OBHR Ramesh Komarapuri

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Name: Komarapuri Ramesh Babu

Ref.: EPG41/DEC20/1039(J)

1. What is Organisational Behaviour? Discuss the impact of globalisation and information

technology on Organisational Behaviour? (15)

Answer: Organizational behavior is an organization's individual behaviour and group dynamics.

The study of organizational behavior deals primarily with the interpersonal and behavioral
psychological dynamics in organizations. Organizational factors affecting human behavior at
work, however, are also relevant to the study of organizational behavior. Such organizational
factors include employment, job design, communication, performance assessment,
organizational design, and organizational structure.

Importance: Organizations will have a strong impact on citizenry lives:

 Most folks acquire most of their material possessions from organizations

 Many of our activities square measure regulated by governmental organizations
 Most folks pay most of their lives in organizations
 Basic understanding of a way to inspire yourself and your individuals to attain goals
 Topics like perspective, Leadership, TA, Conflict, and Stress Management can
amendment the design of practicality of a personal.
 When you perceive the behavior of a personal, you'll be able to predict the result.
 In Organizational behaviour, completely different temperament tests square measure
conducted to predict the behavior of individuals.
 An understanding of Organizational behaviour can facilitate managers to expeditiously
manage conflict and crisis.

Impact of globalisation and information technology on Organisational Behaviour:

Social psychological feature theory say behavior, personal factors and social factors reciprocally
influence one another. Globalization and technology getting used by organization is an element
of social factors that reciprocally influences individual factors and behavior. Thence study of
globalization and technology as necessary trends in structure amendment dimensions.

 Globalization:


Thought Approach: The growth of world market improves the potency and living standards of
organization. From these views, organization will use adequate rational higher cognitive process
to resolve the increasing group action issues. The Puma Company and its goods double count
welcomed throughout the concept. There are few experiments, Puma started regards a
challenging system, meeting words with free makers to generate the books and different goods.
It has given Puma a top level of confidence as they mostly enlarge or downed overall goods in
keeping with the market demand while not carrying an extra overhead price, as an example,
they will originate some tight conditions and contracts.

Analytical Approach: It exposes that we want to concern the value of globalization. Few folks
that has the talent to change of the handling things regarding public power, and focus of
economic. And it reveals that however team square measure troubled within the organization.
From a vital perspective, Puma reveals the transnational companies contribute to international
difference. If they manufacture shoes within the Country, they need to chop its profit margins
considerably as a result, Country workers square measure paid quite high wages. In distinction,
manufacturing the shoes in Japan, reduces the prices considerably.


• Unique kind of things in all the opposite major environmental context affecting
structure behavior is globalization.

• As per reports, well-known Foreign-based trans-national industries have quite % their

long suit Abroad.

• The place to begin of however, the globalization atmosphere affects and is stricken by
the average behavior is culture.

Impact of Globalization on Organizational Behaviour:

• Commercial - Emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a spread of

foreign product for customers and corporations.

• Money - Emergence of worldwide money markets and higher access to external funding for

• Economical - Realization of a world organization, supported the liberty of the exchange of

products and capital.

• Diplomatic - Diplomatically, he has enjoyed a foothold of power among the planet powers;
partially as a result of its robust and rich economy. In the effect of globalization and the advices
of the abroad own funds, the folks Republic has warm-upped some marvelous gains at point of
the past decapod.

• Competitive – To survive within the new international business, market requires improved
productivity and hyperbolic competition. Companies need to explore their talent and use things
skillfully for handling the Competitiveness and increasing their chances.

• Intellectual — Future of public attachments and appearance of current classes of

responsiveness and famous identity persons Intellectual Spreading.

• Descriptive — Enlarge in info waves between terrestrial remote areas. This is often a
technological amendment with the appearance of fiber optic communications, satellites, and
hyperbolic availableness of telecommunication and net.
Commination of Globalization:

• Increase of state
• Diversity
• The transnational have solely few shareholders
• Health sector

• Growth & development

• Push the exports abroad and foreign investment is way a lot of convenient.

