S.I.M. Innova

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Name: ____________________________________ Score: ________________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher: ________________________


Literature is the art of expression; these are writings in which expression and form, in connection
with ideas of permanent and universal interest are characteristics or essential features. It reflects a specific language,
period, people etc... It comes from the Latin word “Littera” which means letters. In general, it is anything that is
written or printed. There are essentially 2 kinds of literature, these are:

1. Creative Literature or Fiction, the product of the writer’s imagination,

originality, artistic skills and intellectual inventiveness. Examples of which are
novels, short stories, legends, myths, poems etc...

2. Non-Creative Literature or Non-Fiction, a written record of facts. Characterized

chiefly by the accuracy of treatment or presentation of the subject matter. Examples
of which are newspapers, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias etc...


ART --- is the quality or expression according to aesthetic principles of what is
beautiful or appealing.
--- useful or functional.
--- with value or is important
--- interesting
--- anything that is beautiful

AESTHETICS is the standard of what is beautiful and what is not.

Three Criteria of Art:

1. Beauty
2. Man-Made
3. Form of Expression

Branches of Art:
1. Painting --- The art of lines and colors.
2. Sculpture --- The art of shapes, curves and forms.
3. Architecture --- The art of structures.
4. Philosophy --- The art of principles and ideologies.
5. Literature --- The art of expression.

What is Literature?

Literature comes from the Latin word “Littera” which means letter.
Literature --- is an art.
--- is a presentation of life. It uses words to present to readers and not to
tell readers what life is. Literature means more than what it says, and
does more than make statements; it makes us penetrate through the
surface of statements to get the presented cross-section of life as lived
by someone, somewhere, somehow.

--- explains mankind to man and each man to himself. Literature does
not define to us directly what life is.

Why study Literature?

--- to develop a critical appreciation and discrimination of what life is.

--- to develop a taste for the true, the good and the beautiful.
--- to acquire mental maturation.
--- to get out from daily routine in life and be entertained.

Literature is divided according to:

A. Content:
1. Fiction --- types of literature that present unreal situations.
2. Non-Fiction --- types of literature that present factual situations.
B. Form:

1. Divided into paragraphs 1. Divided into stanzas
2. Expresses the ordinary things in life 2. Expresses the beautiful things in life
3. Does not make use of metrical composition 3. Makes use of metrical composition
4. Discussions are straight forward 4. Meanings are not directly stated but are
simply suggested
5. Uses common place words 5. Uses ornamental vocabulary

Types of Prose:

1. Novel --- it is a long narrative consisting of several chapters and it is

based on true to life experiences.
2. Short Story --- it is a narrative involving one or more chapters, one plot and
one impression.
3. Play --- it is presented on stage and consists of acts and each act has
several scenes.
4. Legend --- it is a narrative based on fiction and is about the origin of
5. Fable --- this type of prose is fictitious in nature wherein animals and
non-living things are made to act and talk like people to teach them
6. Anecdote --- it is the product of the writer’s imagination and its purpose is
to give lessons.
7. Essay --- it is the expression of the writer’s viewpoint about an issue or

Types of Poetry:

A. Narrative
This type of poetry deals with important events in life either real or imaginary and is
divided into:

1. Epic --- this narrative poetry is about the heroic exploits of someone
under supernatural control.

2. Metrical Tale --- this is a narrative which is written in verse and can be
classified as a ballad or metrical romance.
3. Ballad --- it is the simplest and shortest narrative which tells of a single

B. Lyric Poetry
This poetry is sung with the accompaniment of a lyre. It is short, simple and easily
understood. There are different types of Lyric Poetry:
1. Folksong (Awiting Bayan)
 A short poem intended to be sung and is about love, despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and sorrow.
2. Sonnet
 It consists of 14 lines about a certain emotion, feeling or idea. A sonnet can be Italian or Shakespearean.
3. Elegy
 It is a lyric poem which is about death.
4. Ode
 It is a poem expressing noble feelings. This poem doesn’t have a definite number of syllables and lines.
5. Psalm (Dalit)
 This is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary.

C. Dramatic Poetry
This type of poetry is vividly expressive. It is divided into:
1. Comedy --- it is poetry of festivity or revelry. It is intended to amuse the
readers or listeners.
2. Melodrama --- this is used in musical plays and arouses intense emotions.
3. Tragedy --- it shows the hero constantly struggling against dynamic forces.
4. Farce --- this poem is an exaggerated comedy. Most of its situations are
too ridiculous.
5. Social Poem --- this type is purely comic or tragic.


Instruction: Classify the following piece of literature as creative or non-creative


__________________1. Beowulf
__________________2. Pasugo
__________________3. Canterbury Tales
__________________4. Mythology
__________________5. Gumising
__________________6. Noah Webster Dictionary
__________________7. Fantastic Four
__________________8. Harry Potter
__________________9. Encyclopaedia Britannica
_________________10. Atlas
_________________11. Almanacs
_________________12. War and Peace
_________________13. On The Origin of Species
_________________14. The Holy Bible
_________________15. The Necklace
_________________16. Quoran
_________________17. How Do I Love Thee?

_________________18. Philippine Daily Inquirer
_________________19. The Manila Bulletin
_________________20. The Merchant of Venice
_________________21. Capitals of the World
_________________22. Once There Was A Moth
_________________23. History of North and South America
_________________24. Hamlet
_________________25. Macbeth
_________________26. As You Like It
_________________27. The Biography of Princess Diana
_________________28. Dissertations
_________________29. Manuals
_________________30. The Philippine Constitution


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


According to Somerset Maugham, a short story is a piece of fiction that has unity of impression that can be
read in a single sitting and is moving, exciting or amusing. In addition, a short story has the following important

1. Setting --- it is the when and where of the story. It describes the
a. Time and Place

b. Present Beliefs
c. Customs and Traditions
d. Values
2. Characters --- are collectively known as the cast which includes the
a. Protagonist – the positive lead character
b. Antagonist – the negative main character
c. Flat characters – also known as the extras
 two types of flat characters:
1. Regular / Plain – portrayed by a layman
2. Cameo – portrayed by a celebrity/ star
d. Round characters – omnipresent or present all throughout
e. Static characters – character who died as a villain
f. Developing characters – a villain who has changed
3. Plot --- web of events; the pattern of actions involving the following:
1. Problem or Conflict
2. Crises or Complications (Drama)
3. Foreshadowing
4. Climax
5. Denouement
6. Conclusion or Solution
7. Ending is either Ended or Open – Ended
8. Moral or Lesson
4. Theme --- the heart and soul; it leads us to what the story is all about if
it is:
1. Moving
2. Exciting
3. Amusing
5. Message --- what significant moral, lesson or values did you learn from
the story?

1. Story Line or Story Grammar
2. Stream of Consciousness
3. Open – Ended Story
4. Symbolism


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: __________________ Teacher: ______________________


 A transitive verb is followed by a direct object to complete the thought in a sentence. The direct object is
either a noun or a pronoun. It usually answers the questions what or who. A transitive verb is used in the
following sentence patterns:
1. S – TV – DO
2. S – TV – DO – OC
3. S – TV – IO – DO
4. S – TV – DO – OP
The other 2 basic sentence patterns are the following:
5. S – LV – C
6. S – IV (expanded form)


1. S – TV – DO
The early Filipinos loved poetry.
The Dominican press published booklets.
NOTE: The DO answers what or who after the TV.

2. S – TV – DO – OC
Many consider the child a genius. NOUN
Mark Anthony considers our house his. PRONOUN
The accident rendered her car useless. ADJECTIVE
NOTE: The OC always describes or tells something about the DO.

3. S – TV – IO – DO
The President is giving Manny Pacquiao an award.
Mrs. Santos gave Elena a lovely dress.
NOTE: The IO answers to whom or for whom before the DO.

4. S – TV – DO – OP
Lawrence sends money from America.
Christian shoved away the children in the street.
NOTE: The OP answers where. There must always be a preposition after the DO.

5. S – LV – C (or verbs of the senses / LV)

Mr. Santos is the guidance counsellor. NOUN
The guidance counsellor is he. PRONOUN
Mr. Santos is very kind. ADJECTIVE
NOTE: The C is either a noun, pronoun or an adjective and it comes after the LV.

6. S – IV (expanded form)
Jane wrote hurriedly.
Laura wept upon hearing the bad news.
The hero of the story died in a distant land.
Robert wept bitterly every day in the secrecy of her room.
NOTE: The S – IV pattern may be expanded by answering the questions how, when and where.


