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Model answer

Part 1: Vocabulary and structure

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. What is the.................... of the number 10 bus?
a. arrival b. destination c. meeting d. stop
2. Some students work in the holidays to.................... some money.
a. spend b. lose c. give d. earn
3. Egypt can be.................... hot in August.
a. special b. excellent c. especially d. specialize
4. We didn’t have much money so we bought ....................class tickets.
a. first b. express c. stopping d. economy
5. It is sad that some people become.................... to computer games.
a. upset b. successful c. addicted d. hard
6. My uncle is the ..................of a factory. He gives instructions to the workers.
a. captain b. manager c. mechanic d. secretary
7. The teacher wanted us to........................ how the earth goes around the sun.
a. explain b. advise c. regret d. control
8. The canal is not natural. It is.........................
a. made b. man-made c. build d. building
9. The shop is .....................for a new assistant. Perhaps Manal can work there.
a. investing b. writing c. arranging d. advertising
10. This email asks for my computer password. It must be a.....................
a. score b. skin c. scam d. scan
11. My brother broke his phone and needs someone to.................... it.
a. make b. explain c. repair d. report
12.It is hot today. It must be about forty.................... .
a. degrees b. dots c. metres d. marks
13. Don’t be.......................! You have already eaten a big ice cream.
a. honest b. greedy c. hardworking d. kind
14. The....................... came from space and landed in the sea.
a. mountain b. minaret c. meteorite d. monument
15.The....................... showed us how to dive under water.
a. hero b. interviewer c. instructor d. inventor
16.How many eggs do the farmer’s chickens........................ each day?
a. lie b. give c. lay d. put
17. People have used ..................... to make cups for hundreds of years.
a. stone b. clay c. straw d. sticks
18.This book is....................... . I don’t want to read it any more.
a. special b. excellent c. terrible d. greedy
19.The train stops at Luxor........ its way to Aswan.
a. with b. on c. in d. over
20. Yesterday, we................. the bus at school to go our house.
a. got into b. got off c. got on d. got out of
21.The assistant told us that our ……………. was at the front of the train.
a. cart b. carriage c. bus d. plane
22.You have bought many things! How much money did you……………?
a. book b. take c. spend d. give
23.Four tourists.....the car and took some photos of the statues in the park.
a. got into b. got off c. got on d. got out of
24.Welcome to Cairo. Please ....the plane through the doors at the front.
a. get into b. get off c. get on d. get out of
25.Mayar’s cousin doesn’t mind spending some extra so she has bought a/an...... ticket.
a. single b. first class c. express d. return
26.Osama is coughing all the time. I think he has a problem with his……
a. lungs b. legs c. arms d. hearts
27. Too much smoking can cause lung and heart…………….
a degrees b. diseases c. beats d. reasons
28.Maysa works very hard so I’m sure she’ll ……………. the exams.
a. provide b. pass c. succeed d. fail1
29. Volleyball is very........ game, you need to be fit to play it.
a. psychological b. mental c. physical d. nervous
30.The........ which helps you breathe is the lung.
a. member b. organ c. part d. group
31.Sameh …………a heart operation and became better.
a. took b. had c. did d. made
32. His lungs were…………….because of smoking.
a. better b. damaged c. returned d. cured
33. My brother went to a good university and had a great……………….
a. entertainment b. population c. education d. invitation
34. …………………workers often have to wear boots and a helmet.
a. office b. special c. manual d. hand
35. Students in……………education do not go to technical schools.
a. real b. general c. different d. technique
36.We are proud........ being Egyptians.
a. to b. about c. of d. with
37. My father worked…………..a big project in the new capital.
a. of b. in c. on d. out
38.The manager asked me to tell him about my work…………….
a. exercise b. experiment c. experience d. exam
39.Some stars are made of………………
a. oil b. gas c. plastic d. metal
40. I…………….. if you could tell me how many solar systems there are.
a. want b. tell c. explain d. wonder
41.When you go diving, you …………… tell people where you are going.
a. shouldn't b. mustn't c. should d. Can't
42.You…………..swim too far from the boat.
a. shouldn't b. must c. should d. Haven't
43.You ……………………..stay in the sun too long.
a. should b. must c. shouldn't d. can
44. You…………………..look out for dangerous sharks.
a. shouldn't b. mustn't c. should d. Can't
45.There are lots of historical stories in this library, but there are …..detective stories.
a. little b. less c. few d. fewer
46. People have …………….interest in historical stories.
a. least b. less c. few d. fewer
47. l have ……….time to read this year because l have more schoolwork.
a. few b. fewer c. little d. less
48. I want a book with …………….pages than a detective story.
a. few b. fewer c. fewest d. less
49.This hat…………… England.
a. made b. make c. was made d. making
50.When is Sham el-Nessim ……………………… in Egypt?
a. celebrated b. celebrate c. celebrates d. celebrating
51.I ……….to my friend's party and it was a good chance to meet my old friends.
a. am invited b. was invited c. am inviting d. invited
52.The museum …………………… by thousands of tourists every day.
a. visited b. visiting c. is visited d. was visited
53.I ……………go to the party: I'm not sure.
a. might b. must be c. Can't be d. maybe
54.She has a lot of work to do. She…………
a. must b. must be c. can't be d. can
55.Wear a coat. It …………………… rain today.
a. must b. mustn't c. can't d. might
