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oie = —_—_—_—_ FUTURE IS HERE ‘EDA: WITH HUMAN FACE Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority announces a scheme for the allotment of Residential Plots Sector: 17, 18, 20 & 22D RERA Reg. No.: UPRERAPRJ5S52003 | Scheme Code: RPS-04/2021 Scheme opens on: 01 March, 2021 Scheme closes on; 30 March, 2021| Date of draw: 05 May, 2021 Exclusive Banking Partner ICICI Bank Ltd For Scheme related information, kindly contact: # 9334343334, 7304922075 Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority {UP Gover! Undetating) ‘Floor, Commercial Complex Block P-2, Sector Omegac1, Greater Noida - 201308, ist Gautam Budh Nagar, Uitar Pradesh Ph.:0120-2395152/57 | Fax: O120-2895150 | Website: www. yamunaexpresswayauhorty com & DETAILS OF THE SCHEME AND LOCATION [Applications ar irwited fr allotment of residual residential plots to be developed on the land under possession af Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority along the Yernuna Expressway. The proposed site is in Sector 17, 18, 208220 The lancion which the plots would be developec has been acquired bythe Authority. ‘24A) DETAILS OF NEW VACANT PLOTS (Sector-18): 1 60 & 2 90 a 3 120 106 4 300 2 2.8) DETAILS OF VACANT PLOTS (Sector- 17, 18. 20 & 220): 7 120 1 2 300 3 3 500 29 4 200 75 5 2000 16 6 “2000 i 2(G) DETAILS OF TOTAL VACANT PLOTS (2A+28) 60 68 12 03 53__| sosoo/._| 1012007. 2. | 90 6 i 08 50_| 759007. 1518007 a | 120 nr 20) 06 1__[ 1012007. 202400/- &_ [300 6 10 38 a7__| 2482507-_| 4965007. | 500 23 05 or 23__| 4137507] 8275007 | 1000, 75 13 04 58___| e275007._| Tes6000 7_[ 2000 16 05 ‘1 12 16550007-_| 33100007 a | 4000) i 02 ‘1 0s | 3310000/- | 66200007 'N.B. The ‘otal number of Vacant plas in each size category are residual plots found vacant in various residential sectors and the numbers are tentative. Vacancy is caused by earcelaton, surrender or forfeiture of plots. So, atthe ime of allotment, the number of plots in each category may increase or decrease. In this regard, the discretion of the Authority shallbe final and binding, without assign ngany reason therect Note:- Some New Plots are Created in Sector 18 Whose RERA Reg. No, UPRERAPRJS52003 And Some leftout/ Cencelation lots are also add in this Schemehicn are already registord in RERA Regestration No. is LUPRERAPRI282078, UPRERAPRJ8756, UPRERAPRI9318 & UPRERAPRJ205883 oO & 2.1 Preference Location Charges (PLC) 1 Park Facing/Green Belt location charges will be 536 of the premium. 2. Corner locations charges willbe 5% of the premium. 3. IF the width of the road is 18m or mora, the location charges willbe 5% of the premium. 4. The maximum location charge for ary single plot shall rot be more than 159% of the premium, 3. PRESCRIBED RESERVED CATEGORY 1 | Farmers whose land has been acquired/purchased for the planned development of Yamuna Expressway Industral Development Authority & arin Jowar Airgort. | 17.5 9 2 | Functional Insttutional/Industrial/Commercial Units allotted by Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority 5% Note: 8) Out of the plots reserved for Institutional functional units/establishments and farmers whose land has been acquired, 219% and 2% plots willbe reserved for SC/ST applicants respectively b) Keeping in view the provsion under section 43 of THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, 1995 & 2016 and {ecision taken bythe Authority that a total 4% hor zontal reservation shall be Kept in ather reserved categories as ‘fined above and in unreserved (general) categories as well «) Itwas decides by the Authority that there wll be reservation for handicapped applicants This shall be fora total ot 4% ofplots/las. The allotment among this category shall be through draw of plots and inthe draws of lots 1% reservation (outa 431) shal be kept for visually impaired applicants. 4) Handicepped/SC/ST applicants of the aforesaid categories shall have to enclose an attested copy of the certificate issued by Compatant Autnorty atharwieehe/she shall not given the Banat of reservation, 1) Aiter allocation to all applicants in reserved category, the remaining plots if any shal be transferred to General Categoryat thetime ct araw of lets 1) If under this category the applicants are less than the number af plots reserved, then the leftover plats shall be Included in the draw tor genera category. 4, PREMIUMONPLOT: + Therate ofthe landin residential lot under this scheme is 60 sq mtr. To 200 sq mtr. Rs.16870.00 per sa. mtr. ‘And above 200'sq mtr. Rs.16550.00 per sq. mtr + Revised rate shal be payable by the alates in case the Authority makes any revision/change inthe rate of residential allotment. acquisition cost/compensation/ex-gratiais increased by the court or by the State Government ‘orby Authority then alotee shall bear the proportionate Increased cost of acquisition. 