Instruction: Identify the pattern used in the following sentences:

1. Mr. Santos is a teacher in Meycauayan National High School.

2. Beth hit Shaira on the face.
3. Alberto offered Rowena his seat.
4. Mark bought the vegetables at SM-Marilao.
5. Nicole made the contestants more beautiful.
6. Joseph and Gloria dance the cha-cha very gracefully.
7. The athletes are practicing seriously at the court.
8. Ms. Venezuela won the title Ms. Universe 2009.
9. Charles is the sexiest man alive.
10. Alvin eats like a pig when on a rush.
11. Dexter prepared Chloe a very special dinner.
12. Sandra got a perfect score in the exam.
13. The new student performs very well.
14. One-half of the bananas are very fresh.
15. Mark called Catherine a low-class bitch.
16. Emerson gave Erica another reason to smile.
17. Time Magazine named Corazon Aquino freedom saint.
18. Dexter passionately kissed Arianne on her lips.
19. Most of the students are inattentive.

20. Jennifer spends extravagantly on expensive perfumes.
Answer: ____________________________


Name: ____________________________________ Score: ________________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher: _______________________


Stress is the prominence or importance given to certain syllables. The elements of stress are:
1. loudness or intensity
2. heightened tone or pitch
3. increased duration
There are no definite rules for determining which syllable of a word should be stressed. However, certain
rules are helpful.

1. The great majority of two-syllable words are accented on the first syllable.
parents guardians
teachers guidance
students children

2. Compound Words
A. In compound nouns, the primary stress is on the first component/ word.
drugstore songbird
classroom basketball
lighthouse armchair
B. In compound verbs, the primary stress is on the second component/ word.
understand overwork
overlook underpay
underestimate overage

3. Nouns are stressed on the first syllable, the verb on the second.
record (noun) present (noun)
record (verb) present (verb)
address (noun) project (noun)
address (verb) project (verb)
4. In general, when a suffix is added to a word, the new form is stressed on the second
syllable as was the basic word.

develop - development
establish- establishment
procure - procurement
assess - assessment

5. Words ending in [ -tion ], [ -sion ], [ -ic ], [ -ical ], [ -ity ] etc. almost always receive
the primary stress on the syllable preceding the ending.
distribution metallic
conclusion biblical
community education

Instruction: Put a stress mark (‘) on the following words correctly:

1. cabaret 21. beret

2. unkempt 22. complain
3. esteem 23. implicate
4. evaluate 24. contumacious
5. oblige 25. grievances
6. excruciating 26. disrespectful
7. jasmine 27. epistle
8. fuchsia 28. produce
9. conceited 29. reside
10. mendacity 30. bonafide
11. differentiate 31. mirage
12. ceremonies 32. envelope
13. quotation 33. reservoir
14. certificate 34. rendezvous
15. façade 35. sachet
16. meringue 36. buffet
17. debris 37. valet
18. princess 38. vignette
19. debut 39. participle
20. mural 40. denouement


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher: ________________________

SOUNDS OF /-t/, /-d/ AND /-ed/

The past tense of regular verbs ( -ed or –d ) is pronounced in three different ways:
1. Sounds /-t/ if it follows a voiceless consonant sound except /-t/ as in:
worked whipped
talked tapped
discussed walked
flipped mopped
 p, h, s, k, e
2. Sounds /-d/ if it follows a voiced consonant sound except /-d/ and a vowel sound as

grabbed nabbed
loved blogged
begged covered
reviewed identified
 e, y, g, b, l, n, m, r, w, e
3. Sounds /-ed/ if it follows /-t/ or /-d/ as in:
planted wanted
reported orchestrated
elaborated pointed
activated amended
 t, d, e

The past tense of regular verbs ( ed/d ) is pronounced in 3 different ways:
1. Sounds / -t / if the last letter of the verb is p, h, s, k, e.
2. Sounds / -d / if the last letter of the verb is e, y, g, b, l, n, m, r, w, e.
3. Sounds / -ed / if the last letter of the verb is t, d, e.

ACTIVITY ON SOUNDS OF /-t/, /-d/ AND /-ed/

Instructions: Give the simple past tense form of the following verbs and identify what
sound each word takes, /-t/, /-d/ or /-ed/.
1. mount - _____________________ 11. wink - ______________________
2. reply - ______________________ 12. skin - _______________________
3. polish - _____________________ 13. slam - _______________________
4. laugh - _____________________ 14. bluff - ______________________
5. envy - ______________________ 15. side - _______________________
6. equip - _____________________ 16. drag - ______________________
7. scratch - ____________________ 17. forward - ____________________
8. garnish - ____________________ 18. apply - ______________________
9. hug - _______________________ 19. float - _______________________
10. excrete - ____________________ 20. reunite - ____________________

1. clone - ______________________ 11. demonstrate - _________________
2. peel - _______________________ 12. list - ________________________
3. specialize - __________________ 13. slap - _______________________
4. establish - ___________________ 14. impose - _____________________
5. improvise - ___________________ 15. manipulate - __________________
6. watch - ______________________ 16. view - ______________________
7. observe - ____________________ 17. murmur - ____________________
8. whisper - ____________________ 18. motivate - ____________________
9. berate - _____________________ 19. nominate - ___________________
10. like - _______________________ 20. invite - ______________________


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: ___________________ Teacher: _____________________



 Synonyms are words with nearly the same or similar meanings.

 Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

 Homonyms are also known as Homographs or words with the same sounds but are different in terms of
spellings and meanings.

 Homographs are words with the same sounds and spellings but are different in meanings.

 Heteronyms are words with the same spellings but are different in terms of sounds and meanings.

Instructions: Be able to identify the following pairs of words as Synonyms (S) or

Antonyms (A). Write your answer on the blank before each number.

_______ 1. envy – jealousy _______ 11. bourgeois - elite

_______ 2. melancholic – depressed_______ 12. steadfast - constant
_______ 3. forbid – prohibit _______ 13. interloper - busybody
_______ 4. explicit – uncertain _______ 14. indolent - sloth
_______ 5. vulgar – lofty _______ 15. insolent - courteous
_______ 6. infantile – childish _______ 16. bogus - counterfeit
_______ 7. pivotal – peripheral _______ 17. obscene – lewd
_______ 8. bigotry – fairness _______ 18. innuendo - news
_______ 9. taboo – allowed _______ 19. tightwad - spendthrift
_______ 10. mythology – legend _______ 20. greenhorn – abecedarian

Instructions: Give the homonym/s of the following given words then differentiate the
1. slay ... _________________________________________________________________
2. coin ... _________________________________________________________________
3. air ... _________________________________________________________________
4. fears ... _________________________________________________________________
5. shown ... _________________________________________________________________
6. since ... _________________________________________________________________
7. nutty ... _________________________________________________________________
8. past ... _________________________________________________________________
9. boys ... _________________________________________________________________
10. birth ... _________________________________________________________________

Instruction: Tell whether the following pairs of words are either synonyms or
__________________ 1. Nincompoop – Simpleton
__________________ 2. Hasty – Sluggish
__________________ 3. Yawn – Gape
__________________ 4. Condone – Condemn
__________________ 5. Chaste – Lecherous
__________________ 6. Sham – Bogus
__________________ 7. Serene – Tranquil
__________________ 8. Hefty – Scraggy
__________________ 9. Zealous – Fervent
__________________ 10. Innuendo – Gossip

Instructions: Define and differentiate the following pairs of Homographs and


A. Homographs:

1. wave ... _________________________________________________________________

2. date ... _________________________________________________________________
3. nail ... _________________________________________________________________
4. stamp ... _________________________________________________________________
5. scale ... _________________________________________________________________

B. Heteronyms:

1. conduct ... _________________________________________________________________

2. resume ... _________________________________________________________________
3. live ... _________________________________________________________________
4. contract ... _________________________________________________________________
5. iron ... _________________________________________________________________


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher: _______________________


Instruction: Choose the meaning of the words in Column A from the given options in
Column B.

