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HANICAL Aacrowi2ms Acaclemic Assessment: Career Learning Assessment Form ~ CEng {initial assessment your academic “To mest the requirements you need to. demonstrate that you have achieved a lovel of knowledge and Understanding equivalent to thot of afeduate with an accredited Meng degre. tts Important to appreciate that this Is about leowledge and understanding (broadly, the practical application of knowledge). Someone ‘wth asters Love! knowledge and understanding. wil have’ a good grasp of the theoretical prindples Underving thelr particular area of angineering practice and be able to apply them in novel, unustia or ‘complex stations where codes or procedures are unavalable or do not meet the fll requirements. ‘Surname: _HOSMANE Forename(s) JAGANATH Teer Mr Date of int (DD/MM/YY}: 21/05/1964 iret Address; HHL 7008, Survey Wo, 25/1, 256, GTS WO, 3, Baa Brand View, “Town/Gty PUNE, INDIA ‘County/State: INDIA (MANRASHTRA STATE) Postcode: 411003 ‘Country: INDIA Home Telephone Now: #91-20-25215028 Mobile o.: +91-9922440136 mall: jaannath ‘Are you currenty a member ofMecte? Wo, YesC]> Membership Ho. [FORHALQUATIFTEATIONS rae nippy erent | uatnton | tate Tae {| sconce | sosencentane || at errr] a, | gate a Sa | =a cng CLA ve Apr 12 1 ean Engineers with diferent career proftes and experience may be abe to demonstrate their level of knowledge and understanding in diferent ways. The questions below are Intended to ect ss prompts to raw out the necessary evidence In the form that Is most likely to be appropriate, The key fe to kontly appropriate evidence In your personal situation, especlally evidence of the deepening of your technleal Knowledge | ineering, beyond that expecta of @ graduate with a BEng, Since you have been asked to compete this form it Is lkaly that your non-technial knowledge end | Understanding wil have been develeped to a satisfactory extent an, while we ask for conftmaton of thy 's not the focus of the essessinent The cucal aspect is your technical development to level equivalent to Masters Level. You are strongly advised to read the guidance notes that accompanty this form. Please note: This isnot en essessment of professional campetence gained in the workolace, On completion ofthe CLA process you wll be advised ofthe requirements for the Professional Review assessment stage. 'ND: The boxes on this form can be expanded. The size ofthe box provided isnot indicative of the amount of| Information required. As 2 gulde, please alm to provide atleast half a page per section and lmt your response toa maximum af one and haf pages per Section, eng cta va apet2 : Treonsider myself ae spacilsing i "Design Engineering” and "Project Engineering* In woter tity system designs I stated my career alter graduaton In the yeer 1985 as a Product Engiveer in 8 leading pump manufacturing company (Kioskar Brothers Ld.) in Tala Yor 4 years {The Journey fom product designer to project engineer and nov as Design technical lead (OTL) tock me more than 15 yeas where [continuously updated technical knowledge trough ') Laamning from a wie variety of projets. 1} Working with specelits suc as technlel manager, mentors, project monger: ©) Intersting with equlpment soppy chain / equpment suppers {Visiting ‘various. project sites and mectng Operation and Maintenance personal Clseussing the process areas and functions of each equipments In the water ond \wastemater treatment projed sites. 12) Membership of venous Intel company knowledge communities such 25 Mechanical, Electra, Instrumentaon, Contos & tomato (MEICA); Wastewater and Hydraulics, ‘tively parelpaing In these knowledge communities asking problems, references and ‘kamples end futher ciscung eh depth withthe experienced specialist, MH Lunch find learn sbeslns where best practice, project experiences are shared by experts and project technica leads 4 Attending In-house and external training programmes/seminars on technical subjects “These Inude Inlan and Glbal faculty. ‘9) Subscribing to technlal magazines sch as "ICE journal", “Everything about Water’, industry trends and Events and focal Institutes. ty sharing knowledge sessons with peers. I). Newsletter rom suppliers and Mechanical Community. |) Mending various design revews and participating in the dlscussions. In MWH have been leading various wastewator treatment plant design projects for the UK. 1 hove transfermed myself from design engineer through to. design technical lead on various projets and main n te UK-Souther Water's Asset Management Programme (AMPS) which Started Inthe year 2010. 1 avd Kept my technical knomiedge up-to-date through the sbove mentloned ways (9 to $) and ‘by working as part ofan Integrated design team with UK and Indlan designers. 1 have developed the team of 4 engineors to a team of 17 with multiple dscplines (malnty Fechoniea, Eletrial and Cl) ane mentoring them onthe technlal expects. 1 have systematically malntained and recorded my knowledge gathering Inthe CPD (Continusl Professional Development) and personal technical databank (throughout my experience of 20+ years). currently inthe capecty of Regional design lead (ROL) rle I'm interacting with other ROL's ‘cross MI offices globaty and dcuss various technical topics and share experiences. ‘In MW other than the project wor I have contributed to 2 specie assgnments: 1) WH has come up with 9

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