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Parry [Fighter]

You are skilled at deflecting the attacks of your enemies.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise.
Benefit: After a melee attack roll to hit your character has been made, but before damage is
assigned, you may attempt to parry the blow. You may only attempt to parry an attack against a
weapon up to two size categories larger than the one you wield. This size category is based on
the weapon's size as an object, not the size category intended for its wielder. Weapon sizes are
two sizes smaller than the wielder if a Light weapon, one size smaller if One-Handed weapon, or
equal to wielder's size if Two-Handed weapon. For example, a Medium longsword (Small
weapon) can parry up to a maxium of a Large weapon (e.g. Large greatsword) or a Medium
dagger (Tiny weapon) could parry up to a maximum of a Medium weapon (e.g. Medium
You cannot parry an attack when unarmed, when wearing medium or heavy armor, or
when you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC. Attempting a parry uses up an attack of
opportunity for the round. You may only make one parry attempt a round.
To parry, you must make a melee attack roll in an attempt to surpass the attack roll you
are trying to parry. When wielding a light weapon, you gain a +4 bonus to your parry roll. If you
succeed, the attack fails and deals no damage. If you fail, the attack deals damage normally. In
either case, making a parry attempt gives your opponent the opportunity to make a disarm
attempt against the weapon you are parrying with. Attempting to disarm you is a free action that
does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and failure does not allow you to make a disarm
attempt in return.

Improved Parry [Fighter]

You may make many parry attempts in a round.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Parry
Benefit: You may make a number of additional parry attempts in a round equal to your Dexterity
bonus. Just as you cannot make multiple attacks of opportunity against the same creature in a
round, you cannot attempt to parry multiple attacks made by a single creature in a round. Each
parry attempt uses up an attack of opportunity granted by the Combat Reflexes feat.

Guarded Defense [Fighter]

You parry with surprising deftness.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Parry, base attack bonus
+4 or higher.
Benefit: When you make a parry attempt, it does not provoke an automatic disarm attempt.

Expert Parry [Fighter]

You may parry multiple attacks by the same creature.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Parry, Parry.
Benefit: Your parry attempts can be divided among multiple creature's attacks or a single
creature's attacks as you see fit. Each parry attempt uses up an attack of opportunity granted by
the Combat Reflexes feat.

Incredible Parry [Fighter]

You can parry attacks from weapons much larger than the one you wield.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, base attack bonus +6 or higher.
Benefit: You may parry an attack from a weapon up to three size categories larger than the one
you wield.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, you can parry a weapon one
more size category larger than you otherwise could. Thus, a character who had taken this feat
three times could parry with a Medium dagger (Tiny weapon) up to a Gargantuan greatsword
(Gargantuan weapon).

Protective Parry [Fighter]

Your training enables you to defend not only yourself, but also friendly creatures adjacent tot
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry.
Benefit: When a creature that you threaten is attacked, you may use a parry attempt for the round
to parry a blow that would hit that creature.
Normal: You may only attempt to parry attacks directed at you.
Special: If you have the Improved Parry feat, you may parry multiple attacks against allies
within the area you threaten with your weapon, but you cannot protect any creature more than
once per round. If you have the Expert Parry feat, you may parry multiple attacks that would hit
the same creature regardless of their source. In both cases, parrying for another creature uses up a
parry attempt and a possible attack of opportunity for the round.

Crushing Defense [Fighter]

You parry with great force.
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, Power Attack, Improved
Sunder, base attack bonus +4 or higher.
Benefit: When you succeed at a parry attempt, you may attempt to sunder your opponent's
weapon. Your weapon must be no more than on size category smaller than your opponent's
weapon to sunder. If you succeed in parrying the blow, you deal damage to your opponent's
weapon. If you succeed in destroying your opponent's weapon, he does not get a free opportunity
to disarm you. You cannot sunder (and therefore damage) a natural attack or an unarmed strike
when you parry.

Armored Fencer (Medium) [Fighter]

You may parry when wearing medium armor.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Light),
Combat Expertise, Parry.
Benefit: You make parry attempts while wearing Medium armor.
Normal: You must be wearing light or no armor to parry a blow.

Armored Fencer (Heavy) [Fighter]

You may parry when wearing heavy armor.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy),
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armored Fencer (Medium), Combat Expertise, Parry.
Benefit: You make parry attempts while wearing Heavy armor.
Normal: You must be wearing light or no armor to parry a blow.

Steel Skin
You have learned how to parry when unarmed, enabling you to block sword blows with your
open hand. When you do so successfuly, you can avoid any damage to your own hand or body.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Unarmed Strike, Parry, base
attack bonus +4 or higher.
Benefit: You may make a parry attempt with an unarmed strike. Your hand counts as a weapon
two size categories smaller than you.
Normal: You can only parry with a weapon.

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