Ɋɟɮɟɪɚɬ ɧɚ ꞭɟꞪɭ: Court System in Ukraine

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Ɇɿɧɿɫɬɟɪɫɬɜɨ ɨɫɜɿɬɢ ɿ ɧɚɭɤɢ ɦɨɥɨɞɿ ɬɚ ɫɩɨɪɬɭ ɍɤɪɚʀɧɢ

ȼɨɥɢɧɫɶɤɢɣ ɧɚɰɿɨɧɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɭɧɿɜɟɪɫɢɬɟɬ

ɘɪɢɞɢɱɧɢɣ ɮɚɤɭɥɶɬɟɬ

Ɋɟɮɟɪɚɬ ɧɚ
Court system in Ukraine

ɫɬɭɞɟɧɬ 22ɝɪɭɩɢ
ɓɟɪɛɢɤ Ȼɨɝɞɚɧ

Ʌɭɰɶɤ 2011

1. General jurisdiction
1.1. The structure of the courts of general jurisdiction
1.2. Local courts
1.3. Appellate courts
1.4.Vyschi specialized courts
1.5. The Supreme Court of Ukraine
2. Constitutional Court of Ukraine


Courts in Ukraine form the judiciary, for which, as for each system are several
connections and relations between its separate elements (the courts) as well as
inherent properties such as hierarchy, multilevel, structuring. The judicial system
of Ukraine, uosoblyuyuchy con ¬ ¬ no aspect of the approach, the judiciary - one
of the branches of the government - reflects the features of this power in our state,
corresponds to the socioeconomic development in the dominant society's views on
the place of trial in the mechanisms of state power, experience and certain
A distinctive feature of the judicial system of Ukraine is that it is a unitary
state system, which, unlike the federal states, where a federal system as a su ¬
virgins, and some courts of the Federation (states, provinces, regions and
countries) , has a single judicial system that does not involve subject matter
jurisdiction of the division between courts on the grounds of belonging to different
internal structures.
Second difference of the judicial system of Ukraine is the existence of two
branches of the judicial system: the Constitutional Court and courts of general
Of the two models of the judicial institution of the Constitution - the U.S., where
the function carried out courts and European, when given a task to solve heat ¬
formed body been addressed - Ukraine has chosen the European model,
constitutionally enshrining the formation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine -
the only body of constitutional jurisdiction .
The third hallmark of the judicial system of Ukraine is monotsentryzm the courts
of general jurisdiction. Unlike bitsentryzmu that existed over a decade, when the
subsystem of the general courts led the Supreme Court of Ukrain e and the
economic subsystem (then arbitration) - equal to him by the Supreme Economic
status (then arbitration) court of Ukraine, now the subsystem and general and
specialized subsystem Courts by Supreme Court of Ukraine.
Thus, the judicial system of Ukraine formed the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
and courts of general jurisdiction. The latter in turn consist of general and
specialized courts. Common include district, district in the city, city and district
courts,, appellate courts regions, the appell ate courts of Kyiv and Sevastopol, the
Court of Appeal of ARC and the Appellate Court of Ukraine.
Specialized commercial courts are courts of oblasts, Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol, the economic courts of appeals districts and Higher
host Ski ¬ Court of Ukraine, as well as district administrative courts,
administrative courts of appeals districts and higher administrative court of
Ukraine ¬ sions.
The head of the system of courts of general jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of



Actually the system of courts of general jurisdiction is defined in the Law on
the Judiciary of Ukraine, who developed and detailed to starting position,
enshrined in the Constitution. Under this law, general jurisdiction consisting of
general and specialized courts. General courts hear criminal and civil cases and
cases on administrative violations. Specialized are commercial courts, which hear
cases arising from commercial relations as well as some other cases attributed by
the law within their jurisdiction. And belong to specialized administrative courts
that hear cases related to legal relations in public administration and government
(cases of administrative jurisdiction).
Subsystem of the general courts are the local district, district in the city, city and
district courts. They belong to the first level courts. The second level in the
subsystem general court form courts, which includes courts of oblasts, cities of
Kyiv and Sevastopol, the Appellate Court of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Conv ¬ tion the term "appeal" in the title these courts does not mean that they are
empowered to review cases only on appeal. In the cases provided by law, they
provide cases in first instance. The existence of two powers in the courts of
instance of the second level was the reason for third -level subsystem in general
courts, which in the law before the Appellate Court of Ukraine.
At the fourth level of the judiciary is the Supreme Court of Ukraine, which on
general courts empowered to review the court of review The decisions of local,
appellate courts and the Appellate Court of Ukraine.
Subsystem specialized courts form the commercial and administrative courts.
Local economic courts (first level) is the economic courts of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol.
The local administrative district courts are courts created in the districts according
to the Decree of President of Ukraine.
Specialized courts of appeal (ie the second level courts) is the commercial courts of
appeal and appeal administrative courts, which are formed in appellate circuits
decrees of President of Ukraine. They only hear cases on appeal.
The third level subsystems specialized courts are the Supreme Economic Court of
Ukraine and the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. In the case of
formation of other types of specialized courts should be formed respective high
courts. The Constitution did not specify the content of the notion of "supreme
court", and the Law of Ukraine "On the Judicial System of Ukraine" stipulates that
the higher su-di is the highest judicial body of specialized judicial branches
appearing in the court of review cases within their jurisdiction, as well as other
cases under the procedural law, provide specialized courts of lower level regarding
application of law to resolve cases within their jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court of Ukraine, which is the highest judicial body in general
subsystem, and subsystem specialized courts may review, consider higher
specialized courts in the court of review for exceptional or new circumstances.