Column A Column B

______1. shindig o.1 braggadocio

______2. outlandish h.4 abecedarian
______3. scholar d.4 grievances
______4. novice (b) e.1 disrespectful
______5. conceited r.3 thin/ slender
______6. meddler t.7 dance
______7. ribald m.1 lazy
______8. spendthrift a.4 ordinary/ common
______9. gripes i.4 friendly/ approachable
_____10. hefty r.1 to praise
_____11. greenhorn (a) e.4 stupid
_____12. typical t.8 maxim/ saying
_____13. scraggy y.7 erudite
_____14. pandemonium i.6 intelligent
_____15. tightwad t.9 indecent/ saucy
_____16. commend t.6 mirth/ joy
_____17. mock y.8 very fat
_____18. simpleton (s) n.2 to criticize
_____19. dullard (d) t.12 beginner
_____20. bliss x.3 dunce
_____21. adage u.2 wasteful
_____22. sapient (i) d.8 chaos
_____23. indolent r.4 queer/ strange/ different
_____24. insolent e.2 stingy/ miser
_____25. gregarious s.2 interloper

_____26. booby e.6 strict

_____27. pivotal o.3 frugal
_____28. serene g.3 tumultuous
_____29. haphazard d.7 aimless
_____30. stern a.3 disaster
_____31. steadfast o.6 avoid
_____32. fealty d.9 shy
_____33. parsimonious (f) b.2 detest/ dislike
_____34. peripheral o.7 important
_____35. catastrophe p.4 semi-important
_____36. coax s.8 middle class/ common tao
_____37. bourgeois r.6 constant
_____38. boisterous l.4 looks very tired
_____39. evade z.7 fast/ quick
_____40. timid n.7 ignoramus
_____41. despise a.1 lewd
_____42. haggard b.1 funny
_____43. bogus y.3 coquette
_____44. hasty u.3 gossip/ rumor
_____45. vex s.4 convince/ persuade/ cajole
_____46. solemn l.2 formal
_____47. obscene e.9 fake
_____48. comical i.8 annoy
_____49. libertine r.2 calm
_____50. innuendo t.2 loyalty



Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher: _______________________


Instruction: Interpret this passage in one sentence.

In promulgating your esoteric cogitations, or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable,
philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversational
communications possess a clarified conciseness, a compacted comprehensibleness, coalescent consistency and a
concatenated cogency. Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine affectations.
Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and veracious vivacity,
without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolixity,
psittaceous vacuity, ventriloquial verbosity and vaniloquent vapidity. Shun double-entendres, prurient jocosity and
pestiferous profanity, obscurant or apparent. In other words...



Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher : _______________________


 from declarative to interrogative

 answerable by yes or no (rising intonation)
 from a period (.) to a question mark (?)

Methods of Transformation:

A. Simple Inversion – just switch the position of the Subject and the Verb. It is used
for the following verbs:
1. Linking Verbs --- IS, WAS, ARE, WERE and AM
3. Has, Have, Had Verbs (Auxiliary or Helping Verbs)
4. Verb Phrases (Auxiliary Verb + Action Words)

B. Do, Does, Did Inversion – the focus is on the Tense (Verb – Past or Present) and
Number (Subject – Singular or Plural). Be guided by
the following:
1. DO --- present tense with plural subject
2. DOES --- present tense with singular subject
3. DID --- past tense regardless if the subject is singular or plural


1. Peter is the best campus journalist.

 Is Peter the best campus journalist?
2. They are telling the truth to the investigators.
 Are they telling the truth to the investigators?
3. I am assigned as the new president of the class.
 Am I assigned as the new president of the class?

4. Nicole was at the party last night.

 Was Nicole at the party last night?
5. Carlyn and Vanessa were absent yesterday.
 Were Carlyn and Vanessa absent yesterday?
6. Erwin and Lucia will get married on December.
 Will Erwin and Lucia get married on December?
7. You can be the next millionaire.
 Can you be the next millionaire?
8. My mother must be loyal to my father.
 Must my mother be loyal to my father?
9. Gary might fail this second quarter.
 Might Gary fail this second quarter?
10. Jerry should respect his classmates.
 Should Jerry respect his classmates?
11. Khen would give his life for Michelle.
 Would Khen give his life for Michelle?
12. All your requests may be granted soon.
 May all your requests be granted soon?
13. Michael could be the man you’re looking for.
 Could Michael be the man you’re looking for?
14. Aaron shall return the wallet to the owner.
 Shall Aaron return the wallet to the owner?
15. Charles has reported the incident to the police.

 Has Charles reported the incident to the police?
16. They have eaten their lunch.
 Have they eaten their lunch?
17. Edmar has a new girlfriend.
 Has Edmar a new girlfriend?
 Does Edmar have a new girlfriend?
18. They have a cute love child.
 Have they a cute love child?
 Do they have a cute love child?
19. We are going to discuss the Basic Sentence Patterns.
 Are we going to discuss the Basic Sentence Patterns?
20. He will be inviting his ex-wife in his wedding.
 Will he be inviting his ex-wife in his wedding?
21. She is requested to deliver the opening remarks.
 Is she requested to deliver the opening remarks?
22. Myrna gives donations to the less fortunate.
 Does Myrna give donations to the less fortunate?
23. We understand the lesson on Question Transformation.
 Do we understand the lesson on Question Transformation?
24. They went to Cavite last week.
 Did they go to Cavite last week?


Instruction: Change the following sentences into its question form:

1. Jenny suggested the idea to the leader of the group.

Answer: __________________________________________________
2. Her mother sends money from abroad.
Answer: __________________________________________________
3. Antonio and Theresa visit their cousins every summer vacation.
Answer: __________________________________________________
4. The rescuers delivered the relief goods to the typhoon victims.
Answer: __________________________________________________
5. Helga and Justin competed in the recent Mr. and Ms. STEP.
Answer: __________________________________________________
6. Mary Jane offered Bjorn his seat.
Answer: __________________________________________________
7. Peter and Erwin sought the words of God.
Answer: __________________________________________________
8. Diana sells Jansport bags in their campus.
Answer: __________________________________________________
9. Father John officiated the mass last Sunday.
Answer: __________________________________________________
10. Kent and Jolou sang their favorite song.
Answer: __________________________________________________
11. Michael boasts of his new ipad.
Answer: __________________________________________________

12. Gary gave Veronica a bouquet of flowers.
Answer: __________________________________________________
13. The rape victim forgave her assailants.
Answer: __________________________________________________
14. Victoria and her family rode on a train on their way home.
Answer: __________________________________________________
15. Harry swam the Mediterranean Sea.
Answer: __________________________________________________
16. Linda plays the piano very well.
Answer: __________________________________________________
17. Ben and George went to Paris, France last May.
Answer: __________________________________________________
18. Our teacher allowed us to use the microscope.
Answer: __________________________________________________
19. They garnered the highest point in the men’s event.
Answer: __________________________________________________
20. Gerald got a perfect score in Science.
Answer: __________________________________________________


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher : _______________________


Identify whether the following statements describe a Fact or an Opinion:

_________ based on truth

_________ based on own judgment or criteria
_________ there are varied ideas
_________ based on a personal thought
_________ based on reality
_________ proves to be true in general
_________ based on a personal standard or taste
_________ misleading concepts

_________ has a strong basis or source

A factual statement has the following characteristics: (1) based on truth or what is real, (2) proves to be true
in general, (3) has a strong basis, source or reference, (4) subjective.
An opinion on the other hand has the following characteristics: (1) based on own thought, judgment,
personal standard, criteria or taste, (2) there are varied ideas, (3) very objective or particular, (4) an example of a
misleading concept.


_________ 1. Meycauayan National High School is the best school in Bulacan.

_________ 2. Mathematics is a very difficult subject.
_________ 3. The richest man in the world to date (2011) is from Mexico.
_________ 4. Our English teacher is very beautiful.
_________ 5. The Philippine political system is the worst in the world.
_________ 6. Gloria M. Arroyo is the 14th president of the Philippines.
_________ 7. According to an adage, dog is man’s best friend.
_________ 8. Life is at its easiest if you are born rich.
_________ 9. All men are one and the same.
_________10. Catholicism is the most widely spread religion in the country.
Instruction: Identify the following as Fact or Opinion:

_________1. French fries originated in France, as the name suggests.

_________2. Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive.
_________3. The Philippines is 4th in the world with the most number of prostitutes.
_________4. Men could also have breast cancer.
_________5. Rhode Island is the smallest U.S state.
_________6. Blue diamonds are the rarest diamonds in the world.
_________7. Only 3% of the waters in the world are potable.
_________8. Sail fish is the fastest marine animal.
_________9. Whale shark is neither a whale nor a shark.
_________10. Incubus is synonymous with the word daydream.
_________11. Green is the 5th color in the rainbow.
_________12. Education is the key to success.
_________13. Indonesia is the most corrupt country in Asia.
_________14. Egypt was once the most powerful country in the world.
_________15. In the Bible, “Matusalem” lived for 999 years.
_________16. Adultery is the act of a man having extra marital affairs.
_________17. “The Scarlet Letter” in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book is X.
_________18. “Manila in the Claws of Neon” is the greatest Filipino film ever
_________19. Money is the root of all evils.
_________20. Man is the highest life form on the face of the earth.
_________21. Some students consider Math as a difficult subject.
_________22. “Makamisa” is the third novel of Jose Rizal.
_________23. Catholicism is the most widely spread religion in the country.
_________24. The first is always the best.
_________25. All men are one and the same.
_________26. Marcos is the greatest president the Philippines has ever had.
_________27. Oil price is very unstable in the world market nowadays.
_________28. Some flowers are not emitting fragrant smell.
_________29. Teaching is the noblest profession.

