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The Essential Colledion ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER Volume Two Sheguiun PIEJESU 4 STARLIGHT SEQUENCE 12 MAKE UP MY HEART 9 NEXT TIME YOU FALLIN LOVE 26 LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL 18 THE PHANTOM OF THE OFERA 36 ALLL ASK OF YOU 31 THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT 44 WISHING YOU WERE SOMEHOW HERE AGAIN 64 THE POINT OF NO RETURN 49 THINK OF ME 58 Asjeds Love LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING 76 SEEING IS BELIEVING 80 THE FIRST MAN YOU REMEMBER 69 THERE IS MORE TO LOVE 86 Sinset Boulevard wintone Look 96 AS IF WE NEVER SAID GOODAYE 109 700 MUCH IN LOVE TOCARE 106 THE PERFECT YEAR 91 pry Thore AMIGOS PARA SIEMPRE (FRIENDS FOR LIFE) 112 pees Musioly Andrew Lloyd Wibler Andante : SOLO SOPRANO mp Sp ees on 6 = = : == === Pi-e Ab Abmaj7 AbG = === pe ee +. - z co i = — * o =— = eee ===: fr + = = = a —— SS Je - su, pi-e Je - su,— pi-e Je - su, pi-e Je - su, Qui Bbm/Ab Abmaj7 Eb/Ab Abmaj7 Bbm7/Db Eb6 Eb bi — moet — 4 erp = =. | * Ppt == SS tol - lis pec-ca-ta mun-di, Do-na e- is re-qui-em,— De Eb/Db AbIC Fm re-qui-em. Pi-e Je + su, pice Je > su pi-e EbT/Ab Qui tol lis pec-ca-ta mundi, pice Je > uy Qui tol - lis pec-ca- ta mun-di, TENOR BASS Bbm7/D> EST EST Ab Abmaj7 Ge at Demaj7 Db/E> Cm/Eb — Bbm7/Ab Ab/Eb — Bom7/Ab ais) do_+na_e- is re-qui-em } Ps aa pe Ab Db Bbm7 Eb7 Db/Ab Bbm/Ab Ab * fore — q —— =e ra eed em MAKE UP MY HEART Musioly Ande A Webber Pyrics ty Richard SiGow (d= 100) b 5 om ab cheb » cheb mie é Tr’s time to choose be-tween the two of them, Td bet-ter make a start I don’t want one to win and one to lose, can’t tell them yes or no. tht = ale Fmisb é Fmieb & oe Some-onc help me make up my heart,— tell_me how to make up my heart, Choos-ing one means let-ting one go, 1___ can’t face letting one of them go. cm ab Fm mr - zo - They say two lovers can be twice the fun, they think they're Be-ing smart You think two 10 - vers would be twice the fun, i's tear - ing me a - part. It’s time to choose be-tween the two of them, Td bet - ter makea start omit 2nd time — e é Feith = ZF — ‘Some-one help me make up my heart, please tell me how to make up my heart Some-one help me make up my heart, - Some-one help me make up my heart,— please tell me how to make up my heart. ‘om ab cheb a (1) One of them is strong, one of them is good, but both could turn out wrong, so who gets the (2.3.) One of them has style, sets the world a - light, the oth - er makeme smile, so who gets the SS ehvo> Frith Ea to Coda @ part? = Make up my mind, make up my _ heart part? = Make up my mind, make up my heart a — —3— 7 e 1 4 i bi 10 cm shab ab Fz cm Fish & Fmieb é DS al Coda ‘Tell me how to make up my heart. cova Gm ab ebb One of them is strong, one of them is good, but both could wn out » eipb all. mish eb De wrong. So who gets the — part? Some-one help me make up my — STARLIGHT | SEQUENCE Musioly Aenetrow jos ly Richard Silgon Moderately 6 AmiG. ore cis 6 6 Ami biG er ohe ba eho E Fe ee Ae E > Star-light ex - press Fie Ee AB hve AB teva rall. a tempo AB Gina AB GHB NB Bsus e BE AE ee have the power with E BE