56.The happy. They are smiling and taking photos of the pyramids.
a. must b. can c. should d. shouldn't
57.It ……………. be hot in the desert in summer.
a. can b. must c. might d. mustn't
58.The maths homework was very difficult. Were you …………………… do it?
a. able to b. could c. should d. Can
59.Why weren't you .......... do the maths homework? Was it difficult?
a. able to b. could c. able d. can
60.He ...............ride a bike when he was six.
a. could b. can c. able d. was able
61.Mr. Bakr is a great teacher. .............., he never gives private lessons.
a. In addition to b. Addition c. More d. Furthermore
62. In addition to.............her homework, Arwa helps her mother in the kitchen.
a. do b. doing c. make d. making
63.My sister is very polite. ...................., she is very active.
a. Not more b. Furthermore c. Although d. However
64.There was a fire at the hotel, but firefighters……… put it out very quickly.
a. were able b. was able c. could d. couldn't
65.Eman sent …………….. an email
a. For me b. mine c. To me d. me
66.I gave …………….. the message.
a. for my sister b. my sister c. hers d. to my sister
67.I gave …………….. the pen he needed.
a. my friend b. for my friend c . to my friend d . his
68.Here’s Mona’s book. Please can you give it..................?
a. to her b. for her c. her d. hers
69.How long did you……………………. wait till the bus arrived?
a. has to b. have to c. must d. have
70.I couldn't go to the park yesterday because I ……… to finish my homework
a. have b. could c. mustn't d. had
71. What did you ……… do before you came to school this morning?
a. had to b. have to c. must d. have that. It’s against the law.
a. Needn't b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. don’t have to
73.It is an achievement to be an Olympic athlete. ..................,it is really hard work
a. Furthermore b. However c. Although d. In addition to
74.Basketball players need to be tall … some good players are short.
a. furthermore b. but c. although d. in addition
75. …………….I really enjoy playing speed-ball, I don't have any time to practise it
a. Furthermore b. But c. Although d. In addition
76.Ali is very good at tennis. ……………….., he is a very fast runner
a. In addition to b. Moreover c. Because d. in addition
77.My neighbour …………. is a teacher, helps me with my English.
a. whose b. who c. which d. where
78.The photo shows Alexandria in 1990……………. my parents lived there.
a. when b. who c. which d. where
79.Mr. Yasser ………………. lives next door, is a scientist.
a. whose b. who c. which d. whom
80. We went to the supermarket ………………. we bought some food.
a. when b. who c. which d. where
81.If the shops close, then lots of other. ……………like cafe's will close, too.
a. jobs b. businesses c. ideas d. circles
82.The road is not big enough for cars, but you can go down it on a…………
a. train b. plane c. motorbike d. ferry
83.Do you……….. that the weather will get hotter in the future?
a. have b. invent c. give d. predict
84.Do you think there will be your English homework?
a. corrections b. apps c. turns d. tools
85.I would like to ....the phone for a new one that is not damaged.
a. watch b change c. exercise d. text
86.It's a good idea to play ……… games in the evening.
a. noisy b. quiet c. exciting d. fast
87.I would like to.....a machine to tidy my bedroom!
a. invite b. invent c. travel d. disappear
88.I think it is…………… to travel in time. It can't happen.
a. important b. impossible c. easy d. possible
89.We can only travel through........, not time.
a. place b. replace c. space d. advice
90.You shouldn't…………… outside for too long if it is very hot in the desert.
a. try b. stay c. swim d. visit
91. If you don't……..the lesson' you should tell the teacher.
a. try b. stay c. understand d. visit
92.I like to wear my ……………….on the bus to listen to music.
a. helmet b. headphones c. glasses d. jacket
93.This message is written in German. Can you…………. it into Arabic?
a. transfer b. predict c. translate d. fix
94. ……………..are like planes, but they do not have wings!
a. Aero planes b. Motorbikes c. Helicopters d. Trains
95. I have many………… on my phone, like Facebook, Sound Cloud and WhatsApp.
a. programs b. inventions d. apps
96.The internet is one of the greatest ……..of the time.
a. predictions b. inventions c. corrections d. translations
97.Scientists will …………..a car that doesn't make any pollution in the future.
a. invite b. invent c. invest d. intend
98.Some birds have strong........, so they can fly for a long distance.
a. beaks b. wings c. tails d. legs
99.My teacher always asks me to write the........of any project.
a. technology b. sounds c. resources d. speed
100. Old cars and factory rubbish cause the problem of.........
a. correction b. development c. pollution d. technology
101. The cheetah can run .........the speed of 120.7 km/h.
a. on b. at c. in d. off
102. I like online shopping because we...........more choices online.
a. make c. wake d. have
103. People use blankets to cold weather.
a. bigger b. warmer c. colder d. cooler
104. Ayman gave an opinion, but Ashraf………….
a. agreed b. disagreed c. predicted d. guessed
105. I'd like to ….... my new photos with my friends on the internet.
a. discuss b. share c. cut d. explore
106. It’s....... today. I think it is going to rain.
a. hot b. windy c. sunny d. cloudy
107. I can't find my watch. It's…………...
a. hurt b. disappeared c. sent d. found
108. When I go to bed, I turn my phone……………...
a. over b. of c. off d. on
109. You should......a break after sitting on a computer for a long time
a. make b. have c. do d. feel
110. My parents will take my phone…….... if I play on it so much.
a. way b. away c. on d. off
111. Looking at a computer for a long time can give you a ………………...
a. Stomachache b. Headache c. Toothache d. Backache
112. My grandchildren are completely…………… computer games.
a. addicted b. useful c. worried d. possible
113. Students aren' talk during exams.
