On Business Communication-1

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➢Communication is a dynamic process that

takes place around us all the time. In fact we
spend 70% of our time receiving and sending
➢The word “Communication” is derived
from latin word “Communis”
➢It means to impart, to transit , to make
➢ When something is made common it
implies sharing and interaction.
➢It involves minimum two people.

➢Communication is the process of

establishing meaningful relationships
among human beings.
➢Communication is the exchange of ideas,
opinions and information through written or
spoken words, symbols or actions. Effective
communication ensures whether the
transmitted contents are received and
understood by someone in the way they
were intended.
➢“Communication is a process of passing
information and understanding from one
person to another” - Keith Davis
➢“Communication is any behavior that results
in an exchange of meaning” - Chappel and Read
➢According to Fred Luthans: Business
Communication means “The flow of material
information, perceptions and understanding
between various parts and members of an

➢According to Fotheringham,
“Communication is a process involving the
selection, production and transmission of
signs in such a way as to help a receiver
perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind
of the communicator.”
➢According to Murphy,
“Communication is the process of transmitting
and receiving verbal and non-verbal

➢According to RW Griffin “The process of

transmitting information from one person to
➢According to Newman and Summer:
“Communication is an exchange of facts,
ideas, opinions or emotions between two or
more people.”
➢According to SP Robbins “The
transference of understanding of meaning.”
Principles of Effective Business Communication
1. Clarity
2. Adequacy
3. Attention
4. Timing
5. Integrity
6. Strategic use of Informal Organization
7. Balance between Adaptability and Uniformity
8. Interest and Acceptance
9. Courtesy
10. Conciseness
11. Channel
12. Feedback
13. Two –way Communication
Benefits of Effective Communication

1. Helps in making decision

2. Speeds up flow of work
3. Increases productivity
4. Improves job satisfaction
5. Saves time and money
6. Boosts up promotional activity
7. Makes business relationship strong
8. Enhances professional image
9. Increases customer satisfaction
10. Solves various problems.
Elements of communication
➢Essentially communication involves the sender or
the communicator and the receiver.
➢Both should necessarily share a mutually accepted
code e.g. a common language.
➢The context in which the communication takes place
is called the “communication environment”.
➢The content of the code is sent in a certain medium
(oral, written or non-verbal) using channels (air,
mikes, body, pictures, text, etc.) in the form of
encoded messages.
➢The “code” is not restricted to only language; it may
also involve the use of costumes, gestures, colors
among other things.
➢The source is the origin of the idea.
➢Source is also famously known as sender.
➢He may be an individual or group though
ultimately, it is an individual who will act
on behalf of the group.
➢The sender conceives the idea, prepares
the message, selects the channel of
distribution and decides who the receiver
will be.

➢It refers to the content that the sender

passes on to the receiver.
➢It is the core of communication.
➢Messages can consist of symbols or words.
Transformation of an idea into a message by
the sender is known an encoding and
converting this message into some meaning
by the receiver is known as decoding.
➢The message should be clear so that the
receiver understands it.
➢The channel is the medium through
which a message travels from sender to
➢The channel may be mass media or
➢Selection of channel depends on the
message to be conveyed, availability of
channel, cost and effectiveness of channel
of distribution.
➢The receiver is the person for whom
the message is intended.
➢ He is the most important aspect of the
communication process which is a two
way process and incomplete without the
➢Any change or neglect on the part of
the receiver will hamper the entire

➢Effect is the change in behaviour

of the receiver on receiving the
message from the sender.
➢He may ignore the message or
store it or dispose it or even send a
feedback to the source depending
on how the message has an effect
on the receiver.
➢Feedback is the response the receiver gives
to the sender after the element of effect.
➢Feedback can be negative or positive
depending on how the message is encoded
and decoded by the sender and receiver
➢Feedback in most cases does not take
➢It is an optional element of communication
that may or may not happen.
One way Communication
➢One-way communication involves the
transfer of information in one direction
only, from the sender to the receiver.
➢ There is no opportunity for the
receiver to give feedback to the sender.
➢ Eg. weather report on television,
newspaper, recorded music on the CD,
billboard messages
Two-way Communication
➢ Two-way communication is a form
of transmission in which both parties
involved, transmit information.
➢ Two-Way communication has also
been referred to as interpersonal
➢ Eg. Chat rooms and Instant
Messaging, Telephone conversations,
classroom lectures etc.
Characteristics of Business Communication

