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Digital Humanities Project Proposal

Deadline: 12 Midnight Monday, 03 May 2021

Upload your document to MyPortal
Worth 40/100 points

No word count requirement

Group Task: Propose a Digital Humanities Project on “COVID-19 in the Philippines”

Check out this link for a simple explanation of what a digital humanities project is:

Think of a simple research problem related to COVID-19 in the Philippines that you would
like to work on as a digital humanities project. To make it easier, look at the different tools
and software used in DH projects and get inspiration from them. Put together a project
proposal with the following headings:
(Adopted from Cambridge Digital Humanities)

• Context
o Why are you doing it, what is the story behind the topic (aside from this is
what I assigned to you)
• Research Questions or Problems
o These should arise from the inadequacies or problems associated with the
existing research on the topic, which might be very limited to none
o What are you trying to “solve” or what information do you want to extract
• Aims
o Focusing in particular on the relevant research questions or problems
• Methodology
o How the research would be undertaken and according to what timescale
• Potential Significance
o Articulating how the proposed research would be original and of potential
value to others in redressing the gaps and/or problems identified at the start

You can add more headings depending on your research problem. The important thing is to
describe your project as best as you can. Images and illustrations are more than welcome.

Tools to draw inspiration from:

The first step is to articulate the questions or problems that must be addressed. You can get
ideas from looking at the different tools that are used for different DH projects. Please note
that some links within these sites are not updated.

You will come across more tools as you do your research. The important thing is to look at
as much examples as you can to inspire you and to trigger ideas.


This is a group task and you will submit one proposal/file per group. Do not forget to include
the name of your group members on your document.

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