. hybridization gap, which is of the order of TK in the Kondo
We find an optimal self-energy from the solution of a single- lattice.29) Under the magnetic field, one of spin components
impurity problem in an effective medium. We define a cavity is filled up to the energy gap. The magnetization does not
Green function G0 ðzÞ by change in this region, namely, H2  H1  TK .
Let us observe the change of the FS topology. In the
G0 ðzÞ1 ¼ G  ðzÞ1 þ  ðzÞ; ð3Þ
P DMFT, k-dependence of the Green function enters only
where G ðzÞ ¼ N 1 k Gðk; zÞ. We omit the argument z and through k as shown in eq. (2). Hence, we regard  ¼ k
index  hereafter for simplicity. The local Green function G as ‘‘momentum’’ hereafter. The Fermi momentum can
with  ¼ A, B is defined for the local moment site A and the be traced by the renormalized chemical potential  
non-magnetic site B. It is given by Re  ð0Þ, since the FS of each spin component appears
at the momentum where  ¼   Re  ð0Þ is satisfied.29)
G ¼ G0 þ G0 t G0 ; ð4Þ
Figure 1(b) shows   Re  ð0Þ as a function of H. There
where t is the single-site t-matrix, and the interaction has are three regions, and correspondingly we introduce three
been assumed to be local. ‘‘momenta’’: L , S and sc , which give a FS involving
In the CPA, the cavity Green function G0 is determined so ðnc þ 1Þ=2, nc =2, and nc electrons, respectively.
that the local Green function, hGi, averaged over two kinds Region I (0  H < H1 ): Without magnetic field,  
of sites is identical to that of the whole lattice, G : Re  ð0Þ corresponds to L and the FS involves localized
spins. Upon turning on the magnetic field, the FS splits, but
G ¼ hGi ¼ xGA þ ð1  xÞGB : ð5Þ
the average keeps at L .
This CPA condition can be written in a form which does not Region II (H1 < H < H2 ): At H1 ’ 0:006, one band
include G0 . Using eq. (3), eq. (4) is rewritten in terms of G passes the band edge c ¼ 1 indicating that the chemical
as potential is located in the energy gap. Then, only the other
spin forms the FS, which has the momentum sc . Namely,
G ¼ G þ G t~ G ; ð6Þ
the FS of a single spin-component involves nc electrons in
where this region, and the magnetization shows the plateau.
ð  Þ Region III (H > H2 ): By further increasing the magnetic
t~ ¼ ; ð7Þ field, both spin components again contribute to the FS.
1  G ð  Þ
For H > H2 ’ 0:126, the spin average of   Re  ð0Þ is
with 1 1
 ¼ t þ G0 . The CPA condition (5) is then written located at S , indicating the small FS composed of both spin-
as components.
We note that even in Region III, the quasiparticle involves
ht~i ¼ xt~A þ ð1  xÞt~B ¼ 0; ð8Þ
the localized spins near H2 , since the energy gap cannot be
which leads to formed without coupling with localized spins in the Kondo
hti lattice. Namely, the ‘‘small FS’’ does not mean the localized
¼ ; hti ¼ xtA þ ð1  xÞtB : ð9Þ character of 4f electrons.22) The energy gap gradually
1 þ G0 hti
vanishes with decreasing 4f-contribution to the quasiparticle
This equation gives the self-energy in the CPA. For x ¼ 1, for H H2  TK .
the equation is reduced to that in the pure Kondo lattice Transition of the FS topology is known as Lifshitz
model.26) The effective medium G0 is determined self- transition, which is distinguished from thermodynamic
consistently from eqs. (2), (3), and (9). phase transition.30,31) The transitions between Regions I
We solve the effective impurity problem using the and II, or II and III in the Kondo lattice are identified as the
continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CT-QMC) method Lifshitz transition in the sense that there is no discontinuity
adapted to the Kondo model. We use ffi a semi-circle density
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi in physical quantities at finite temperature. However, as
of states ðÞ ¼ ð2=DÞ 1  ð=DÞ2 with the band cutoff important characteristics in the Kondo lattice, the transition
D ¼ 1, and use the following numerical parameters: nc ¼ is caused by quasiparticles, which incorporate strong local
0:9 for the number nc of conduction electrons per site, correlation. This difference appears in the renormalization
and J ¼ 0:34. The resultant Kondo temperature is estimated factor z defined by
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J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 79, No. 11 J. OTSUKI et al.

