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Name: Jeth A. Mahusay Instructor: Ms.

Anna Mae Magbanua,


Course and Year: BSA-3 Subject: Accounting Research Methods

Module 4

1. In not more than 100 words, prior to conduct of the study, what are
some ethical issues that need to be addressed and how?

Unethical Leadership

One thing is having a personal problem with your supervisor, but

reporting to an official who is acting unethically is another. This can
come in an apparent way, such as changing numbers in a report or
wasting money on unethical things for the company; but in the form of
coercion, receiving inappropriate gifts from vendors, or telling you to
miss a normal protocol only once, it may also happen more subtly.

To address and prevent unethical leadership, business owners

and their management should work with the employees by creating
code of conduct, lead by example, reinforce consequences for
unethical behavior, show employees appreciation, welcome an ethics
speaker, create checks and balances and hire of values.

2. Cite the literature provided below using the following styles:

The organizational engagement in the higher education
community refers to the inclination of teaching and non-teaching
workers to serve outside their assigned job role to accomplish the
organization's goals and ambitions (Poliquit, Ferrater-Gemina, Etcuban
& Gamaya, 2018). In addition, this analysis calculated the employees'
organizational contribution in the Philippines at a higher education
institution (HEI). In addition, the analysis concluded that HEI workers
do not show a high or optimal degree of loyalty either to their assigned
job or to the institution in general. .Researchers therefore indicated
that the administrator should follow the proposed workforce growth
strategy proposed.
Poliquit, Ferrater-Gemina, Etcuban and Gamaya (2018) claimed that in
the higher education setting, organizational engagement refers to the
inclination of teaching and non-teaching workers to serve outside their
assigned job role in order to meet the organization's goals and
ambitions. The organizational contribution of employees at a higher
education institution (HEI) in the Philippines was determined in this
report. Furthermore, the analysis concluded that HEI workers do not
show a strong or optimal degree of loyalty either to their assigned job
or to the company in general. Consequently, the researchers
suggested that the proposed workforce growth strategy be
implemented by the administrator.

In 2018, Poliquit, Ferrater-Gemina, Etcuban and Gamaya claimed that
in the higher education setting, organizational engagement refers to
the inclination of teaching and non-teaching workers to serve outside
their assigned job role in order to meet the organization's goals and
ambitions. In addition, the organizational contribution of workers at a
higher education institution (HEI) in the Philippines was determined by
this report. The report, however, concluded that HEI workers do not
show a high or ideal degree of loyalty either to their assigned job or to
the company in general. Researchers have also recommended that the
supervisor follow the proposed strategy for workforce growth.

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