The local courts are the district, district in the city, city and district courts and
military courts of garrisons.
Local economic courts are commercial courts of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol.
Local administrative courts are courts of the district, formed in districts according
to the Decree of President of Ukraine.
Members form a local court district judge, the chairman and deputy chairman of
the court. If the number of local court judges than fifteen, can be assigned more
than one Vice President.
Local courts are the first link (level) of general jurisdiction. They have also been
customary ymenuvaty core of the judicial system since they constitute the vast
majority of all judicial bodies, as well as courts of first instance c onsider almost all
(with few exceptions) lawsuits. Amenable to certain categories of cases on initial
review of the first instance by higher courts is determined by procedural law.
General subject-matter jurisdiction and specialized courts determined
GENERALLY sudoustriynomu and in more detail the procedural laws.
Local courts of general jurisdiction hear criminal, civil and administrative cases
and cases on administrative violations.


Appellate courts are the second level (level) in the general courts, which are
intended to implement the constitutional principle of ensuring the appeal court
decisions. In Ukraine there are general and specialized courts.
Judicial districts (area under jurisdiction of the court) in general and specialized
appellate courts do not match. Moreover, the general court in the subsystem name
of the court and outside the judicial district in the law. As for specialized courts,
the solution given question within the jurisdiction of the President of Ukraine.
Yes, the law has determined that the appellate courts are: the regions courts,
appellate courts of Kyiv and Sevastopol, the Appellate Court of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea, regional military courts and the Court of Appeal naval Forces
of Ukraine and the Appellate Court of Ukraine.
The law allowed if need be, the appellate court set up field general courts of appeal
with territorial jurisdiction in several regions.
Specialized courts of appeal have appella te commercial courts and administrative
courts of appeal that will occur in the appellate circuits to the decrees of the
President of Ukraine.
The specified procedure is fully consistent with the Constitution of Ukraine, which
empowers the President of Ukraine to establish the authority of the courts.
However, as in the courts of law (as opposed to special) always there were three
links, the law kept their list, only filling them with authority. As a specialized
system (initially in commercial, and then in administrative) court indicated it was
necessary to create a link for the first time. At the time of adoption of the Law of
Ukraine "On the Judicial System of Ukraine" in this link of the commercial courts
did not exist.
Justices of the Appeals Court judges form, usually at ¬ wound permanently.
Since judges of this court are appointed by Chief Justice and his deputies, one of
which is the first deputy. They, like heads and deputy heads of local courts are
appointed for five years and dismissed by the Pre sident of Ukraine. They may also
be appointed to administrative positions again.
Appellate courts are structured internally. Unlike local su ¬ virgins, where the
internal structuring of the (major) depends on the ability of each court separately
structuring appellate court not only enshrined in law, it defined and order of
formation of these structures.
To consider cases in appellate courts formed chambers. To address organizational
issues in the appellate courts acting Bureau Court of Appeals.
Powers of appellate courts are divided on the legal, analytical and methodical.
Belong to the first authority on proceedings in Apel are also presented ¬ tion
procedure and in cases in first instance. The second group of powers belonging to
analyze forensic statistics, you ¬ doctrine and synthesis of judicial practice. The
third - provide consultations to local courts in the utilization of by ¬ legislation.
Powers of appellate courts, enshrined in Art. 26 Law is not exhaustive. They can
make and other powers to be prescribed by law.
The reason for the hearing in order of appeal is an appeal lodged by the court of
first instance, which has not taken effect. Judgement in this case - is the verdict,
decision, decree, ruling su ¬ du first instance.