_________30. Based on science, ants are the strongest insects.
_________31. Prostitution is the oldest known profession.
_________32. The Philippines has the second most corrupt government system
in Asia.
_________33. Laughter is the best medicine.
_________34. Might makes right.
_________35. Change is the only constant thing in this world.

_________36. There is an art in nudity.

_________37. First love never dies.
_________38. Regret is always at the end of the road.
_________39. Money is important.
_________40. Some people would rather not marry for fear of responsibilities.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: _________________ Teacher : _______________________

 Any expressive use of language in which words are used in other than their literal sense, or in other than
their ordinary locutions (form of expression/ idiom) in order to suggest a picture or image or for other
special effect. The most commonly used figures of speech are the following:

1. Simile is a figure of speech also known as indirect comparison in which 2 unlike things are explicitly compared. It
is marked by the signal words like, as and as, the same as, resembles and similar to.
Angelica is like a rose.
Elena is as beautiful as an angel.
Frank’s mind is similar to a computer.
2. Metaphor is the application of a word or phrase to an object or concept which it does not literally denote, in order
to suggest comparison with another object or concept. It is also known as direct comparison with the use of linking
verbs as signal markers.
A mighty fortress is our God.
William is a precious jewel to his parents.
Rex is a horse swiftly running in the open plains.
3. Hyperbole is also known as exaggeration which is an extravagant statement very impossible to happen and is
beyond what is real or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally.
Lawrence cried a river when his girlfriend broke up with him.
Her scream reaches the heaven and disturbs all the angels above.
Alvin is obviously so hungry, he has almost eaten the whole house.
4. Personification is the attribution of personal nature or character to inanimate objects or abstract notions.
The sky was crying over the death of Adonis.
The dancing stars welcome with delight the smiling moon.
The flowers in the garden are teasing me hard to pick them all.
5. Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part.
Bows and ties for a formal dress
Wheels for a car
Take the hand for a marriage proposal
6. Metonymy or simply changing names is the use of the name of one object or concept for that of another to which it
is related.
Count noses for count people
The bottle for strong drink
Gray hair for old people
7. Irony or Sarcasm is a figure of speech in which the literal meaning of a locution is the opposite of that intended.
Typically, the first sentence is positive followed by a negative one.
Goodnight, have a nightmare!
You’re such a nice person, hope you die soon!
Vice Ganda is so adorable, is he human?
8. Antithesis is a figure of speech which expresses a subtle or direct contrast. It may or may not have the conjunction
or in expressing the choices.
Give me liberty or give me death.
Love me or leave me.
I started to live when my love for him died.

9. Rhetorical Question is a question asked solely to produce an effect or to make an affirmation and not to elicit a
What is so rare as a day in June?
Is there such a perfect person?
What can be better than sex?
10. Onomatopoeia is simply the use of words to imitate sounds.
Swish, Chirp, Ding-Dong, Hum, Sigh, Pak, Pa-Pak, Bang etc...

Instruction: Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences:

1. I have 2 sticks here, do you have a light?

2. The swishing of the water from the shower is very soothing.
3. Joy comes after worldly happiness ends.
4. Erica is a goddess trapped in a man’s body.
5. I can earn as much as 2 million overnight being a star dancer in a club.
6. Blowing the candle makes every birthday party extra special.
7. I really love you, I wish hard you were Piolo Pascual.
8. When does loving a person become obsession?
9. Let the wind whisper in your ears how much I love you!
10. Christian is a monster hiding in an executive suit.


Instruction: Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences:

1. Maricel is as meek as a lamb.

2. I want to take his hand to be my partner in life.
3. Someone’s knocking, please get the door.
4. The clouds were like masses of whipped cream.
5. Bryan is a very passionate lover, he loves playing with fire.
6. Here’s the key, just drive me home.
7. Am I also entitled to a little happiness in this cruel life?
8. It is kinder to be cruel to her this time.
9. There is certainly no life without you!
10. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls.

11. His cold touch burns the skin.
12. The singer is a diamond in the rough.
13. The total silence is excruciatingly deafening.
14. Gloria-Arroyo was a good president so she must have resigned.
15. Thank God I am born perfect.
16. The throbbing of his heart confirms how he feels for me.
17. What you’re looking for is simply just under your nose.
18. Bjorn was the one behind the wheels when the accident happened.
19. I’m so hungry I could eat the whole house.
20. Piolo is the better half I’m praying for each night.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


An adjective, also known as single-word modifier, is placed before the noun being described.
A phrase or clause modifier is placed after the word being described.
A phrase modifier may take one of either forms:
1. Prepositional (on, in, at, from, to, over, under etc.)
2. Participial

 Progressive (-ing form)
 Past Participle (-ed, -d, -t, -en form)
A clause modifier is linked to the word being described by a relative pronoun such as the following:
1. Who, Whom, Whose - for persons
2. That - for persons and things
3. Which - for things


Instructions: Analyze the following sentences. Be able to identify if it is a phrase or a

clause modifier:
1. famous song popularized by Sarah Geronimo
2. gruesome murder perpetrated by her own son
3. fetid squatters area in Metro Manila
4. marvellous fiesta celebrated every year
5. the dying soldier screaming for help
6. the dancing queen heating up on the dance floor
7. the cheap prostitutes in the streets of Malate
8. the screaming faggots roaming from bar to bar
9. the interesting movie that aroused my curiosity
10. the lady guard who returned the bag of money
11. bottled-up emotions kept for years
12. sharp surgical steel blade which can cut metal
13. unknown force coming from outer space
14. high-spirited teen girl who won in the contest
15. famous lines delivered by Nora Aunor
16. the sweet guy at the mall whom I admire
17. poor farm workers whose families are very oppressed
18. unsolicited advice which he would always freely give
19. shocking revelations by the newcomer
20. the sexy commercial of Piolo which I always watch
21. wild comments from the audience.
22. a fantastic performer singing live.
23. quick decision done in an instant.
24. the young artist who possesses great talent.
25. a beautiful place that everyone loves.
26. the expensive cell phone unit which I long to buy.
27. an intelligent person envied by everyone.
28. the conceited winner who won by cheating.
29. an old grudge which has grown deep.
30. lovely gown stained with blood.
31. appreciative audience watching the show.
32. abandoned building in the heart of Makati City.
33. luscious cream filled with nuts and honey.
34. exciting film produced by Star Cinema.
35. famous lines delivered by Nora Aunor.
36. the sweet guy at the mall whom I admire.
37. noisy customers at the counter.
38. the wonderful love story that changed her life.
39. hard-kept secrets disclosed unintentionally.
40. the cute commercial of Justine that I always watch.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


A gerund is a verb form that ends in –ing and is used as a noun. It can be used as any of the following:

1. Subject Attaining global peace and unity is an elusive dream.

2. Direct Object The U.N. initiates attaining global peace and unity.
3. Subjective Complement His priority is attaining global peace and unity.
4. Object of Preposition Everybody must get involved in attaining global peace
and unity.
5. Appositive His priority, attaining global peace and unity, seems
to be an elusive dream.


1. Subject always the first word

2. Direct Object answers the question what / comes after the action
3. Subjective Complement comes after the linking verb
4. Object Of Preposition comes after the preposition
5. Appositive there are 2 commas and the subject is always

Instructions: Identify the function of the gerund in the following sentences. Tell
whether it is used as a subject, direct object, subjective complement, object of preposition or as an appositive:
1. Carlyn’s pastime, cooking, is very productive.
2. Michael’s sideline is crafting model airplanes.
3. Reading is a rudimentary tool skill.
4. I am fed up with debating with you all the time.
5. James enjoys growing oversized vegetables.
6. Eating is an essential part of man’s everyday life.
7. Raymart’s business is exporting quality native Christmas decors.
8. Tita Cory’s goal, uniting all the Filipinos, will soon come to reality.
9. The teacher is busy in teaching her students some good manners.
10. Laura loves seeing her children grow smart and healthy.
11. Michelle enjoys texting her friends all night long.
12. Elena’s passion, dancing the rumba, is a very soulful dance.
13. Watching Indie films is Joseph’s favorite pastime.

