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✺ Modals और उनके योग

⚝ Can का योग

1. वतमान यो यता या मता के लए [ Be Able To , Know How To ]

➣ I Can Solve Any Question Of This Exercise .

➣ She Can Lift 100 Kg . Weight At A Time .
➣ He Can Repair This Watch .

2. वतमान आ ा कम औपचा रक या अनौपचा रक [ Be Allowed To , Be

Permitted To ] : :

➣ Can I Use Your Pen , Dear Friend ?

➣ Can You Guide Me , Brother ?

3. वतमान यावहा रक या सामा य संभावना के लए

➣ Anybody Can Make Mistake .

➣ We Can Learn By Mistakes .
➣ Can It Be A Murder ?

4. घबराहट या बेचैनी को नवाचक वा य ारा कट करना

➣ What Can He Mean ? ( Puzzlement )

➣ Where Can I Study ? ( Impatience )

5. संभावना वाले Conditional वा य म

➣ If You Request , He Can Help You .
➣ If She Tries , She Can Achieve It .

6. भूतकाल के काय के अनुमान हेतु Can + Perfect Infinitive ( Have + V-III )

➣ He Went Early So He Can Have Caught The Bus .

Can't : Can के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ I Can't Do It . ( Inability )
➣ I Can't Lift It . ( Incapacity )
➣ You Can't Use It. ( Not Allowed ) Or ( Prohibition )
➣ Can't We Make Mistake ? ' ( Possibility )
➣ She Can't Be My Sister . ( Negative Deduction / Assumption )
➣ He Went Late So He Can't Have Caught The Bus . ( Negative Past Deduction /
Assumption )

⚝ Could का योग

1 . भूतकाल क यो यता या मता [ Be Able To , Knew How To ]

➣ I Could Leam Fast When I Was Young .

➣ She Could Swim When She Was At School .
➣ He Could Type Fast When He Was In The Job .

2 . वतमान या भ व य क आ ा

➣ Could I Use It Now ?

➣ Could I Use It Tomorrow ?
➣ Could I Smoke In Here ?

3 . वतमान संभावना ( यावहा रक या वा त वक )

➣ The Road Could Be Blocked .
➣ We Could Attend The Meeting .

4. आक मक संभावना या यो यता - अवा त वक थतम

➣ If I Had More Money , I Could Buy A Bunglow .

➣ If She Won A Lottery , She Could Live Leisurely .

5 . वन ाथना

➣ Could You Help Me , Please ?

6 . घबराहट या बेचैनी — वतमान म

➣ What Could I Do About It ? ( Puzzlement )

➣ What Could This Result In ? ( Impatience )

7 . सामा य आ ा भूतकाल क

➣ They Could Play More On Sundays Those Days .

8 . संभावना — यदा - कदा

➣ He Could Be Very Rough .

➣ The Sea Could Be Stormy In Summer .

9 . भूतकाल का अपूण काय Could + Perfect Infinitive Expresses

➣ He Could Have Helped Her . ( But He Didn't Help Her )

Couldn't : Could के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ I Couldn't Learn Fast When I Was Young . ( Inability )

➣ He Couldn't Type Fast When He Was In Job . ( Incapacity )
➣ We Couldn't Attend The Meeting . ( No Possibility )
➣ They Couldn't Play More Even On Sundays Those Days . ( No Permission )

⚝ May का योग

1 . औपचा रक आ ा

➣ May I Come In , Sir ?

➣ You May Come In .

2 . संभावना ( अ धकांशत : त याधा रत )

➣ The Clouds Are Dark So It May Rain .

➣ She May Obtain Good Marks As She Is Working Hard .

3 . इ छा / आशीवाद

➣ May You Live Long !

➣ May God Bless You !

4 . भूतकाल के अनुमान May + Perfect Infinitive

➣ She Went Late So She May Have Missed The Train .

5 . संभावना वाले Conditional वा य म

➣ If You Try , You May Reach The Goal .

6 . अ भावी परामश

➣ You May Go As Well , If You Like .

Mayn't : May के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ It May Not Rain Tonight . ( No Possibility )
➣ You May Not Come In . ( No Permission )
➣ She Went Early So She May Not Have Missed The Train . ( Negative Past
Deduction ) .