a. worried b. horrible c. allowed d. believed
114. There are lots factories.
a. machines b. matches c. games d. planets
115. I can't see the helicopter. It……………..behind the trees.
a. disappeared b. appeared c. replied d. explored
116. ..........the phone off when you are at the lessons.
a. Spend b. Addict c. Make d. Turn
117. Listening to loud music through headphones can damage your…………..
a. taste b. hearing c. smell d. sight
118. Teenagers shouldn't spend too much time
a. society b. social c. sociable d. community
119. Water...........became much worse than the last ten years.
a. pollution b. population c. station d. decision
120. There was a/ our class about how we help the environment.
a. debate b. interview c. conversation d. meeting
121. What invention do you hope we.......... in the future?
a. see b. will see c. would see d. saw
122. I think the headphones........... very useful for travelling.
a. will be b. are going to be c. be d. would be
123. Do you predict that the weather...........hotter in the future?
a. gets b. got c. will get d. are getting
124. Life .........easier in the future.
a. is b. was c. will be d. were
125. You.............. tell a parent or teacher if you feel worried at something.
a. should b. shouldn't c. mustn't d. couldn't
126. You shouldn’t watch videos on the internet if your head...............
a. had hurt b.'ll hurt c. hurts d. hurt
127. You................swim in the sea if it is very cold.
a. have to b. had to c. should d. shouldn't
128. Should I ..............for too long on the internet if I have a headache?
a. stays b. stay c. to stay d. staying
129. There are...........grapes left. Would you like some?
a. a little b. a few c. much d. a lot
130. A: Would you like..........salt on your chips? B: No, thank you.
a. a little b. a few c. many d. several
131. She is allergic to nuts, so she doesn't eat.......
a. a few b. any c. some d. a lot of
132. I don't like to have........salt in my food because it is not very healthy.
a. some b. any c. many d. several
133. I don't like this soup. There is too......salt in it.
a. much b. many c. enough d. few
134. Can I have some more sugar, please? There this tea.
a. too much b. too many c. a few d. not enough
135. Let's not go to the beach. There are.......people there today.
a. too much b. too many c. a little d. a few
136. Could you get a few tomatoes? I don't have.........for the salad.
a. enough b. much c. a little d. a few
137. A: like to drink some juice? - B: Yes, please.
a. Could b. Would c. Are d. Can
138. There are ……….cars in the centre of the city.
a. a lot b. a few c. a little d. much
139. Hurry up? We only have a …………….. time before the bus leaves.
a. lot of b. a few c. a little d. much
140. There are.......expensive new flats next to the river.
a. an b. a c. any d. some
141. A: able to speak French? B: yes, I am.
a. Were b. Are c. Can d. Do
142. to people at drama club about acting.
a. am able able to c. Can d. Do
143. He can’t swim, but he……… very well.
a. can b. can’t c. is able d. isn't able
144. Hend tennis, but she can ride a bike.
a. don't b. can’t c. hasn't d. isn't
145. Do you to use the computer?
a. knew b. knows c. knowing d. know
146. Can your brother…………….fast?
a. runs b. ran c. run d. running
147. My father is very busy. He……………….take many holidays.
a. can't b. has c. hasn't d. can
148. .………………….drive a car?
a. He can b. He can't c. Can he d. Can
149. The doctor has ……….. to the patient all morning
a. talk b. talking c. talks d. been talking
150. ………… the past hour, I’ve been talking to patients.
a. since b. last c. for d. ago
151. The garden is very wet because it……………………..all day
a. has rained b. has been raining c. raining d. rains
152. Manal’s brother…………………… in England for a year, so his English is very good.
a. has lived b. have been living c. living d. lives
153. You should never look directly at…………….. sun.
a. a b. an c. the d. –
154. I have a new phone. ………………….phone was not expensive.
a. A b. The c. An d .It
155. Do you like playing ………… computer games?
a. a b. an c. the d. –no article
156. My uncle has a house that is near……….. Nile.
a. a b. an c. the d. – no article
157. It is cloudy today, so we……………. take our sunglasses.
a. don’t have to b. not have to c. don’t have d. have not to
158. If we…………….. to England, we will speak English every day.
a. went b. will go c. go d. going
159. They ………………….. a lot of old statues if they go to that museum.
a. see b. saw c. to see d. will see
160. If you………………… your hands before you eat, you will get ill.
a. don’t wash b. wash c. not wash d. didn’t wash
161. My father or my mother's sister is my ……….. .
a. aunt b. son c. uncle d. daughter
162. Your father's father is your................
a. brother b. cousin c. grandfather d. grandmother
163. Your aunt and uncle’s child is called................
a. aunt b. uncle c. son d. cousin
164. Ali and Adel look like each other. They are............
a. aunts b. uncles c. sisters d. twins
165. a game for two people.
a. football b. handball c. chess d. volleyball
166. Fathers, brothers and uncles are ………………. members in our families.
a. nail b. female c. male d. mall
167. She works at hospital for no money. She
a. easy b. voluntary c. worthless d. bad
168. Your mum or dad’s mother is your.......
a. granddaughter b. aunt c. grandfather d. grandmother
169. In the evening, I play the........... and I listen to music.
a. swimming b. voluntary c. drums d. drummer
170. I always .......... the teacher.
a. eat b. play c. walk d. listen to
171. Hany loves basketball. He .......... it every day.
a. plays b. gets c. hires d. does
172. My father .......... football matches on the radio.
a. runs b. plays c. bakes d. listens to
173. Maher .......... voluntary work at a hospital.
a. goes b. gives c. plays d. does
174. This is a family.
a. at b. for c. of d. in
175. Your brother is your parent's......