5. PAYMENT METHOI All payments shall be made in favour of Yariuna Expressway Industral Development Authority in the form of NEFT/RTGS/Demand Oraft/Pay Order payable at New Delhi/Noide/Greater Noida to the bank aranches authorized by the Authority Payment also can be made online on the website of Yamuna Authority. 7 Online Property accounts system through net banking. No paymentin cash shall beacceptable. 6 ALLOTMENTPROCESS ()_Theallotment shallbethrough drawat lots of plot rumbers (i) Draw shallbe undertaken or each category separately (il) Within category, first draw shallbeconcucted for applicants who chose option 1 as payment plan 02 & (iv) Thereafter second draw shall be conducted for applicants who choose option 2 as payment plan for the remaining plots (W) Thereafter third draw shal be conducted for applicants who choose option 3 as payment plan for the remaining plots [ADJUSTMENT/REFUND OF REGISTRATION AMOUNT (Inthe case of successful applicants, the registration money shall be adjusted against the total payable premiumof the alot. (il) In the case of unsuccosstul applicants, the rogstration money shall be refunded without any interest, if period of ceposit of such registration money with te Authority is less than ane year from the date of craw. However i the periag of deposit is more than ene year, prevailing simple interest rate of saving A/c in S31 shall be paidtor the period of deposit exceeding 1(one) year. (il) The apaticants, must mention thelr mobile phone numbers, Bank Account Numbers, Bank name, IFSC code and address of the Bank in the application form so as to facltate the issuance of the refund ccheques/NEFT/RTGS by the registering banks. PAYMENT OPTIONS The following oatlons are available to Alottevs for depositing the land premium Option: + 100% of the total premium (including rogistration foe) to be paid within 60 days from the date of issue of allotment etter Option2: + 509% of the total promium (Including rogisration f allotment letter ) to be paid within 60 days from tho date of issue of + Remaining 509% of total premium shall be payable in two equal half yarly instalments calculate trom the 61st day from the cate of allotment. This shall be calculated with interest @08.50% p.a. on reducing principal ‘amount atthe end of hat! year + tis clear that incase of default in payment as por schedule, an additional ponal interest @ 3 % compounded half yoarlywith applicable GST shall bo payable along with 08.50% + 0335 =11.50% .a. on thecetaulted amount and fr the detaulted period. It shall be the responsibilty of the allottee to deposit the due installment on due time. If the last date of deposit is a bank holiday, then the allottee shall deposit the installment on the next working day ang itshall be treatedas last cate of deposit Option: + 30% of the total premium (Including registration fee) to be paid within 60 days trom the date of issue of allotmentieter + Remaining 703% shall be payable in Ten equal hal-yeary instalments calculated trom the 62st day trom the date of allotment with interest @08, 5035 p.a. on reducing principalamount atthe end of eachbal! yearby. «Its clear that incase of default in payments per schedule, an additional penal interest @375 compounded halt {yearly wth applicable GST shall be payable along wth 08.50%, +03% = 11.50% p.a.on the defaulted amount and for the defaulted period. Itshallbe the responsibilty of the allottee to deposit the du installment on due time. It the last date of doposit isa bank holiday, then the allotee shal deposit the installment onthe next working Gay anditshallbe treated as ast date of deposit, o w Interest rate willbe tloating rate and willbe revised on st January and Ist July each year. ‘Those Applicant not able ta Canferm Payment Option in application Form are Considerd as Payment Option L EXTENSION OF TIME FOR MAKING PAYMENT: All payments shall have to be made within the time specified and no extension in time for making allotment ‘money shall ordinarily be granted. However, in extraordinary circumstances, time for making payment can be 0 10, 1, 12, 13 14, 15 & extended by the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer authorized by him In this behalf for a maximum period of 30 days. Such extension of tim if granted, shall be subject to payment of an interest @ 13.50% pa, compounded hat yearly on outstanding amount for such extended period on pro-rata basis. PERIOD OF LEASE AND LEASE RENT: ©) Allotmentot plot to Allotte shall