AE ae 8 tm? chen just believe in your-self, the sea will part be - fore. you, Fen AB e tmz a ae e Bre stop the rain and turn the tide 3 AE Be E use the power with = in you, tnt chm we taty turn a-round and help you, Be ‘Star-light express, star-light ex - press, Fie 8 Star-light ex press, ans-wer me yes,— if you draw on what you have with-in you, BIE NE need-n’t the world to beg ee some-where deep in-side. NE E are you real, ae € don't want you. 10 go. Rus-ty you're blind, Bre NE E Fine . a gee S65 2 ——- look in your mind, I'm there, ae ‘The starlight ex-press is rail. ee ne ew ne ohms a eof no-more or less than you, Rus - yy Tam you. Tm you and have the po-wer with - in you, star light, —___ a-chieve 15 be-lieve in your-self, the tm? te? will part be - fore you, Fm stop the rain. ae and turn the oS. e tmz all che things 1 did-n't ter be - lieve, A 8 e tm a e a === - = = —t + = = = used the power with = in me need-n't beg the world wo ee ee ene = pitas —— ep ce SSeS oF star ~ light, T can see it through, —need-n’t beg the world to h n _ 1 \ | a Mi ay SS F f = = 2 her chm a eat Fim? aH a if you draw on what is deep ae = a turn around and help you, if you draw on want is deep molto ratl atempo o eo ete ore ve — = - = in - sie. in - sie rall. e Fev e8 NB Gove AB e 7 LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Musioly Andrew Lloyd Webbor Pypios iahiard Hllgoe. colla voce on oO SS Se SSS eee fe Die - sel is for un - be - lie- vers, € - lec - ti- ci - ty is wrong, a oO See SS SSS ES ee pre pores — S | Eo E He x = oom Gr0¥ = = ie — = a SS Se SS SS eee eae ates cate ain see eee eee epee ee $ J e— co eo = SS o f ¥ x = ~ tS ly i a ye al ace 1 Bae x = —- —— ? SS - nel, there’s a light at the end of the tun - nel, ‘The poy By 7 TF aa — 3 z = G B7 Em cr G7610 in- side might be as black as the night, but there’s alight at the end ofthe tun- c7 7610) c7 ~ nel, there's a light at the end of the tun - nel, the in-side might_ be as black as the night, but at the end of the tun-nel there’s a light. a . . _ I's the pow’ of James Watt the steam-ing Scot, the —s = ae f vp a 19 ‘man who watched the pot and said “Hey I've got bril-liant plot — C/E Bb7 GD cD G c G (lots of pow - er) It could drive it down a track clicke-ty AT D G GUE eS =] It could drive it with a beat (choo choo choo) with © - clack click-e- ty clack. 20 Gp cD GD Gm6/D G7610 = = nough left =o ver for a woo woo", He saw the light at the end of the tun- — —— f oe aa os — = ————— - 3 Ji givese tists. TO cr G7610) c7 ae > nel, He saw a light at the end ofthe tun - nel. Well a Sa ae oa Pad 7 7F oh 7 F ro — : sy 7 SS a 7 « “ G BT Em c7 G7610 od He saw a light at the end ofthe tun- FEE ss mS es ieee aca [7 tnanks James Watt for_watcheing he pot. cr G7610) cr + nel, he saw the light at the end of the tun - nel, the a G BT Em Fo GD cD a SS SS 7 = in-side might be as black asthe night, but at the end ofthe tun-nel there’s a light. = JT > =: z + = fae f I f + eS Pevsee ae BIC c7 Bbic C7 oe ee dark day a-head when the — pow-er goes dead, when the BbiC cz Bb cr aS ey oil runs dry mm what can we try? We could use the sun - light, but = BbiC c7 Bbc cT Gm7iC eo fp fee Oe 6 6 ee se a it