⚝ Might का योग

1. ीण संभावना

➣ The Last Bus Has Gone So He Might Come Now .

➣ There Are Very Few Clouds So It Might Rain .

2 . यावहा रक या वा त वक संभावना

➣ What You Say Might Be True .

➣ The Road Might Be Blocked For The VIP .

3 . आ ा के लए

➣ Might I Smoke In Here ?

➣ Might I Ask A Question ?

4 . भूतकाल के अनुमान के लए Might + Perfect Infinitive

➣ She Might Have Missed The Train Though She Went Early . ( She Did Not Miss
The Train But There Was Possibility )

5 . आक मक ाथना (Casual Request)

➣ You Might Post These For Me .

6 . न दा मक ाथना (Reproachable Request)

➣ You Might Help Me . ( You Should Have Helped Me But You Didn ' T Help . )
7 . झुंझलाहट के लए

➣ He Might Pay Us . ( He Should Have Paid But He Didn ' T Pay . )

8 . अ भावी परामश (Unemphatic Advice)

➣ You Have Got Failed Many Times Even If You Like You May Try Once More .

Mightn't : Might के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ The Road Might Not Be Blocked . ( No Possibility )

➣ She Might Not Have Missed The Train . ( Negative Past Deduction )

⚝ Shall का योग

1 . वादा , कामना , ढ न चय , इरादा , हठ आ द के लए

➣ You Shall Bring A Watch For Me . ( Promise )

➣ He Shall Buy A Car . ( Willingness )
➣ She Shall Doit . ( Determination )
➣ They Shall Sell This House . ( Intention )
➣ He Shall Switch On The Radio At Full Volume When Everyone Else Wants To
Sleep . ( Obstinate Insistence )

2 . कानूनी , अ - कानूनी या वा ण क े म

➣ Every Citizen Shall Have Right To Live . ( Legal )

➣ The Govt . Executive Directed That The Company Shall Pay The Loss . ( Quasi -
Legal )
➣ Every Customer Shall Buy The Products At His / Her On Risk . ( Commercial )

3 . परामश या ाथना
➣ Shall We Sit Here For Some Time ?

4 . इ छा जानने के लए

➣ Shall I Bring The Files At Your House ?

Shan't : Shall के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ Promise , You Shall Not Help Him .

➣ They Shall Not Sell This House . ( No Intention )
➣ He Shall Not Buy A Car . ( No Willingness )

⚝ Will का योग

1 . वादा , इ छा , इरादा , ढ़ न चय , हठ आ द के लए

➣ I Will Help You . ( Promise )

➣ I Will Buy A Car . ( Willingness )
➣ We Will Build A House . ( Intention )
➣ We Will Work Hard . ( Determination )
➣ Whatever You Say , I Will Do It . ( Obstinate Insistence )

2 . भ व यवाणी के लए

➣ India Will Be A World Super Power By 2025 .

3 . आमं ण या वन नवेदन

➣ Will You Take A Cup Of Tea , Please ?

➣ Will You Help Me , Please ?

4 . सहम त के लए Conditional Clause म

➣ If You Will Forgive Me , I Promise To Be Good .
➣ We Shall Be Very Happy , If You Will Come To Tea .

5 . नयोजन व यव था के लए

➣ The Stores Will Stay Open Till 10 Pm .

6 . वन नदश या आदेश

➣ You Will Reach Office Tomorrow Sharp At 10 A.M.

7 . भावी अनुमान

➣ They Will Have Much Amusement Tomorrow In The Party .

8 . भूतकाल का अनुमान

➣ She Will Have Heard The News .

Won't : Will के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ Won't You Have A Cup Of Tea ? ( Invitation )

➣ She Won't Have Heard The News . ( Negative Deduction )

⚝ Should का योग

1 . बा यता व तकसंगत आव यकता

➣ She Should Do As They Say .

➣ She Should Be Home By Now .

2 . परामश
➣ You Should Work Hard .
➣ The Rich Should Help The Poor .

3 . ब त कम संभा वत Condition बताने हेतु

➣ Should It Rain Today , The Evening Will Be Pleasant .