be done on lease fora period of 90 years rom thedateot ease deed, i). Theallotment of alt willbe given t the Allottes ana lease of 90 years and lease rent shallbe payable at one time intump sum atthe rate of 10% of the total costof the pt before execution of Lease det [AREA OF THE ALLOTTED PLOT In some cases, the area of plot allotted may slightly vary, (increase or decrease) at the time of handing over possession of the plot. In such cases, the premium of the plot wil stand varied proportionately. W variation in area is less than oF equal to 10%, then on such basis the Allottee shall nave no right to surrencer the plo. However, if such variations in excess of 1095 of the area alloted, then it would be open to the Allottee not to accept the allotment and he/she can exercise the optionof surrencer. In such cases of surrencer, after deduction of a token amount of Rs. 10000/- as a processing fee, the rest of the amount paid by the allottee shall be returned withoutany interest thereon After getting ease plan, in case if actual area of the plot exceeds the allotted area, then the premium of the ‘excess area will be applicable as per the prevaling rates of the authority and the enhanced amount will be eposited onetime before execution of ease deed, ‘As-is Where-is Basis The pts willbe allocated and accepted by the Allott on “Asis Whereis basis" unconditionally ALLOTMENT, POSSESSION, CONSTRUCTION AND SUB-DIVISION: ©) _Onthebasis of availabilty of land, the numberof pltsavalableforallotment maybe increased/reduced at thediscretion of the Authority (i)_Inthis scheme the allotment shallbe done by manual draw. The tentative date of draw shall bein the month ‘of 05.05.2021 Any change nthe date of actual draw shall be informed te the applicants by means of publeation indaily newspaper anc wilalso be available at the website of YEIDA. (il), Allotment iettrs tothe successtulapplicants shall be sent within 30 days from the date of draw. (v)_ The offered plots are in various sectors, the development are in fll swing, The authority shall offer possession of allotted plots after completion of development which may take maximum af three year time. The possession willbe offered onl after deposit of Money According to Payment Plan mentioned in Allotment Lette ()_Allottees shall have to get construction done after geting building plan sanctioned according to the Lease Deed an Buicing Regulations of the Authority applicable atthe time of alotment. (vi) The Lessee /Allottee shall not be entitled o divide the allotted pet or to amalgamate it with ary other plot. PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION The Allottee/ Lessee will have to complete the construction as per YEIDA building regulations and obtain ‘occupancy certificate from the Authority within three years from due date of execution of Lease Deed. Incase the Lessee does nat construct the builaing within prescriaed time period, the extension of time can be granted on payment of extension chargesat the folowing rates: + 4R%of the total premium of plotfor the rst year + S9fof the total premium of plot for second year + 69of the total premium of pot fr third year + Beyond 3 years 4950 sector rate per sq. mt. prevailing at time of grantof such extension ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY AL General Category (The applicant / Co: applicant should be competent to contract and have attained the age of majority 18 years). & (il) Allingians/Nor-Resident Indians who are nether in any way prohibited by the Government af India nor by UP Government under any specific rules to purchase any immovable property in UP, shal be eligible to apply. (il) Eligible persons ean only apply for one plot under this scheme of any category. Those who have been already alloted residential plot or flat ay YEIDA in any scheme are not eligible to get allotment under this, scheme: If its found ata later stage that an applicant, his spouse or his minor dependent children has ‘obtained more than onepiet, then ll is / ner application /allatment willbe canceled andthe total deposit ‘money forfeited by the authority (Applicant can apply in joint name (Co- Applicant) only it itis immeciate family (mother/tather/ brother/sister/ son/ daughter/ husband/ wife) with proof of family relation. Other than these relations cannot app (Applicant /Co: applicant nis/her spouse or his/her minor dependent children can apply for only one plot If itis found at later stage that an applicant his/her spouse or his/her minor dependent children have applied ‘o:more than one plo, then his/her ll the application/alletment shal be cancelled & registration money shallbe forfeited bythe Authority. B._ Eligibility or prescribed reserved category applicants (© Theapplicant/ Co- applicant should be competentto contractandhave attained the ageof majority (18 years). (i) Only such applicants/institutional Instituional/Industrial/Commercial establishments or their managing Diractor/wnele time Director(s)/Propristor/Partner(s)/Trustee(s) and Terure-holders/Co-tenure Holders ofthe lan acquired by Yarmun Expressway Industral Development Authority or in Jewar Airport, shale Eligible, provided they have not been allotted any residential plot/tit in the earlier schemes of the Authority. Eligible bonafide institution Bonafide institution fulfilling the under mentioned conditions on or before closing date of the scheme will be eligible (The institution shouls have een alloted the Institutional/Industrial/Carnmercial plot/premises in its ‘name on or before 31.12.2018 & nas taken physical possession of institutional plot/premises after legal {documentation and has bean declared funct onal from YEIDA on or befre closing date of the scheme, The applicanthas to enclose a certified copy ofthe functional certiicate with the application form (i) The institutional establishment has cleared all payable dues of the Authority up to date on account of premium, lease rent, interest etc. by the closing date of scheme. Applicant has to enclose No Oues Crtificat issued by the Authority with the appl cation form. i) case application is being made by Managing Diractor/Whole-time Director/Trustees /Executive ‘member, their names should have been taken on record by the institutional Department of YEIDA on or botore closing! scheme. (In case applicant is mace by the Educational Institution, the names of their Directors / Trustees / Chairman / Vice-Chairman / Executive Members should have been taken on record of the Autharity on or before closing date af the scheme, An institution ise gibleto submit only one application. (W)SuchinstitutionalInstitutional/Industrial/Commorcal establishment / their Director / Trustee / Executive Mornbor shall aot be eligible where the institutional Establishment has been obtained through transfor and past owner had already obtainod a residential plot lat. (i) The eligibility fr allotment of plot shallbe for one plat only sither inthe name of institution er its Bonafide Managing Director/Whol-time Director/Trustee/ Executive Member, irrespective of number of aremises Inpossessionof the institution, (i) Chatitable/Roligious inst tution anaits members/trustees are net eligible for allotment of residential a. (Vii) The applicant company shall submitits Resolution tothe effect thatthe company is applying in its name or Sole owner/Partner/Managing Director/Full time Director and the same is authorized (name & {esignation) to apaly and sign the application form, (x) funder this eatogory the applicants are ass than the number of plots be included in the draw for eneralcategory. served, then the leftover plats shall 05 16. & Eligible Farmers whose land has been acquired / purchased by YEIDA or in Jewar Airport. ‘Thesetalledelighilty conditions and the procedure for allotment under this category are enumerated solos (Only those farmers are eligible to agaly under this scheme, whose land has been acquired/purchased and Unhindered/withaut eneraachment possession has been taken by YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY or in Jewar Arport, before closing date of this scheme (Undertaking on ‘Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-s tobe given by the appl cant farmer as per Performa givenin the Brochure) (il) In case a land owner has already been alloted residential plot built up plots in his/ her name or his/her spouse/deperdent children, in any ofthe residential schemes of the Authority, he/ she shall not be eligible toapply under this scheme (i). The applicant farmer should have received the compensation of his/her acquire land on or before closing date ofthis scheme, Those farmers who have encroachment on any acquired lana of authority or have fled any writ/suit against authority are nt eligible for allotment inthis scheme. (iv) Incase theres more than one joint knatedar, all ointkhatedar can apply uncer this scheme, Drawbetween all such eligible joint knatedar of a knata shall be made and one success‘ul applicant, out ofall jit. natedars,shallbe selected and willbe incluced in the nal draw of lots. (Under this category, successful applicant/allattee cannot transfer the allotted plot up to ive years from the ate of allotment. (W) No encroachment should have been done by the applicant an land acquired/purchased by Yamuna Authority irrespective of acquired land or any other land