Final Report of "Infrared Thermography To Failure Detection in Induction Motors

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Technical Seminar


Infrared Thermography to Failure Detection in Industrial

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Submitted by

17F61A0243– V.Sasidhar reddy

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mrs. R.LAKSHMI, M.Tech.,(Ph.D)


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
(Accredited by NBA, New Delhi, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)
Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam road, PUTTUR-517583, A.P
(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
(Accredited by NBA, New Delhi, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)
Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road, Puttur-517583, A.P



This is to certify that this project report titled “Infrared Thermography to Failure
Detection in Industrial Motors” that is being submitted by

17F61A0243 – V.Sasidhar reddy

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology in
the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering to JNTUA,
ANANTAPURAMU. The results embodied in this Technical Seminar
report have not been submitted to any other University for award of any degree.

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Mrs. R.LAKSHMI, M.Tech.,(Ph.D). Dr.N.Ramesh Raju M.Tech., Ph.D

Submitted for the Technical Seminar report on _____________



I hereby declare that the seminar report entitled “Infrared Thermography to

failure detection in Induction Motors” has been submitted by me under the
guidance and supervision of Mrs..LAKSHMI,M.Tech.,(Ph.D).Associate
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Siddarth
Institute of Engineering and Technology,Puttur. This work / report has not been
submitted either for the award of any degree or any other similar title.



I would like to express my profound sense of gratitude to

Mrs..LAKSHMI,M.Tech.,( Ph.D). Associate Professor,Department of EEE for
his valuable guidance and constructive suggestions made at various levels of the

I am thankful to Dr.N.RAMESH RAJU,M.Tech.,Ph.D.,Professor,HOD,

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for her guidance,
constant encouragement and support.

I express my gratitude to beloved Principal Dr.K.CHANDRASEKHAR

REDDY, M.Tech., Ph.D., and the Management of SIET for providing all the
facilities in Siddarth Institute of Engineering and Technology,Puttur. completing
Seminar course successfully. My heart full thanks to all my Teachers in the
department of EEE of for their moral support and good wishes.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our parents, friends, one and
all those who guided, inspired and helped me in completion of my Seminar course



Infrared thermography which has been extensively applied over decades to areas
such as maintenance of electrical installations. Its use in electrical machinery has
been mainly circumscribed to the detection of faults in static machines, such as
power transformers. However, with regard to the predictive maintenance of
rotating electrical machines, its use has been much more limited. Inspite of this
fact, the potential of this tool, together with the progressive decrease in the price
of infrared cameras, make this technique a very interesting option to, at least,
complement, the diagnosis provided by other well-known techniques, such as
current or vibration data analysis. In this topic, infrared thermography has recently
shown potential for the detection of motor failures including misalignments,
cooling problems, bearing damages or connection defects. This topic presents
several industrial cases that help to illustrate the effectiveness of this technique for
the detection of a wide range of faults in the field induction motors. The data
obtained with this technique made it possible to detect the presence of faults of
diverse nature (electrical, mechanical, thermal and environmental); these data were
very useful to either diagnose or to complement the diagnosis provided by other
Signature of the guide









6. Conclusion 23

7. Reference 24


1.1. Introduction to Thermography

Thermal or infrared energy is an energy, not visible because its wavelength is too
long for the sensors in our eyes to detect. It is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum
that we perceive as heat. Unlike visible light, in the infrared spectrum, everything
with a temperature above absolute zero emits infrared electromagnetic energy. Even
cold objects such as ice cubes, emit infrared radiation. The higher the temperature
of the object, the greater the infrared radiation emitted. The Infrared camera allows
us to see what our eyes cannot as shown in Fig 1.1.
All objects, cold or hot, radiate heat in the form of infrared energy. As an object
increases in temperature, it radiates more energy, and the wavelength gets shorter.
Infrared radiation, visible light and ultraviolet light are all forms of energy in the
electromagnetic spectrum. The only difference is their wavelength or frequency.

Fig 1.1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

1.1.1. Thermography
Infrared Thermography is the technique that uses an infrared imaging and
measurement camera to "see" and "measure" invisible infrared energy being
emitted from an object.

Thermography is a non-contact, non-destructive test method that utilizes a thermal
imager to detect, display and record thermal patterns and temperatures across
the surface of an object. Infrared thermography may be applied to any situation
where knowledge of thermal profiles and temperatures will provide meaningful
data about a system, object or process.

