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Week 3: Deep Networks and Sequence Models

Unit 1: The Need for Deeper Networks

The Need for Deeper Networks
What we covered in the last week

Experiment setup for developing machine learning


Classifying structure data with TensorFlow


TF serving and architectures for deep learning

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The Need for Deeper Networks

Limitations of shallow networks

▪ Shallow, wide networks are good at memorization
▪ Generalize poorly on new data

Capability of deeper networks

▪ Global features are learnt as a combination of local
features along the depth of the network
▪ Less prone to memorization, better generalization

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The Need for Deeper Networks
Need for non-linearity

Deep networks without non-linearity behave like

a single-layer network
Complex data cannot be separated with linear

Non-linear activations can map input into a

hyperspace where they are linearly separable

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The Need for Deeper Networks
Need for non-linearity

Deep networks without non-linearity behave like x2

a single-layer network

Complex data cannot be separated with linear


Non-linear activations can map input into a

hyperspace where they are linearly separable


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The Need for Deeper Networks
Learning process

Forward pass
▪ Calculates scores based on weights of hidden nodes Backpropagation
▪ Calculates error contributed by each neuron after
each batch is processed
▪ Weights are modified based on error calculated

Forward Pass

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The Need for Deeper Networks
Learning objectives

Loss and cost function

▪ Loss is computed on a single training example
▪ Cost is defined as average loss over all training data

▪ A classifier that converts scores to probabilities for
each class

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

▪ An optimizer commonly used for parameter updates
▪ Mini-batch of data to minimize the objective function

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The Need for Deeper Networks
Classification example

Classification with Fashion MNIST

▪ Develop a simple single-layer neural network
▪ Evaluate performance on Fashion MNIST
▪ Add more layers and evaluate improvement

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The Need for Deeper Networks
Coming up next

Introduction to sequence models

How to process sequence data

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Week 3: Deep Networks and Sequence Models
Unit 2: Introduction to Sequence Models
Introduction to Sequence Models
What we covered in the last unit

Deep networks

Deep feed-forward networks

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Introduction to Sequence Models

▪ Sequence data
▪ Sequence models
▪ Applications of sequence models

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence data

Time Series

Items sold 2 4 7 7 ?

Day 1 2 3 4 5

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence data

Time Series

Items sold 2 4 7 7 ?

Day 1 2 3 4 5


Word the cat is ?

Position 1 2 3 4

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence data

Time Series
Items sold 2 4 7 7 ? ▪ Ordered elements
▪ Number of elements can vary
Day 1 2 3 4 5


Word the cat is ?

Position 1 2 3 4

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Introduction to Sequence Models
What decides the next element?

▪ Time series
 External factors: weather, competing products, etc.
 Internal factors: previous values
▪ Sentences
 External factors: paragraph, conversation context, etc.
 Internal factors: previous words
▪ Primary focus is on internal factors
 Previous elements determine the next element, up to noise
 Mathematically: 𝑒𝑡+1 = 𝑓 𝑒1 , 𝑒2 , … , 𝑒𝑡 + ϵ

error in the prediction

(unexplained noise)

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence

▪ Given a fixed vocabulary V and present words w1, w2, …, wt,

 Compute the probability of each candidate next word x in V given w1, w2, …, wt
 Equivalently compute P(x | w1, w2, …, wt) for each x in V
 Set wt+1 to x with maximal conditional probability
 Mathematically: wt+1 = argmax P(x | w1, w2,..., wt )

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ n-gram models
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed number n of previous words (e.g., hidden Markov models)

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ n-gram models
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed number n of previous words (e.g., hidden Markov models)
 Example: let n = 3
the cat is cute ✔

▪ Issue: the parameter n is restrictive and somewhat arbitrary

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ n-gram models
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed number n of previous words (e.g., hidden Markov models)
 Example: let n = 3
the cat is cute ✔

▪ Issue: the parameter n is restrictive and somewhat arbitrary

the cat on the piano is expensive ✔

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ Bag of words
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed-length vector of word count built on previous words

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ Bag of words
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed-length vector of word count built on previous words
 Example: assume the dictionary consists of words “the”, “cat”, “nice”, “caught”, “jump”
the cat nice caught jump

the cat is nice 1 1 1 0 0

the cat caught the mouse 2 1 0 1 0

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Inferring the next word in a sentence – Traditional approaches