a. daughter b. son c. aunt d. father
176. I ……….. tennis matches on TV.
a. wash b. read c. watch d. write
177. We went ................... on Wednesday.
a. swim b. for swimming c. swimming swim
178. We play games with the children and ............ them stories
a. listen b. read c. watch d. learn
179. Ali is as old as Hany. They have the.............age.
a. some b. too c. so d. same
180. My………………are my grandfather and grandmother.
a. grandchildren b. grandparents c. children d. parents
181. …………… help children. They work in a school.
a. Farmers b. Teachers c. Engineers d. Doctors
182. My ............... is today. I'm 10 years old.
a. birthday b. birth place c. month d. week
183. I have two daughters. They are ……….. Jana and Judy.
a. call b. called c. cold d. could
184. My aunt's name is Maha. She is ……….. 40.
a. age b. ages c. aged d. ager
185. The .......... is a group of people who play music together.
a. stand b. band c. gang d. bang
186. Mothers, sisters and aunts are ………………. members in our families.
a. nails b. female c. males d. malls
187. He loves sports. He is good at……………….
a. English b. cooking c. football d. speaking
188. I sometimes ……….. voluntary work on Fridays. I visit ill children in hospital.
a. do b. make c. play d. go
189. Hazem and Imad have the same parents and the same birthdays. They are ……
a. twins b. daughters c. cousins d. parents
190. I always play basketball ……….. Mondays.
a. in b. on c. at d. of
191. ……….. of my parents are doctors.
a. All b. Both c. Every d. Are
192. She is very sad to be away ...............her grandfather.
a. from b. to c. for d. at
193. A/ a child with no mother or father.
a. nephew b. orphan c. poor d. parent
194. Cairo and Alexandria are big.....................
a. lakes b. countries c. museums d. cities
195. You can get milk and cheese from a..............
a. dog b. hen c. goat d. donkey
196. He goes to the ......... on Sunday evenings and he catches a plane to England.
a. airport b. hospital c. school d. station
197. A/An .......... is at the top of a house.
a. orphan b. mountain c. orphan d. attic
198. I usually help ...........home.
a. on b. of c. in d. at
199. His friend is very good ............sports. b. of c. in d. at
200. I can't climb the ................. This is because it is very high.
a. beach b. hospital c. mountain d. station
201. Marwan is my uncle. ................ is a doctor.
a. He b. his c. Him d. her
202. Tarek is his cousin. Today is ............ birthday.
a. He b. his c. Him d. her
203. Clap for the football players. ..................played very well.
a. They b. Theirs c. Their d. Them
204. Throw the ball to............... please. I am waiting.
a. I b. My c. Me d. Mine
205. In this box, there are .................T-shirts. .
a. girls b. girl c. girls's d. girls'
206. ................... bag is blue .
a. Manal b. Manal's c. Manal is d. Manals'
207. It is the...............pen. .
a. teacher's b. teacheres c. teacher d. teachers
208. This is.................picture.
a. Ola's and Judy b. Ola and Judy
c. Ola and Judy's d. Ola and Judys
209. My best friend .................. got short dark hair.
a. has b. have c. are d. is
210. Has your father ..........a moustache?
a. get b. getting c. gets d. got
211. …………..Samir got short hair? Yes, he has.
a. Have b. Has c. Do d. Does
212. I …………………..dark hair. I have got brown hair.
a. have got b. has got c. haven’t got d. hasn’t got
213. My sister Lina has got long hair........... glasses.
a. so b. because c. and d. but
214. Nader has got a wheelchair............... he cannot walk very well.
a. so b. because c. and d. but
215. Nasser is not very good at Maths ... he is very good at English.
a. so b. because c. and d. but
216. Osama likes playing football, basketball, ................... tennis.
a. so b. because c. and d. but
217. Nader likes.................very much.
a. paint b. painting c. paints d. pained
218. ......................Mona drive a car?
a. Do b. Has c. Can d. Is
219. Is there ...................MP3 player?
a. some b. a c. an d. any
220. Are there................. tablets?
a. some b. a c. any d. a lot
221. ...................... any printers?
a. there is b. Is there c. Are there d. there are
222. ............... ......... a mouse?
a. there is b. Is there c. Are there d. there are
223. Is there an umbrella for me? - No, there……………..
a. aren't b. is c. are d. isn't
224. There …………….. any notebooks in my bag.
a. is b. are c. aren't d. isn't
225. Ahmed ………………… his English book now.
a. reads b. read c. is reading d. reading
226. They are.............. at websites for information
a. looks b. looking c. look d. looked
227. She ............. you some photos now.
a. sending b. sends c. is sent d. is sending
228. I'm playing chess online. I'm………………… at the moment.
a. win b. wins c. winning d. won
229. Don't go out now ……………………… here.
a. Waiting b. Wait c. Waits d. Waited
230. Ali, .............this book in your bag.
a. put b. To put c. Putting d. puts
231. ……………………… make friends with people you don't know online.
a. Didn't b. Do c. Don't d. Doesn't
232. ……………………… for help from a parent or a teacher.
a. Asking b. Asked c. Ask d. Asks
233. Last summer, my family ……………. a fantastic holiday in Morocco.
a. have b. had c. has d. are having
234. We visited a big beach and then we ………… in a nice hotel
a. sleep b. are sleeping c. sleeps d. slept
235. There ……………camels on the beach yesterday.
a. was b. are c. is d. were
236. They …………… barbecued chicken for dinner last night.
a. eat b– eats c– ate d– eating
237. I have got………………… potatoes.
a. too much b. much c. too many d. a lot
238. She likes to eat………..meat for dinner.
a. some b. any c. an d. a
239. There are …………. rice pudding recipes online.
a. any b. much c. a lot of d. a lot
240. There are …………………….. girls in the class, but there aren't any boys.
a. too much b. much c. too many d. a lot