1.1.2. Principle used in Thermography

Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects based on their temperatures,
according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to
"see" one's environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of
radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore
thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. Radiation also
originates from the surroundings and is reflected in the object, and the radiation
from the object and the reflected radiation will also be influenced by the
absorption of the atmosphere.
If the temperature an object gets hot enough however, above 525°C the energy
from that object will radiate energy in the visible spectrum and we will see it. This
is when we see an object like the burner on an electric stove “glowing” red. In
fact any time an object will emit or reflect energy in the same frequency of our eyes
we will see it.
Infrared energy is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum that encompasses
radiation from gamma rays, x-rays, ultra violet, a thin region of visible light,
infrared, microwaves, and radio waves. All objects emit a certain amount of
black body radiation as a function of their temperatures. The higher an object's
temperature is the more infrared radiation as black-body radiation it emits.

A special camera can detect this radiation in a way similar to an ordinary camera
does visible light. It works even in total darkness because ambient light level does
not matter. This makes it useful for rescue operations in smoke-filled buildings
and underground.

1.1.3. Thermography is used in

Thermal imaging photography finds many uses. For example, firefighters use it
to see through smoke, find persons, and localize hotspots of fires. With thermal
imaging, power line maintenance technicians locate overheating joints and parts,
a telltale sign of their failure, to eliminate potential hazards. Where thermal
insulation becomes faulty, building construction technicians can see heat leaks to
improve the efficiencies of cooling or heating air-conditioning. Thermal imaging
cameras are also installed in some luxury cars to aid the driver. Some
physiological activities, particularly responses, in human beings and other warm-
blooded animals can also be monitored with thermographic imaging. Cooled
infrared cameras can also be found at most major astronomy research telescopes.

1.2. Usage of Thermography

Thermography is useful because:
It is non-contact.
• Uses remote sensing.
• Keeps the user out of danger.

It is two dimensional.

• Thermal patterns can be visualized for analysis.

• Comparison between areas of the target is possible.

It is real time

• Enables very fast scanning of stationary targets.

• Enables capture of fast moving targets.
• Enables capture of fast changing thermal patterns.

1.3. Benefits of Thermography

Thermography is a non-contact, non-destructive test method. It is capable of
catching moving targets in real time. It finds defects in shafts and other metal
parts. It is used to take measurement in areas inaccessible or hazardous for other
methods. It find deteriorating components prior to failure. It helps compare
temperatures over a large area. When compared with other classical
nondestructive testing techniques such as ultrasonic testing or radiographic
testing, thermographic inspection is safe, nonintrusive and noncontact, allowing
the detection of relatively shallow subsurface defects under large surfaces and in a
fast manner.

1.4. Advantages of thermography
• It shows a visual picture so that can help compare temperatures over a large


• It is capable of catching moving targets in real time.

• Able to find deteriorating components prior to failure.
• Measurement in areas inaccessible or hazardous for other methods.
• It is a non-destructive test method.
• Make easier to find defects in shafts and other metal parts.

1.5. Disadvantages of Thermography:

• Due to the low volume of thermal cameras, quality cameras often have a
high price range (often $6,000 USD or above) and are easily damaged.
• Images can be hard to interpret accurately even with experience.
• Accurate temperature measurements are very hard to make because of
• Training and staying proficient in IR scanning is time consuming.
• Ability to measure only surface areas.


2.1. Radiation from an Object

Every object whose surface temperature is above absolute zero (-273 °C) radiates
energy at a wavelength corresponding to its surface temperature. Utilizing our
highly sensitive infrared cameras, it is possible to convert this radiated energy into
a thermal image of the object being surveyed.
Infrared energy is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum that encompasses
radiation from gamma rays, x-rays, ultra violet, a thin region of visible light,
infrared, microwaves, and radio waves. These are all related and differentiated
in the length of their wave (wavelength). All objects emit a certain amount of
black body radiation as a function of their temperatures. The higher an object's
temperature is, the more infrared radiation as black-body radiation it emits. A
special camera can detect this radiation in a way similar to an ordinary camera
does visible light. It works even in total darkness because ambient light level
does not matter. This makes it useful for rescue operations in smoke-filled
buildings and underground.

2.1. Thermographic Camera

A thermographic camera, as shown in Fig 2.1& Fig 2.2 sometimes called a FLIR
(Forward Looking InfraRed), or an infrared camera less specifically, is a device
that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that
forms an image using visible light. Instead of the 450–750 nanometer range of the
visible light camera, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long as 14,000 nm
(14 µm).