14. Lawrence is absorbed in reading good books.
15. Kim’s talent is taming wild animals.
16. Gardening can be an interesting and profitable hobby.
17. Victor promotes reading as a lucrative form of scholastic activity.
18. Richard’s dream, going abroad, will never come to fruition.
19. Haidee is very determined in winning the title.
20. The Governor’s interest is making his people become more productive.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


An infinitive is a verb form used with the preposition to + the base/ present tense form of the verb. It can be
used as any of the following:

1. Subject To forgive is sometimes very difficult.

2. Direct Object What would you like to eat?
3. Appositive My goal, to become successful in life, will come true.
4. Adjective Kenneth’s suggestion is to take a trip to Boracay.
5. Adverb She called to inform me about the meeting.


1. Subject always the first word

2. Direct Object usually the last word

3. Appositive there are 2 commas and the subject is always
4. Adjective the word before the infinitive is either a noun or a
linking verb
5. Adverb the word before the infinitive is either a verb or an
answers how, when, where, why or to what extent
adverb of place if and only if there is a preposition; otherwise, it
functions as an adjective, a modifier of proper nouns

Instructions: Identify the function of the infinitive in the following sentences. Tell
whether it used as a subject, direct object, appositive, an adjective or as an adverb:

1. Manny Pacquiao is the boxer to watch out for. ADJECTIVE
2. To see you is more than enough for me. SUBJECT
3. What do you like to read? DIRECT OBJECT
4. The source called to inform me about the news. ADVERB
5. The employees want to spend summer far from the city. ADVERB
6. Rowena’s idea is to renovate the entire house. ADJECTIVE
7. Andy prefers to visit his uncle in Baguio City. ADVERB
8. To see the Mayon Volcano is Maja’s wish. SUBJECT
9. Kris told the group to decide as soon as possible. ADJECTIVE
10. Jordan wants to elope with his girlfriend. ADVERB
11. To give something freely is a noble act. SUBJECT
12. Mickey’s favorite pastime is to watch movies. ADJECTIVE
13. What does Tessa want to eat? DIRECT OBJECT
14. This is a strong point to be discussed. ADJECTIVE
15. The choir is singing very loud to impress the judges. ADVERB


NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE: ________

Instructions: Analyze the following sentences. Tell whether the function of the infinitive is a subject, direct object,
appositive, an adjective or an adverb:

1. Having recurring nightmares, Jay must see a psychiatrist to help him.

2. Most of the inhabitants are reluctant to leave their homes.
3. Her childhood dream, to write a book, has now become a reality.
4. To love again is very difficult when your heart aches.
5. Sheryl went to the dorm yesterday to invite her new friends.

6. Larry’s goal, to get slimmer, is now inching closer to reality.
7. Joshua wants to marry the girl of his dream.
8. Genevelyn dropped by at the faculty room to see if I’m doing well in school.
9. The principal assigned the S.G. Officers to organize a program.
10. The organizers requested Jake to join the pageant.
11. Patricia wants to seek forgiveness for the things she has done.
12. Lorna is convincing me to lend her some money.
13. Nelson actually never really wanted to get married.
14. Braullo works out daily to improve his already great physique.
15. Elena paid Jericho a visit last Friday to bid him goodbye.
16. Helen’s desire, to have a date with Piolo, is very impossible to happen.
17. Frank strove to become successful in life.
18. Mr. Montez assigned Mark to facilitate the exams.
19. DepEd requested M.N.H.S. to host this year’s S.T.E.P. Competitions.
20. Stephanie is convincing Khen to marry her.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________

Spelling Activity:

1. ______________________ 11. _____________________

2. ______________________ 12. _____________________

3. ______________________ 13. _____________________

4. ______________________ 14. _____________________

5. ______________________ 15. _____________________

6. ______________________ 16. _____________________

7. ______________________ 17. _____________________

8. ______________________ 18. _____________________

9. ______________________ 19. _____________________

10. _____________________ 20. _____________________


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Cline comes from the Greek word “klino” which means to slope. Related words are placed within a slope to
show degrees of intensity.

Instruction: Form a cline out of the following given words:

1. admiration love infatuation obsession

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________

2. advice punish reprimand berate

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________

3. middle class well-off rich wealthy

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________

4. needy penniless indigent destitute

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________

5. hop jump leap stamp

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________


Instruction: Form a Cline out of the following given words:

1. eat swallow devour feast

2. glad joy ecstatic happy

3. bright intelligent smart sage

4. dull slow stupid moron

5. dusk morning dawn midnight

6. chaos noise tumult pandemonium

7. rot decompose decay spoil

8. utter murmur discuss speak

9. shy demure tame timid

10. saying byword proverb maxim

11. sloth lazy indolent sluggish

12. hot warm scorching burning

13. educated discerning erudite enlightened

14. sensual carnal lecherous lascivious

15. eccentric aberrant unusual abnormal

16. teach tutor educate inform

17. indigence destitution poverty penury

18. ire anger wrath rage

19. tired haggard wasted worn-out

20. ally crony supporter companion

21. pain suffering agony misery

22. payback revenge vengeance retribution retaliation


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________



Sentence - a word, a pair of words (compound words) or a group of words that has a
subject and a predicate and which expresses a complete thought or idea.

Component Parts:

1. Subject - usually a noun or a pronoun. It may also be a verb (ending with –ing
or gerund) or an adjective (always plural in form).
2. Predicate - it may be the simple predicate or the main verb or the complete
predicate which consists of the verb/s + the rest of the sentence.

Examples of Verbs:

1. Do, Does, Did
2. Has, Have, Had
3. Modals which consist of the following:
a. will f. may
b. shall g. might
c. can h. must
d. could i. should
e. would j. ought to
4. Linking Verbs or Be Verbs:
a. be/ been d. am
b. is e. are
c. was f. were
5. Action Verbs which are in the base form or verbs that end with -ed, -d, -t, -en or -ing.
Instructions: Analyze the following sentences. Encircle the simple predicate.
1. Gerald is going to join the Quiz bee in English next month.

2. Angelica celebrated her birthday with her circle of friends.

3. Nicole will be attending a party this weekend with her peers.

4. Geraldine and Khen are vying for the best in English award.

5. The cashier must have been killed by the inveterate robbers.

6. Sheryl is lending her books to the English teachers in Faculty 1.

7. Myrna wants to get married with Raven really very soon.

8. Marcelo has been a very responsible president of III-Marigold.

9. Floyd Mayweather was charged with physical assault by his ex-girlfriend.

10. Ara and Maximo have been constantly dating since last month.

11. Dora and her classmates were invited to attend the debut of Erica.

12. Peter, together with Hiroshi and Eduardo, is going to join the Mr. MNHS pageant.

13. Eliseo will be representing III-Sampaguita in the “Battle of the Brains”.

14. Jayson is reviewing regularly and religiously for the Bar Exam.

15. President Noynoy is leading the Philippines towards unity and progress.

16. One should learn to be responsible, with or without incentives.

17. Baste and Andre will be preparing a very sumptuous dinner.

18. Julian can sing the same song on and on all night long.

19. Michael ought to study harder this time for the remedial class.

20. Chesley will be having a celebration on his 21 st birthday.

Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________



1. Declarative - a.k.a. Narrative (a general statement, a response to a question etc...)

2. Interrogative - used in asking questions (yes-no or information questions)
3. Imperative - used in making commands or polite requests (direct or indirect)
4. Exclamatory - used in expressing a certain feeling, strong or intense emotions.

Instruction: Identify the type of sentence according to purpose in the following



1. No one else in the world can love me half as much as you do.__________________
2. You are such a pain in the neck in the family!_____________________________
3. What are you trying to insinuate, that I’m a bum?__________________________
4. Just get your things out of here and leave me now.__________________________
5. Yes, I may not be as smart as you are because we all know I’m the best! _________
6. When the cat is away, the mouse will play.________________________________
7. Choose the one who loves you, not the one you love._________________________
8. Will you be happy if I walk away now and leave you forever?__________________
9. What a waste! You don’t deserve that girl!________________________________
10. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a man, asking him to love me.______________


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Graphic English, a type of communication which is more of interpretative rather than communicative, in a
sense that it is a one-way process of communication --- no interactions required, only common sense on how you
personally and logically interpret and translate an illustration to words, expressions or even sentences.