against which the application fo allotments being ‘made in this Scheme. A declaration to ths effect shall have to be given on Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- by the applicant farmer as per Performa given in the application form (Under:akingl). (i) The applicant has received entire compensation of the land acquired without any contest/Itigation. The applicant has to submit Form-11 issued by the Competent Authority with the application (Vii) The applicant farmer and all Khatedrs, shall submit an affidavit stating tat they shal not flea legal case inany court for enhancement of compensation or claim of addtional lan. (2) lf,onverifcation or at any stage itis founs that there a violation of any of the above mentioned concitions ‘hen the application willbe ejectec and registration money wil be relunded without anyinterest (If under this category the applicants are less than the number of plots reserved, then thelettover plots shall be included inthe draw for general category. PROCEDURE TO APPLY (The application form can be collected on payment of Rs. 500/-+ 189% GST from any of bank branches listed inthe last page of this booklet. For getting the application form by post, applicants have to send a demand draft of Rs. 500/- + 189% GST in favour of Yamuna Expressway Industral Development Authority, payable at Noida/ Greater Noida/ Delhi (id) The application form can also be downloaded from the website of the Authority, i.e While applying on @ downloaded form, itis essential that the applicant attaches an adcit onal demand draft of Rs. 500/- + 18% GST towards the cost of form. The DD. shall bein favour of Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority, payable at Noida/ Greater Noida/ Delhi. Downloaded orm from internet shall be deposited only mentioned inthe lis atthe last page ofthis brochure (li) The application may be submitted on online on the website of the Yamuna authority i. ‘ora through net anne. (jv) The application forms can be purchased and submitted only ror respective Sank listed below: Greater Noida oy (ike r[a 2) 2 wl 2 13] as ul 1 is| 15 25 | 25 26| 26 ar| 27 2s | 28 29| 29 30] 30 ai] 31 a2| 2 a3| 33 3a] 34 ‘Omega 1, P 2, Shopping Complex, Sector Bulldars Area, Greater Noida, UP (Nodal Branch) Krishna Apre Royal Plaza, 02, Alpha 1, Greater Nowa ICICI BANK LTD $-4, Gamms-l,Gamma Shopping Complex Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar Kl, Senior Mall, Sector 18, Noida Plot No. 43:48,65:67, Block B1, Sector 50, Noida Supertech Shopprx,C-1348, Sector 61, NOIDA ‘Sg7 Ubs 1, Stellar It Park, €25, Sector 62 ,NOIDA H.1,34,SECOTOR 63 RD, D BLOCK SEC 63 NOIDA SHOP NO 31,57,58 CITY PLAZA GREATER NOIDA WEST,GAUR CITY, NOIDA SHOP NO LE F 8,9 & UG F9,10 PLOT NO GH 01 SECTOR 121 NOIDA '50 A Taj Road, Agra Sadar Bazar, Agra, UP 217/360, Kesopur, Bhuteshwar Road, Mathura, UP Gi Floor No. 2, Court Of Wards Compound, Opp. Gandhi Park, Aligarh, UP Naripur Road, Near Hathras Bus Stand, Hathras, UP Municipal No. 107 308, Old Number 193194, Clit Lino RAJLOK CIVIL LINES BOUNDARY ROAD,NEAR SSNL TELEPHONE EXCHANGE .MEERUT Bulaneshahy, UP ICICI Bank Lid, Shalimar Tower, 31/54 M.GMarg, Hagratgany, Lucknow, UP. 3/64, Vek Khang, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow ‘Ag-1;Plat Number 3;Adiiya Cty C Hall No, 4, Part 8, Gaur Global Village, Crossing Republic 1/88, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabed treVaibhav Khand indrapuram, 17-19 Ramneck Complex, Tikona Park NIT, Faridabad, Haryana 300 104-105 DISTRICT CENTRE SCOTOR 16 FARIDABAD, ‘9A, Phelps Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi Plot No. 5 6, Lse 3, Dwarka, Sec 06, Delhi A117/118 Palam Extn. Sector 7 Near Ramphal Chowk Owarka New Delhi 1A34, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi 1:16, South Extension, Part I New Delhi 110049. 1878, Ground Floer, Defence Colony, New Delhi (632 Matvya Nagar, New Delhi 17, Local Shopping Centre, Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi (62425, Acharya Nikstan, Mayur Vina, Phase 1, Delhi WS7, Greater Kallash .New Delhi 65, Jyoti Bullding, 6, Cnandra Building, Nehru Place, New Deli 42 3, Community Genter, New Friends Colony , New Delhi Plot No 2, LSC, Mancawali Fazalpur Near Balaji Max Hospital, IP Extn, New Delhi 18368, Moora Bagh, Paschim Vinar, New Delhi £428, Pushpanjali Enclave, Outer Ring Road, Saraswat Vihar, Pitampura, New Dethi 19 West Avenue, Punjabi Bagh, West, New Delhi Express Bullding,910,8ahacur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO New Delhi 2212/64, Gurudwara Read, Karol Bagh, Delhi 42 _[_ SCO 18 & 19 HUDA SHOPPING COMPLEX,SECTOR 14 GURUGRAM o w (i) Financing option available at