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Name: Jeth A.

Mahusay Date: November 2020

Instructor: Atty. Reeld Holly Rosas Course/Year: BSA- 3

Subject: Business Laws and Regulations

Module 3: Securities Regulation Code, Securities Regulation Code 68,

Corporate Governance, SEC Circulars and Issuances

Based on what I’ve studied, I learned that for investors, equity

securities such as corporate stock shares and debt securities such as bonds,
banknotes and debentures may be good options for investment in order to
gain interest and raise their income. For companies, these shares can be
used to encourage more investment or financial injection into their
businesses, and the selling of securities on the market needs supervision for
our government to ensure the safety of anyone who engages in it. This SRC
was introduced in order to construct a democratic, socially responsible
economy that governs itself. Encourage the broadest involvement in
corporate ownership and mitigate, if not fully eradicate, stock dealing and
other illegal abuse of currencies and activities that generate free-market
distortions. Securities should not be exchanged or provided for selling or
delivery without the code being properly filed with the registration statement
and accepted as amended. It is an implementing regulation that seeks to
enforce the code as amended successfully and efficiently and has a special
rule on the financial reports of reporting entities. For now that we are
studying this subject, everything has a meaning in business laws and
regulations and it will grow the capital market and protect investors in this
SRC. For me, shares, membership or interests in a private company or
profit-making activity are also allowed in this SRC and getting this is proof of
the deal.

Securities are versatile rather than rigid values, and are capable of
reaching countries and variable systems for acceptance. The entity of the
deal, agreement or scheme spends this money in a common company to
expect income solely from others' efforts. The SRC is required because it is
mainly a way of protecting the investment public by registering shares to
reveal sensitive financial information, enabling investors to make educated
decisions. However, their code of immunity from securities laws is a security
issued or guaranteed by the Government of the Philippines. A properly
appointed receiver or trustee of bankruptcy by the appropriate adjudicatory
authority. There is a provision of obligatory close-out rules that the
acquisition of cash or assured distribution securities of the same form and
amount must be closed on the next business day after the settlement date
unless it may be affected for justifiable purposes during the period.

The object of the tender offer rule is to tender their shares, in

compliance with the conditions laid down in the tender, in order to protect
the controlling shareholders against any scheme which dilutes the share
value of their investments. This offers minority shareholders the option, on
fair terms, to leave the company, allowing them the opportunity to sell their
shares at the same price as the majority shareholders. In a short sales deal
for the selling of stock shares. Certificates which are not under its
jurisdiction are not kept by the vendor to be available for sale at the time
that delivery would be made. There is a ban on short sales of the company's
shares of which he is the director or principal shareholder. Insider dealing is
to sell or purchase a knowledge of the problems when the public is not
already in control of material information because the information we have
not usually obtained.

These codes shall have the right to regulate roles to meet their duties
in controlling the issuing and exchange of equity securities and debt
securities and in order to establish a fairer open market for self-regulation.
To secure our company in the corporation, this SRC is necessary for us and
it allows us to quickly get details to our company law to consolidate the price
can win the best benefit required.

The Corporate Governance Code is relevant, and I was asked to

discuss the issue of governance, leadership, and democracy, which is also
the name of the new master program. In my opinion, it is usually a smart
idea to start speaking about the subject by asking about the main terms we
use to discuss it. It was intended to reflect on the importance of another
word in this tripartite title, namely the Governance Code, and then to
discuss its association with the Company. Governance rapidly achieves its
status. Almost everywhere, it is now heard that topics of governance or
economic growth are addressed by these modules. To encourage a high level
of ethics in public services, this policy was established.

It is good to know that there is an existing law that upholds the

integrity of people's public trust in government agencies. This helps to
improve the conduct of our public officials and staff because there are
standards of conduct that are strictly observed by them to discharge and
perform their official functions and duties. And it is mandated by statute that
there will still be justice and equity in delivering services to the people and
the electorate has trusted public leaders and workers. I propose that this
policy should be specifically applied, upheld and followed in the workplaces
at all times, and at the same time that a hard copy of this policy should be
added on their officer's bulletin board in order to inform anyone how it is
necessary to be mindful of what their duties will be if they did not comply
with the rule. And so they are the ones that are accountable for the public
transaction of the people and this policy often safeguards others' rights,
especially those vulnerable and unprivileged people that wish to use their
services against the people that have unjust and uncivil conduct.

The commission or the BSP helps us to adjust the laws or expand them
to guarantee accumulated interest revenue for us. We recognize that this
year, with a pandemic, the BSP has been restrained from enforcing the
regulations to provide financial institutions with further guidelines and
clarity. The preparatory BSP behavior included the criteria in order to have a
successful impact. Especially now a day where we face this kind of threat,
which is a pandemic that affects all sources of income and everything,
everything is rising the percentage would have major impacts on people.
The danger and the scheme will be minimized and the responsibilities of its
owners will be to include the corporate strategies and ensure faithful
implementation of the companies. It is also effective to maintain good
relationships to build correctly in the business.

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