▪ Bag of words
 Infer wt+1 based on a fixed-length vector of word count built on previous words
 Example: assume the dictionary consists of words “the”, “cat”, “nice”, “caught”, “jump”
the cat nice caught jump

the cat is nice 1 1 1 0 0

the cat caught the mouse 2 1 0 1 0

▪ Issue: the ordering is lost and hence the semantics of words

the cat caught mice ✔

cried ✔
the caught cat mice

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence models

encoded info of
w1, w2, …, wt-1

…... wt+1

w1 w2 wt

current word
as input

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence models

encoded info of
w1, w2, …, wt-1 We change
wt+1 = f(w1, w2, …, wt-1, wt)
…... wt+1 wt+1 = f(h, wt)
where h is the encoded info of w1, w2, …, wt-1
w1 w2 wt

current word
as input

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Sequence models

encoded info of
w1, w2, …, wt-1 We change
wt+1 = f(w1, w2, …, wt-1, wt)
…... wt+1 wt+1 = f(h, wt)
where h is the encoded info of w1, w2, …, wt-1
w1 w2 wt
Remarks: When h can be expressed as a fixed-
current word length feature vector:
as input
▪ The function f can be learned in a similar way
across different positions/states
▪ Sentences with different lengths are handled

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Other applications of sequence models – Sequence classification

▪ Text classification

…... label

w1 w2 wt

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Other applications of sequence models – Sequence classification

▪ Text classification

…... label

w1 w2 wt
▪ Example: Sentiment analysis
positive ✔
the cat is so cute neutral
the sky is blue neutral ✔
this is bad neutral
negative ✔
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Introduction to Sequence Models
Other applications of sequence models – Sequence to sequence

▪ Machine translation o1 o2 <eos>

…... …...

w1 w2 wt <eos> o1 ok

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Other applications of sequence models – Sequence to sequence

▪ Machine translation o1 o2 <eos>

…... …...

w1 w2 wt <eos> o1 ok

▪ Example: English to German translation

Ich fahre zur Arbeit mit dem Fahrrad

I bike to work

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Word representations

▪ Words need to be represented numerically, as dense

vectors, for easy computation
▪ The representation needs to capture semantic
information about the words
▪ How to achieve this is explained in the next lecture

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Introduction to Sequence Models
Coming up next

Vector representations of words

Distributed representations


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Week 3: Deep Networks and Sequence Models
Unit 3: Representation Learning for NLP
Representation Learning for NLP
What we covered in the last unit

Sequential data

Sequence models

Applications of sequence models

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Representation Learning for NLP

▪ Vector representations of words
▪ Distributed representations
▪ Word2Vec

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Representation Learning for NLP
How do we represent natural language?

▪ Machine learning applications in natural language

processing (NLP) are, for example,
– Text classification
– Language modeling
– Sentiment analysis
– Machine translation
– Document summarization
– Caption generation
▪ NLP tasks require a meaningful representation of
text as input
▪ An input text can be thought of as a sequence where
the units composing the sequence can either be
characters, words, or even full documents

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Representation Learning for NLP
Vector representation of words

One-hot encoding
▪ Definition: Given a vocabulary V, every word is
converted to a vector in ℝ|V|x1 that is 0 for all indices Everybody likes dogs
but 1 at the index of the respective word represented
1 0 0

▪ Example: 0 0 1
“Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas.” 0 1 0

w~ … … …

… … …

… … …

0 0 0

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Representation Learning for NLP
Vector representation of words

One-hot representation
▪ Straightforward implementation
▪ Meaning of word is not encoded in representation Queen
▪ Vector dimensionality scales with vocabulary size

1 0 Prince
0 1
X =0
0 0
0 0 King

Easy implementation Missing semantics High dimensionality

▪ Straightforward implementation ▪ Meaning of word is not ▪ Vector dimensionality scales
encoded in representation with vocabulary size

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Representation Learning for NLP
Vector representation of words

Distributed Representations
▪ Instead of storing all information in Queen Woman King Prince
one dimension, we distribute the
meaning across a fixed number of Femininity 0.99 0.99 0.01 0.02
▪ Encodes semantic and syntactic Masculinity 0.01 0.01 0.99 0.92
features of words
▪ Reduces the necessary number of
dimensions Royalty 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.81

▪ Wouldn’t it be great to have an

algorithm that learns those Age 0.67 0.53 0.75 0.22
representations from unstructured

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Representation Learning for NLP
Distributed representation of words

Representations of words based on distributional similarity

“You shall know a word by the company it keeps”

(Firth, 1957)
My neighbor has trees in his yard.
▪ Represent a word based on neighboring words
My neighbor has bushes in his yard.
▪ Word representations are defined through their context
The trunks of trees have many rings.
▪ Words occurring in similar contexts should have similar
The trunks of bushes have many rings.