Fig 2.1.Cameras - FLIR T250

Fig 2.2.Cameras - FLIR i60

Fig 2.3.ThermaCAM PM390

As shown in Fig 2.3 the ThermaCAM PM390 System utilized by Infra-red

Analyzers, Inc. consists of an infrared camera with optics transparent only to
infrared radiation and a video monitor capable of displaying the thermal image. The
camera converts radiated heat energy into an electrical signal which is then
displayed on the monitor as a real-time heat image of the object being scanned.
This digital thermal image can be captured directly from the camera and
processed for CD-ROM, printed report, or analog VHS videotape generation.
There are two different types of images. Color Thermograms (photographs of the
infrared image) and Control Photos (conventional digital images of the same
scene taken during the inspection) are provided of problem areas uncovered during
the inspection. In the thermograms, temperatures are displayed in a spectrum of
colors as shown in Fig 2.4.

Fig 2.4. Hierarchy of colors

This chart illustrates the hierarchy of colors used to represent the relative
temperature differences of the problems found during the inspection.
Black and white, and color, are properties of visible light that do not exist in the
infrared world. Because we need to convert these images into visible light, the IR
camera assigns black to the coolest temperatures in an image, white to the hottest
temperatures in an image, and graduating shades of gray in between. Similarly,
different colors can be used to portray different temperatures.
The higher the temperature, the more energy emitted. The typical infrared
thermography camera resembles a standard camcorder and produces a live TV
image of heat radiation. The camera provides a basic grey scale image which is
converted to false color images to make interpretation of thermal patterns easier.
The thermal image produced by an infrared camera is called a thermogram.


The basic principle of thermography is that all types of surfaces will emit some
degree of heat. The thermographic equipment will detect heat which differs from
the temperatures in the surrounding area of a surface. These higher temperatures
might be an indication of a potential malfunction of the scanned object
i.e. faults in electrical circuitry or overheating of bearings in mechanical equipment,
i.e. pumps, motors, compressors, etc. Thermographic imaging can detect
insufficiently insulated hot spots in engine rooms, which create a large fire risk.
If material under inspection is heated with radiators (active thermography), the
temperature of the surface will rise suddenly. The speed at which the heat front
dissipates into the material depends on the thermal properties like density, heat
capacity, thermal conductivity and the bonding quality between top surface layer
and the base material. A defect in the sub-surface creates a barrier for the heat
diffusion process and, therefore, the surface temperature above the defect will
decrease more slowly than the temperature in other regions. The surface above such
a defect will show a hot spot for a longer time as its vicinity covering good bonded
material. The principle of this effect is shown schematically in Fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1. The uniformly distributed heat impact on the surface

In contrast to the fast dissipation of heat in metallic materials, the dissipation of heat
in wood-based-materials is comparable slow. The detection of defects can take a few
seconds or even some minutes after the heat impact depending on the material and
depth of the defect.

3.1. Active and Passive Thermography
If the inspected material is heated during the production process (passive
thermography), the surface temperature will decrease after leaving the production
line. Invisible defects within the material will appear as cold spots on the surface,
because of the good insulation between the hot core material and the colder surface.
In both cases, active or passive thermography, the defects can be either detected as
hot (active) or cold spots (passive) on the surface.

3.2. Results of active and passive thermographic measurements

For first tests with active on-line thermography, different panels of laminating
floor were placed on a conveyor belt and heated by a few degrees centigrade while
moving along three infrared heaters.
The result where a blister shows up in the thermographic image as circular hot (red)
spot. But moreover some extended areas show also a warmer behavior as its
vicinity. Destructive tests showed that these areas have a decreased adhesion
bonding in comparison to the rest of the material.

4. Process of Thermography

Infrared thermography is the technique of converting infrared energy (radiant heat)

into an image that a person can see and understand. We ordinarily see in visible
light. We can compare infrared to visible light - they are not the same, but they
are analogous as shown in Fig.4.1.
We are familiar with the idea of a video camera creating images on video monitors
or television. The electronics in the camera convert the light energy that enters the
lens into a video signal and displays that signal on a monitor or TV. We see shapes,
colors, textures, shadows, and reflective surfaces in the image as a result of the
camera's ability to capture light.

Fig 4.1.This image shows the radiant heat rather than light.The light
areas are warmer than the dark areas

In a similar way, an infrared camera creates an image by converting radiant heat

energy into a signal that can be displayed on a monitor (and later printed). The
infrared energy emitted from an object is directly proportional to its temperature.
Therefore temperatures are accurately measured by the infrared camera.

The ability to measure temperature from an IR image is called radiometry. This
requires sophisticated and expensive electronics. The ability to measure a
temperature anywhere on the image is available only on the high-end cameras.