• Increase trend of outsourcing HUMAN RESOURCE functions

• Trade

• International restrictive

Advanced Globalization:

• Sourcing resources

• Delivering

• Info exchange

 Information Technology

The influence of information technology on organizational behaviour is really extraordinary

and it is moving forward on without an end in sight. The expeditious of growth or success
and blooming of information and technology has its own impact on organizational
behaviour mainly on organizational architecture, organizational brilliance scatter it at
handling level, it also reasons enlarging in period of command and organizational resolution

The improvement of information technology, connect up and hyperspace permit

organizations to move forward without paper work in communicating information with
clients, dealers and customers. The system of information and the systems of
communication even gives employees easy authorize to every kind of information and full
knowledge of the organization schemes in regards of making better ideas and thoughts to
improve customer satisfaction and moreover services. The main connotation of real
development of information and technology of organizational behavior strictness is handling
of the skills and knowledge by the folks of the organization.

The analysis of the effect of information technology on organizational behaviour is mostly a

matter of conjecture, because we are right now starting to recognize its influence.
Conjecture, though very interesting and rarely useful, shows some mandatory threats. One
threat, of course, is that overthinking may prove us that is not going to happened and prove
wrong. These are not as great a risks as one might happen, whatever, hence the different
developments in the organization of information and technology makes it suitable that any
guessing and prediction, if it is enough predictive and beautiful, will mostly prove that is very
correct. In all situational events, suitable surround will decrease the high chances of
exceptions and errors, and bad memories will minimize the fine of an exception or error if
the visionary is flawless enough to doing it definitely. The more important and serious and
quick downfall is that the conjecture may be predictable and stereotyped. This threat is
mainly and particularly faithless when analysing information and technology of organization,
since we are always have been presented with such a kind of high rich prosperity of
conjecture on the subject matter. We don’t seal that we have ignored this threat altogether,
but we have not given up to minimize the threat or risk by impound my analysis and
discussion too few of the mini investigate problems tangled.

As I look the concept, information technology can impact organizational behaviour mostly
through the tremendous changes it brings in the planning analysis and process.

2. Briefly discuss the challenges faced by HR Professionals in today’s Global Management


Answer: Due to globalization there are several issues that HR professionals have to face. The
impact is heavily on effective leadership, the kind of rules and technologies that HR
professionals use, Skill management, legal and political aspects are the effects of globalization.

1. Globalization:

Most of the organizations are looking business opportunities in global markets to grow and
prosper as domestic markets are shrinking. Globalization refers to swing about starting up
foreign markets to international business and investment. The impact of globalization on
business and HRM is gigantic.

Impact of Globalization on HRM:

 HR managers need to balance a sophisticated set of issues associated with different

geographies, cultures, employment laws and business practices.
 HR managers find it difficult to measure the knowledge and skills of foreign worker and
the way to guide them.
 The various languages and cultures of foreigners make things more complicated.
 It's a true challenge to relocate managers and workers.
 The training managers on abroad cultures and rules before they take up foreign
assignments is time-taking.
 There should be adjustment of salary plans to make sure that descrimation should not
be involved hence equity among the employees who have been posted to various
locations of the planet.
2. Ever Changing Technology:

The impact of development in information is so reasonable that companies are changing the
way they are doing business. Utilize of internet to try to explore business is so extensive in
both large and little companies that electronic-commerce is quickly flattering a challenge.
As computer-arbitrate operating style is leading to ‘virtual’ office during which employees
do tasks from home or any other locations, the suggestion for HRM are spectacular.

Impact of Technology on HRM:

 Modern technology manage to scale back the amount of jobs which require less skill and
to extend jobs wanted high skills.
 The turn from ‘daily labour to skilled employees has outputted in stabilizing of resources
on higher responsibilities.
 Knowledge based training has become very important.
 HRIS has become a potent weapon to lower administrative costs increase productivity,
speed up response times and improve deciding and customer service.
 HR managers have rights to access the records of employee, retard and misuse of
stationery are brought down.
 Apart from the routine activities software’s are being used to recruit, screen and pre-test
applications online.
 Setting up of goals and measuring of performance are also done through online.