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Representation Learning for NLP
Word2Vec: skip-gram Softmax(w’oT h) Ground Truth

Skip-Gram Model
▪ For each word in a corpus, predict the neighboring xo-c
words in a context window of length c W’N×V
Word embedding propagate
matrix Error
Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas. h

Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas. xo WV×N W’N×V

Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas.

V: Vocabulary size
xi: one-hot vector for word i in V
N: size of embedding space
W: Word embedding matrix W ϵ V×N W’N×V
w: Word embedding w ϵ 1×N Input layer Hidden layer xo+c
W’: Word embedding matrix W ϵ N×V One-hot vector of Looked-up center
C: Context window center word word embedding

© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 9
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
Word2Vec: CBOW
Input layer

Continuous Bag of Words Model

▪ Predict the output word based on the neighboring
Hidden layer
words in a context window of length c xo-c

Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas. Output layer

Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas. WV×N W’N×V

Everybody likes dogs and hates bananas. N



© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 10
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
Word2Vec captures similarity of words…

Word similarity
▪ Closest vectors in terms of (cosine) distance according to
GoogleNews-vectors (trained on about 100 billion words)
▪ Excluded plurals for illustration

red reddish banana two parrot PS4

yellow brownish pineapple three parrots PSP2

blue yellowish mango four macaw SONY NGP

purple pinkish papaya five parakeet Wii2

orange grayish coconut six cockatiel PS3

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Representation Learning for NLP
…and beyond

Word analogies Italy

▪ Trained on a large corpus, the distance of
distributed representations encodes certain
semantic concepts Germany
▪ This can be e.g. gender, capital city
▪ Rome relates to Italy, as Berlin relates to Spain
Germany Madrid
▪ This applies for different languages Russia

v(Rome) – v(Italy) + v(Berlin) ~ v(Germany)

v(King) – v(Man) + v(Woman) ~ v(Queen)
v(Building) – v(Architect) + v(Software) ~ v(Programmer)

© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 12
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
…and beyond

Word analogies Italy

▪ Trained on a large corpus, the distance of
distributed representations encodes certain
semantic concepts Germany
▪ This can be e.g. gender, capital city
▪ Rome relates to Italy, as Berlin relates to Spain
Germany Madrid
▪ This applies for different languages Russia

v(Rome) – v(Italy) + v(Berlin) ~ v(Germany)

v(King) – v(Man) + v(Woman) ~ v(Queen)
v(Building) – v(Architect) + v(Software) ~ v(Programmer)

© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 13
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
…and beyond

Word analogies Italy

▪ Trained on a large corpus, the distance of
distributed representations encodes certain
semantic concepts Germany
▪ This can be e.g. gender, capital city
▪ Rome relates to Italy, as Berlin relates to Spain
Germany Madrid
▪ This applies for different languages Russia

v(Rome) – v(Italy) + v(Berlin) ~ v(Germany)

v(King) – v(Man) + v(Woman) ~ v(Queen)
v(Building) – v(Architect) + v(Software) ~ v(Programmer)

© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 14
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
…and beyond

Word analogies Italy

▪ Trained on a large corpus, the distance of
distributed representations encodes certain
semantic concepts Germany
▪ This can be e.g. gender, capital city
▪ Rome relates to Italy, as Berlin relates to Spain
Germany Madrid
▪ This applies for different languages Russia

v(Rome) – v(Italy) + v(Berlin) ~ v(Germany)

v(King) – v(Man) + v(Woman) ~ v(Queen)
v(Building) – v(Architect) + v(Software) ~ v(Programmer)

© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC Word2Vec: Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean 15
(2013). Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Representation Learning for NLP
Vector representation for words

Demo in TensorBoard
▪ Show visualization of embeddings in
TensorBoard, either by t-SNE or PCA
▪ 10,000 word vectors with dimensionality of 128
▪ Reduced to d = 3 for visualization

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Representation Learning for NLP

Adaptations of the Word2Vec algorithm

▪ Doc2Vec
▪ DNA2Vec
▪ Product2Vec
▪ App2Vec
▪ Emoji2Vec

Word2Vec and its implementations are versatile

algorithms for creating fixed-size embeddings of
input features

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Representation Learning for NLP
Coming up next