Part 2: translation
Translate the following into Arabic:
1. A good citizen should have a spirit of co-operation, friendliness, humanity,
dedication and devotion towards his family and society. He must respect other
faiths. He must not do anything that brings disgrace to his society or to his country.
‫يجب ان يكون لدي المواطن الصالح روح التعاون و الصداقة و االنسانية والتفاني و االخالص تجاه عائلته و‬
.‫ يجب ان ال يفعل شيئا يجلب العار لمجتمعه او لبلده‬.‫ يجب ان يحترم المواطن معتقدات االخرين‬.‫مجتمعه‬
2. Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to
adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various
forms of reasoning and to overcome obstacles by taking thought.
‫يختلف االشخاص عن بعضهم في مقدرتهم علي فهم افكار معقده و التاقلم بفاعلية مع البيئة و التعلم من الخبرة و‬
.‫االندماج في اشكال متنوعة من المنطق و التغلب علي العقباات عن طريق التفكير‬
3. Certainly, the research teams are working to find effective treatments for diseases
such as diabetes and arthritis, but this may take a long time to achieve and it will
benefit future generations.
‫بالتاكيد تعمل فرق البحث علي ايجاد عالج فعال المراض مثل السكر و الروماتيزم و لكن يمكن ان يستغرق هذا وقتا‬
.‫طويل للوصول اليه و ستستفيد االجيال المستقبلية‬
4. Experts predict that the world population will increase to ten billion by the year
2100. This increase will necessarily require an increase in food production and the
provision of more housing and services.
‫ تلك الزيادة ستتطلب بالضرورة زيادة‬.2100 ‫يتوقع الخبراء ان يزداد التعداد السكاني الى عشرة مليرات بحلول عام‬
.‫في انتاج الغذاء و توفير المزيد من االسكان و الخدمات‬
5. In all cultures food is considered a currency in society. Food can nourish, entertain
and give pleasure. For some people food is just a necessity to satisfy basic needs.
‫ بالنسبة لبعض الناس‬.‫ يمكن للطعام ان يغذي و يرفه و يعطي المتعه‬.‫في كل الثقافات يعتبر الغداء عمله في المجتمع‬
.‫الطعام مجرد ضرورة لتلبية المتطلبات االساسية‬
6. Don’t pray for an easy life, pray to endure a hard one.
.‫ال تصلي راجيا حياة سهلة بل صلي راجيا المقدرة علي التحمل‬
Translate the following into English:
.‫• لقد نالت المرأة المصرية حقوقها كاملة في التعليم والعمل وكذلك حق التصويت‬
The Egyptian woman has earned all her rights in education, work, and the right to vote.
.‫• يجب على كل مواطن أن يلعب دورا ً فعاالً في القضاء على األمية في قريته أو في الحي الذي يعيش فيه‬
Every citizen must play an effective role in eliminating illiteracy in his village or the
neighbourhood he or she lives in.