➢ It is a two-way traffic – upward and downward

➢ It is continuous process - It is repeated to achieve the
desired results.
➢ A short-lived process: It is complete as soon as the
message is received and understood by the receiver
in the right perspective.
➢ Needs proper understanding: It should be clearly
and concisely worded.
➢ Practical (Applicability and Convenience)
➢ Feedback
Characteristics of Business Communication

➢ Leads achievement of the organizational objective

➢ Dispels misunderstanding
➢ Business communication is target -oriented -This
purpose is practical as it changes with time and
➢ Business communication is all pervasive and
inevitable -‘Business communication is the life-blood
of the organization”.
➢ Business communication is based on internal and
external organizational activities
Characteristics of Business Communication

➢ Business communication is time-bound - Every

objective, assignment or project is to be achieved in a
stipulated time period.
➢ Business communication flows in a fixed direction.
➢ Factual (charts, figures, calculations, survey)
➢ Clear ,Brief and Specific.
➢ Mutual understanding and trust.
➢ Raise in morale – counselling
➢ To give and receive information.
➢ Improves Discipline – Code of conduct.
Objectives of Business Communication

1. To give information
2. Persuasion
3. Conveying Suggestions
4. Advice
5. Motivation
6. Training
7. Instruction , Counselling and Guidance
8. Giving warning and appreciating good work
9. Resource Utilization
10. Management Efficiency
Objectives of Business Communication

11. Decision Making

12. Steadier work flow
13. Make Representation
14. To put forward the demands
15. To build strong business relationship
16. To enhance professional image
17. Monitoring and control
18. Promotional materials
19. Increase in Productivity
20. Suggestions and complaints.
Objectives of Downward Communication

Superior to Subordinate Superior to Subordinate

1. Instructions 8. Persuasion

2. Advise 9. Emotional Appeal

3. Education and Training 10 Logical Appeal

4. On Job Training 11. Warning

5. Motivation 12. Appreciation

6. Personal Approach 13. Raising Morale
7. Counselling 14. Orders
Objectives of Upward Communication

Subordinate to Superior
1. Request
2. Appeals
3. Suggestions
4. Grievances
5. Complaints
Objectives of Horizontal Communication

Communication among Equals

1. Exchange of information
2. Requests
3. Discussions
4. Co-ordination
5. Conflict Resolution
6. Problem Solving
7. Advise
8. Social and emotional support
Patterns of Communication
Formal Communication

Formal Communication is the Official

communication which takes place through
official channels in the organization.
Formal communication can be classified
as :
1) Horizontal communication
2) Vertical communication:
Upwards or downwards.
3) Diagonal communication

➢ To give Orders
➢ To convey Instructions
➢ Fulfil the objective of the organization.

➢ Oral
➢ Written
Characteristics of Formal Communication

➢ Information flows through structured

➢ It is reliable
➢ It is a two – way communication
➢ Rank, authority and position have a
great significance
➢ It is official and hence requires the
sanction of higher authority
➢ It is rigid in nature

1. Systematic flow of information.

2. Helps in fixation of authority .
3. Sources of communication can be
easily located.
4. Facilitates managerial control.
5. Helps in coordination of activities
and efforts.

1. Time consuming .
2. Lacks personal touch and
3. Rigid and time bound.
4. Expensive

1. Don’t follow formal lines of communication.

2. It is also referred as the ‘grapevine’ Spreads
throughout the organization with its branches
going out in all directions.
➢ To share information
➢ To establish personal contacts
➢ To make friendship
➢ Influencing and motivating others
➢ Resolving conflicts
➢ Supplements official channels

➢ Oral –gossip, personal conversation & discussion,
advice, suggestions, etc…
➢ Gestural- facial expression, silence, body movements.
Characteristics of Informal Communication
➢ Based on formal relationship
➢ Grows spontaneously
➢ Takes the form of gossip
➢ Conveyed through conversation, body
movement, facial expression, silence, etc…
➢ It does not follow any structured route or
➢ Small groups of like minded people are
➢ It is direct, fast, flexible and dynamic in
1. Enables employees to develop friendly
relations amongst them.
2. Enables people to express their views.
3. Fast and effective communication.
4. Satisfying the social needs of the
5. Flexible
1. Incomplete and inaccurate
2. Lack of authenticity and difficult to
3. Problem in fixing responsibility.
4. Leakage of confidential information.
5. Information may be distorted.

Meaning A type of verbal communication in A type of verbal communication in

which the interchange of information which the interchange of information
is done through the pre-defined does not follow any channels i.e. the
channels is known as formal communication stretches in all
communication. directions.

