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21 date ideas

First date is always important because it’s where you drop your first impression and
most importantly, it plays a big role to determine whether or not this relationship will
work out.

It’s just like choosing what to read. Let’s not talk about the book cover (I know, I know,
Don’t just a book by its cover!) so now we all judge by how the story begins. No matter
how amazing the storyline is, if the introduction failed to grab readers’ attention, no one
is going to read it because no one likes to get their time wasted. Relationship works this
way too.

If you need ideas to secure your first date and your own impression, You’ve
come to the right place! When I first started dating, my idea of a date was the
stereotypical cheap-dinner-and-a-movie. Don’t hate on me, I didn’t know any better! By
the time I finished high school I was pretty comfortable in my own skin and got pretty
good at coming up with ideas for dates. I’ve put together a list of some of my favorites as
well as some suggested by friends. Enjoy!

Outdoor Adventures
1. Go for a walk – This is such a simple first date idea but most shy away from it
because they feel like they must do something complex in order for their date to
be impressed. Wrong! The only ideas you need to impress your date with are the
ones that you articulate as your conversation progresses. If you are an interesting
person and have found a fun person to spend time with, rest assured that a walk
about town will be just fine. Remember, the idea is to leave your date wanting
more. As a warning, you may be tempted to start talking about previous
relationships. Don’t. That’s not how to get over an ex. Rather, enjoying the
company of a fun new person without dwelling on the past will serve you best!

2. Watch an outdoor movie – Going to a movie is pretty worn out in the world
of first date ideas. You can resurrect it in a fun way by going to see a movie
outdoors or, even better, at a drive-in movie theater if you still happen to have
one near where you live.

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3. Create your own picnic – Pick a nice spot near where you’re meeting up and
swing by a grocery store or take-out restaurant for some quick eats before setting
up camp for food and conversation with your new favorite person. There’s no
need to spend a lot of money. Picnics are supposed to be simple and you want it
to be about getting to know your date, not truffles wrapped in gold foil!
4. Go boating – The idea of sailing on a first date seems like a recipe for disaster
but something milder, like canoeing, row boating, or taking a paddle boat out on
a sunny afternoon would work well. Admittedly, the last time I took a girl on a
paddle boat for a date we both ended up soaking wet with marsh moss in our
hair. It was amazing though!
5. Go for a run together – If running is your idea of a good time, an easy run
with a new friend can make for a great date!
6. Volunteer at a soup kitchen – One of the best first dates I’ve ever been on
involved meeting up with a woman at 5:30am to serve breakfast at the local soup
kitchen. Not only did we get to know each other better but we got to do
something worthwhile that helped our community. It’s hard to come up with a
reason why giving back to your community could be considered a bad idea for a
first date! If you don’t have a soup kitchen or other short-order volunteer
opportunity, be creative and come up with your own. There is always somebody
nearby who could use some help if we are willing to give it.
7. Get up insanely early and be the first customers at your favorite
breakfast joint – You’ll get a chance to chat before the restaurant gets busy and
have time to do some people-watching when the regulars start pouring in. Note:
If you find somebody who is cool with rolling out of bed early to join you for a
breakfast date, it’d be a bad idea to let them get away!

Indoor Sweetness
1. Take an intro yoga or other fitness class – If you’re really out of shape, this
might not be a great idea for a first date. Otherwise, pick a class that will fit both
of your fitness levels and have some fun! You should know that getting hot and
2. Visit a psychic – Everybody likes to know the future, well, at least a prediction
of it!
3. Visit a shut-in – This might not seem like it belongs on a list of first date ideas
but if you step away from your preconceptions, I think you might consider it and
even try it out. Visiting people who are unable to get out and enjoy regular social
interactions isn’t just a worthwhile use of your time. It gives you a chance to learn
a bit about the character of your date. Is he or she willing to spend time with
people who are in need? If your date is unkind it will only be a matter of time
before that unkindness is pointed at you. Seek the good hearts!
4. Play video games – Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, it doesn’t matter. If your date
is into video games and you’ve got strong thumbs, it might be time for a bit of
virtual smackdown! Just be careful not to beat your date too badly at whatever
video game you decide to play. You don’t want your first date ideas to turn into
video-game-inspired revenge ideas.
5. Take a music lesson together – Have you always wanted to learn how to play
the guitar or some other instrument? Inviting a date along for a partner lesson at
a local music school might be a fun way to start your lesson and get the much-
dreaded first date out of the way.
6. Go to a used bookstore – It can be a new bookstore if you insist. It doesn’t
matter! If you and your date enjoy reading and perusing books, hitting up a
bookstore on a first date may just end up being one of the ideas that sets you on a
quick course to true love.
7. Go gift shopping – Not for each other, but for somebody else. Perhaps you
need to pick up a gift for your sister or some other relative and you need some
insight into the process? Ask your date to give you some in-motion advice and
perhaps even pick up something small for each other. Trinkets only. Save the cars
and fur coats for later dates!