ICICI BANK Ltd Branches subject ta necessary qualification cr os The application form duly completed and signed along withthe require registration money and al the required annexures snall be submited to ary of the bank oranches listed on the page of this brochure on any working cay uring tre period between the cate of opening and tne date of closure af thisscheme 1 the application is incomplete in ary respect whatsoever orf any column's left blank or if the phato isnot pasted at the designated place or mentioning an incomplete or untrue aderess or the bank draft or aay orger snot attached or ne signature or thumb impression found onthe declaration, the application shall notbe considered at all sms & Conditions of the financingbankwill apply Incase of registration money is financed by any bank, the refund of the unsuccessful applicant money willbe sent to bank only, and in case where these applicants are success‘ul then issued allotment letter will be sent to the financing bank address only ‘CHANGE IN ENTRIES IN APPLICATION FORM, (Once the application formis submitted, onlychangeot address is allowed. (i) Changa in address, if ary, may be communicated to the Authority by registered post to Residential plot department, YEIDA. The applicant shall make arrangement to get lottrs redirected tothe changed add respectively for undelverad latter, However, date of allotment letter shall hold goed for payment of allotment ‘mony andinstalment, incase of delay in receiptof liter dus to change inaderess. WITHDRAWAL / SURRENDER (Incase of surrender before draw of lots the entire Registration Money deposited shall be refunded witnout interest. (i) Nowithrawal af application willbe entertained ater final publication of eligiity ist il) Inthe case of withdrawal of the apalication betore any allotment leter is issued, then after deducting an amount of Rs.10000/- from the registration money, the balance shall be refunded without any interest thereon, (jv) Inthe case of surrender at any time attr allotment but before expiry of cue date and deposit of allotment ‘money then attr deducting 10% of registration amount or Rs. 10000/-which evershigher, the balance shall be refunded without any interest thereon, (Incase of surronder at anytime after due date of deposit of allotment money but before execution of lease dod then after deduction of amount equivalent to registration money, the balance i ary shal be refunded without any interest thereon, (i) Inthe case of surrender at any time after the execution of lease deed then out af the deposited amount, an ‘amount 3075 the total premium of the plot shal be deducted, ana the balance shalbe refunded without any Interest thereon, (Wi) Application for withdrawal of the application or surrender of the application shal be either san by registered posts with acknowledgment due OR by personally atthe reception office of the Authority against stamped receipt. The date af withcrawal/surrendr shall be the data of which the applieation along withthe required 19. 20. a. 22. & documents is actually received in the ofice af the Authority. No claim onthe basis of postal certificate willbe entertainec (Wil) Along withthe application for surrender te allottee shall have to attach the originals of the recsiat of the Fegistration form, allotment leter, his Bank Passbaok Photocony/ Cancelled Cheque with bearing name, ‘Account Numaer, & IFSC Coee, (6) The signature of the applicant is a must on the application for withdrawal /surrender and a selt attested Photograph should also be pasted onit. Note:The date of surrender inthe above cases shall be the cate on which apalication (With Photo, Can Cheque, Original Allotment Lotter, Original Form Slip, & ) is rocsived at the YEIDA Authority's offi subsequent claim on thebasis f postal & other certificatowillbe entertained, ‘CANCELLATION ‘The Authority / Lessor shall be free to exercise its rights of cancellation of allotment/Iease in the following (Allotment / lease having boon obtained through fraud, misrepresontation, misstatement, or on account of suppression of matorial facts i) Ary violation of cirections issued, or rules or regulations framed by the Authority or by any other statutory body. (il) For breach, violation of te terms and conditions of registration / allotment / lease and / or non deposit of amount payable tothe Authority as per the schedule prescribed inthe letter of allotment / lease as the case ‘may be, onthe partof theapplicant /alottes/ lessee. (iv) Incase defaut any theee consecutive instalment, the allotment may be cancelled (W) Inthe event of cancellation, under sub-clause (), (i, (i) and (W), above, the entre deposits til the date