Another Name Official Communication Grapevine communication

Reliability More Comparatively less

Speed Slow Very Fast

Evidence As the communication is generally No documentary evidence.
written, documentary evidence is

Time Consuming Yes No

Advantage Effective due to timely and systematic Efficient because employees can
flow of information. discuss work related problems, this
saves time and cost of the

Disadvantage Distortion due to long chain of Spread of rumors

Secrecy Full secrecy is maintained. It is difficult to maintain the secrecy.

Flow of Information Only through predefined channels. Can move freely.


➢ Communication is the activity of conveying

meaningful information. It requires a sender,
a message, and an intended recipient.
➢ Barrier is an obstacle in a place that prevents
us from completing certain tasks.
➢ Communication barriers can be defined as
the aspects or conditions that interfere with
effective exchange of ideas or thoughts.


BARRIERS ii. Fear of Challenge
to Authority
2. EMOTIONAL OR i. Organizational iii. Lack of Confidence
PSYCHOLOGICAL in Subordinates
BARRIERS iv. Lack of Time
i. Inattention
ii. Status Relationship v. Lack of Awareness
ii. Perceptual Barriers iii. Rules and vi. Ignoring
iii. Transmission loss Regulations communication
iv. Premature iv. Complexity in
Evaluation Structure
v. Reliance on Written v. Organizational 2. BARRIERS IN
Words Facilities SUBORDINATES
vi. Distrust vi. Information i. Unwillingness
vii. Failure to ii. Lack of proper
Communicate Incentive
Semantic Barriers
➢ Semantic Barriers refers to the
misunderstanding between the sender and
receiver arising due to the different meanings
of words, and other symbols used in the
➢The semantic barriers usually arise when the
information is not in the simple language and
contains those words or symbols that have
multiple meanings.
Semantic barriers

1. Bad Expression:
i. Bad formulation and expression of
ii. Choice of wrong words.
iii. Illogical arrangement of sentences.
iv. Frequent repetition of words and
v. Use of highly formalized language.
Semantic Barriers

2. Symbols, or Words with Different

i. There are several words that carry different meanings
and often, people get confused with these words and
interpret these differently due to the difference in their
educational and social backgrounds.
Eg :The word “Crane” has different meaning as shown in
the sentences below:
➢ The bird sanctuary is full of cranes. (bird)
➢ The builder used a crane to lift heavy steel rods. (vehicle)
➢ The girl has to crane her neck to watch the movie.(hoist)
Semantic Barriers

3. Faulty Translation:
Sometimes, the sender translates the message as per his
level of understanding irrespective of the recipient’s
comprehension level.
For example, a manager collected information from his
superiors and subordinates and translated the same
information to all his employees, according to the
understanding level of the superiors, and this led to the
misinterpretation of the message.
Thus, it is required to mold the message according to the
understanding levels of the employees to have an intended
Semantic barriers

4. Unclarified Assumptions:
i. Sometimes the sender creates
assumptions about certain things which he
feels the receiver must be knowing and
focus only on the subject matter.
ii. But in the case of a special message, if the
assumptions are vague and unknown to
the receiver then the communication
might get adversely affected.
Semantic Barriers

5. Denotations:
i. Denotation means the literal meaning of the word,
it just shows the name of the object and does not
imply any negative or positive qualities.
ii. The detonation barriers arise due to the sender
and receiver using a different definition and
meaning of the word used in the message.
➢ Such as word crane is used in the context of bird
species but it is interpreted as a vehicle that lifts the
Semantic Barriers

i. The implied meaning of the word is called
ii. It arouses personal reactions and qualitative
iii. Connotation barriers arise when the people use words
that hold different meanings in different abstract
situations, contexts, feelings, etc.
➢ For example, the word beautiful and confidence has a
positive connotation, but can have any of the meaning
depending on the context in which it is used.
Semantic Barriers

6. Technical Jargons:
i. Often people working in the technical groups such
as engineers, production managers, IT managers,
etc. use the technical jargons in their
communication which is quite difficult for the
layman to understand
ii. Thus, semantic barriers lead to misunderstanding
of the information and the objective of
communication, i.e. for which it was intended, gets
Causes of Semantic Barriers

➢ Homophones
Homophones are the words with same pronunciation but different
meaning which might have different spelling too.
For example: Words buy, by and bye.
➢ Homonyms
Homonyms are the words which have the same pronunciation and
their spellings are mostly same, but the intended meaning is
different. For example, the noun "bear" and the verb "bear" has
different meanings but same pronunciation and spelling.
➢ Homographs
Homographs are the words that have the same spelling but the
pronunciation and meaning are different.
For example, "The research lead to the discovery of lead". In this
sentence, both the words have the same spelling, but different
pronunciation and different meanings.
Cross Cultural & Geographical Barriers

