Bedah SKL B Inggris 2012/soal Prediksi/2. PAKET 2

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Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5.

Wade Robson
King of the Dance

Wade is a teenager, just like you. But superstars Britney Spears and the members of the
‘NSyinc band love him. These superstars do what Wade tells them to do. Why? Wade
Robson is their teacher!

Wades started dancing at the age of two. As a child, he loved watching Michael Jackson’s
thriller. He liked those cool dance steps, especially the moon walk. At age five, Wade was
already a dance champion.

Wade is originally from Australia. Now he lives with his family in Los Angeles, California.
The family was poor. But Hollywood noticed Wade’s awesome dance talent. Wade is now
rich and calls Britney Spears and the members of ‘NSync his friends! When you see Britney
Spears’ famous 2001 Pepsi commercial, think of Wade. Those are his moves!

1. What is the text about?

A. Wade Robson.
B. Kings of the dance.
C. Michael Jackson.
D. Britney Spear.

Disajikansebuahteks descriptive,
Jawaban: A


Teksterdiriatas 3 paragraf. Paragraph 1 tentang Wade, paragraph 2 dan 3 jugatentang

Wade. Karenaketiga paragraph teksberisitentang Wade
makakitakatakansecaraumumisitekstersebutadalahtentang Wade Robson.

2. Britney Spears and the members of the ‘NSyinc band’ want to do Wade’s order because … .
A. Wade pays them well.
B. Wade is their teacher.
C. Britney spears loves him.
D. “NSync band belongs to Wade.

Disajikansebuahteks descriptive, siswadapatmenentukanjawaban yang
tepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpangdenganinformasirinci yang terdapat di dalamteks.
Jawaban: B

Soalmenanyakantentangalasanmengapa Spears dananggotaNSyincmaumengikutiperintah
Wade.Alasanmerekamelakukanhaldemikiankarena Wade adalah gurumereka.Hal
inidapatdiketahuidarihubunganantarakalimat: These superstars do what Wade tells them to
do. Why? Wade Robson is their teacher di dalamteks!

3. “Those are his moves!”

The word “those” refers to … .
A. Britney Spears’ moves
B. Wade’s nice steps.
C. Pepsi commercial.
D. Ads on television.
Indikator:Menentukanrujukan kata
Disajikansebuahteks descriptive, siswadapatmenentukanjawaban
yangtepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpangdenganrujukan kata
sesuaidengankontekskalimat yang diberikan.

Jawaban: A
Sesuaikontekskalimatdalambacaan, kata those (itulah) mengacupadagerakan-
gerakanBritney yang diajarkanolehWadson.

4. “But Hollywood noticed Wade’s awesome dance talent.”

What does the word “awesome” in the sentence mean?
A. Impressive.
B. Dull.
C. Horrific.
D. Dreadful.

Indikator: menentukanmakna kata
Disajikansebuahteks descriptive,
siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaantentangmakna kata
berdasarkankontekskalimat yang diberikandengantepat.
Jawaban: A
Kata awesome memilikibeberapaarti.Arti kata awesome yang tepatdalamkalimat di
atasadalahjawaban A. Arti yang lainnyasalah.

5. What does the second paragraph tell you about?

A. The champion that Wade defeated.
B. Wade’s experience in winning a dance.
C. Wade’s efforts to be a dance champion.
D. The ways that wade avoid doing as a champion.
Indikator: Menentukanpokokpikiran/topik paragraph.
Disajikansebuahteks descriptive,
siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaantentangtopiktekssebuah paragraph

Jawaban: C
Kalimat-kalimatdalam paragraph 2, membicarakantentangapa-apa yangdilakukan Wade
untukbisamenjadijuara. Hal iniditunjukkanpadajawaban C.

Read the text and answer questions 6 to 10.

A hurricane is an intense, rotating oceanic weather system that has maximum

continued winds exceeding 119 km/hr (74 mph). It forms and intensifies over tropical
oceanic regions.

Hurricanes are generally smaller than storms in mid-latitudes, typically about 500 km
(311 miles) in diameter. At the ocean’s surface, the air spirals inward in a
counterclockwise direction. This cyclonic circulation becomes weaker with height,
eventually turning into clockwise (anticyclonic) outflow near the top of the storm.When
a hurricane hits land, it can do great damage through its strong winds, heavy rains,
inland flooding, and huge waves. A powerful hurricane can kill more people and destroy
more property than any other natural disaster.
Hurricanes are categorized according to the strength of their winds. It is measured by
using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. A Category 1 storm has the lowest wind
speeds, while a Category 5 hurricane has the strongest. These are relative terms,
because lower category storms can sometimes cause greater damage than higher
category storms, depending on where they strike and the particular dangers they bring.
In fact, tropical storms can also produce significant damage and loss of life, mainly due
to flooding.

6. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. The dangerous waves.
B. The power of the winds.
C. The description of hurricane.
D. The condition in oceanic region.
Disajikansebuahteks report,

Jawaban: C

Ada 3 paragrafdalamteks di atas. Paragraph 1 tentang Hurricane, paragraph 2 dan 3

jugatentang hurricane. Karenaketiga paragraph teksberisitentang hurricane
makakitakatakansecaraumumisitekstersebutadalahtentang hurricane.Jadijawaban C yang
paling tepat.