➣ Should You Win A Lottery , Would You Help Me ?

4 . इ छा कट करने हेतु

➣ I Did Not Wish That You Should Leave Me Alone .

➣ I Did Not Like That My Son Should Join The Army .

5 . आशा कट करने हेतु

➣ They Should Be Here Any Moment Now .

6 . उ े य कट करने हेतु

➣ Be Careful Lest You Should Catch Infection .

➣ They Killed The Prisoners Lest They Should Escape .

7 . Should + Perfect Infinitive To Show Past Deduction

➣ He Should Have Caught The Bus Since He Started Early .

Shouldn’t : Should के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ You Should Not Help Him .( Negative Advice )

➣ He Shouldn't Have Caught The Bus . ( Negative Deduction )

⚝ Would का योग

1. भूतका लक आदत
➣ We Would Sit On The Hilltop In Childhood .
➣ I Would Love Film Music In Young Age.

2 . वन ाथना ( क तु Could से कम वन )

➣ Would You Please Convey My Message ?

➣ Would You Kindly Close The Door ?

3 . कभी - कभी ढ़ न चय कट करने हेतु ( क तु Will / Shall से कम ढ़ न चय )

➣ He Would Do It Whether You Like It Or Not .

4. इ छा कटीकरण हेतु

➣ Would That I Were A Bird !

5. To Express A ‘Hopeless Wish’ With ‘If Only’

➣ If Only He Would Come !

6 . अ न चय बताने हेतु

➣ He Would Go If He Were Asked .

➣ She Would Agree If She Were Approached .

7 . इ छा कट करने के लए

➣ Would You Excuse Me ?

8 . दबाव डालने हेतु (Insistence )

➣ It's Your Fault ; You Would Pay The Penalty .

9 . संभावना
➣ That Would Be His Mother .

10 . इ छाश क धानता हेतु

➣ I Think He Would Rather Have Tea .

11. कम संभव Conditional Sentences म

➣ If He Did Stop Him , He Would Smoke Too Much .

12 .असंभव Conditional वा य म

➣ Had He Worked Hard , He Would Have Passed .

Wouldn't : Would के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ We Would Not Sit On The Hilltops In Childhood .( No Past Habit )

➣ It's Not Your Fault , You Wouldn't Pay Penalty .( Negative Insistence )
➣ That Wouldn't Be His Mother . ( No Probability )

⚝ Must का योग

1 . अ नवायता , बा यता आ द कट करने हेतु

➣ You Must Have A Licence To Drive A Vehicle .

➣ Every Employee Must Follow Rules .

2 . तकाधा रत अ नवायता या अ धक संभावना

➣ The Lights Are On , Somebody Must Be In The Room .

3 . मजबूत परामश
➣ You Are Seriously Ill So You Must Go To A Hospital .
➣ She Must Work Hard To Be In The Merit List .

4 . भूतका लक अनुमान Past Deductions With Must + Perfect Infinitive

➣ You Must Have Got A Job By That Time .

➣ She Went Early So She Must Have Caught The Bus .

Mustn't Or Musn't

1 . नषेध

➣ You Musn't Park Your Vehicle Here .

➣ We Mustn't Change The Lane .

2. Must के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ Lights Are Off So She Mustn't Be In The Room . ( Negative Probability )

➣ She Went Late So She Mustn't Have Caught The Bus . ( Negative Past
Deduction )

⚝ Ought To का योग

1 . नै तक कत य

➣ You Ought To Serve Your Parents .

➣ Everyone Ought To Obey The Olders .

2 . परामश

➣ You Ought To Take Some Exercise .

3 . तकाधा रत अ नवायता या आशा

➣ They Ought To Be Here By Now .
➣ They Ought To Start At Once .

4 . भूतका लक अनुमान Past Deduction With Ought To + Perfect Infinitive

➣ She Ought To Have Caught The Bus .

5 . भूतका लक अपूण काय

➣ She Ought To Have Conveyed It . ( But She Didn't )

Oughtn't To : Ought To के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ You Oughtn't To Eat Too Many Breads . ( Advice In Negative )

➣ She Oughtn't Have Missed The Train Since She Started Early . ( Negative
Deduction )

✺ Semi - Modals

⚝ Needn't का योग

1 . बा यता का अभाव या अ नवायता नह

➣ You Needn't Wear A Sweater As The Days Are Warm .