don’t shine at night nu-cle-ar fis - sion leaves a 22 G7 G7 cD Db/Eb AbTE610) Ab7010) Db7 light at the end of the tun- nel, Ab7(+10) Ab7(610) | we see the light at the end of the Db7 Ab c7 Just dig a hole— 23 Fm G7 Ab7010) Db? —S ———— haul out the coal, We see the light at the end of the un - nel, we see the IT So SPs oe aos = a= Be —s * . A Ab7(610) Db7 Ab cr que = SS SSS Se light at the end of the tun - nel, So let the wa-ter boil, — RAE Gg Sa 2S = _ = z he - oe oe o Fi b Fm Gb? — Ab/Eb Db/Eb — — Getto eS oer git © a = . good-bye to oil, at the end — of the tun-nel there’s a light. — We see the 4 — = hd baa 7 — 4 E =A atte 7 | t oer \ ae — “Sess e eee te ATI D7 TOW ie = light at the end of the tun - nel, SSS — : we see the light at the end ~ nel. When that an- gel Gab - riel blows his ma-gic toot__ we see the A710) D7 4 a ri = es t | light at the end_ of the tun - nel we see the light at the end of the tun- 4¢— rs = eed — E ay = od molto rit. D7 GD A cn Fbm Do A SS = SS SSS = ee — ¥ i — ~ nel. We see the dis-tant gleam_ __that tells you it’s steam at the slowly 9 AVE AVE DE AWE DIE D9 AT NEXT TIME YOU FALL IN LOVE Music i Don Blache te clr * ing love a-live forlong, I think I've found the ans-wers but the yy from what your heart tells you is right, and so you set tle for what-ev-er guess I'm ni times you tus —— = ert * 8 cin 7 7 + a ans-wer’s al - ways wrong. My first love was my true love and it should have been my last, the gets you through the night. ‘The flame you thought was dead may sud-den - ly be- gin tobum, and cm ere Fe 8 ————— Se — = a $F on-ly time 'mhap-py’s when I’m dream-ing in the past. Nexttime you fall in love. bbro-ken hearts can be re-paired, that’s some-thing that you learn. ee SSS of Gem 87 - a we touched the — star-light. 27 te. SS reclived every mo-ment that I get $¢f* # f $+ PSS oes a gS > = 2 a ee eae what fools we were cada dream hat —— da fiTi 4 i 6 f f ; bs SS F SSS es — * SS SSSs looked ie com-ing wee Nettie you fal in lve Laas ’ Fag : rs FE : bee SS] es 28 Bm be with me, the way it wwe touched the star o7 6 used to be, = SS a = Back thea — was when Hight, i E SSS tip ee — v vid E chen +4, ——— : SS Le “fi guess I'm not t00 good at keep-ing oo oe love a - live for long, I, oS ime f. think I've found the ans-wers but the ans-wer's al-ways wrong. 29 My: first love was my true love and it te ot Fim AB 8 should have been my last, the on=Iy time I’m hap-py’s when I'm dream-ing in the past. Next time you : oe : es < 2. Fe[-—— eet | oR ——— 6 t x a te = re was when we touched the star-light. ‘Next time you soto st F as Zz i j= E = Gite f ao ? ] Te wuche the sure Werouched he surte 30 ALL I ASK OF YOU Musioly Aendouu Legal Welles Seyics hy Charles Hank sea Cage Lynas Andante RAOUL pb ee No more talk of dark- ness, for - get these wide-eyed fears cb AbIC = — - a will warm and calm you, can harm you, my —_ words here, noth- ing es ee day - light dry your tears: Let me be your free - dom, 31 Dbmaj7 G6 cb AbIC or 2 ES 1S SS —— * here, with you, be-side you, to guard you and to guide you. Say you love me ev-ery wak- ing mo- ment, tum my head with talk of === gai i toe Ebm? Ebmt/Ab Db Bom? Ebm7 Ab you need m DbF