Basic Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

▪ Types of sequences
▪ Basic RNN cell structure
▪ Problems with training RNNs

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See for additional trademark information and notices.
Week 3: Deep Networks and Sequence Models
Unit 4: Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
What we covered in the last unit

Representation Learning for NLP

▪ Vector representation of words
▪ Distributed representations

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow

▪ Recap: Sequence types
▪ Basic RNN cells
▪ Training RNNs

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Sequence types

Parent’s height → Child’s height


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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Sequence types

Image captioning
Image → Sequence of words

One-to-One One-to-Many

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Sequence types

Sentiment Analysis
Sequence of words → Sentiment

One-to-One One-to-Many Many-to-One

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Sequence types

Machine Translation
Sequence of words →
Sequence of words

One-to-One One-to-Many Many-to-One Many-to-Many

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

▪ ‘Recurrent’ implies that weights

are shared across time steps

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

y yt-2 yt-1 yt

Wy Wy Wy
unrolling Wh Wh Wh
h ht-2 ht-1 ht

Wx Wx Wx

x xt-2 xt-1 xt

▪ ‘Recurrent’ implies that weights ▪ The network is unrolled in time

are shared across time steps
▪ The same weight matrix is applied at
each time step

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

yt Output at
step t

ht-1 ht
Memory of all Memory of all
previous inputs previous inputs
and input xt

Input at
xt step t

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

▪ xt = input at step t
▪ ht-1 = memory of all previous inputs until t-1
▪ Wh = weight parameters for hidden state ht
▪ Wx = weight parameters for input xt

ht-1 Wh ▪ Calculation of the hidden state ht:

• 𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

▪ xt = input at step t
▪ ht-1 = memory of all previous inputs until t-1
▪ Wh = weight parameters for hidden state ht
▪ Wx = weight parameters for input xt

ht-1 Wh + ▪ Calculation of the hidden state ht:

• 𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

▪ xt = input at step t
▪ ht-1 = memory of all previous inputs until t-1
▪ Wh = weight parameters for hidden state ht
▪ Wx = weight parameters for input xt
▪ F = activation function e.g. tanh

ht-1 Wh + ht ▪ Calculation of the hidden state ht:

• 𝒉𝒕 = 𝑭(𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕 )

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

▪ xt = input at step t
▪ ht-1 = memory of all previous inputs until t-1
▪ Wh = weight parameters for hidden state ht
▪ Wx = weight parameters for input xt
▪ F = activation function e.g. tanh

ht-1 Wh + ht ▪ Apply the same operation at each time step:

• 𝒉𝒕 = 𝑭(𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕 )
• = 𝑭(𝑾𝒉 𝑭(𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟐 + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕−𝟏 ) + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕 )
• …
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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

yt ▪ xt = input at step t
▪ ht-1 = memory of all previous inputs until t-1
▪ Wh = weight parameters for hidden state ht
▪ Wx = weight parameters for input xt
Wy ▪ F = activation function e.g. tanh
▪ Wy = weight parameters for hidden  output
▪ yt = output at step t

ht-1 Wh + ht ▪ Calculation of the hidden state ht:

• 𝒉𝒕 = 𝑭(𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 + 𝑾𝒙 𝒙𝒕 )
▪ Calculation of the output yt:
• 𝒚𝒕 = 𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒙(𝑾𝒚 𝒉𝒕 )
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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Understanding an RNN cell

yt-2 yt-1 yt
▪ We use the same weight parameters for all t
Wy Wy Wy
▪ Output depends on all previous inputs (ht-1)
Wh Wh Wh
ht-2 ht-1 ht and the current input xt
▪ Calculating the output means matrix
Wx Wx Wx multiplication of the same matrices over and
over again
xt-2 xt-1 xt

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Getting deep with RNNs

yt-2 yt-1 yt

Wy Wy Wy
Wh3 Wh3 Wh3 Wh3

Wh2 Wh2 Wh2 Wh2

Wh1 Wh1 Wh1 Wh1

Wx Wx Wx

xt-2 xt-1 xt
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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Training of RNNs

Example problem: Predict the last word in a sentence

Case 1: Short sequence:

Tom was cooking pasta. Jenny walked in. Both ate pasta.
Case 2: Long sequence:
Tom was cooking pasta in the kitchen. Jenny walked in. They talked about what happened during
the day. Then she asked him what he was cooking. Tom replied that he was cooking pasta.