➣ You Needn't Travel By Air .

2 . भूतका लक काय जसम अ नवायता नह थी Past Action Neither Necessary

Nor Obligatory - With Needn't Perfect Infinitive

➣ You Needn't Have Done It . ( But You Did It )

⚝ Daren't का योग
1. साहस का अभाव

➣ He Daren't Touch Me .
➣ The USA Daren't Attack China .

⚝ Used To का योग

1 . Past Habits : भूतका लक आदत

➣ I Used To Exercise Daily In Young Age .

➣ She Used To Swim One Hour Daily In Childhood .

2 . आदी होना

➣ We Are Now Used To Work Without Electricity .

➣ I Am Now Used To Exercise Daily .

Usedn't To : Used To के योग का नकारा मक प

➣ I Usedn't To Exercise Daily In Young Age .

➣ She Usedn't To Swim Daily One Hour In Childhood .

✺ Modals का योग करते समय कुछ नयम का यान


1 . Modals का Main Verb के प म योग कभी नह कया जा सकता ; जैसे -

( A ) I Will You My Notes . (✖)

       I Will Lend You My Notes . (✔)
( B ) Work Hard Lest You Should .(✖)
       Work Hard Lest You Should Fail . (✔)

2 . Modal का योग अकेले नह होता ब क सदैव Main Verb के साथ होता है । (

Modals Do Not Convey A Meaning On Their Own . )

3 . Modals कभी भी Subject के Number , Gender या Person के अनुसार नह

बदलती ह । ( Modals Do Not Change Form With Persons , Gender And
Number . )

( A ) I Can Climb Up A Tree .

( B ) He Can Climb Up A Tree .
( C ) They Can Climb Up A Tree .
( D ) She Can Climb Up A Tree .

4 . Question Tags म Modals वतं रहती ह ; जैसे -

( A ) You Should Never Tell A Lie . Should You ?

( B ) Mary Can't Swim , Can She ?

5 . Modals के बाद हमेशा Verb क First Form का योग होता है । ( A Modal

Always Takes The Root Form Of The Verb . )

( A ) I Can Drive A Car .

( B ) I Could Help You Last Year .
( C ) May You Live Long !
( D ) He Might Stand First .

6 . दो Modal Verbs का एक साथ योग नह होता है ; जैसे -

➣ He Should Must Go Now .(✖)

यहाँ Should Must का योग एक साथ गलत है । ले कन दो Modal Verbs का योग एक
Conjunction से जोड़कर कया जा सकता है ; जैसे -
➣ He Should And Must Go Now . (✔)

7 . जब Primary Auxiliary तथा एक Modal Auxiliary का योग And से जोड़कर

कया जाए तथा उनके लए एक ही Main Verb का योग हो , तो आव यकतानुसार
दोन Auxiliaries के लए Main Verb के प को प कर देना चा हए ; जैसे -

➣ He Has Done And Will Do A Lot Of Work .(✔)

➣ Ram Has And Will Work Hard .(✖)
इस वा य म Has के बाद Worked का योग नह कया गया है । अतः इसका शु प इस
कार से होगा -
Ram Has Worked And Will Work Hard .

8 . जब दो Subjects भ न - भ न Numbers के ह तथा उनके साथ दो Helping

Verbs ‘To Be’ और ‘Have’ आ द का योग हो , तो दोन Subjects के लए Helping
Verbs का योग कया जाता है ; जैसे -

➣ Three Were Killed And One Was Injured .(✔)

➣ Two Were Intelligent But One Dull .(✖)
इस वा य म One के बाद Was का योग नह कया गया है । अत : इसका शु प इस कार
से होगा -
➣ Two Were Intelligent But One Was Dull .

़ वभ
नोट : यह पीडीऍफ ोत से त य एक त कर बनायी गयी है | य द इसम कोई ट
ु ी पायी जाती है तो नॉलेज हब सं चालक
क ज मेदारी नही होगी |

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