4.1. Colorizing Infrared Images

Black and white, and color, are properties of visible light that do not exist in the
infrared world. Because we need to convert these images into visible light, the IR
camera assigns black to the coolest temperatures in an image, white to the hottest
temperatures in an image, and graduating shades of gray in between. Similarly,
different colors can be used to portray different temperatures as shown in Fig 4.2.
Using colors to represent different temperatures, a knowledgeable technician adjusts
the color image to optimize clarity and best reveal the high temperatures of

Fig 4.2. This image of shows a hot coffee mug and a plate of cookies. The
colors bear no correlation with visible light, rather the colors correspond to
the radiant heat.

5.Applicatins Of Thermography

Infrared Thermography is the technique for producing a visible image of invisible

infrared energy emitted by objects. The higher the temperature, the more energy
emitted. The thermographic camera provides a basic grey scale image which is
converted to false color images to make interpretation of thermal patterns easier. The
thermal image produced by an infrared camera is called a thermogram.

5.1. Electrical Thermography

It is used virtually around the world to evaluate the condition of electrical systems
and equipment. When an electrical system is energized, current passes through
the entire system, a byproduct of this current flow is heat. When there is a defect in
the system, more heat is generated because of high resistance, and the camera
will see the difference between the normal components and the one with a problem
as shown in Fig 5.1.

Fig 5.1 Thermal image showing a failing connection on an electrical component.

5.2. Lubricating pump motor (deficient cooling):

This motor was a L.V. machine that was driving a pump for bearing lubrication. The
infrared inspection revealed a motor overheating, since the frame temperatures were
reaching values above 70ºC in some points (Fig. 5.2). After a more detailed analysis of
the motor, it was observed that the cooling air flow was insufficient; the cause was an
obstruction of the cooling channels that was produced by product wastes.

The cooling channels and fins were properly cleaned and the subsequent infrared
inspection revealed an abrupt decrease in motor frame temperatures up to values around
30-40ºC with the motor operating under similar conditions as in the first inspection (see
Fig. 5.3). Hence, in this case, infrared thermography enabled to detect the source of the

Fig 5.2. Infrared inspection of Motor 1: deficient cooling.

Fig. 4. Infrared inspection of Motor 1 after cleaning.

Fig 5.3. Infrared inspection of Motor 1 after cleaning

5.3. Blower motor (deficient bearing lubrication)

In this case, the inspected element was a bearing of a motor that was driving a blower. An
initial infrared inspection revealed an excessive heating of the bearing. This can be noted in
(Fig. 5.4) which shows superficial temperatures above 90ºC (and even 100ºC) in the bearing
region. We can also observe the deposit of product waste over the bearing cage. The bearing
was properly cleaned and a new inspection was carried out. However, no significant
temperature drop was detected.
Therefore, it was finally decided to re-lubricate the bearing. This measure was much more
effective, as a new infrared inspection revealed: the temperatures were not higher than 60ºC
in the bearing region for the motor operating under similar conditions (Fig. 5.5).
It is important to emphasize that, in the past, this motor had an episode of catastrophic failure
caused by problems in the bearings: in 2010, the lack of proper bearing lubrication was not
properly detected via vibration analysis; finally, this fact led to the collapse of the bearings
and to the damage of the stator insulation (see Fig 5.6). This is an illustrative case that shows
how the infrared thermography may provide very interesting information for the diagnosis
in situations where other techniques may fail.
In order to prevent the occurrence of this type of bearing lubrication problems, the plant
engineers proposed not only the use of the infrared technique to detect such anomalies in
advance, but they also suggested the lubrication of the bearings by means of ultrasounds; this
lubrication method may bring interesting benefits, such as the reduction of the possibility of
an inexact lubrication, amongst others. Moreover, the accurate study of this failure enabled
to plot a P-F curve associated with bearing faults; this curve shows, for the corresponding
fault, the minimum detectable alarm level for each considered technique. This curve is
plotted in (Fig.5.7) and shows how primary bearing defects (wear, indentations, smearing,
corrosion…) are best detected via infrared thermography and ultrasounds while vibrations
and oil analysis are best suited for the detection of secondary defects

Fig. 5.4. Infrared inspection of bearing of Motor2:defiecient bearing

Fig. 5.5. Infrared inspection of bearing of Motor 2 after re-lubrication.

Fig. 5.6 Insulation damage occurred in 2010 in the same motor due to catastrophic failure
of the bearings

Fig. 5.7. Developed P-F curve for bearing faults as a function of alarm levels

Anyway, this field case has shown the usefulness of the infrared technique to detect bearing
problems that lead to abnormal levels of heat transmission. This was also proven by another
of the field inspections carried out in the survey which nabled to detect similar faults in
other bearings.