. ‫• يجب ان يبذل كل المصريين اقصى ما لديهم لزيادة االنتاج وتشجيع االستثمار بما يحقق زيادة الدخل القومى‬
All the Egyptians must exert all their efforts to increase production and encourage
investments to achieve an increase in the national income.
‫• االنفجار السكاني هو السبب الرئيسي في الفقر و الجهل و المرض والبطالة لذلك يجب نشر الوعي لحل هذة‬
Overpopulation is the main reason for poverty, illiteracy, diseases, and unemployment.
So we must raise people’s awareness to solve these problems.
.‫• يجب تحذير الشباب من الهجره الغير شرعيه النها تعرضهم للمخاطر‬
The youth must be warned of illegal immigration because it puts them at risk.
.‫• ان مصر االن في حاجه ماسه لمزيد من الجهود والتعاون والتضحيه الستعادة مكانتها في المنطقه‬
Egypt is in great need for more efforts, cooperation, and sacrifice to restore its position
in the area.
‫• العلم والمعرفه هما اساس تقدم اي دوله‬
Science and knowledge is the basis for progress in any country.

Part 3: Comprehension
Reading comprehension
Shopping is a necessary part of life which very few people can avoid. It is a
daily routine for some people. Some people shop for pleasure while other people go
shopping just to buy the necessary items in order to survive. The weekend is usually a
good time to go shopping because people have free time from work. At this time the
shops are usually very busy because people try to get the best items for the lowest price
before the item runs out of stock.
Some people go shopping more regularly than other people to browse products
in shops even when they do not have much money. This is known as window shopping
and allows people to plan ahead and save for the things they want to buy in the future
or wait for the items to drop in price. Some people spend a lot of time looking for
bargains while others do not think of the price and are happy to spend a lot. Some
people believe that the more expensive the item, the better the quality, but this is not
always true. It is sensible to buy items which are affordable, but some people use a
credit card or borrow money from the bank so that they can buy the items they really
want rather than wait for it.
Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift to buy other people
for a special occasion. It is common to buy a gift voucher so that a friend or loved one
can go shopping themselves at their own convenience. Shopping online is often
popular with people who have a busy lifestyle. People are able to order their necessary
and luxury items from the comfort of their own home, or even on the move. Delivery is
usually free and items are often cheaper than in shops on the high street. The only real
problem is that the item description and quality may be different than what they hoped
for. This could mean the customer may become disappointed with the item they
receive and will need to return it at their own cost. People who go to shops to do their
shopping often use self-service payment machines. This usually saves time as the
shopper does not need to join a long queue. However, it can be frustrating when the
machine has a problem and the sales assistant is not always available to help.
Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d:
1) Why is the weekend a good time to go shopping?