The highest bodies of the specialized courts are the Supreme Economic Court of
Ukraine and the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. The law allows for the
possibility of other higher education and specialized courts in the general
procedure provided in Art. 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judicial System of
High specialized courts composed of judges elected to a permanent position, the
Chief Justice and his deputies. Requiring judges to be elected indefinitely m eans
that experience to judgeships in it shall be a minimum of five years. The highest
specialized court may form chambers on certain categories of cases defined by
specialization from within the special jurisdiction. Therefore, the number and
subject specialization chambers in higher courts are not determined by law and by
the higher court. In the Supreme Economic Court established four chambers: in
cases of bankrupt cos ¬; of proceedings to levy taxes (obligatory payments) in
cases of disputes between businesses, with cases involving the protection of
intellectual property. At the stage of the study is the need of another formation of
the Chamber of proceedings in disputes and corporate disputes, related to the
mentioned ¬ privatization of state property.
Presidium high specialized court created to deal with organizational issues. To
address common issues of all branches of the courts in certain specific high
specialized court has a Plenary specialized court. Under the law all the high
specialized courts located in Kiev.
The powers of high specialized courts form a system which consists of legal,
analytical, methodical and organizational responsibilities. Along with these
specialized court is vested with the authority of another, which results from its
status in the branch of specialized courts - is pravoroz'yasnyuvalne powers.

  ! "#  

Place Supreme Court of Ukraine Ukraine's judicial system enshrined at the

constitutional level: "The highest judicial body of general jurisdiction is the
Supreme Court of Ukraine" (paragraph 2 of Art. 125 of the Constitution of
Nayvyschist means, ¬ First, the Supreme Court heads the judicial system of
Ukraine Ukraine, on ¬ Second, it is a court of last resort in the national system of
courts of general jurisdiction, its decision is subject to revision; ¬ on third, that he
has such powers are not identical in content and scope of the powers of high
specialized courts, which led subsystem specialized jurisdiction.
The purpose of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is the administration of justice, to
ensure the uniform application of law by all courts of general jurisdiction.
Part 2, Art. 47 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judicial System of Ukraine"
stipulates the powers that seek to fulfill the specified purpose, and other challenges
before the Supreme Court of Ukraine.
All powers may be classified in several groups.
The first group form a judicial authority.
Second - powers aimed at ensuring uniformity of judicial practice.
The third group of powers aimed at implementing the rule of law in law
enforcement vessels.
The fourth group has political overtones, since the Supreme Court determines the
place of Ukraine in the mechanism of checks and balances on abuse of power of
other branches of government. These powers in the scientific literature
ymenuyutsya either exclusively, or identity.
The fifth group of powers - the Executive.
The above powers are not exhaustive, the Supreme Court of Ukraine may exercise
other powers provided by law.
Official of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is defined in several Articles of the Law
of Ukraine "On the Judicial System of Ukraine: part 1, art. 48, No. 4 cent. 50, art.
52, Part 5 of Article. 53.
The Supreme Court of Ukraine headed by Chief Justice of Ukraine.
The composition of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is composed of judges of the
Supreme Court of Ukraine, elected to a permanent position, which is established
by decree of President of Ukraine on the submission of the President of Ukraine
Supreme Court agreed with the Council of Judges of Ukraine.
In the Supreme Court of Ukraine are: 1) The Chamber of Civil Cases, 2 ) The
Chamber of Criminal Cases, 3) Chamber of commercial matters, and 4) the Trial
Chamber on administrative cases. In the Supreme Court has the military judicial
To address internal organizational issues of the Supreme Court of Ukraine has
Presidium of the Supreme Court of Ukraine.
The Supreme Court of Ukraine has a Plenary of the Supreme Court of Ukraine,
who decides whether the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law on the Judicial
System of Ukraine ".
Powers of the Supreme Court of Ukraine are divided between the structural
formations of the court. For example, judges, analytical, methodical exercising
judicial powers of the Chamber and the judges who are members of the Chambers;
pravoroz'yasnyuvalni authority carries only Plenum. Also, only he h as the
authority to ensure implementation of the rule of law and conflict resolution
(within their power) of other branches of government.


