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Written by : Firda Mauliza

Nim : 1042018024
Unit/Semester : 2/VI
Mata Kuliah : Micro Teaching (B)
Prodi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Supervisor : Nina Afrida, S.Pd,M.Pd.



TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………..…… i
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY……………………………………………….…. 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION………………………………….……………..……2
CHAPTER III CLOSING……………………………………….……………..…3


A. Background
Teaching and learning is an activity between teacher and student which has
educational value. Interactions that have educational value due to the teaching and
learning activities carried out are directed to achieve certain goals carried out.
Teachers consciously plan their teaching activities systematically by making use of
everything for the benefit of teaching. Learning and teaching are two concepts that
cannot be separated from each other. Learning refers to what a person must do as a
subject who receives lessons (target students), while teaching refers to what the
teacher as a teacher must do. The two concepts are integrated into one activity when
teacher – student, student – student interaction occurs when the teaching take place.
This the meaning of learning and teaching as a process. Teacher – student interaction
as the main meaning of the teaching process plays an important role in achieving
effective teaching goals. Given that students are both subjects and objects in teaching/
the core of the teaching process is none other than student learning activities in
achieving a teaching goal. The teacher as a guide or regulator of the teaching and
learning process, has a responsibility in learning so that the objectives of teaching and
learning activities can be achieved.


Teaching during this pandemic season must strictly adhere to health protocols.
Before I do teaching and learning activities, first wash my hands and use a hand
sanitizer to avoid viruses. My teaching process is offline. I teach two students named
Alifa Anisa Dira and Haura, a student from SMP 1 Negeri Kota Langsa. When
teaching the greeting material during Ramadan, I encountered difficulties because the
student lacked vocabulary. I have encountered many kinds of characteristics of
students in the teaching and learning process. By understanding all the characters of
students, we as teacher can find out how we deal with these children, because not all
students understand our way of teaching. In teaching I have to be gentle so that they
can easily understand the material I provide. The success of students is our collective
responsibility, by working hard, we can learn from it and get good results. As
teachers and educators, the success of students is of course our main goal, but not
only that, apart from the success of students in attitude and character is also a very
important main goal.

For me, the teaching and learning process during the pandemic was very
impressive. Teaching and learning process with health protocol. There are so many
different characteristic of students and as a teacher must understand each of the
characteristic of these students. The teaching method used must also be in an easy
way so that students understand the material is some that are easy to understand and
some are difficult. As a teacher must understand the problems experienced by


Education unit: SMP Negeri 1 Langsa

Subjects: English
Level / semester: VII / 2
Text type: Functional text
Aspect / skill: Speaking
Time allocation: 3 × 40
Material: Greeting

1. Competency Standards: 3. Speaking

Expressing meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversations is very
simple to interact with the immediate environment.

Basic competence: 3.1.

Express meaning in transactional (to get thing done) and interpersonal
(socializing) conversations by using a variety of very simple spoken language
accurately, fluently, and acceptably for interacting with the immediate environment
involving speech acts: greeting people who are not or already known, introducing
self or others and rule and forbid.

Indicators: 3.1.1 Using an expression of greeting a stranger or already known.

3.1.2 Using expressions introducing yourself or others
3.1.3 Using the expression command or prohibit

Purpose of Learning :
1. Find and understand the greeting function.
2. Able to greet and respond to greetings from others.
3. Use this expression to interact with friends.
4. Say hello and respond to commands and restrictions.
5. Introducing yourself and others.

Learning Materials :
 Greeting: Good morning, good afternoon, good night, good evening, how are
you, etc.
 Greeting responses: Hi, hello, I'm fine, how do you do, etc.
 Vocabulary: Verb: stand up, sit down, open, take, put, show, etc.
 Noun: book, pen, pencil, bag, table, chair, etc.
 Response: Yes sir / maam / miss /, no I won't, of course I will, sure I will
 Introducing: My name is… I'm… I live in… I have… I like… My nick name
is…. You can call me .. Can you spell your name… How do you spell your
name? I am from… .My hometown is..Where are you from?… .Where is
your hometown? How old is..What age is… .. What is …… job? I am…
..My Job is ..
 Pronouns: I, he, she, her, his, we, my, your, our, her, their, his, etc.