A) It is very busy on the weekend B) People are free from work.

C) Things are usually cheaper. D) The shops are closed.
2) What are people doing when they go shopping just to have a look and not to buy?

A) Bargain hunting B) Window shopping

C) They do not have much money D) Looking for the best quality
3) What do some people usually think about items of better quality?

A) They are cheaper B) They are harder to find

C) They are more expensive D) They are on sale
4) When can shopping be stressful?

A) When shops are about to close B) When it is very busy

C) When buying a gift for someone D) On the weekend
5) Is there sometimes a problem with online shopping?
A) No the shops are open 24 hours a day
B) Yes with the quality and description of the item
C) Yes there are too many queues
D) No there are no problems

The New Coronavirus

What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s. They are a group of viruses that
cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract
infections that are typically mild, such as the common cold. The name "coronavirus" is
derived from the Latin corona, meaning crown or halo. The name refers to the
characteristic appearance of the infective form of the virus, which is reminiscent of a
crown or a solar corona.
The new coronavirus
At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus started spreading in China. This
type of coronavirus is often called 2019-nCoV, novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. It is
believed that the virus was transmitted from animals to humans. Some of the first cases
were diagnosed in people who had visited a market selling live seafood and animals.
Unfortunately, when viruses are transmitted from animals to people, it can take
scientists a lot of time before they can develop a vaccine or medicines to cure it.
The symptoms of the new coronavirus
Some of the symptoms of the coronavirus are fever, cough, runny nose, sore
throat, headache, and trouble breathing. These symptoms are very much like those
people have with a cold or the flu. The virus can be more serious in some people,
especially if they are sick or have health problems.
While it is early to have a definite picture of the disease because scientists are
still collecting the data, some patterns have already emerged. Some early reports reveal
that children seem to be getting coronavirus at much lower rates than adults. Even if
they get infected, the symptoms are milder. However, most people who get severely
infected are those with a weak immune system, like the elderly. Coronavirus may be
life-threatening for these people. They may develop more serious respiratory tract
illnesses that may be fatal.
How does the virus spread?
The virus appears to spread mainly from person to person. The transmission
occurs when someone comes into contact with an infected person. For example, a
cough, sneeze or handshake could cause transmission. The spread may also be caused
by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then
touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
There is no specific vaccine or medication to cure the disease, but generally,
symptoms will go away on their own. However, experts recommend seeking medical
care early if symptoms feel worse than a standard cold. Doctors can relieve symptoms
by prescribing pain or fever medication. As far as antibiotics are concerned, they are
useless to treat coronavirus.
People who think they may have been exposed to the virus should contact their
healthcare provider immediately. A set of preventive measures are usually followed in
case someone gets infected. This includes keeping infected people in quarantine for a
certain period, generally fourteen days.
How to protect yourself from coronavirus?
To protect yourself from the virus, here are six recommendations to follow:
▪ Avoid contact with people who are already infected.
▪ Wash your hands well and regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use
hand sanitizer.
▪ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if you haven't washed your hands.
▪ Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that people touch a lot.
▪ Stay home when you are sick.
▪ Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d:
1. Coronaviruses were discovered in 2019.
a. True b. False
2. The source of the coronavirus probably comes from animals.
a. True b. False
3. Children get infected more than adults
a. True b. False
4. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat the coronavirus.
a. True b. False

The Nile River

The Nile River is 4,132 miles long. It has two origins or sources. The Blue Nile
begins in the highlands of Ethiopia. The White Nile begins in the center of Africa
known as Equatorial Arica. The two rivers come together near the capital city of
Sudan. Its drainage basin includes 11 countries.