Institute of constitutional justice exists in most modern countries. This is because

that was the idea of a universally recognized rule of law, one of the defining
features of which is the rule of law and its main source - the Constitution. World
experience shows that the most effective legal guarantee of the Constitution is
judicial constitutional control.
October 18, 1996 Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, totaled oath
pledged zabezpezchuvaty supremacy of the Constitution of Ukr aine, to protect the
constitutional system of state constitutional rights and freedoms of man and
It should be noted that the Constitutional Court as a specialized body of
constitutional jurisdiction has both common and distinctive features of co urts of
general jurisdiction. Common to them is most of the principles of justice. Law on
the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Article 5 states that diyalnistKonstytutsiynoho
Court based on the principles of legality, independence, collegiality, rivnoprano sti
judges, transparency, completeness, comprehensiveness and validity of
proceedings of its decisions. Some countries introducing restrictions on use, such
as pryntsyniv transparency, competition.
Spicy standing issue regarding the establishment of the C onstitutional Court.
According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court of
Ukraine" dated June 3, 1992 the judges were elected by the Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine of the candidates in an equal number served Chairman of the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine and President of Ukraine - in agreement. However, because the
validity of the old Constitution, which contained a number of fundamental
contradictions to overcome them in the Parliament of Ukraine it was difficult to
reach a qualified majority of votes, the Constitutional Court has not been possible.
After winning the European model of independent (special) of the Constitutional
Court. In his formulation, but the Supreme Rada of Ukraine President of Ukraine
took part and the Congress of Judges of Ukraine.
There was to create the Court nor economic nor relevant legal conditions. Suffice it
to recall charges the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by representatives of
legislative power in the "capture" the temporary building, which housed the Court
by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, litigation in bankruptcy court
about this, cutting back and read "the Court, while approving the State Budget
Ukraine, the debate in Parliament on the transfer of location of the Court to
Kharkov or reflection question the legitimacy of judges appointed by the President
of Ukraine.
The main problem experienced by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, was the
contradiction between the strategic direction that his chosen community, and those
deep formational transformations, which included both economic and political, and
social and legal spheres of life.
However, caution should be thought of as if the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
can and should solve all problems or even most of them. And the public
administration, that appeal to the Court, and in the public consciousness has a
foothold right attitude to what can and what can not be the Constitutional Court of
First of all, the Constitutional Court should not substitute legislator. In some
situations, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine must act on the one hand, as part of
the machinery, on the other - as a research center of the constitutional and legal
thought. But first its decisions the Constitutional Court of Ukraine made a serious
bid and its independence, and a place in the hierarchy of power that belongs to him
by the Constitution of Ukraine.
Court intended to resolve disputed legal issues, not political conflicts, which is
basically beyond the legal framework.
According to Art. 147 of the Constitution of Ukraine main aim of the
Constitutional Court of Ukraine - to guarantee the supremacy of the Constitution as
the Constitution State.
Thus, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine have a special role in ensuring the
supremacy of the Constitution of Ukraine, preserving the constitutional order of
the state, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.
The composition of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine consists of 18 judges
representing all three branches of government. The peculiarity of the formation of
the judiciary is the appointment of its member judges of the Supreme Council of
Ukraine, Ukrainian President, the Congress of Judges of Ukraine. A similar
procedure of the Constitutional Court provided for in Italy, where it take part in
parliament, the president and supreme court of general and administrative
Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional SudUkrayiny" notes that
the President of Ukraine, appointing judges, held consultations on this matter with
the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice of Ukraine and issued a decree on
appointment, signed by the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice .
Appointed a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine shall be those candidates
receiving the highest number of vot es of deputies, but more than half the votes of
deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. If several candidates received an equal
number of votes and after their appointment would have exceeded the number
required for the appointment of judges for these c andidates held another vote.
By voting the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine signed the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine on appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
The term of office of judges of the Constitutional Court may not exceed 9 years.
Time limitation purposes, as well as the inadmissibility of appointment to this
position again driven by significant governmental powers which the Constitutional
Court of Ukraine. The maximum age of office of judges - 65.
Article 126 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that the judge dismissed by the
body that elected or appointed, if: 1) the expiration of the term for which he was
elected or appointed, and 2) the judge's attainment of sixty -five, and 3) inability to
exercise its powers for health, 4) violation of a judge of the incompatibility, 5)
breach of oath by the judge, 6) if a guilty verdict against him; 7) termination of his
citizenship, 8) listed as missing or dead, 9) submission by the judge resignation or
dismissal of their own volition. Authority of the judge terminates in the event of
his death.
The composition of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine also includes:
‡ The Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, organizational, scientific,
expert, information-help and other support of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
led by head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
‡ Standing Committee of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which is its
subsidiary working bodies on the organization of its internal operation.
Constitutional Court of Ukraine for the period of their powers.
‡ Interim Committee of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine for further study is sues
related to constitutional proceedings, involving experts in relevant areas of law.
‡ Archive of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which stores materials of the
Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The case on which the Constitutional Court of
Ukraine made a decision or opinion given, in the archives of the Constitutional
Court of Ukraine hundred years. The original decisions and conclusions of the
Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the archives of the Constitutional Court of
Ukraine permanently. Other materials on the activities of the Constitutional Court
of Ukraine in the archives of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on a general
basis, the legislation of Ukraine.
‡ Library of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine for the Constitutional Court of
Ukraine regulations, scientific and other specialized literature.
‡ edition of which is the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
According to article 150 of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine
"On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Constitutional Court is vested with broad
powers. They can be divided into several subgroups:
1. authority to resolve questions about the constitutionality of laws and other legal
acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine President of Ukraine, Cabinet of M inisters
of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The right to
have such an application the President of Ukraine, not less than 45 deputies of
Ukraine, Supreme Court of Ukraine, Ukraine Parliament Commissioner for Human
Rights, Parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Under section 152 of
the Constitution and laws of Ukraine inshn acts by the Constitutional Court of
Ukraine may be declared unconstitutional in whole or in part, if they do not meet
the Constitution of Ukraine or if the violations of the Constitution of Ukraine
prtsedura their review, adoption or entry into force. Such acts by the Constitutional
Court of Ukraine shall cease to apply after its adoption.
2. authority for official interpretation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The
purpose of such an interpretation is neohidnosti common understanding and
applying the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Making interpretation of the
constitution and laws of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court only creates the
necessary conditions for the uniform and strict law enforcement. His decision must
meet the letter and spirit of the law, general principles of law.
3. authority for cases concerning whether the Ukraine international treaties of
Ukraine or the international t reaties submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
for granting consent to be binding. Questions to the Constitutional Court are
entitled The President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The
Constitutional Court shall render its decision as vynovku.
4. authority for making findings of compliance with the constitutional procedure of
investigation and trial of removing the President of Ukraine from office by
impeachment. President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine on impeachment if he commits treason or other crimes. Inquire
about this conclusion is possible if the decision to charge the President of Ukraine
will be accepted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine not less than two -thirds of its
constitutional structure. The subject of consideration is not itself grounds for
impeachment, but only procedural issues related to compliance with the
constitutional procedure of investigation and trial of removing the President of
Ukraine from office.
5. authority to resolve disputes about competence, particularly those between the
President of Ukraine parliament, parliament and government, the highest state
authorities of Ukraine and Crimea and more.
6. authority for complaints of violations of constitutional rights an d freedoms. The
right to appeal on such issues is the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine on Human Rights. To the consideration of such cases is possible if the
current law violates constitutional rights and freedoms, and in other cases.