3. Change Management:

The major forces driving changes in organizations also as HRM are globalization and
technology. In the current business situation business gains highly hang on how
amendments are handled. Organization are very successful as they are enhancing a culture
that keep on going every time. In the environment of highly aggressive business, change
management is the important competency of an organizations.

Amendments may be sensible, super active or can be both. Sensible difference is one where
change happens post external activities have already impacted performance. In the case of
super active change, change is started to demand pros of environmental opportunities. The
important force of change management function is to involve resources in increasing
continuous growth and marvellous customer services.

Role of HR in Change Management:

 The most organizations shows at least one vary initiative happening in the Human
Resource Management (HRM).
 HR managers need to consider responsibilities, job assignments and work process
whenever change occurs.
 HR managers play a vital role in overcoming resistance to change through effective
communication and counselling.
 They will have more responsibilities to look the long-term, Pass on the vision to
resources, set crystal clear assumptions for presentation and develop talent to execute
by identifying people and other employees.

4. Managing Human Capital:

Human capital refers the knowledge, skill and talent of resources that have economic value
to the company. As human capital is intangible and tricky, we cannot manage the way
duties, resources or technologies are managed. This is because human capital is owned
by the resources themselves and not by companies.

Managing human capital is very crucial because if valued employees leave a corporation,

they take their human capital with them and any investment made in training and
development is lost. Hence, success increasingly depends on an organization’s ability to
retain and manage human capital.

Role of HRM in Retaining and Managing Human Capital:

Managers should think to empower better knowledge, skills and experience within their
workforce to increase human capital.
 Staffing programs should be specialised in identifying, recruiting and welcoming the
easiest and brightest talent resources.
 There must be effective training skill enhancement and opportunities for development
on the task.
 Managers must provide development assignments and ensure their job duties and
requirements are flexible enough to permit for growth and learning as highly valued
intelligence tends to be associated with competences and capabilities learned from
 Talent should not be left unused. There should be inputs to push employees and
empower their active participation to utilization of the available human capita
 In many companies, managers are evaluated on their progress towards meeting
development goals that specialise in skill development and gaining new competencies
and capabilities. In many cases pay is attached to additional knowledge or skill acquired.
 HR programmes and assignments are the means through which knowledge is
transferred among employees.

5. Responding to Market Forces:

In the present scenario of business competition is inevitable. Managers are required to

require care of the customers’ needs of quality, innovation, variety and responsiveness.
Total quality management (including six sigma) and process reengineering are two
important approaches to respond to customers.

6. Containing Costs:

Managers are increasingly struggling to lower cost and improve productivity to

maximise efficiency. Similar to other functional departments, HR department is
also required to point out financial results. HR department is during a dilemma to contain
costs associated with people.
 Labour costs are one of the larger expenditures of any organization, particularly, in
service-and knowledge-intensive firms.
 Healthcare costs pose a way bigger burden to the firms.
To contain operational costs, firms are resorting to several activities like downsizing,
outsourcing, offshoring and employee leasing, which all have an enormous impact on HR
policies and practices.

7. Demographic and Employee Concerns:

HR managers got to worry about the changes happening among the workforce and their

expectations additionally to the competitive changes. Demographic changes and cultural
changes cause considerable impact on HRM.

Demographic Changes: Diversity (employee back-ground), age, gender and education levels
are the major components in demographic changes.

Cultural Changes:

The attitudes, beliefs, values and customs of individuals are an integral a part of any culture.
Culture influences the behaviour of people towards the job and environment with respect to
work assignments, leadership style, performance appraisal, compensation and reward
system. As within the case of other components of environment, culture is
additionally undergoing continual change affecting HR policies and practices.

8. Managing Diversity:

Managing diversity means being adequately conscious of characteristics common to

employees and at an equivalent time managing these employees as individuals. The most
important aspect of diversity management is valuing diversity within the work place
followed by developing appropriate culture, arranging needed opportunity and providing
effective leadership.