7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. We need a special device to measure hurricanes.
B. The lowest category of hurricane can cause huge waves.
C. We classify hurricanes based on the strength of their winds.
D. The dangers of hurricanes come from the winds’ movement.

Indikator: Menentukanpokokpikiran (topik paragraph)

Disajikansebuahteks report,
siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaantentangtopiktekssebuah paragraph

Jawaban: C
Kalimat-kalimatdalam paragraph terakhirmembicarakantentangapa yang
dinyatakandalamkalimatpertama paragraph.
Dengandemikianpadakalimatinilahpokokpikirandari paragraph
tersebut.Jawabanygtepatutksoalinitentusaja C.

8. A hurricane can bring great damage when it strikes the land because… .
A. It influences the temperature of water in the sea.
B. It is the most dangerous disaster coming from the sea.
C. It always moves from the oceanic surface to the land rapidly.
D. It has strong winds, heavy rains, dangerous flooding and huge waves.
Disajikansebuahteks report, siswadapatmenentukanjawaban yang
tepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpangdenganinformasirinci yang terdapat di dalamteks.
Jawaban: D

Soalmenanyakantentangalasanmengapa hurricane
bisamembuatkerusakan.Alasannyadapatdiketahuidarikalimat When a hurricane hits land,
it can do great damage through its strong winds, heavy rains, inland flooding, and
huge waves.Dengandemikianjawaban D yang paling tepat.

9. “….hits land, it can do great damage through its strong winds, … “ (paragraph 2)
What does the word “it” in the sentence refer to?
A. Hurricane.
B. Wind.
C. Storm.
D. Land.
Indikator:menentukanrujukan kata.
Disajikansebuahteks report, siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaan yang
tepattentangrujukan kata dalamkalimatberdasarkankontekskalimat yang diberikan.

Jawaban: A
Sesuaikontekskalimatdalambacaan, kata itmengacupadahurricane.

10. Based on the text we can conclude that when the hurricane strikes the situation is very
A. inspiring
B. enjoyable
C. frightening
D. weird
Disajikansebuahteks report,
ninformasi yang tersiratberdasarkantekstersebut.
Jawaban: C

sdalamtekstetapikitadapatmengetahujawabanituberdasarkan clue (petunjuk) dari
kata-kata yang dipakai.Berdasarkangambarantentang hurricane
dalamteksbisadisimpulkanbahwasaat hurricane terjadisituasinyasangatmengerikan,
danmenakutkan.Karenaitujawabanpertanyaandiatasadalah C.

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 15.

Things you need

 A shoebox
 Cardboard sheet
 Different colored glazer paper
 Glue
 Scissors
 Pencil, eraser, and sketch pens

1. Take a shoebox without the lid.
2. Draw out a fishing boat on the cardboard and cut it.
3. Use glazed paper in different colors to stick on the cardboard boat so that it
looks bright and colorful.
4. Stick the boat on one side of the shoebox. Your letter holder is ready.

11. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To give complete description on shoeboxes.
B. To tell the way to make a letter holder.
C. To recycle shoeboxes for other purposes.
D. To tell readers how to make use of shoeboxes.

Disajikansebuahteks procedure,

Jawaban: B

Dari pertanyaanjelas,
soalmenanyakantujuanpenulisanteks.Karenateksberbentuk procedure,
makatujuanpenulisan yang paling tepatadalahjawaban B.

12. Why should we use glazed paper in different colors? Because … .

A. it makes the holder bright and colorful
B. it is more easier to be differentiated.
C. It is a bit cheaper when we use them.
D. The colors are important factors to have.
Disajikansebuahteks procedure
siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaantentanginformasirinci di

Jawaban: A

Jawabanmengapamenggunakan glazed paper yang
warnawarnidapatdibacapadakalimatso that it looks bright and
colorful.JadipilihanA yang paling benar.

13. What should you do after drawing out a fishing boat on the cardboard?
A. Cut the cardboard.
B. Use the glue to stick it.
C. Stick the boat on the picture.
D. Draw the picture again and paint it.

Indikator: menentukaninformasitertentu
Disajikansebuahteks procedure,
Jawaban: A
JawabanpertanyaandapatdiketahuidarikalimatDraw out a fishing boat on the
cardboard and cut it.DengandemikianjawabanA yang paling tepat.

14. “Draw out a fishing boat on the cardboard and cut it.”
The word “it” in the sentence refers to … .
A. the fishing boat
B. the cardboard
C. the shoebox
D. the lid

Indikator:Menentukanrujukan kata
Disajikansebuahteks report, siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaan yang
tepattentangrujukan kata dalamkalimatberdasarkankontekskalimat yang diberikan.

Jawaban: B
Sesuaikontekskalimatdalambacaan, kata it mengacupada cardboard.

15. “Stick the boat on one side of the shoebox.”

The word “stick” in the above sentence is similar in meaning to … .
A. make
B. fasten
C. remove
D. hit

Indikator:Menentukanmakna kata.
Disajikansebuahteks procedure, siswadapatmenentukanjawaban yang
tepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpang yang diberikandenganmakna kata

Jawaban: B

Berdasarkankalimatyang disajikandalamsoal, makaarti stick yang paling
tepatadalahpadajawaban B. Jawaban yang lain-lainnyatidakcocok.


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