After Ukraine declared independence, becoming a member of the international

community, our state has suffered a significant positive impact of the generally
recognized principles of judicial power that are reflected also in the building of the
judiciary. The provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10
December 1948 (in particular articles 7, 8, 10, 11), the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966 (Article 9) contains several
provisions that directly or indirectly formulated System requirements for a
democratic state court system.
Significant role in addressing new approaches to building the judiciary played
Ukraine's accession to the Council of Europe, ratification of the Convention on
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 and the Protocol to it number 7,
that contain the following principal provisions:
- Everyone in the determination of their civil rights and obligations or of any
nomination against her ¬ a criminal charge is entitled to a fair and p ublic hearing
within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established
responsibility according to the law;
- Every person found by a court convicted a criminal offense has the right to
review of the Constitutional Court handed down h er sentence and imposing a
sanction. The exercise of this right, including the circumstances under which it can
be accomplished, regulated by law.
But recognition of these provisions in the Convention is not sufficient for their
application in member states without ¬ relevant decisions of the European Court of
Human Rights, with the right interpretation of the Convention and Protocols. For
decades, the Court considered the case and gave almost every interpretation of the
provisions of these articles, which together formed the doctrine of "right to a
In its totality the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention and formed the European Court is
comprehensive principles for the organiza tion of the judiciary and the
administration of justice, but among them are isolated and those that directly affect
the plotted ¬ Doe judiciary. They are related to the need:
- To ensure everyone who is trying in court to defend their rights and interests of
this right by establishing a developed network of vessels close to the population
and has the authority proceedings in full, that is, in essence (the courts);
- Ensuring the right person for review of her case by the High Court by
establishing a network of courts empowered appellate or cassation;
- Procedure of the examination and whirlpool ¬ ty of the dispute, which is defined
feature of his subject. All these factors have found their reflection in the normative
constitution of Ukraine.

$ %

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