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PropertyGuru Akuisisi iProperty Malaysia dan thinkofliving

PropertyGuru to Acquire REA Group's Malaysia,

Thailand Units - Questions

Home, Guru will acquire, Brickz. my in Malaysia and thinkofliving. com and Prakard. com in Thailand,
strengthening its position as Southeast Asia's Proptech leader Brands to run individually and home
applicants will gain from combined investment in technology and innovation Agents and developers will
enjoy larger reach and easier access to house seekers REA Group to end up being investor and take a seat on
Property, Master Board SINGAPORE AND SYDNEY, 31 May 2021 Property, Guru Group ('Residential Or
Commercial Property, Expert' or 'the Group'), Southeast Asia's leading home innovation ('Proptech')
business and REA Group (ASX: REA), an ASX noted, international digital company specialising in
residential or commercial property markets and information assets, today revealed they have actually
participated in an arrangement where Home, Expert will get all of the shares in REA Group's operating
entities in Malaysia and Thailand, which operate i, Residential or commercial property.

my in Malaysia and thinkofliving. com and Prakard. com in Thailand. As part of the contract, REA Group
will receive an 18% equity interest in the bigger Home, Guru Group and select a Director to the Board. The
transaction is expected to close in July 2021. The acquisitions underpin Residential or commercial property,
Master's method of being the No.

Also Found Here :both" id="content-section-

1">Excitement About iProperty Malaysia -
Home-grown in Singapore, Home, Expert operates leading residential or commercial property marketplaces
in five of the most significant Southeast Asian economies. The addition of these organizations will boost
Home, Master's ability to provide house applicants with transparent and easy access to the most thorough set
of information, actionable insights, and services to support their homeownership goals in Southeast Asia. and i, Home. are 2 quickly growing and best-in-class property marketplaces in Malaysia.
The two brand names have unique and complementary audiences and the transaction will see both brand
names maintained. The acquisition will have the following advantages: It will make it possible for both
companies to integrate resources, accelerate innovation and offer enhanced digital services to house seekers,
property representatives and designers.

About Traffic Ranking & Marketing Analytics

Leveraging the Group's bigger customer base, it will help with higher innovation for and wider inclusion of
Malaysian property agents and developers in the Southeast Asian home community. The acquisitions will
likewise accelerate Residential or commercial property, Master's aspiration of becoming the "Trust
Platform" for the residential or commercial property environment: A platform that links Southeast Asia's
property markets into an effective community that builds relied on relationships in between agents,
customers, designers, valuers and banks by driving greater transparency and effectiveness.

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