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Name: Jane Generoso Year & Section: BTLED-HE-3B

Subject: Project Research Instructor: Dr. Edna B. Bagcal

Module 2

Research Process and the Variables in Research

Activity: Draw a schematic diagram showing the steps in a research process.


Discuss the problems you encountered while conducting your first research endeavor.
 The problems we encountered while conducting our first research are crowded, behavior of the
students and financial support because there were instances that during our interview there
were many students wandering around and we cannot conduct the interview because of the
noise from students. Also the behavior of the students, we encountered rude students so as
researchers we need to follow rules and we have integrity too. Lastly, financial because we're
not that financially stable so we need to wait when our parents could give money for research.

What measures did you do to address the problems?

 We tell it to faculty and staff so that they can take an action for those students that can cause
chaos in conducting our research, except for financial of course.

Exercise 1. A. Read the title below. Does it ask the basic question about research title?

“The Effects of Parental Reading Socialization and Early School Involvement on Children’s
Academic Performance: A Panel Study of Primary School Pupils in Netherlands”

 Yes, because its asking for the effects of parental reading socialization thus resulting to a
study and seeks for data to answer the inquiry.

Exercise 1.B. Read the introduction then answer the questions below.
A Study of a Standardized Assessment of Noise Concepts
of Middle and High Grade Elementary School Students
Min-ray Lin, Ching-chief Lin’ and Dar-Yuh Chiou

From the latest data of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), R.O.C,
petition cases from Taiwan increased by 100 cases per year recently, which means that noise
problems desperately need to be solve. If no effective measure is taken, then we will not know
quiet conditions for even a day.

Noise is very harmful to humans, and causes many physical and mental diseases (Taylor,
1970; Jonah, Bradley, and Dawson, 1981; Hua, WU Tung, and Gau, 1993;Yeh, 1997). Noise
also influences interpersonal communication by interfering with reception of all kinds of sounds
(Suter, 1991; Hung, 1985), and disturb human sleep, etc. (Thiessen, 1970; Suter, 1991).

The noise portion of environmental education was previously undertaken by researcher

such as Allman (1972), Chen and Gau (1994), and Lin (1994). Concerning the study of noise
concepts, Allman (1972) mentioned 9 secondary concepts of “noise pollution control” in his
research on environmental education conceptions, and Chen and Gau (1994) mentioned 4 sub-
concepts about noise in their study on environmental education conceptions in elementary
schools. Lin (1994) even established concept maps of noise pollution for elementary school
students. However, there has been no research on standardized evaluation tests for environmental

Hence, from the aspects of the major content and procedures of environmental education,
the purpose of this study are to (1) study misconceptions about noise and complete test question
for noise concept tables of elementary schools from these misconceptions (2) compile evaluation
tables, and (3) thus interpret, explain, and compare scores as the basis for learning diagnosis,
learning accomplishment evaluation, and teaching improvement.

Question 1. What is the problem?

 Noise problems from Taiwan
Question 2. Why is it a problem?
 Because according to (Taylor, 1970; Jonah, Bradley, and Dawson, 1981; Hua, WU Tung,
and Gau, 1993;Yeh, 1997), noise problems is very harmful to humans and causes many
physical and mental diseases.
Question 3. How it should be solved?
 By disciplining ourselves and young children and putting rules and regulations for that in order
to minimize noises.

Question 4. Why it should be solved?

 So that it can't cause damage to humans and to have peaceful surrounding.
Question 5. What is the purpose of the study?
 To address the effects of noises in society

 To have an awareness

 To inform citizens of the Taiwan so that they can discipline each of the family member

Exercise 2. Read the sample statement of the problem then answer the following questions

The main objective of this research undertaking is to conduct an assessment on the

implementation of SBM Program in Public Elementary School in the District of Bacoor,

More specifically, the study attempted to answer the following sub-problems:

How do the stakeholders assess the six dimensions of School Based Management
Program by School?

