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ICRM AES End User Guide for Application Request

Open a browser and enter to login to Self service portal.

As Manager Login to Identity Self Service Enter OLM ID as user name and password and click
Sign in

After successful login, the below page will be opened.

After Successful Login go to Request Access->Request for self->Application

Click on 1.Application type 2.ICRM AES Service click on 3. Search click on 4.Add to
Cart click on 5.Next
Select required Resource category,Role Name and Region
Click on 1.Update 2.Submit

The Request Id will be generated, and it will go for Approval

The end user can track his/her request status by clicking on Track Requests tab
The approval request shall be forwarded to the end user’s L1 manager. The L1 manager should
login to and approve the request raised by the end user

Manager will receive Email notification regarding the End user request

At First Level:The Approve will go for End user’s Manager i.eL1

Here End user’s (L1 Manager) Manager Login and will approve the request.
Click on Pending Approvals and select Request ID generated by End User

Approve the request.

The approval request shall be forwarded to the end user’s L2 manager. The L2 manager should
login to and approve the request raised by the end user

Manager will receive Email notification regarding the End user request

At second Level:The Approve will go for End user’s Managers manager i.e L2
Here End user’s (Manager’s manager) Manager Login and will approve the request
Approve the request from L2.
End user can view application status as provisioned
Raising the request for entitlement(Additional Responsibility)

Open a browser and enter to login to Self service portal.

As Manager Login to Identity Self Service Enter OLM ID as user name and password and click
Sign in

After Successful Login go to Request Access->Request for self->Application

Click on 1. type 2.ICRM AES Service click on 3. Search click on 4.Add to Cart click on

Click on Update and submit

Request ID will be generated
Login as L1 manager and approve the request
After the Approval from L1 ,request goes to MS Comp Team(If critical responsibility).
After approval from L1 and MS team Entitlement will be provisioned.
User can Disable his account Self without approvals.

Select the account->click on Actions->disable and Submit

Account status will disabled

To Enable the account
Select the account->actions->enable
After click on Submit, Request ID will be generated

After the approvals done from L1 and L2 account will be enabled.

Login as L1 got to->pending approvs->select the request id->approve

Login as L2 ->pending approvals->select the request ID->approve

Account status will be enabled

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