Instruction: Interpret the following graphic English illustrations:

0 h J
_____ k a U
M.A. c needle y R/E/A/D/I/N/G U
B.A. a s U
Ph.D t M

1._____________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4.______________

You U Me I

5._____________ 6._______________ 7.______________8._______________

D E love
A love love
I A love YOU love
R N love love
S G love

9._____________ 10._____________ 11._______________ 12.____________


13.____________ 14._____________ 15. ______________ 16._____________


RETHGIF DATE DATE right my eyes

17.___________ 18._____________ 19.______________ 20.____________


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Active Voice: William Shakespeare developed the English sonnet.

Subject TV DO
Passive Voice: The English sonnet was developed by William Shakespeare.
Subject Verb OP


ACTIVE VOICE: 1. The subject is the doer of the action.

2. The verb does not need a form of BE as a helping verb.
3. The sentence may or may not have a direct object.

PASSIVE VOICE: 1. The subject is acted upon.

2. The verb consists of a form of BE and the past participle
(-ed, -d, -t, -en).
3. The sentence may or may not have an object of preposition.

 Study the following sentences:


Present Tense:
Singular 1. The clerk types the report. 1. The report is typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks type the reports. 2. The reports are typed by the clerks.

Present Progressive:
Singular 1. The clerk is typing the report. 1. The report is being typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks are typing the reports. 2. The reports are being typed by the clerks.

Past Tense:
Singular 1. The clerk typed the report. 1. The report was typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks typed the reports. 2. The reports were typed by the clerks.

Past Progressive:
Singular 1. The clerk was typing the report. 1. The report was being typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks were typing the reports. 2. The reports were being typed by the clerks.

Future Tense:
Singular 1. The clerk will type the report. 1. The report will be typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks will type the reports. 2. The reports will be typed by the clerks.

Future Progressive:
Singular 1. The clerk will be typing the report. 1. The report will be typed by the clerk.
Plural 2. The clerks will be typing the reports. 2. The reports will be type by the clerks.

 Passive Voice --- consists of a verb phrase (combination of verbs)
1. LV / BE + past participle (-ed, -d, -t, -en)
2. Helping or Auxiliary Verbs
3. Modals
4. Do, Does, Did + Past Participle of the Main Verb
5. Has, Have, Had
 Pronouns: I, We, They, He, She BECOME Me, Us, Them, Him, Her,


1. Present-Singular = IS
2. Present-Plural = ARE
3. Past-Singular = WAS
4. Past-Plural = WERE
 Future: Will + BE + Past Participle (-ed, -d, -t, -en)
 Progressive: -ING Form. Identify the Linking Verb + Being + Past Participle


Instruction: Restate the following sentences in the passive voice:

1. Michael was reading the play prepared by Sir Lucky.

Answer: __________________________________________________________
2. Victor is doing the task of a great class president.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
3. Piolo and KC are writing a book on how to keep a relationship strongly bonded.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
4. Maricel encourages women to be strong after failed relationships.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
5. The judges named Jerome Ocampo Mr. Face of the Night.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
6. Clark Montez bags the title of Mr. M.N.H.S. 2010.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
7. The movie “Romeo Must Die” won the Oscars for Best Picture.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
8. Martin will deliver the discussion in less than an hour.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
9. Lorraine and Venice prepared a very special dinner for Ruffa.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
10. The General gives the go signal.
Answer: __________________________________________________________

11. John will introduce the guest speaker.

Answer: __________________________________________________________
12. Elena reads romantic English novels.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
13. David and Ramon played the guitar.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
14. Joseph elected Sheryl as class president.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
15. Joshua is interrupting the play.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
16. The Faculty President will hold a meeting.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
17. The kidnappers will be abducting Jasmine.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
18. Lea is solving the problems.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
19. Lawrence perforated the test papers.
Answer: __________________________________________________________
20. Melanie sets the house on fire.
Answer: __________________________________________________________


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________



An idiom is a word or an expression peculiar to a language, not readily understandable from its
grammatical construction or from the meaning of its component parts. This is because the meaning is usually
different from the meanings of the words of which it is composed. In short, the use of common sense and the need to
interpret figuratively are essential factors that will contribute to unlocking the meanings of idioms and idiomatic
expressions. Below are some of the more commonly used idiomatic expressions in English:

1. Hold one’s tongue – to remain or keep silent

2. Bread and butter – one’s means of living
3. Bleed one white – simutin ang salapi ng isang tao
4. Clip one’s wings – to reduce or take away one’s power or influence
5. Bury the hatchet – to reconcile and forget everything
6. Make a mountain out of a molehill – to worsen or magnify a small problem
7. Make faces – to frown as a sign of disgust
8. Nip in the bud – putulin sa simula pa lang
9. Move heaven and earth – to extract all means
10. Man in the street – an ordinary person
11. Lion’s share – bigger portion of something
12. Man of letters – an erudite person especially in literature
13. Birds of a feather – people with the same character
14. A baker’s dozen – thirteen
15. A snake in the grass – a traitor or a secret enemy
16. Cut someone dead – ignore completely or treat as if not existing
17. Deliver the goods – produce the expected results
18. Devil-may-care – cheerful and reckless
19. Diamond in the rough – a surprise or an unexpectedly brilliant person
20. Draw the line – set a limit
21. Dumb bunny – gullible, stupid and lacking in common sense
22. Eat like a bird – to eat very little or small appetite
23. Eat like a horse – to eat a lot or hungrily
24. Eye catcher – attracting attention
25. Fair-haired boy – a person favored by his superiors
26. Fall flat – to fail to produce a result
27. Beach bunny – an attractive show-off girl on beaches
28. Be in high spirits – be in a lively or cheerful mood

29. Be in someone’s bad books – be out of favor with someone
30. Chasing butterflies – wasting time in worthless activities
31. Come to an end – ending
32. Fancy prices – extravagantly high or expensive
33. Feel free – an expression of permission
34. Finish off – to kill
35. First blood – the first taste of success in anything
36. Flying colors – great success or achievement
37. Follow one’s nose – to be guided by instinct
38. Follow suit – to follow a person’s examples
39. Foot loose and fancy free – entirely unattached
40. Forever and a day – forever
41. For keeps – permanently
42. Frame-up – the arrangement of false evidence against an innocent person/ a set-up
43. Gain ground – to make progress
44. Hanky-panky – dishonest, questionable or immoral behavior
45. Happy-go-lucky – taking events cheerfully as they happen
46. Hauling success – a very great success
47. Lollygag – to do nothing or passing time with aimless activities
48. Laugh it off – to get rid of embarrassment by making a joke about it
49. Kiss of death – an apparently friendly act causing ruin
50. Lose heart – to become discouraged or lose hope
51. Mark my words – listen to me or note what I say (used as a warning)
52. Once in a blue moon – very rarely or very seldom
53. One for the road – one last drink before someone departs or heads home
54. The eternal triangle – situation of emotional conflict involving three persons
55. Ups and downs – good and bad fortunes
56. Water under the bridge – something past and forgotten
57. Face the music – meet criticisms or punishment or deal with an unpleasant situation
58. For old time’s sake – for sentimental reasons related to pleasant past memories
59. Pie in the sky – promise of better things that is not certain to be fulfilled
60. Eye-opener – an enlightening circumstances
61. Beginner’s luck – unusual or unexpected success in one’s first attempt
62. Change of heart – a change in the way one feels or thinks about something
63. Compare notes – exchange thoughts and ideas or to discuss something
64. Feast or famine – being characterized by ups and downs
65. First and foremost – first and most important


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Agreement means that the subject and verb must be alike in number. A singular subject requires a singular
verb and a plural subject requires a plural verb.


1. A singular subject requires a singular verb.

e.g. Peter is preparing a very special meal.
Mrs. Estoya is teaching journalism.

2. A plural subject requires a plural verb.

e.g. The students are going to have an educational field trip.
We are organizing a grand party.

3. A phrase or clause that comes between a subject and its verb does not affect subject-
verb agreement.
e.g. The leader of the kidnappers was killed in the encounter.
The guards whom the organizers hired to maintain peace and order were
responsible for that incident.


1. Subjects joined by OR or NOR

When both parts of a compound subject joined by OR or NOR are singular, a singular verb is required.
e.g. Michelle or Adora is attending the seminar.
The mother or the father is requested to pin the medal on the honor graduate.

When both parts of a compound subject joined by OR or NOR are plural, a plural verb is required.

e.g. The parents or their children were present.
The men or the women are representing their departments.

When one or more singular subjects are joined to one or more plural subjects by OR or NOR, the verb
should agree with the nearest subject.
e.g. Mandy, Eduardo or the boys are going to the gym.
Either the boys or Benson is going to play basketball.