The HR manager role should be parallel the requirements of the changing organization. Leading
organizations are getting more flexible, strong, fast to convert supervisions, and customer-
centred. Within this environment, the HR professional should find out how to handle effectively
through planning, organizing, leading and controlling the human resource and be
knowledgeable of emerging trends in upskilling and employee development.
3. Write short note on any one of the following.

i. Factors Governing Recruitment. (10)

Answer: Recruitment is essential for filling up vacancies that may arise time to time due to
transfer, resignation, termination or death of existing employees. Also to fill up existing
employee’s critical skill gaps organizations may need to recruit. Recruitment entails
organizations collaboration with both external and internal sources of recruitment. While
employee’s referral programs help to find talent, similarly collaboration with local or
international universities and specialized recruitment agencies may reduce considerable effort
of the organization in searching out the right resources.

Factors Governing Recruitment:

Both internal (company’s Size, Cost, Outsourcing, future expansion plans) and external factors
(company’s image, labour market conditions, legal provisions in the country, competition) play
an important roles in determining recruitment policy of an organization.

Internal Factors Influencing Recruitment:

 Company’s Size
 Cost
 Outsourcing
 Future Expansion Plans

Company’s Size:

Organizations with big size usually find it easier to recruit compared to small organizations. Also
start-up may find it relatively difficult to recruit professionals at their initial stage of operation
than a well-established organization.


A noted earlier recruitment entails substantial cost. Organizations can reduce this cost by
ensuring high retention of existing employees. Also careful planning of recruitment goes a long
way in reducing the cost of recruitment. Multiple job offering put up on company’s website may
reduce cost substantially.

Out Sourcing:

Non-core activities of organizations are now a days getting outsourced to specialized external
agencies. Outsourcing can help achieves substantial reduction.

Future Expansion Plans:

When organizations have future expansion plans, either in existing or new markets then
recruitment from outside becomes essential. Careful planning is required at this stage to
determine the exact number of hires required, after considering utilization and skill sets of
existing employees.

External Factors Influencing Recruitment:

 Company’s Image
 Labour Market Condition
 Legal Provisions In the Country
 Competitors

Company’s Image:

Company’s Image plays a vital roles in attracting potential candidates. For example Google,
Apple, IBM’s positive images help them to attract substantial number of job applications per

Labour Market Condition:

Existing employment conditions in the local labour market may substantially affect current
recruitment driver of the organization. When there is a surplus manpower available for a
particular skill set then a simple walk-in ad in the newspaper may help organizations to fill up
vacant positions.

Legal Provisions in the Country:

Government time to time announces how much percentage of vacancies should belong to
ethnic minorities (SC/STs/Physically challenged individuals). Union-management agreements
also play a vital role in determining new hires.


Organizations generally compete for the same labour pool to fulfil their vacant positions in
respective streams and departments. When competitors give better offer to existing or potential
employees, then this may force companies to have a relook at their existing recruitment policy.

Approaches and Process of Recruitment:

Organizations reduce the size of their workforces to optimize their form and structure, but we
also noted we would discuss Organizations desiring to increase their workforce. Indeed, if an
Organization is growing, it almost certainly needs to hire new employees. But even when it is
stable, it will still likely need to hire new employees to replace those who leave voluntarily and

Organizational and Individual Goals in Recruiting:

Organization Goals:

 Attract a pool of qualified applicants

 Keep pool at a manageable size
 Provide realistic job previews
Individual Goals:

 Meet work-related goals

 Meet personal goals
 Address personal needs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Recruiting:

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting:


 Increases Motivation
 Reduced time to Hire
 No need of Induction Process
 Sustains knowledge and Culture


 May stagnation of company’s culture

 May training cost increases
 Limited Options

 Advantages and Disadvantages of External Recruiting:


 Brings in new ideas/thoughts and new blood

 Conversion rate increases
 Attracts upskilled resources


 May hurt encouragement and motivation

 Costs more
 Time taking process

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