(a) x
H2 κS κL
0.8 0.8
c H=0
0.6 0.9

0.4 0.8
-0.2 0.2 0.6 1
0.6 κ
0.4 κS
0 0.2 0
0 0.4
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 -1 -0.5 0.6 x
0 0.8
H κ 0.5 1 1
1 κc Fig. 2. (Color online) Momentum distribution for H ¼ 0. The temper-
κL ature is taken as T ¼ 0:001 for 0:9  x  1 and T ¼ 0:0025 for
κ sc 0  x  0:88, which are low enough to neglect the broadening by finite
0.5 majority spin
minority spin temperature in the scale of the figure. The (red) squares on the bottom and
μσ – ReΣ σ (0)

in the inset show the momenta where dnc ðÞ=d takes a local maximum.
0 κS
-0.5 in the FS transition, becomes lighter on the plateau region.
The effective mass strongly depends on the spin component
-1 –κ c on both sides of the transition, while the spin dependence is
negligible for H H2 . This enhancement has been dis-
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 cussed in the high-field region.32–34)
4. Effect of Disorder
(c) 0.6
Now let us examine the effect of disorder on the FS. We
0.5 discuss the momentum distribution of conduction electrons
majority spin X
0.4 minority spin hcyk ck i ¼ T G ð; in Þein 0þ
nc ðÞ: ð11Þ

Figure 2 shows ncþ ðÞ ¼ nc ðÞ
nc ðÞ for H ¼ 0. Con-
0.2 cerning 0  x  0:9, the temperature is much lower than TK ,
and the results may be regarded as those in the ground state.
0.1 In the case of x ¼ 0, nc ðÞ has a discontinuity of unit
magnitude according to the Fermi–Dirac distribution func-
0 tion. The Fermi momentum is determined only by the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
number of conduction electrons. At x ¼ 1, on the other hand,
a small discontinuity appears at the momentum where the
Fig. 1. (Color online) Magnetic field dependences of (a) magnetization Fermi volume includes localized spins.29) This large FS
M, (b) Fermi momentum  ¼   Re  ð0Þ, and (c) spin-dependent disappears at x ¼ 0:9 ¼ nc . The volume of the large FS
renormalization factor z . The Fermi level lies in the energy gap of the increases by removing localized spins toward x ¼ nc . This
majority spin band for H1 < H < H2 . Parameters are chosen as x ¼ 1,
J ¼ 0:34, nc ¼ 0:9, and T ¼ 0:0025.
trend is in contrast to a rigid band picture that the volume
decreases in proportion to the number of localized spins. It
can be understood by considering that x ¼ nc is a condition
" #1 for insulator. Namely, the Fermi momentum varies toward

@ Im  ðin Þ  c ¼ 1 at x ¼ nc .
z ¼ 1   ; ð10Þ For magnetic field of H1 < H . H2 , nc ðÞ depends on x
@ n n !þ0
in a similar manner as that in Fig. 2, except that the FS in the
inverse of which corresponds to the mass enhancement of Ce side appears only in the minority spin. On the other hand,
the quasiparticle. Since now the energy gap is due to the when H H2 , the FS can be connected continuously from
collective Kondo singlet, Im ð!Þ has a peak centered at x ¼ 0 to x ¼ 1. Figure 3 shows nc ðÞ for H ¼ 0:2, which
the energy gap as in the Mott insulator.25) This peak leads is much larger than H2 and hence much larger than TK .
to a steep slope in the real part Re ð!Þ. As a result, The FS’s of majority and minority spins split as the Ce
the renormalization factor takes a small value when the concentration increases. The size of each component is
quasiparticle level crosses the Fermi level, as shown in opposite to the corresponding number of local spins because
Fig. 1(c). Consequently, the effective mass for the majority of the effective field through the exchange interaction.
spin is enhanced toward the magnetic field where the FS We define an energy scale T  that characterizes the
transition occurs, while the other spin, which is not involved scattering rate of the quasiparticles:29)
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J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 79, No. 11 J. OTSUKI et al.