2. Subjects joined by AND

A compound subject joined by AND is generally plural and requires a plural verb.
e.g. Jasmine and her friends are kind people.
SpongeBob, Bugs Bunny and Casper are my favorite cartoon characters.


If the parts of the compound subject joined by AND are thought of as one item or unit, a singular verb is
e.g. Track and field is my favorite athletic event.
Ham and cheese is my usual breakfast.

If the word EVERY or EACH comes before a compound subject, a singular verb is also needed.
e.g. Every man, woman and child was tested for the virus.
Each student and guardian is requested to participate in the school activity.

If the parts of the compound subject refer to the same person, place, thing or event, it is singular and
therefore requires a singular verb.
e.g. The owner and manager of the construction firm is her husband.
The presentation and coronation night of the muses is one of the main events in
the town fiesta.


1. Amounts and Measurements

A noun denoting an amount or measurement is usually singular and needs a singular verb.
e.g. Ten thousand pesos is all I need for my shopping spree.
Twelve feet is the depth of the swimming pool at the resort.

2. Collective Nouns
When a collective noun is thought of as a single unit, a singular verb is required.
e.g. The team is going to win in the championship game.
The committee has decided on the issue of his expulsion.

When a collective noun is thought of as composed of many individuals, a plural verb is needed.
e.g. The jury have been deliberating on the verdict for hours but they haven’t agreed
upon it yet.
All the Cabinet have been given a memorandum.

3. Hard-to-find Subjects
In cases where the subject is preceded by its verb, the verb should still agree with the subject, not with the
word, phrase or clause that comes before it.
e.g. On top of the table are three apples.
There is a pine tree beside the house.

The subject of an interrogative sentence must agree with the verb.
e.g. Does the boy go to rehearsals every day?
Do the boys go to rehearsals every day?
Has everybody found a partner?
Have all the boys found their partners?
Was the cake baked by mother herself?
Were the cakes baked by mother herself?

4. Indefinite Pronouns
Singular indefinite pronouns like each, every, no one, either, neither, anyone, everyone, someone, anybody,
everybody, nobody, and somebody require singular verbs.
e.g. Everyone is expected to submit his project on time.
Someone is knocking at the door.

Plural indefinite pronouns like both, few, many, others and several require plural verbs.
e.g. Several of the contract workers were sent home.
Both of the suspects are missing.

The pronouns all, any, more, most, none and some require singular verbs if the noun they refer to is
singular and plural verbs if the noun is plural.
e.g. All of the book was ruined.
All of the cubicles were occupied.

A singular pronoun is preferred with the following antecedents: each, either or neither.
e.g. Each of the boys is sure of his answer.
Neither of the girls would admit her mistake.
Either of the ladies may lose her patience at any time.

5. Plural-looking Nouns
Nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning require singular verbs.
e.g. Mathematics is my favorite subject.
Semantics is the study of meanings in language.

6. “Always Plural” Nouns

Some nouns are always plural and should have plural verbs.
e.g. The tweezers are on top of my dresser.
Grandfather’s eyeglasses were lost.

7. Subjects of Linking Verbs

A linking verb should agree with its subject, not with its predicate nominative or subjective complement.
e.g. One reason for drug addiction is broken families.
Broken families are one reason for drug addiction.

8. Titles
A title of a poem, article, essay, story, novel or idea is singular and requires a singular verb.
e.g. “Little Women” is a touching novel by Louisa May Alcott.
Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables” is a dramatic and powerful social document
about the French Revolution.


The verb agrees with the subject regardless of words that intervene.

e.g. Her composure, not her smiles, appeals to the judges.
Mrs. Aguirre, with all her students, is arriving today.
Jerome, together with his friends, is guesting on A.S.A.P.
Mr. Ocampo, as well as his students, donates gifts.

Fractions are singular or plural depending upon the “of phrase”.

e.g. One half of the pear is rotten.
One fourth of the eggs have been set aside for milk custard.

When the members of a compound subject are connected by either...or, neither...nor or not only...but also,
the verb agrees with the nearer subject.
e.g. Neither Nicole nor Lara is backing out of the pageant.
Neither Bjorn’s friends nor the boys are joining the contest.
Not only the employer but also the employees are to blame.

A verb agrees with its subject in number and person.

e.g. The secretary of education has confirmed his stand on the language issue.
A hat with red feathers is displayed in that department store.
Cows give less milk in hot weather.

The expression “a number” takes a plural verb while the expression “the number” takes a singular verb.
e.g. A number of reporters have requested the president for an interview.
The number of complaints regarding the management of the canteen has

The expression “there is” is followed by a singular noun; on the other hand, the expression “there are” is
followed by a plural noun.
e.g. There is no real solution to this problem.
There are only a few suggestions given.

Adjectives used as nouns are considered plural.

e.g. The beautiful are lucky people.
The poor are to be helped.

The following are accepted in the use of mathematical expressions.

e.g. Four plus four is eight.
Four and four are eight.
Three times two are six.
Three minus two is one.

When IT is used to introduce a sentence, it is always followed by a singular verb whether the noun that
follows is singular or plural.
e.g. It is Mr. Villanueva whom we would like to see.
It is the schools which must have responsibility.

HE * the action word ends
SHE with (-s) IS, WAS, HAS, DOES

YOU * the action word is
WE without an (-s) ARE, WERE, HAVE, DO


Instructions: Avoid Subject-Verb Agreement problems in the following sentences by

selecting the correct verb from those provided in parentheses.

1. Both the dolphin and the whale _____ complex melodies under water.
a. sing
b. sings
2. But neither the dolphin nor the whale _____ been included in this program about animal musicians.
a. has
b. have
3. Dennis doesn’t think that there _____ any insecticides that kill Japanese beetles.
a. is
b. are
4. Perhaps Michelle or Raymundo’s brothers _____ met the woman who signs the immigration papers.
a. has
b. have
5. Whenever I go into that bank, there _____ all those silent eyes staring at me.
a. is
b. are
6. Neither traffic light – neither the one on Asylum Avenue nor the one on Farmington Avenue _____ working after
the storm.
a. was
b. were
7. Mr. Fuentes, along with his two live-in partners, _____ lived in this town for thirty years.
a. has
b. have
8. Some of the water _____ already gone bad.
a. has
b. have
9. Either the MNHS Women’s Team or the MNHS Men’s Team _____ going to be national champion this year.
a. is
b. are
10. Not all that glitters _____ gold.
a. is
b. are

11. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Each of the dogs _____ sick”?
a. is
b. are
12. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Some of the beer _____ cold”?
a. is
b. are
13. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “He is one of the professors that _____ too much”?
a. talks
b. talk
14. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “He is one of the alumni that _____ each year to the
a. contributes
b. contribute
15. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “_____ everyone going to be there?”
a. is
b. are
16. What is the correct pronoun form in the sentence “Is one of the professors ready to present _____ paper?”
a. their
b. her

17. Which are the correct words for the blanks in the sentence “Each of the legislators _________ own reason for
voting ‘no’”?
a. has his/ her
b. have their
18. Which are the correct words for the blanks in the sentence “Everyone who said that it couldn’t be done _____
now regretting _____ words”?
a. is – his/ her
b. are – their
19. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Neither of us _____ able to predict the outcome of today’s
a. was
b. were
20. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Macaroni and cheese _____ my favorite dish”?
a. is
b. are
21. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “At the foot of the mountain _____ two enormous vineyards,
both owned by the same woman”?
a. was
b. were
22. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “A small percentage of the grain _____ ruined by the
prolonged rain”?
a. was
b. were
23. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Most parents mistakenly think that mumps _____ been
eliminated as a childhood disease”?
a. has
b. have
24. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Our college should change _____ policy about
a. its
b. their
25. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Coaches Policarpio and Termulo coach different sports.
Neither Policarpio nor Termulo scheduled _____ team for the gym this afternoon”?

