Article #1: Critical Reflections On The Principle of Beneficence in Biomedicine

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Individual Assignment#2

Article #1: Critical reflections on the principle of beneficence in biomedicine


For this article, it is clearly discussed the concept of beneficence in biomedicine, as to how it
is significant in the preservation of life, in maximizing patients’ well-being, in cost avoidance
and risk reduction. The article also reiterate the students to properly learn the importance not
only of the beneficence but also the other major bioethical principles. For in the future it will be
vibrant for them how to apply it.

Also it has been emphasized that although the principle of beneficence is multifaceted and
with some far reaching repercussions, its importance in biomedicine should not be undervalued.
Medical practitioners should possessed such principles for them to show professionalism. Not
only for the patients but also for the other people whom they are interacting with. Regardless of
the work a person is doing, this major bioethical principles must come in to focus.

“The merit of this study therefore lies in its quest to see to it that practitioners in biomedicine
recognize the controversies around such principles as beneficence and collaborate with other
parties to deliberate on biomedical issues in ways that uphold the ethical integrity of the medical
fraternity and illuminate understanding of their practices.”

Article #2: Aquino’s defense crumbles under ‘first, do no harm’ and ‘do not
plunder’ ethical principles

In this article, “Aquino claimed that the choice and purchase of the dengue vaccine was a
matter of great urgency for the nation. Public health was under serious threat. He believed that if
he did not act, and the situation deteriorated, he would then be blamed for inaction.” In this
notion Aquino doesn’t have much of knowledge as to what Dengvaxia would give to the
immunize individuals. The primary ethical principle that forms the foundation for medical care is
the concept of beneficence which is the obligation to do good for others.

As the “Do no harm” is explained in the text, it is very clear that the main point is that before
we decide on something we should first think that this should not cause any harm. Thus, it will
be very ideal for others to support and eventually it will benefit a lot of us. Since Aquino’s
giving commands that are not regulated properly resulted to unexpected outcome which caused a
lot of burden to many young individuals. The lesson is that, we should be very observant in
things that is happening around of us even if its not our field or forte we should always be

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