cb DoAb ip Ebm/Ab Abo Ebm7/Ab fe Tit ™ - se es = 7 = v 6 pro-mise me that all you say is true, that’s all 1 ask of atempo RAOUL Db Dbmaj7 — — Gbe - Let me be your shel-ter, Jet me be your light; you'resafe, no-one will you. you your CHRISTINE c> AbIC Db - fears are far_be-hind you. All I want is free-dom, world with no more night; and Dbmaj7 Ghs o AbiC Db Boy RAOUL —_—— you, al-ways be- side me, to_hold meand to hide me. Then say you'll share with me one —_— — - a ce = —< St 3 : be ie Ebm? ‘Ab DoF Bbm7 Ebm7 love, on _ife- time; let me lead you fromyour so-li- tude. . 33 Db Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab DoF Gb ip == Say you need me with you, here be - side you, ae —— zl ——}-—} Fer Ltr = —S 7 + = = ae a =e E I a tempo DbiAb Ebm7/Ab hte) Ebm7/Ab D> Bom7 maviorit caRistNE ee == — f e ——_—— SE = = ee SSS ee === Sey you'll share with me one too. Christ- ine, _— that's all I ask of you. =~ bom SSeS i, ase rt EF ER FERRY po Dae = =f = Ebm7 Ab DbF Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab AbT = love, one __life- time; say the word and I will fol-low you. Db Bom? Ab TOGETHER n ee mt : — oT Ls 7 z Share each day with me, each night, each morning. got — Dare RAOUL & CHRISTINE molto rit. a tempo DbiAb Ebm7/Ab Ab6 Bbm7/Ab Db Bom? largo Db Bom? Ebmt Ab DHF Gb An-y-where you go, let me go ae oan ee ec DbiAb Ebm7/Ab Ab Ebm7/Ab Db RAOUL & CHRISTINE molto rit, —————___, Ep peas too; love me, that’s all 1 ask of =~ you. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Measicly Ando Lloyd Webber Seri by Charles Hark Adddional D, G Prichard. ‘goo and Mike Bald Dm Dm Dbm Cm Bm Bb Bb Ab BD Bb Bm Cm Cim Dm ES 7 Dm CHRISTINE Gos ° c - a wo In sleep he sang to me, Gsus4 Gm | Dm = * that voice which calls to_me. and. speaks my name, Bbmaj7_ Gm/Bb c Dm FFiieive Dm Bbdim — in - side my — mind. 37 B> AbBb Dbdim Gm o SS Sing once a - pote Csus4 Cm F Gm OP dee = ne ; a _ io Pian = oe — = = z = aan e — = = = = eS ee a aaa 38 Gm Cdim Feaim Phan - - = = tomoof the Op-er-a is there. (loco) Gm Gm Fim Fm Em — Eb D D7 CHRISTINE Asus Am birt x J 5 = —. J 7 7 ae 2 2 ‘Those who have seen your face draw back in Em/B Asus4 Am DiFt 7 e mask you wear, 39 PHANTOM & CHRISTINE ©™47 - h Se and and, your voice in. one com- pe tom of the Op-ere-a_ is tom of the Op-er-a is Se Sa [VOICES] Em fe there, mind. mind. the — Phan ~ tom of the tf #1 « a Em Ito the Phan - tom of the = in one com- that man and PHANTOM & CHRISTINE = Fm ————— == $ = 7 = la = by-rinth. where night is blind, —_____ the la by-rinth where night — is - the al tom of the Op-er-a is here— n= side my tom of the Op-er-a is there in = side your —— Db PHANTOM CHRISTINE (Spoken) Sing for me. Sing, my angel of music! CHRISTINE 2. ‘CHRISTINE FE oN om = 4 ye ae _——= SSS Eee —— E — PHANTOM eee ee ue (Spoken) Sing for me! 3 PHANTOM (Spoken) Sing, my as) 43 THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT Mousioly Andee Lloyd Webber Lypries by Charles Hark Adddional byriesly Richard Salbgoe Andante puantom Ab/Db Db ‘Ab/D> Db _AbIDb + = é = Night time sharp - ens, heightens each sen-sa - tion; dark - ness stirs and 3b /Db Ab/D> G Db Ge Db Si-lent-ly the sen - ses a - ban-dontheir