Learning Methods :
 PPP ( Persentation, Practice and production )

Learning steps :
1. Initial activity
 Students and teachers greet and pray.
 Students with teacher conditions in class.
 The teacher conveys the topic and learning objectives.
 The teacher conveys the learning steps

2. core activities
The teacher gives an example of how to greet others

greeting is an expression that is usually used by someone to greet or greet other


Teacher            : hello, good morning student

Students          : good morning, miss

Teacher            : how are you?

Student           : we are fine, thank you.

Teacher            : now, listen repeat after me!

( repeat twice or three times)

The teacher asks the students to imitate speech teacher 

 Good morning/ afternoon / night/ evening.

 Good morning sir/ maam/ miss/ madam
 Hello Shinta
 Hi Sinka
 Students : ………
 Teacher : how are you, we are fine, I’m fine, fine, very well
 Students : ……….

(Repeat this activity for several time until students understand)

Teachers show again objects that are already known while saying his name in
Teacher            : Look! This a pen, a ruler, a pencil, etc

Students          : ……..

Teacher            : Good, thank you

Teacher gives examples of how to introduce others. Teacher with two students

Teacher  : ok. Class. Pay attention to me! Come here Bayu and susi

Teacher  : This is Susi

Susi        : Hi, class.nice to meet you

Class      : Nice to meet you,too.

Teacher   : This is Bayu

Bayu       : Hello, I’m glad to meet you

Class       : Glad to meet you too.

Closing activity :

 Students learning with the teacher concludes.

 Students reflect on the activities already carried out.
 Learners answer the questions given by the teacher

Learning Resources :

English books class VII, markers, white board.

Evaluation :

Technical: Oral test.

Form: Identification

Instrument: Attached

Pra Test :

1. Handy : Hi Heni, how are you?

Heni    : . . . , And you?
Handy : I’m OK.
A.      How do you do?
B.      Fine, thanks.
C.      Goodbye
D.     Yes, I am.

2. Handy : It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.

Mum   : Good night darling.
Handy : . . . Mum.
A.      I love you too.
B.      Good evening.
C.      I’m very well.
D.     Good night.

3. Ghania : Thanks for coming.

Aisyah  : . . . 
A.      Coming soon.
B.      My pleasure.
C.      Let’s do it.
D.     Thanks.

4. Father : Can you get me the newspaper?

Ghania : . . .
Father : Thanks.
A.      It’s not here.
B.      No thanks.
C.      Here it is.
D.     I’m busy.

5. Rusty : I’m sorry for losing your pencil, Aksha.

Aksha: . . . Just, don’t do it again.
Ruaty : I promise I will not.
A.      You are right.
B.      It’s alright.
C.      I’m sad.
D.     Never

Post Test :

1. Ester : I’m Ester. How do you do? 
Fitri: .............. I’m Fitriyani Maida.

a. Are you ok ?
b. How are you? 
c. How do you do.
d. I am fine. 
e. Good morning. 

2. Bobby : Hi, Ace. ..........
 Ace : Great! How about you? 
Bobby : It’s good, thanks. 

a. What are you doing? 
b. Where have you been? 
c. What is she doing? 
d. Glad to see you. 
e. How’s life?
3. The way to ask someone’s news is?

a. How are you?  
b. Where are you? 
c. What is that? 
d. Do you like it? 
e. When is your birthday? 
4. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. 
Gina will go to school. 
She says......... to his parents. 
a. Good night  
b. Good afternoon 
c. Good bye.
d. Good morning. 
e. Good day. 
5. It’s nine o’clock in the night. 
Gina will go to sleep. 
He says....... to his parents 
a. Good night  
b. Good afternoon 
c. Good bye. 
d. Good morning
e. Good day.
Flayer Promotion
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