Play It Safe Ideas

1. Take a cooking class together – Check your local community college or
continuing education program for listings of cooking classes you can take if there
isn’t a culinary school to be found.
2. Visit a tourist hot spot in your town that neither of you has been to
before – Even if you’ve been living in the same place for years, there’s a great
chance that you’ll have missed at least a few interesting places in your
community. If it turns out that your chosen spot is a dud, get creative and come
up with a few quick ideas to finish off your date. Most will give you a lot of slack if
little things go wrong. Just keep the conversation interesting and the venue won’t
be such a killer.
3. Attend a local film or music festival – It’s a rare individual who won’t enjoy
a local festival at least a bit. This is a pretty safe bet for anybody but the most
boring of people.
4. Meet up for a drink – This is one of the safest, and therefore one of the most-
used first date ideas. You can make things a bit more adventurous by visiting a
jazz club or finding a bar that will teach you to make new drinks. Of course, you
could always go and grab some bottled water.
5. Visit a new restaurant – There’s a bit of risk in eating at a new restaurant
because you can’t be sure of the quality but this first date idea still makes the
“safe” list because it’s not hugely risky.
6. Eat in – Do you already have great cooking skills? If so, break ’em out for an
early dinner! You might want to check for possible food allergies before you start
sharing your iron chef skills though.
7. Phone it in – Oh yeah, the date that consists entirely of talking into a small
electronic device. This one is for all you cyber dating pros out there looking for
first date ideas like you planned on doing something other than talking on your
phone.All jokes aside, there are some benefits to phoning in. Sure, you don’t get
to see your date’s face while you’re talking, but that also means that you don’t
have to get dressed up or worry about what your face looks like. See? Might not
be a bad idea.

Things to keep in mind on your first date

So now I guess you have sufficient ideas on where to go on your first date. Still, I would
like to remind you some of the important things that you need to keep in mind if you
want your first date to be perfect!

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1. Don’t be late. This is a common rule but a lot of people still fail to do so. No one
likes to spend their timing waiting and being late is simply disrespectful. Give
yourself enough time to prepare and try to arrive the location 10-15 mins earlier.
If you are running late, make sure you give your date a call or text so they can go
to a cafe or find somewhere to sit while waiting for you.
2. Don’t get over-dressed. I know how that feel, you want to look perfect for your
date and try very hard to dress up to impress them. However, it’s best to dress
according to the event you are going to. Imagine if you guys are going for pinic
and you are in suit or high heels, that would be super awkward for both of you. I
am pretty sure you won’t impress him/her for this.
3. Don’t talk about past relationship. Either asking or talking about them are a
big “NO-NO”. This is something very personal to ask on a first date because you
are not sure whether your date is comfortable to talk about it. Talking about your
ex might also leave your date an impression that you still haven’t moved on yet.
4. Don’t get too drunk. If you can’t control yourself when you are drunk, I am
pretty sure you know what to do. Also, it’s always nice to stay a sharp mind to
remember all the things that happened on your first dates so you guys can start to
build on memories and topics to talk about on your next date.
5. Do offer to split the bill. If you are a guy and you feel comfortable to pay the
bill, that’s very nice of you. But for ladies, don’t just sit there and expect people to
pay for your meal, it’s always nice to offer help on the bill! It shows that you are
friendly and considerable person. Of course, if the guy insist to pay, just let them
do the job and don’t argue over it.
6. Don’t focus on talking about yourself. Who doesn’t love to understood?
Dates are supposed to be chances for you guys to know more about each other
before getting into a relationship (or friendship, oops) So if you can’t help to
blablabla about yourself, you will leave an impression of you not interested in
your dates. Always remember it’s not a stand-up comedy, it’s a CONVERSAION.
Try to ask your dates about their interests, jobs and hobbies, nothing too serious
and personal!

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