de-fen - ces. rall a tempo Ge cb cl Db/Ab BbmjAb Fm/Ab Db Ab/Db Slow- ly, gent - 44 Db Ab/Db Db A/D G Ab trom-u - lous and ten - der. ‘Tum your face a-way from the gar-ishlight of day, turn your thoughts a-way from cold, un-TeeI=ing Do/Ab GbiAb AoT Db B light and listento the mu-sicof the night. Close your der to your ee aa = E A Eb ET Close your Ab Ab7 Db Fm c F eyes let your spi-rit start to and you'll ive asyou'venever lived be - fore. a tempo Db Ab/D> Db Ab/Db Db Ab/D> - ly, deft - ly, mu- sie shall ca - ress you it, feel it, —_— se-eret-ly po-ssess you. O-pen up yourmind let your fan-ta-sies _un-wind in this ral, Gb a Gb Db/Ab GbiAb Ab7 dark-ness which _youknow you can-not fight, =the dark-ness of the mu-sic of the ——— ¢ e 46 a tempo Db B E mind start a journey through a strange,new world; leave all ral, A Bb Ab AbT thoughts of the world you knew be e. Let your soul take you where you long to Db Fm c F molto rit. you be long to Db AbID> Db Ab/Db Db AbID> ——Gb/Db G + Floating, fall - ing, sweet in-tox- i- ca - tion. Touc , _—_—_—— = @. trust me, sa-voureach sen-sa - tion a7 Gb Db ob Db G co DB/Ab Let the dream be-gin, let your darkerside give in to the pow-er of the mu-sicthat 1 ral @ tempo GHIA’ ABT Db Ab/Db Db Ab/Dp Db Ab/Db power of the mu-sic of the night. 3. lento Db/Ab Gb/AS Ab7 Gh Bbm = Dm Db help me make the mu-sic of the night. gua 48 THE POINT OF NO RETURN Meusicly Andou Lloyd Willer Pyrics ty Charles Hark Additional Lyries ty Richard Hiilgoe Andante (J.) PHANTOM (AS DON JUAN) Gm and A Em A and Em és Fo Ebm Gm have here ana FO Ebm Eb/Bb FmiC Dbm/Ab Bm/FH deep - in pur- suit of that est urge, =] wish which till now has been Am/E 49 AbIEb -Gbm/D> AE BFE AbIED Ghm/Db ——— = SS fuse and merge, a Ftnict GinDt Em DmvA Em/B Fhn/Ct Gtn/ot : —— — - — =: | SS SSS aS - rea-dy suc-cumbed to me, dropped all de - fen - ces, com - aa TT te Bom/F ———— ——— plete- ly suc-cumbed to me, now you are here with me, no se- cond thoughts, you've de - rit Nomi Allegretto Fm cuF Fm F D> Eb7 iit mosso cue Fm FT “if” or “when”, no use re - sis - ting, ab - 51 D> Eb7 Ab Abr Db pia mosso Gb Gh7 What rag ing soul? What rich co Chm GbiDb de - door? What sweet se - duc - tion — ties Gm705) @ Fm the point 52 be + of cCuF F i aoe | 2 aoe SSS - NS é ie 4 % f y——— =e = =H 44 oe a Sa, * CHRISTINE (AS AMINTA) Gi and ie Ze =F = 4 one fi-nal ques - tion: how Jong should = we two ESSA Eb A» Ab7 Ds . b = : =a SSS Si f 7 + = wait be- fore we're one? When will the blood be - gin to apie eet eee reeeneaneeE 4 h_} ie Se = | pit mosso D3 — + = = = —= = = Sa, Gb Gbr SaaS bloom? When will the gy 3 e 5 S 56 ‘molto rall. GbiDb Gm755) C7 CT co a us? be tempo a 2 te * TOGETHER Gm/D D7 Gm/D the fi- nal Pace stand and watch it E> Ab D7 molto rit — = burn We've passed the point of, no re- == tum, 37 THINK OF ME Mbusicby Andreu Lloyd Webber Lypies by Charles Hark Additional Lyrics by Richard kilos. Allegretto D CHRISTINE D AjD GID ATID D think of me fond - ly s : Re - mem-ber me AID GID Aq/D pro - mise me you'll — try. Bm FRB Bm7, ——> — When you find that once a - gain you long to _takeyour heart back and be F so s ra ET D/A Bm7 d.dEm Fim G A spare = D Eb Bb/E> Ab/Eb