H = 0 TS
ncσ (κ) TL TL
H = 0.2 0.5 H = 0.15 T S
0.20 T S (T = 0.0025)
1 majority spin (T = 0.001)

0.3 TS H=0

0.4 (T = 0.0025)
κL 0.2
0.2 0 H = 0.15
0.2 0.1
0 0.4
-1 -0.5 0.6 x
0 0.8 H = 0.2
κ 0.5 1 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 4. (Color online) Dingle temperature T as a function of x for several

ncσ (κ) values of H. For finite H, the open and closed symbols represent majority
H = 0.2 and minority spins, respectively.
1 minority spin
0.4 κS (III) “Small” FS
κL 0.2
0.2 0
0 0.4 0.15
-1 -0.5 0.6 x
0 La FS

0.8 H2
κ 0.5 1 1 0.1
(II) Single-component FS
Fig. 3. (Color online) Momentum distribution nc ðÞ for H ¼ 0:2 and
T ¼ 0:0025. Upper and lower panels correspond to majority and minority 0.05
spins, respectively. The (red) squares on the bottom show the momentum
where dnc ðÞ=d takes the maximum. (I) Large FS H1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 dnc ðÞ 1
T  ¼  ; ð12Þ
4 d FSð Þ
Fig. 5. (Color online) The FS topology in x–H plane for J ¼ 0:34 and
nc ¼ 0:9. The open square (red line) represents H of metamagnetic
where ¼ S, L, and the subscript FS( ) indicates that the behavior. The closed square (blue line) represents x above which the
derivative is evaluated at the corresponding FS. At x ¼ 0, indication of the quasiparticle is seen in nc ðÞ. The dashed line and circle
the FS gets blurred according to TS ¼ T, since nc ðÞ is symbol represent x where TS takes the maximum. The open (red) and
given by the Fermi–Dirac distribution function. On the other closed (blue) symbols signify anomaly due to majority and minority
spins, respectively.
hand, the FS at x ¼ 1 depends more strongly on temperature:
TL ¼ T=z2 .29) Except for x ¼ 0 and x ¼ 1, T  is finite even
at T ¼ 0 because of disorder. In this case, T  can be
regarded as the Dingle temperature. whether H is larger or smaller than H2 . When H . H2 , the
Figure 4 shows T  as a function of x for several values of heavy-fermion FS of one spin component appears around
H. At H ¼ 0, TS monotonously increases as x increases. x ¼ nc upon increasing x. In addition, if H < H1 , the other
Namely, the La FS is not connected to the Ce side, although spin component shows up for larger x. In the special case
it leaves a trace of the ‘‘small FS’’. Instead, the ‘‘large FS’’ of H ¼ 0, both spin components appear simultaneously at
appears at x nc , appearance of which is indicated by rapid x ¼ nc , at which the system becomes insulating. In this
decrease of TL . For H < H2 , the x-dependence of T is magnetic-field region, H . H2 , the Dingle temperature of the
similar to that of H ¼ 0. Note that TL is defined only for the La FS monotonously increases against x. On the other hand,
minority spin in the range H1 < H < H2 . On the other hand, when H H2 , the La FS is connected continuously to the Ce
when H > H2 , TS becomes zero at both x ¼ 0 and x ¼ 1 side. In this case, the Dingle temperature has a maximum at a
having a maximum at 0:5 . x . 0:8. Namely, the FS in the certain value of x. As shown in Fig. 5, the maximum point
La side remains a true FS up to the Ce end. tends to converge at x ¼ 0:5 in high field, where the system
can be regarded as a nonmagnetic binary alloy.
5. Summary and Discussions In realistic situations, the chemical potential is not in the
We summarize the above results in Fig. 5. The Ce side hybridization gap, because of an energy dispersion of 4f
is classified into three regions according to the FS topology: level and/or existence of plural conduction bands on the
(I) large FS, (II) single-component FS, and (III) ‘‘small’’ FS. Fermi level. In this case, a situation may occur where the
This transition is caused by the quasiparticle band, whose magnetization-plateau region disappears in Fig. 5. Then, we
energy gap H2  H1 is of the order of TK . The effect of expect a metamagnetic behavior without the plateau around
disorder on the FS is qualitatively different depending on H1 ’ H2  TK .
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J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 79, No. 11 J. OTSUKI et al.

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