a. his
b. their

26. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “No one has offered to let us use _____ home for the
department meeting”?
a. his/ her
b. their
27. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “If I ever find my glasses, I think I’ll have _____ replaced”?
a. it
b. them
28. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “General Motors will probably recall most of _____ four-
wheel-drive vehicles”?
a. its
b. their
29. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “There _____ several reasons why you should reconsider
your decision”?
a. is
b. are
30. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Derrick and Lucky, who _____ a copy center in town, have
decided to expand their business”?
a. runs
b. run
31. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Both of the statues on the shelf _____ broken”?
a. is
b. are
32. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The fishing boat that has been tied up at the pier for three
days _____ finally on its way this morning”?
a. was
b. were
33. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The chairman, along with his two assistants, _____ to attend
the annual convention”?
a. plans
b. plan
34. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The issues of inflation and tax reform _____ to be on
everyone’s mind”?
a. continues
b. continue
35. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Jonathan or Mark Anthony _____ the conference room
each week”?
a. prepares
b. prepare
36. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Not one of the performers _____ at the party after the
a. was
b. were
37. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The results of the election _____ not available for two
a. was
b. were
38. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “When there _____ thunderstorms approaching, we are
always reminded of the threat of tornadoes”?
a. is
b. are

39. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief
administrator _____ going to have to make a decision”?
a. is
b. are
40. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “_____ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this
a. is
b. are
41. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Some of the votes _____ to have been miscounted”?
a. seems
b. seem
42. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring
_____ more than just a nuisance”?
a. is
b. are
43. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to
give up a lot of time”?
a. has
b. have
44. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “James Yap, together with his teammates, _____ a formidable
opponent on the basketball court”?
a. presents
b. present
45. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “He seems to forget that there _____ things to be done before
he can graduate”?
a. is
b. are
46. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “There _____ to be some people left in that town after
yesterday’s flood”?
a. has
b. have
47. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Some of the grain _____ to be contaminated”?
a. appears
b. appear
48. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Three-quarters of the students _____ against the tuition
a. is
b. are
49. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “A high percentage of the population _____ voting for the
new school”?
a. is
b. are
50. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Both you and I _____ sure to receive athletic scholarships at
the end of this semester”?
a. is
b. are
51. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “I think that there _____ one of Quijano de Manila’s books
on Brian’s top shelf”?
a. was
b. were
52. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “I hope you didn’t buy any more of that popcorn that _____
not pop”?
a. do

b. does
53. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “White’s husband, along with two of his partners, _____
coming over for dinner”?
a. is
b. are
54. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “I know you’re busy, but there _____ two men at the door
asking for you”?
a. is
b. are
55. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Probably the professor or the department head _____ the
a. know
b. knows
56. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “According to the municipal health department, there _____
no cases of AIDS reported in the city last year”?
a. was
b. were
57. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The whole point of those songs _____ to make you cry”?
a. is
b. are
58. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The mineral that you often find in these rocks _____ the
cliffs a pink tint in the morning or evening light”?
a. give
b. gives
59. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “All the houses that face the pond _____ relying on well
a. is
b. are
60. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “That fabric is defective because the threads that go crosswise
near the top _____ little bumps”?
a. has
b. have
61. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The language of the workers on the road crew _____ me
wonder if my kids should be playing around them”?
a. make
b. makes
62. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “The president may not like the coverage he’s getting, but the
Bill of Rights _____ him from censoring it”?
a. prohibit
b. prohibits
63. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “While I’m cleaning out the stalls, there _____ never anyone
else around”?
a. is
b. are
64. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “One of the trainees in my class _____ that people can live
after death as zombies”?
a. believe
b. believes
65. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Most of the people in her church _____ agreed on at least
that one issue”?
a. has
b. have

66. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “It doesn’t matter to them that all of the scientific evidence
_____ them”?
a. contradict
b. contradicts
67. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Kevin will stop working at 5 p.m. even though some of the
other assemblers _____ not stop until 6:00”?
a. do
b. does
68. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Not everyone in these apartments _____ that way”?
a. feel
b. feels
69. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “With every day that Joshua lives in town, more of his
parents’ motives _____ clear to him”?
a. become
b. becomes
70. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “A high percentage of the people _____ voting for the new
a. was
b. were


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Direction: Identify what is being described in the following sentences:

Sculpture 1. The art of shapes, curves and forms. The most notable example
of which is Venus de Milo.
Philosophy 2. One example of this branch of art is religion which reflects a set
of principles and ideologies.

Non-Creative 3. This type of literature is characterized chiefly by the accuracy of
treatment or presentation of the subject matter.
Art 4. It is regarded as anything useful or functional, with value or
importance, interesting or anything that is beautiful.
Painting 5. The art of lines and colors. Notable examples of which include
Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Architecture 6. A branch of the arts in which some notable examples are the
Parthenon and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Somerset Maugham 7. He is the English author who coined the universal definition of a
short story.
Plot 8. It refers to the series of events in a novel or a short story.
Round Character 9. A character that is omnipresent or present all throughout the
Story Line/Grammar10. It consists of dots and lines or fill in the blanks type of analysis
in a novel or short story.
Foreshadowing 11. A literary technique that gives a hint or that leads to what is
most likely to happen next in the story.
Cast 12. It is the general collective name for the characters in a novel or
short story.
Message 13. It is the moral, values or lesson of the story.
Theme 14. An element of a short story that leads to what the story is all
Symbolism 15. It is usually an object that plays an important role in a novel or
short story.

Ended/Closed-Ended16. An ending where the writer or author has the freedom to write
his own ending of the story.
Stream of 17. A literary technique where the author describes what is
Consciousness happening in the mind of the main characters.
Lesson 18. It is the message of the story in fairy tales, fables and/or
Cameo Rolers 19. A flat character portrayed by a known personality or a notable
celebrity or public figure.
Static Character 20. An antagonist character who remains in character until the end
of the story.


Name: __________________________________________Score: __________

Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Direction: Encircle the simple predicate in the following sentences:

1. Frank will always hold a special place in my heart.

2. Joy and Karen are among the finest students I handle.
3. Kevin and Catherine were caught singing wildly by their teacher.
4. Jenny was exempted from the 20-item test this morning.
5. Allan and John went to SM-Marilao yesterday afternoon.
6. Sir Lucky had an overtime in III-Sampaguita last Friday.
7. Sir Santos and Ma’am Biong were typing the master list in the computer.
8. Ms. Pacheco will be crowned Ms. Faculty 2013.
9. Ryan and Paul, with Rjay and Catherine will have a double date this Sunday.
10. Arthur of III-Azucena is the ultimate crush of Micah.
11. Kathreen, Kristelle and Alice are going to organize a party on December.
12. Justine, Andrew, Nikko and Carl will be vying for the Mr. MNHS 2013 title.
13. Camille, Cathy and Chelsy are the lovely candidates of Ms. Meycauayan 2013.
14. Bernadette will be joining the Bb. Pilipinas pageant next year.
15. Riddick and Lawrence are sharing secrets on personal matters.
16. Mt. Pulag is about to erupt any time this week.
17. Classes will be suspended next week because of inclement weather.
18. Ninoy Aquino is the greatest Filipino I have ever known.
19. English and Science are truly an interesting subject.
20. Nella, Myrna, Nova and Beth will always be among the special friends in my life.
21. Winston used to be the love of my life in 2004.
22. Michelle and Chris will be dropping by at my place on November.
23. Jose and Jake are very good friends of Abegail.
24. Sir Cavas will always be an inspiration in my life.
25. Gemma is being courted by Joey, Kim and Daniel.
26. Mark Anthony was named Mr. J.S. last year.
27. Mommy Gloria is cooking a very special dinner for all of us.
28. Romeo is the handsome escort of III-Lily.
29. Jerry is going to visit me at home tonight.
30. Aubrey will be running president at the SSG elections.

Name: __________________________________________Score: __________
Year and Section: ________________ Teacher : ________________________


Direction: Identify the following statements as a FACT or an OPINION:

Opinion 1. To be a leader is to be a good follower.

Fact 2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Opinion 3. Love can never be forced, it grows out naturally; it is not asked nor
begged upon but given freely – that’s the real essence of love.
Opinion 4. True friends are better than best friends – in general.
Fact 5. According to an adage, experience is the best teacher.
Fact 6. Some politicians are just there because of the handsome salary.
Fact 7. Money can change the character of a person.
Opinion 8. Sex is the most wonderful gift from God.
Opinion 9. Love is sweeter the second time around.
Opinion 10. There is always a second chance in everything.
Fact 11. Money is very important in one’s life.
Fact 12. Love cannot live where there is no trust.
Opinion 13. The first is always the best.
Opinion 14. Same sex relationship may be a sin but is never immoral for it is a
form of love.
Opinion 15. Malaysia is the largest archipelago in the world.
Fact 16. Envy is the root of all evil according to the sensual novelist Harold
Fact 17. “Makamisa” is the third novel of Rizal which was unpublished.
Fact 18. The Philippines is considered as the text capital of the world.
Fact 19. Australia is the largest island country in the world.
Opinion 20. Melanie Marquez is the loveliest Filipina beauty queen ever.


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