Bb7/Eb Bb Bb/E> Ab Bb cm Giic We nev-er said our love was ever - green or as un- m7 F Eb/Bb Cm7 d.dFm Gm Ab Bb Eb DIESE? Ab Bb/Ab all the things we've Db/Ab Eb/Bp cm? don’t think © _ things 60 ral a tempo Fm BbT Eb Bb/ED Think of me, think of me wake - aS Pe try-ing too hard_ to Ab/ED Bb7/Eb cm mind. Re - call those days, look back on Grice m7 FT Eb/Be all those times, think of the things we'll nev- er do. 61 Bb/E> ABE Bo/Eb RaouL Eb Bb/Eb Ab Bb7 cm can it be Christ - ine? What a change, you're real-ly a Gc m7 F Eb/Bo a__bit_—“the gawk-ish girl that once you were. — She_may not re - mem -ber _ 62 CHRISTINE m7 Fm Gm Ab Bb cm We nev - er said our love was me 1 ro + ber her —me___tut em ee cic m7 FT but Cadenza, E>/Bb cm7 Fm Gm Ab pro-mise me that some _~_times 63 WISHING YOU WERE SOMEHOW HERE AGAIN Andante CHRISTINE Gm Eb Fm Bb ca > friend and fa - ther, then my world was shat - tered. pitt mosso G AmiG here a- gain, = a wish- ing you were some - how i near; some-times it seemed if 1 just dreamed, D DI G 4 =>? p— a ¥ = a be here. Wish-ing I could hear your AmiG DIG voice a- gain, know-ing that [nev - er — would, + 65 c Dic Bm Em =) \ oe Em ci i = = oe ee = eft dream-ing of you won't help me to do all that you dreamed 1 bs Fa pt f Ft ; : 'e! : aS iM MI/ BS al 66 Am/G D cD Ba? Em = a = : SS = Too ma- ny years fight- ing back tears, piit mosso Bm? Em D Bb + Z _ ts : 2 = = SSS === ——— — Wish- ing you were some - how rit, Cm/BE renee Know-ing we must say good - bye. give me the strength to try. No more me-mor-ies, no more si. - ‘lent tears, no more Eb/Bb F7/Bb gazing a - cross the wast - ed years Help me say good help me say good - bye, - = = 7 F | mp vie. 68 THE FIRST MAN YOU REMEMBER Measioly Andrew Loyd Wilber Seyrios by Don Blech and Charles Heart Ebmaj7 Fm/Eb Fm7/Eb poco ral. eronce Fa? BoTF Bbmaj9 last man you for - get, EboiG. EbG one you al’ - ways turn Fm? Fm7/Bb Bo7 Eb Fm? ‘Bb7 Eb2. say you look de - light Eb6 Fm? Bb? Eb6 to dance you round the floor? Fm7 Bb7 Eb6G EbG see your face by moon Fm7 Fm7/Bb Bb7 Eb door? Bp se a m a S poco pitt mosso Well young man I'd be de - light - ‘There is no-thing I would ra-ther do! Bb7 Bhs Bb7 Bbraug EG Eb cm 1 ‘Tempo primo Fmt BT Ebmaj7 Eb6 JENNY Fan? the first man you re - mem - ber. ‘Bb7 Eb6 GEORGE Fm7 ‘BbT = sweep me off my feet. the one you al- ways rt Fir rr EboiG EbIG Bb7 JENNY ae The first to make my young heart miss rall 72 Eb Fm Bb? Ebmaj? Bb i? 2 # by) Fm? ‘Bb7 Eb6IG = EG Fm? Ne~ ver seen him look so pitt mosso 73 nuco__A7 Dm = : py Ne-ver seen her look like this be - 2 z == me Op cS eS SS os Gin? cH Fe Fe i a — ——= =| rit, oo te : 1 ne 1 = - ap z aie oe oF t 7 +3 $ j i is F ) t pegat hl — SS = 74 Gtm7 ch Fie GEORGE, Gtm7 ch Fiorat Feat Ghm7 ch Fe you won't re - Gtm/Ft Fe Gtm/Fe FE JENNY GEORGE & JENNY 7) LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING Mesiely Andraw Lloyd Wilber Syries by en: Drammatico J = 92 EVA, EVA Bleak and Charles Kart BOA Eee D - = _ SS S=—= — ~ love chan-ges ev ~ ery-thing: hands and fac - es, earth and love chan-ges ev — efy-things days. are long - en words ean =. love chan-ges ev - ery-thing: how you can break the strong-est heart, pain “is — = te = ‘ rT r fo a z a =" SSS as $ ae - 4 D A eS == —S= live and how you die. Love can make the deep - er than ‘be - fore. — will umn your A Act D AE ET world a- round and that world will last for ev - er. ‘Yes | summer fly or a night seem like a life - time. ‘Yes | A 7 A A E gat > o- ——- — f —_— — = = love, ___— Tove chan- ges ev - ery-thing: now I trem - ble at your love, love chan- ges ev - ery-thing, brings you glo - ry, brings you name. No- thing in the world will ev- er be the shame. No-thing in the world will_ev- er be the F Bb == Eb/Bb in- to the world we go, a plan-ning fu-tures, shap-ing_ years bursts in and sud-den-ly, le ul a « a aS) a. a a tempo F F7 Bb makes fools of ev ~ ery-one: 78 a tempo Bb F Bb poco ritard, Eb EbF FT Love will nev-er, nev-er let you oT ayo! ral. Bb Bb/Ab EWG EWF FT Love will nev-er, nev-er let you ea an ‘4 tempo, meno mosso ‘motto ral Bb F7/Bb Bb F7/Bb Bb EF Bb 79 SEEING IS BELIEVING Musicly Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics by Don Black and Charles Hark Andante con moto : G AmiG Am/G (a tempo) ALEX G Am/G G AmiG $-#. — z == — 7 7 See - ing is be - lev - — ing, and in my arms T see her: she’s See - ing is be - liev - _ing, I dreamt that it would be her: at 1 poco meno Bm |Am7 Bm mine now she seems at home here. ‘poco pitt mosso Am Em Am What-ev- er hap-pens, one thing is cer-tain: each time I see 80 Bmv/A Am Bm Ss train goby, YL think of us, the night, the sky for - Bm Am Amv/D D7 oe. a — é ge ¢ ff gt 3 = SS é ey | _ 2 eS eS S — et AbmiG> Gb us. See-ing is be - liev - ing! My life is just be - aS - SS gin - ning! We touched, and my head =~ won't stop. spin. - ning = pe 4 fit 4 Gb AbmiGh Db7G> G> THERE IS MORE TO LOVE Measiely Aadoow Loyd Wékler Syyrios by Don Black and Carles Hark GIULIETTA: There is more to love, so much more than_ sim - ply mak - ing love~ that’s Gaz-ing in - pret - ty eyes, FHT/B B which could be an - y eyes~ Hands are just hands, ——__ is just a face. They come and go. Din 7 FF B = - — They're ea - sy re —————— Fa7/B so much more than moon struck es - ca = pades— that’s _—_—————_ 87 no ~ thing. ‘There is peace of _ mind, so much peace —__ = SS _—— FHT/B B com - pa + ny that's some - thing. aay # A Ft Ev-ery-one but him seems wrong for me. Ey-ery time I feel Fim D —— there has to be — ——_ 88 Em A Em the mu-sic T heard then, Td ne -ver let ————~~. Fé a A F 89 Now each time love rea - ches out has to be is more to THE PERFECT YEAR Meusioly Aenirer: Liye Welln Zorics Go. Ble nn Chyler Harp Moderato F shor F abr F cur NORMA — —S — —— SS SS eee Ringout the old, ring in the new, a mid-night : —_4 ¥ = - Be wish wo sharewath you. Yourlips are warm, = myhead is) fight = were we a zi foot co s sees - _—— a # a Rte ye ee SSS SSS or ont ” P s Se | [SS SS live be-fore to-night? I don't need accowd-ed —_ball-room, Bm Dm mis Fic or —_ 3 cev-ery-thing I want is here, ifyou're with me, ext year will — be the per-feet t 7] F F conor F JOE —_ —— —_——— one SS as ae 2 be-forewe fan some harm-less “Sh year. Be-forewe play. some dan-gerous game, oe is worth the if this is wisey Se With this wine, and with this mu - sic, 92

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