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Drug Mechanism of Action Indication and Side Effect and Nursing Considerations
Contraindication Adverse Effect
Generic Name: PAIN It is indicated for Side Effects: 1. Examine vial; do not use if
Acetaminophen Tissue damage patients who are -nausea particulate matter or
febrile and having -stomach pain discoloration is observed.
Brand Name: Induces the release of mild pain (headache). -loss of appetite 3. Caution patient not to exceed
Tylenol phospholipids -itching recommended dosage or take
It is contraindicated in -headache other drugs containing
Therapeutic Paracetamol inhibits cox-1 patients with acetaminophen at the same time
Class and cox-2 with apparent hypertensitivity to the because of risk of liver damage.
Analgesic selectivity for cox-2, so the drug, severe hepatic Adverse Effects: 4.Teach patient to recognize
phosphopilipids are not impairment or severe -thrombocytopenia signs of hepatotoxicity, such as
Pharmacologica converted by phospholipase acute liver disease. -hemolytic anemia bleeding, easy bruising, and
l Class a2 into arachidonic acid or a -neutropenia malaise, which commonly
Para- a cyclooxygenase or cox -leukopenia occurs with chronic overdose.
aminophenol enzymes -pancytopenia 5. Tell patient that to report if
derivatives -jaundice skin rash occurs.
AA will not be converted -hepatotoxicity
Doctor’s Order: prostaglandin g2 at the -hypoglycemic coma
Acetaminophen 1 coxactive site -rash
amp to infuse for -urticaria
15 minutes every Prostaglandin g2 will not be
4 hrs reduced to prostaglandin h2
in the peroxidase or pox
Date and Time active site.
May 18, 2021, Prostaglandin h2 is not then
6:15 pm converted into active
prostaglandins such as
Date and Time prostaglandin e2 which
Ordered: cannot sensitize pain-
May 19, 2021, sensing nerve cells called
8:00 am noci receptors.


Pyrogens are fever-inducing

substances that increase the
concentrations of
prostaglandins in
cerebrospinal fluid and
mediate pyresis.

Paracetamol blocks the

increase of concentrations of

Acts in central mode in the

hypothalamic heat-
regulating center

Relieves fever
Drug Mechanism of Action Indication and Side Effect and Considerations
Contraindication Adverse Effect
Generic Name: Inositol trisphosphate- Nicardipine is Side Effects: Independent:
Nicardipine induced Ca2+ release from indicated for the short- Tachycardia
the sarcoplasmic reticulum term treatment of Sodium retention 1. Establish baseline data before
Brand Name: in arterial smooth muscle hypertension when Arrhythmias treatment is started including BP
Cardene IV cells. oral therapy is not Angina and pulse.
feasible or not 2. Closely monitor BP during
Therapeutic Nicardipine inhibits the desirable. and after completion of infusion.
Class release of inositol Adverse Effects: 3. Titrate infusion rate if
Antihypertensive, trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ It is contraindicated in -swelling of the face, hypotension or tachycardia
antiangina patients with eyes, lips, tongue, occurs.
Calcium will not be advanced aortic arms, or legs 4. Administer via central line or
Pharmacologica transported in to vascular stenosis because part -difficulty breathing through large peripheral vein. To
l Class smooth muscle of the effect is or swallowing minimize risk of peripheral
Calcium channel secondary to reduced -fainting venous irritation, change
blockers The low levels of calcium afterload. Reduction -rash infusion site every 12 hours.
cannot allow the myosin of diastolic pressure in -increase in frequency 5. Give by slow infusion.
Doctor’s Order: heads to access to the actin these patients may or severity of chest 6. Observe for large peak and
Nicardipine 10 cross-bridge binding sites, worsen rather than pain (angina) trough differences in BP.
mg in 90cc which does not permit improve myocardial -headache Initially, measure BP at peak
D5LR per soluset muscle contraction. oxygen balance. -nause effect (1–2 h after dosing) and at
to run for 10 -vomiting trough effect (8 h after dosing).
gtts/min to titrate Relaxation of arteriolar -tachycardia 6. Advise the patient to avoid
at increments of smooth muscle -palpitation grapefruit juice.
5 gtts/min to -flushing 8. Tell patient to slowly raise
achieve BP of Less contraction of the heart head when sitting down and
120/90 mmHg standing up to avoid dizziness
Lower blood pressure caused by a decreased in BP.
9. Slightly raise the feet of the
Date and Time 10. Give drug with or without
Ordered: food, but avoid giving with high-
May 18, 2021, fat meal.
6:15 pm 11. Administer via central line or
through a large peripheral vein.
Date and Time To minimize risk of peripheral
Discontinued: venous irritation, change
May 18, 7:15 pm infusion site every 12hr.
12. To reduce risk of venous
thrombosis, phlebitis and
vascular impairment, don’t use
small veins, such as those on the
dorsum of the hand or wrist. Use
extreme care to avoid intra-
arterial administration or
Drug Mechanism of Action Indication and Side Effect and Considerations
Contraindication Adverse Effect
Generic Name: Vascular damage Dabigatran is indicated Side Effects: Independent:
Dabigatran for patient who have -Risk of bleeding
etexilate mesylate Factor X intracranial hemorrhage (epistaxis, gingivitis) 1. Advise patient not to
to reduce the risk of - nausea discontinue drug prematurely.
Brand Name: Factor II (Thrombin) stroke. - dyspepsia 2. Monitor patient for signs of
Pradaxa bleeding. If bleeding occurs,
Dabigatran, which is a It is contraindicated in Adverse Effects: stop drug, investigate cause, and
Therapeutic Class direct thrombin inhibitor, patients with - life-threatening provide supportive measures.
Anticoagulant block conversion of hypersensitivity to the bleeding 3. Monitor aPPT to assess
Factor II (Thrombin) to drug, active pathologic - gastric hemorrhage treatment effectiveness.
Pharmacological Factor I (Fibrin) bleeding, with - hemorrhagic erosive 4. Advise patient to keep drug in
Class mechanical prosthetic gastritis original bottle to protect
Direct thrombin Blocked fibrin valves. - gastrointestinal moisture, to remove only one
inhibitors bleeding capsule from the opened bottle
No coagulation - diarrhea at the time for use, to tightly
Doctor’s Order: close immediately after
Dabigtran 150 mg removing drug, and not to put
1 capsule PO BID drug in pill boxes or pill
for 5 days organizers.
5. Tell patient that drug may be
Date and Time taken without regard to food.
Ordered: 6. Advise patient to take
May 18, 2021, dabigatran at approximately the
7:30 pm same times each day. A missed
dose may be skipped only if it
Date and Time can’t be taken at least 6 hours
Discontinued: before the next scheduled dose.
May 23, 10:00 am 7. Teach patient to swallow
capsule whole with a full glass
of water and not to open, crush,
or chew it.
8. Caution patient to take drug as
prescribed and not to stop or
change dosage without first
consulting prescriber.
9. Advise patient to tell all
healthcare providers about
taking the drugs.
10. Tell patient to inform
prescriber about use of other
drugs, including OTC’s,
vitamins, and herbs.
11. Warn patient that bruising
may occur more easily and
bleeding may last longer during
12. Instruct patient to report
bleeding when brushing teeth or
shaving, blood in vomit, urine,
or stool; nosebleeds.
13. Tell patient regular blood
tests to monitor drug’s effects
will be needed.
14. Instruct patient to inform
healthcare provider of scheduled
invasive procedures, including
dental work.

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