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Training of RNNs

Example problem: Predict the last word in a sentence

Case 1: Short sequence:

Tom was cooking pasta. Jenny walked in. Both ate pasta.
Case 2: Long sequence:
Tom was cooking pasta in the kitchen. Jenny walked in. They talked about what happened during
the day. Then she asked him what he was cooking. Tom replied that he was cooking pasta.

Vanilla RNNs are poor at modeling long-term dependency

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Training of RNNs

yt-3 yt-2 yt-1 yt


Wh Wh Wh
ht-3 ht-2 ht-1 ht

xt-3 xt-2 xt-1 xt

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ Our main problem: The same operation (matrix Gradient: Rate of change of cost
multiplication followed by activation function) is function with respect to each parameter
repeated over and over

yt-3 yt-2 yt-1 yt

▪ Example: A Simpler RNN without nonlinear
activation and input: 𝜕𝐸𝑡
𝜕ℎ𝑡−2 𝜕ℎ𝑡−1 𝜕ℎ𝑡
𝒉𝒕 ~ 𝑾𝒉 𝒉𝒕−𝟏 𝜕ℎ𝑡−3 𝜕ℎ𝑡−2 𝜕ℎ𝑡−1
ht-3 ht-2 ht-1 ht
𝒉 𝒕
𝒉𝒕 ~ (𝑾 ) 𝒉𝟎

▪ with t as our last time step

xt-3 xt-2 xt-1 xt

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ We can factorize W via eigendecomposition: Gradient: Rate of change of cost

function with respect to each parameter
𝑾𝒉 = 𝑸𝚲𝑸−𝟏
yt-3 yt-2 yt-1 yt
𝒉𝒕 ~ 𝑸𝚲𝒕 𝑸−𝟏
𝜕ℎ𝑡−2 𝜕ℎ𝑡−1 𝜕ℎ𝑡
▪ Eigenvalues are raised to the power of t 𝜕ℎ𝑡−3 𝜕ℎ𝑡−2 𝜕ℎ𝑡−1

▪ Any eigenvalue smaller than one becomes zero ht-3 ht-2 ht-1 ht

▪ Any eigenvalue larger than one will explode

xt-3 xt-2 xt-1 xt

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ The same applies for backpropagating the error:

Case 1: Exploding gradient

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ The same applies for backpropagating the error:

Case 1: Exploding gradient → Gradient clipping

Scales the gradient if its norm gets big

if gradient_norm > threshold:
gradient = (threshold / gradient_norm) gradient

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ The same applies for backpropagating the error:

Case 1: Exploding gradient → Gradient clipping

Scales the gradient if its norm gets big

if gradient_norm > threshold:
gradient = (threshold / gradient_norm) gradient

Case 2: Vanishing gradient

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

gradient flow is interrupted

h1 h2 h3

Fn Fn Fn

h0 Wp
+ Wp
+ Wp
Wpp Wpp Wpp

i0 i1 i3

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

gradient flow is interrupted again

h1 h2 h3

Fn Fn Fn

h0 Wp
+ Wp
+ Wp
Wpp Wpp Wpp

i0 i1 i3

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

gradient flow is interrupted again

h1 h2 h3

Fn Fn Fn

h0 Wp
+ Wp
+ Wp
Wpp Wpp Wpp

i0 i1 i3

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in deep network

small gradient flow is interrupted at each step, thus making learning difficult large

h1 hk+1 hT
Fn Fn Fn

h0 Wp + ………….. hk Wp + ………….. hT-1 Wp +

Wpp Wpp Wpp

x0 xk xT

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ The same applies for backpropagating the error:

Case 1: Exploding gradient → Gradient clipping

Scales the gradient if its norm gets big

if gradient_norm > threshold:
gradient = (threshold / gradient_norm) gradient

Case 2: Vanishing gradient

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Vanishing gradient problem in detail

▪ The same applies for backpropagating the error:

Case 1: Exploding gradient → Gradient clipping

Scales the gradient if its norm gets big

if gradient_norm > threshold:
gradient = (threshold / gradient_norm) gradient

Case 2: Vanishing gradient → Change RNN architecture

This is the subject of our next unit!

