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5/25/2021 An Introduction to the Components of the Framework | NIST

Cybersecurity Framework (

An Introduction to the Components

of the Framework

The Introduction to the Components of the Framework page presents readers with an
overview of the main components of the Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity ("The Framework") and provides the foundational
knowledge needed to understand the additional Framework online learning pages. If
you're already familiar with the Framework components and want to learn more
about how industry is using the Framework, see Uses and Benefits of the Framework

Framework Components

The Cybersecurity Framework consists of three main components:

Framework Core

Implementation Tiers

Profiles 1/7
5/25/2021 An Introduction to the Components of the Framework | NIST

Framework Core

The Core is a set of desired cybersecurity activities and outcomes organized into
Categories and aligned to Informative References. The Framework Core is designed
to be intuitive and to act as a translation layer to enable communication between
multi-disciplinary teams by using simplistic and non-technical language. The Core
consists of three parts: Functions, Categories, and Subcategories. The Core includes
five high level functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. These 5
functions are not only applicable to cybersecurity risk management, but also to risk
management at large. The next level down is the 23 Categories that are split across
the five Functions. The image below depicts the Framework Core's Functions and
Categories. 2/7
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The Categories were designed to cover the breadth of cybersecurity objectives for an
organization, while not being overly detailed. It covers topics across cyber, physical,
and personnel, with a focus on business outcomes.

Subcategories are the deepest level of abstraction in the Core. There are 108
Subcategories, which are outcome-driven statements that provide considerations for
creating or improving a cybersecurity program. Because the Framework is outcome
driven and does not mandate how an organization must achieve those outcomes, it
enables risk-based implementations that are customized to the organization's needs. 3/7
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The five Subcategories pictured from the Business Environment Category (ID.BE)
provide an example of the outcome focused statements that are found throughout the
core. The column to the right, Informative References support the Core by providing
broad references that are more technical than the Framework itself. Organizations
may wish to use some, none, or all of these references to inform the activities to
undertake to achieve the outcome described in the Subcategory.

For more information regarding the Informative References, see the Informative
References Learning Module (

Framework Implementation Tiers

Tiers describe the degree to which an organization’s cybersecurity risk management

practices exhibit the characteristics defined in the Framework. The Tiers range from
Partial (Tier 1) to Adaptive (Tier 4) and describe an increasing degree of rigor, and
how well integrated cybersecurity risk decisions are into broader risk decisions, and
the degree to which the organization shares and receives cybersecurity info from
external parties. 4/7
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Tiers do not necessarily represent maturity levels. Organizations should determine

the desired Tier, ensuring that the selected level meets organizational goals, reduces
cybersecurity risk to levels acceptable to the organization, and is feasible to
implement, fiscally and otherwise.

Framework Profiles

Profiles are an organization's unique alignment of their organizational requirements

and objectives, risk appetite, and resources against the desired outcomes of the
Framework Core. Profiles can be used to identify opportunities for improving
cybersecurity posture by comparing a “Current” Profile with a “Target” Profile. 5/7
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Profiles are about optimizing the Cybersecurity Framework to best serve the
organization. The Framework is voluntary, so there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do
it. One way of approaching profiles is for an organization to map their cybersecurity
requirements, mission objectives, and operating methodologies, along with current
practices against the subcategories of the Framework Core to create a Current-State
Profile. These requirements and objectives can be compared against the current
operating state of the organization to gain an understanding of the gaps between the

The creation of these profiles, and the gap analysis allows organizations to create a
prioritized implementation plan. The priority, size of gap, and estimated cost of the
corrective actions help organizations plan and budget for cybersecurity improvement
activities. 6/7
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For an expanded explanation of the Framework components or the Framework

implementation process, see the 7 steps in the Framework Document
( Also, for examples of Framework Profiles,
please review the following Resources (

Additional Resources

Information technology ( and

Cybersecurity (
Created February 6, 2018, Updated May 14, 2021 7/7

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