In ancient times, the Nile River gave life to the region. It provided
transportation. All of Egypt's big cities were built on the river, so travel was easy by
water. The river also provided rich soil for farming when the waters flooded over the
banks every year in August and September. The rich soil and Egypt itself were called
by the Greek historian Herodotus the 'gift of the Nile.' If a flood was not as big as it
should be, crops suffered. Too much flooding also destroyed the crops. Heavy rains
and the melting of snow to the south caused the great flooding. Both the ancient
Egyptians and Greeks could not understand how this river could flow from south to

By about 2000 B. C., mention is made of irrigation projects to bring water from
the Nile inland. Crops were planted after the flooding. They ripened by the spring.
Egyptians named three seasons: the flooding (Akhet), the emergence (Peret, when the
flooding stopped and crops could be planted) and Heat or Harvest (Shemu) when the
river was at its lowest point.

The Egyptians called the river Ar or Aur, meaning 'black' referring to the rich
black soil brought to the land with the flooding.' The word 'Nile' does not come from
the Egyptians. It comes from the Greek word neilos, probably from a Semitic word
nahal. It meant a valley or river valley. Then the word was applied to the river itself. It
played no part in their religion. For them it was not the river which brought about the
abundance of crops, but the flood. They made this flood into a god called Hapy. He
was one of the lesser gods of the Egyptians.

The god is described and shown to be a fat little figure bringing water and food
to the other gods. Hapy was worshiped at the beginning of the flooding. He had no
temple, however. The Egyptians took the river for granted and did not think it was an
especially amazing part of their lives. Their other gods were to them much more
complex than the river. Kings considered themselves to be like Hapy because they
provided for their subjects.

Because of the Nile River, the great Egyptian civilization grew up. The mud
from the Nile River was used to make bricks for the many projects planned by the
rulers. During the less busy months of the year, farmers and laborers were free to work
on building projects for the rulers. These included pyramids, tombs for the rulers,
palaces and other large monuments.

The Ancient Egyptians grew papyrus, wheat and flax along the Nile. These
crops were traded great distances on the river. For the Egyptians, the East symbolized
birth since the sun (the god Ra) rose in the east. The West symbolized death because
the sun set in the west. Thus, people had to be buried on the west side of the Nile
because it was the only way to enter the afterlife.

In 1970, the Aswan Dam was built to end the summer floods. This caused a
great change in farming practices. For many years, usage of the water of the Nile has
been a source of trouble in the political arena of East Africa. The countries of Uganda,
Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya have long disputed Egypt's power over the Nile.
Agreements among the countries have been difficult. In 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda,
Tanzania and Uganda signed an agreement on how to share the Nile water with much
opposition from Egypt and Sudan.

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d:

1) Into which of the following bodies of water does the Nile River empty?
A: Red Sea B: Mediterranean Sea
C: Atlantic Ocean D: Indian Ocean
2) Which of the following was the god of the flood?
A: Isis B: Ra C: Hapy D: Soho
3) Which of the following is the meaning of the word Aur, the name of the river?
A: Deep B: Huge C: Holy D: Black
4) Which of the following gives the length of the Nile River?
A: 4,132 miles B: 5,798 miles C: 2,345 miles D: 8,976 miles
5) Which of the following historians called Egypt the 'gift of the Nile?'
A: Thucydides B: Herodotus C: Polybius D: Plutarch
6) Which of the following is the Egyptian name for the season of flooding?
A: Peret B: Akhet C: Shemu D: Ra

The White House

The White House is the home and office of the President of the United States.
The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. The
first president to live in the White House was John Adams. He moved into the White
House in 1800. Now President Barack Obama lives in the White House.
An architect named James Hoban made the plans for the White House. Hoban
won a design contest held by Pierre Charles L’Enfant. L’Enfant was the main architect
for the capital city of Washington, D.C. The White House was built between 1792 and
1800. It was built of limestone and painted white.
During the War of 1812, the British Army set fire to the White House.
President James Madison moved out while the house was rebuilt. In 1817, James
Monroe moved into the White House.
At first, people called the building the “President’s Palace.” However, because
kings and queens live in palaces, “President’s Palace” was not a good name for the
house. President Theodore Roosevelt gave the building the name it has today – The
White House.
Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d:
1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is/are true?
I) All the Presidents of the United States have lived in the White House.
II) The White House was painted white to cover up marks left from the fire.
III) James Madison was President of the United States during the War of 1812.
A) I only B) II only C) III only
D) I and II only E) II and III only
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A) The main architect of the capital city
B) The design and construction of the White House
C) The building materials and color of the White House
D) The years of White House construction
E) The reasons for building the White House
3. In line 12, palace most closely means
A) office B) castle C) home D) building E) tower

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