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Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
Coming up next

Introduction to Long Short-Term Memory

and Gated Recurrent Networks
▪ Vanilla LSTM cell structure
▪ Solution to vanishing gradient problem
▪ Further simplification in LSTM using GRU

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Week 3: Deep Networks and Sequence Models
Unit 5: Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Introduction to LSTM, GRU
What we covered in the last unit

Basic Recurrent Neural Network in TensorFlow

▪ Types of sequences
▪ Basic RNN cell structure
▪ Problems with RNN

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Activation functions

▪ Sigmoid functions map values to the range (0,1)

𝑆𝑖𝑔(𝑥) = 𝑥
𝑒 +1
∀𝑥: 0 ≤ 𝑆𝑖𝑔 𝑥 ≤1

▪ tanh is also bounded like a sigmoid, but is zero-centered

(improves statistical properties of layer output)

-1 ≤ 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ 𝑥 ≤1

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Introduction to long short-term memory networks (LSTMs)

o ot-2 ot-1 ot


x xt-2 xt-1 xt

End-to-end architecture to model the sequence remains the same, but the cell structure changes

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Introduction to long short-term memory networks (LSTMs)

The three main components of an LSTM cell:

▪ The memory cell captures long-term information
▪ The working memory captures short-term information
▪ Gates regulate the information exchange between the memory cell and working memory

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure

ct-1 ct
tanh LSTM:
▪ Decide whether current input matters
▪ Decide which part of the memory to forget
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎 ▪ Decide what to output at the current time

ht-1 ht


LSTM: Sepp Hochreiter, Jürgen Schmidthuber (1997). Long Short-Term Memory.

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure – Memory cell

forget some add some

past information new information

ct-1 ct
▪ Captures long-term dependency
▪ Element-wise operation
▪ Gradients can flow freely without suppression
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎

ht-1 ht


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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure – Forget gate

ft = 𝝈(Wf [ht-1 , xt ] + bf )
ct-1 ct
▪ Based on the past sequence and current
ft input, a forget regulator (ft) is created
▪ It dampens certain elements of ct-1
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎
▪ As a result, some past information is
ht-1 ht
▪ This helps in remembering only the
important part of a sequence


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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure – Input gate

it = 𝝈(Wi [ht-1 , xt ] + bi )
ct-1 ct
tanh nt = 𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒉(Wn [ht-1 , xt ] + bn )
ft ▪ nt contributes new information from the
it nt
current input
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎
▪ it acts as an input regulator

ht-1 ht ▪ It suppresses some new information which is

not relevant for the long-term update


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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure – Updating the memory cell

ct = ft * ct-1 + it * nt
ct-1 ct
▪ After all updates in the memory cell, we get
ft new long-term information in ct
it nt
▪ The inputs to ct are between 0 and 1, but the
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎 elements can be unbounded because of
addition to each element over multiple steps
ht-1 ht


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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure – Output gate

ot = 𝝈(Wo [ht-1 , xt ] + bo )
ct-1 ct
tanh ht =ot ∗ 𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒉( ct )
ft ▪ Computation of new short-term information
it nt ot
▪ Since ct is unbounded, we again bound it
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎 with an activation function, in this case tanh
▪ ot acts as an output regulator
ht-1 ht
▪ It decides what fraction of long-term
information is considered for generating
current working memory

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
LSTM cell structure and the vanishing gradient

Uninterrupted gradient flow by virtue of memory cell

c0 c1 c2
tanh tanh

ft ft
it nt ot it nt ot
𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎 𝜎 𝜎 tanh 𝜎

h0 h1 h2

x0 x1

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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Gated recurrent unit (GRU) – Another variant of RNN

▪ Simplifies the standard LSTM cell

▪ Combines forget and input gate
ht-1 ht
ut = 𝝈(Wu [ht-1 , xt ])
rt = 𝝈(Wr [ht-1 , xt ])
rt ut
𝜎 𝜎 tanh nt = 𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒉(Wn [rt * ht-1 , xt ])
ht = ut * ht-1 + (1-ut) * nt
▪ rt regulates the information in previous state
▪ ut regulates the new information and
xt forgettable information simultaneously

GRU: Junyoung Chung Caglar Gulcehre, KyungHyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio (Dec, 2014). Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling.
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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Vanilla LSTM cell structure

A similar idea is used in other state-of-the-art networks like ResNet

ResNet: Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun (Dec, 2015). Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.
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Introduction to LSTM, GRU
Coming up next

Convolutional Networks
▪ Introduction to CNNs
▪ CNN architecture
▪ Accelerating deep CNN training
▪ Applications of CNNs

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