School Leadership

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

School Management Program

Resource Management, and

Performance Accountability

How do the stakeholders assess the implementation of SBM dimension by school?

Are there significant relationships between and among the respondent group’s
assessment on the different dimensions?

What are the issues and concerns on the SBM implementation?

What improvement plan be developed to achieve the SBM standards?

Samonte, E. (2013)

Question 1. What is the main problem?

 The main problem is implementation of SBM Program in Public Elementary School in the
District of Bacoor, Pampanga.
Question 2. What are the minor or specific problems?

 Stakeholders assess in the implementation of SBM dimension

 Significant relationship between and among the respondent group's assessment

 Issues and concerns on the SBM implementation

Exercise 3.A. Read a refereed journal/article on a topic you are interested in. Write the
title of the study. (you can search from the internet)

A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in an Online vs. Face-to-Face Environmental Science

Course From 2009 to 2016

Exercise 3.B. Write the main problem and specific questions.

Main problem

 The effectiveness of online vs. traditional instruction in an environmental study class

Specific questions

RQ1: Are there significant differences in academic performance between online and face to face
students enrolled in an environmental science course?

RQ2: Are there gender differences between online and face to face student performance in an
environmental science course?

RQ3: Are there significant differences between the performance of online and face to face students in
an environmental science course with respect to class rank?

Exercise 4. Read the background of the study then complete the table below.

Title: School-Based Management of Selected Public Secondary Schools in the City Division of

Background of the Study

To achieve the Education For All (EFA) objectives by 2015, the Department of
Education is pursuing policy reforms under the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
(BESRA). Key Reform Thrust (KRT) of BESRA is School-Based Management (SBM).
SBM underscores the empowerment of key stakeholders in school communities to enable
them to actively participate in the continuous improvement of school towards the
attainment of higher pupil/student learning outcomes.

The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 provides the legal basis for the
decentralization of basic education management and governance to the level closely to the
learners. The school and community (Republic Act 9155).

The Department of Education has stepped up its efforts to decentralize education

management a strategy that is expected to improve the department’s operating efficiency
and upgrade education quality. The Deped now accelerating the implementation of School-
Based Management (SBM), a key component of Basic Education, the school will be
equipped to empower its key officials to make informed and localized decisions based on
their unique needs toward improving the educational system.

A decision as to where and into what aspect of schools management and processes a
school and its stakeholders may start to build upon, as prescribed in the SBM Scale of
practice, makes assessment imperative. Assessment is also important to determine the
directions of improvements to attain the mature level of SBM practice.

Identify the background and setting by answering all of the questions about the topic.

Questions Answers

Who Stakeholders in school communities

Where Selected Public Secondary Schools in the City Division of Cavite

When Year 2015

What School-Based Management of Selected Public Secondary Schools in

the City Division of Cavite

Why To actively participate in the continuous improvement of school

towards the attainment of higher pupil/student learning outcomes and
to improve the department’s operating efficiency and upgrade
education quality.

Exercise 5. Formulate the hypothesis.


What is the personality profile of the respondents in terms of:


 Competitive, leader-servant, goal-oriented


 Heredity (nature)
 Environment and situation (nurture)


 Stability, open-minded, collaborative, creative


 Self confidence and self esteem

 Gallant, organized and risk-taker

Ho1: (Research hypothesis)

Effective online and blended learning experiences will focus on quality interactions,
student engagement, and the formation of connections, not the bells and whistles of
technological tools that will come and go. Instructional needs and goals should
dictate what tools are utilized.

How is the disc personality profile of the respondents related to their performance in

Ho2: (null hypothesis)

Regardless of content, class size should be intentionally large enough for

interaction, yet small enough for personalization and the full utilization of the
instructors’ expertise.


Is there a significant difference between the anxiety levels of the respondents living in a
dormitory and those who are not?



Is there a significant difference between the quality of life of the respondents living in a
dormitory and those who are not?


Independency ways of living

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