5.4. Deodorization fan motor (insufficient belt tightening)

The inspected motor in this case was an L.V. machine driving a fan for deodorization
purposes. Oddly enough, the infrared inspection revealed a very high heat dissipation in the
belt transmission system (see Fig. 5.8), with a maximum temperature of 129.8 ºC that was
read on the pulley. The deficient tension leads to belt slip on the pulley and increases the
heat dissipation due to the friction, which results in decreased efficiency and a reduction of
the belt service life.
To solve the problem, the belts were properly tightened and, afterwards, a new inspection
was carried out. (Fig. 5.9) shows the new thermal map after the belt tightening that reveals
much lower temperatures in the transmission system (30ºC in average lower than in the
previous case).

Fig. 5.8. Infrared inspection of Motor 3: deficient belt tightening

Fig. 5.9. Infrared inspection of Motor 3 after belt tightening.

5.5. Cooling tower fan motor (winding asymmetry)

In this case, the considered motor was driving a fan of a cooling tower. The infrared
inspection of that motor (Fig. 5.10) showed a significant heating in the motor frame (85.2 ºC
in the surface and, probably, above 100 ºC inside the motor). No cooling anomalies were
found during the inspection. As a first measure, the bearings were re-lubricated and repaired
in a workshop but no temperature drop was observed.
Then, the motor terminal box was inspected and only a little temperature difference between
connections was found. The winding resistance of each phase was measured with an
ohmmeter and the results were very interesting (see Table IV, which compiles the results of
the measurements): a significant winding asymmetry was detected between phases, leading
to a Max Delta R value of near 9%. This could indicate internal high resistance connections,
broken turns or internal shorts. This may be the potential cause of the abnormal heat
dissipation. A motor re-winding was finally suggested.
Hence, the advantage of the technique in this case is that it informed about the existence of
an anomaly in the stator winding, suggesting the adoption of further maintenance actions.
Note that these anomalies are not always easily detectable with other techniques (e.g. current
analysis), therefore, the information provided by infrared thermography may be very
interesting to prevent eventual catastrophic consequences.

Table1. Measured Value of Resistance in each Phase

Resistance Measured value

Rr 87.80 mohm
Rs 100.04mohm
Rt 87.70mohm

Fig. 5.10. Infrared inspection of Motor 5: winding asymmetry.

accurately plays a crucial role; in order to avoid this dependence on the user, expert systems
based on artificial intelligence techniques are being developed to enable an automatic
interpretation of infrared images and reach a diagnosis of the condition discriminating
between faults and other effects .

5.6. Non Destructive Testing
Nondestructive Testing (NDT), also called nondestructive examination (NDE) and
nondestructive inspection (NDI), is testing that does not destroy the test object. To
detect different defects such as cracking and corrosion, there are different methods
of testing available, such as X-ray and ultrasound.
While destructive testing usually provides a more reliable assessment of the state
of the test object, destruction of the test object usually makes this type of test more
costly to the test object's owner than nondestructive testing. That there is a tradeoff
between the cost of the test and its reliability favors a strategy in which most test
objects are inspected nondestructively; destructive testing is performed on a sampling
of test objects that is drawn randomly for the purpose of characterizing the testing
reliability of the nondestructive test.
During their service lives, many industrial components need regular non-
destructive tests to detect damage that may be difficult or expensive to find by
everyday methods.

5.6. Condition monitoring

It is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in machinery, such that a
significant change is indicative of a developing failure. It is a major component of
predictive maintenance. The use of conditional monitoring allows maintenance to
be scheduled, or other actions to be taken to avoid the consequences of failure, before
the failure occurs. It is typically much more cost effective than allowing the
machinery to fail. Serviceable machinery includes rotating machines and stationary
plant such as boilers and heat exchangers.


By comparing the results with other classical non-destructive testing techniques such
as ultrasonic testing or radiographic testing, thermographic inspection is safe,non-
intrusive and noncontact, allowing the detection of relatively shallow subsurface
defects under large surfaces and in a fast manner. Thermography enables us to see
and measure heat. Thermography is a method that utilizes a thermal image to
detect, display and record thermal patterns and temperatures across the surface of
an object. Thermography is the future in water damage and mold claims
adjudication for the insurance industry.
Thus from the analysis done on IR Thermography probably the IR Thermography is
going to allow the industry to be more exact in the data that it obtains, and to
be able to resolve any claims that may be occurring now, as well as in the future,
more quickly and cost-effectively, saving time and money.


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