of cancellation shal be forteites and possession of the plot shall be resumed by the Authority/ Lessor with structures thereon, if any, and the allotee/ lessee will hae no right to claim any compensation thereof. Without preudice to the sforesai, the Authority shall also have the liberty to initiate legal action against such allottee/ lessee. (0) The amount forfaited under clause (W) above shall not exceed the amount ying in epost withthe authority. No separate notice in th regarc shall be issued. RESTORATION ‘The CEO can restore the cancellation of plot the Allttes applies for restoration within 6 months of cancellation land deposits entire arrear amount due tll that date. The Authority wll also charge 10% of the total current premium amount theplatas restoration charges. ‘OVERRIDING POWER OVER DORMANT PROPERTIES. ‘Tne Lesser reserves the right tall mines, minerals, coals, washing gold, earth alls, quarries in or under the plotand {ull right and power at any time to do all acts and things which may be necessary or expedient forthe purpose of searching for, working and obtaining, removing and enjoying the same without providing or leaving any vertical supaort forthe surface of the oullding or for the structure time being standing thereon, The Lessor shall make reasonable compensation to the Allottee/Lessee forall damages directly occasioned by exercise of the rights hereby reserved. The decision of the CEO on the amount af such compensation will be final and bincing on the Allotee/Lessee. EXECUTION OF LEASE DEED (The possession ofthe alloted plot will be handed over ater 3 years from issue of allotment letter ar may be ven botore that, (i) The allotee wil be required to enter into legal documentation (execution and registration of lease deed) and tke possession ofthe plot within a period of 60 days rom the date of afer at possession/intimation todo so Inthe even of falure to coo, allotee shall liable to pay administrative charges atthe rate of 19 of thetotal premium forthe extension of one year from the due date given for the execution of legal documents. Ff the allotee fails, to execute legal documents within the extended time, acton for cancellation of allotment and ‘ortsiture of Geposited money shall be taken, (il) Stamp charges, registration chargos and all other expenses payable on the execution of the above document shall borne by the latte. 0 & 23, Documentation Charges The cost and expenses of preparation, registering the egal documents including the cost of stamp paper and al ther incidental expenses wll be borne by the llottee, He wll also ay any ather duty ar charges that may be levied "upon him by any Author ty empowered in thisbehalt. Documentation charge will nat Refunded by authority. 24, MORTGAGE ‘Any Lessee, with the pravious written permission of the lessor of ary officer authorized in that behalf, may mortgage the lease plot (.e. after execution of the lease ceed) forthe purposes of procuring a loan trom any bank/financial institution. In the event ot grant of permission to morigage the Authority shall ave first charge ver the mortgaged plot. other terms and conltion on which martgageis permitted shall be binding onthe allotte, 25. TRANSFER OF PLOT |. In favour of Legal Heirs Upon the death of the Allottee/Lessee transter of plot to the Allottee's/Lessee loga hers will be allowed with prior written permission of the Chiet Executive Officer or any officer authorized by the CEO in this regard, ‘subject tothe fulilment of prescribes conditions which are prevalent as on the date of grant of permission, No transfer charges ar payable incase at transfer by succession, I. In favour of al ethers, except legal heirs No transfer of the alloted/Ieased plot to any person, other than legal heir of the Allotae/Lassea, shall be permissible except on a written request made by the Allottae/Lessoe followed by prior written parmission of the CChiot Executive Oticor or ary officer authorized by the Chiet Exaculve Officer. Such permission may be granted subject te paymont of transfor charges AND compliance of such other terms anc conditions which may by Imposed by the Chet Executive Officer or ay oficar authorized by the CEO in accordance with te polity of the ‘Authority existing on the date a grant af permission to transfer. Te permission t transfer shall be elfectve only ater deposit ofthe transfer charges as may be in force at that time and fulliment of all other requirement as may be set out in the permission for vansfe. The power to reject or accept such request for transfer by an allottee/Iessee shall vest in the Chief Executive Otficer or any officer authorized by him inthis behalt 26. LANDUSE ‘The allotted leased plot shall be used only for residential purpose and forno other purpose whatsoever. Theallattse shallot inculge/carry out any activity on or fram the premises which may amount te change in land use orHkely to cause pollution or nuisance. Use of plt for any non-residential purpose like shop, office, clinic, nursing home, school, crache etc. would amount to breach ot the terms and conditions for which the allotment/lease would be ‘cancelled and the Authority would be foe to seal/re-enter the cemised premises. The lessee shal nat display or ‘exit any posters, statues and other articles which are indecent or immoral 27, LIABILITY TO PAY TAXES ‘The allotee / lessee shall be lable to pay all charges, taxes, fee assessment of every description in respect of the allotte / leased plot as may bs imposed ay the Lessor or ary other competent Authority 28, OTHER CLAUSES (The Chief Executive Officer or any officer authorized by him in tis regard reserves the right to makes such ‘2daitions/alterations or modifications in the terms and conditions of allotment from time to time as he/she ‘may consider ust or/anc expedient andthe same shallbe binding on the allottee/lease, (i of any clarification on interpretation regarding these terms and conditions the decision of the Chiet Executive Officer shal be final and bincing on the applicant/allottes/ lessee (ii) The allottes shal ave to comply withthe provisions of the UP Incustral Area Dovalopment Act, th Rules and Regulations and bye laws made there under or irections issued fram time to time by the Authority or any otficer authorized inthis regard with respect tothe maintenanceof land, building and surrounding areas et. (i) If due to any “orce majeure” or any circumstances beyond the contra of the Authority, the Authority is unable ‘tomake allotment or hand over the passession ofthe alloted pot, the entire deposit amount willbe retunded ‘along with prevailing simple interest rate o! saving A/c in SB. tis clarified that tne month of deposit and the ‘month of refund shall not be counted forthe purposes of calculation of interest. (W) Any dispute between the Authority/Lessor and allotee/lessee shall be subject to the teritoral jurisdiction of the cvilcourts of Gautam Buch Nagar or the Hon'ble Hign Court a Jucicature at Allahabad. o) wi wait oy rc) oo & In case the Authorty has to pay enhanced land compensation/accuistion cost/no litigation incentive/ex: gratia amount as per the order of the Court or by the State Government or by the Authority, the Lessee/ ‘Mlottee shall nave to pay such enhancement as demanced by the Authority. AL duos payableto the Authortyshallbe ‘Mere deposit of registration amount would not constitutes right to allotment of @ alot, In the event of ary discrepancy between the Hindi and English version of the brochure, the English version shallbs deemed tobe final ana binding on the Applicant/Allottee/Lesses, ‘Tho Authority has undisputed thereot, Registration fee Ifthe registration amount deposited is ess than the registration fee, then the application wil automatically berejecte. covered as artearsof land revenue ht towithraw/amend the scheme at ary time without assigning any reasons For more information kindly contact: Manager (Relationship) (Property : RPS-04/2021, Residential Plot Scheme) Telephone No. : 0120-2395201, 0120-2395157 Website : ‘Application forms can be downloaded/submitted online on our website u ae ae suferpra— | 4 we = afar ¢ cer aT aren dea ‘eer ea =r a Sas a Rear fa GPreir erer maga weed heey Ree sae hae, ues we ber an 8 sae fe oat ef ere tT rion, ara ‘eae at “haart iar 1096 ser () 747 @ atguen fess ‘where / 7 @h ger Pt ont ax wan feaie ‘Bh agp Gate aed Fores rere aT oe aretha ern gar 1 a AR arr er eT ee Fe ea wae ew we ArT (9 ses oven & age fra a ener es ah are are eral 8 ea PCT wT ae ERE cae he RE re whg atoarer ae Parca eas 3 sere sweater fer ore & fp once rer ear aren rte Fore saree Rm /orerenty era a wet ft 11 fi ae ar am ver ‘aaa dom ara ‘ere at ‘ar ear gt cae fie ota 9 are oT aaa ior aaa fear a a caterer (are 4/17, 6/17) Reto a sftere car chay week @ feng fra or ger | ae fs re sere a ha Guest a ar we ag area et Prarr | et Rw re er wt aA ae ert fb Rect sf Reh oe ferrn sare eas 3 sere ‘earn: iia fear sweats fver ren & fs mer gre fer sar evra fare water Rms /orerent a a wet BY 12 ae YEIDA Film City Toy Park Metro Yamuna Expressway Airport MASTER PLAN FOR YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA (PHASE - I) - 2021 (For Notified Area of GeutarnBudh Nagar 8 Dulandshatr District) LEcEND: ‘YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY

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