1. Character
2. Basic Personality
3. Social Relationships
4. Values
5. Concept of Time
6. Concept of Space
7. Thought Process
8. Non –verbal behaviour
9. Use of voice
Psychological Barriers

1. Closed mind
2. Resistance to change
3. Self centred attitude
4. Group identification
5. Self image
6. Selective perception
7. Defensiveness
8. Filtering
9. Status block
10. Poor communication skills
11. Health condition
Physical Barriers

1. Noise
3.Defects in the medium
Overcoming the Barriers of Communication

1. Speak slowly and clearly

2. Ask for clarifications
3. Check for understanding
4. Check for the audience understanding of the
5. Avoid use of idioms, phrases, homophones,
homonyms, homographs, jargons, etc…
6. Define the basics of your business
7. Choose effective medium to communicate
8. Provide information through multiple channels
Overcoming the Barriers of Communication

9. Be Patient
10. Empathy in communication
11. Support words with actions
12. Examples and visual aids
13. Mutual trust and understanding
14. Good listening skills
15. Strategic use of informal channels
16. Evaluation
Areas of communication (Family)

Family communication is the study of the communication perspective

in a broadly defined family, with intimacy and trusting relationship.
The main goal of family communication is to understand the
interactions of family and the pattern of behaviors of family members
in different circumstances. Open and honest communication creates an
atmosphere that allows family members to express their differences as
well as love and admiration for one another. It also helps to understand
the feelings of one another.
Family communication study looks at topics such as family rules,
family roles or family dialectics and how those factors could affect the
communication between family members. Family communication
study also includes certain time periods of family life such as marriage,
parenthood or divorce and how communication stands in those
situations. It is important for family members to understand
communication as a trusted way which leads to a well constructed
Ways to enhance family communication

➢ Improved family communication helps ensure that your home

environment is more positive than negative.
➢ Conversely, poor communication patterns oftentimes increase
family conflict and diminish emotional bonds.

1. Schedule family time

2. Establish family routines
3. Eat meals together
4. Allow for one-on-one time
5. Be an active listener
6. Attack the problem not each other
7. Show kindness and appreciation
8. Stay connected through technology
Communication through Art

Every organism survives because they can

communicate and express themselves to their own or
other species.
Art channelizes ones expression through colors,
materials, text, etc. And the liberty to choose from
these channels helps the artist to convey better.
The intriguing use of the textures, colors and
materials and their interesting manipulation to bring
out one's inner thoughts and emotions help the
person to overcome the inhibitions that they might
hold in expressing through other mediums.
Communication in Our Society

Effective communication is very vital in one’s personal life.

Moreover, it also has a role in the society that we live in. To be able
to understand someone clearly, we need to established a better
In order to obtain the goal of the society, an effective
communication is very much essential. It is important to all
individuals at all levels of the society. In communicating within the
society, every individual should be equal. The ideas should be clear
and the information is necessary in order to have a smooth working

The leader of the society must ensure to disseminate the

information effectively in order to get the output that he is expecting
from others. Also, the people within the society should also have a
clear mind set in achieving their goal as a whole society.
Communication in Our Society

General functions.
1. It fulfills our information needs effectively.
2. It performs the entertainment function.
3. It provides instruction to people.
4. It persuades people on a number of areas.
Specific Functions
1. In our country, communication is used as a tool
of growth development.
2. It provides an input into the developmental plans
launched govt from time to time.
Communication in Our Society

3. Aids in national integration

5. Promotes communal harmony
6. Rural development
7. Promotes public sector enterprises
8. Awareness about evil practices and cultural ethos
9. Promotes tourism industry
10. Promotes the image of the country
11. Helps in the functioning of administration
Inter- personal Communication

Interpersonal communication takes place between at

least two people or two groups.
A conversation over a candlelit dinner, a phone call
and an article are all considered interpersonal
One person sends a message, either by talking or
writing, or even with body language, and at least one
other person receives that message.
Effective interpersonal communication depends on
the messengers ability to convey their intended
meaning without ambiguity.
Benefits of Inter- personal Communication

1. Trust
2. Acceptance
3. Support
4. A Kind Ear
5. Understanding
6. Someone to Call On When You Need a Hand
7. Referrals and References
8. Share and Celebrate
9. Reduce Stress
10. Happiness and Satisfaction
Types of Inter-personal Communication

1. Direct Inter-personal communication: Eg: Face to face

2. Mediated Inter-personal Communication: Eg: Letter, e-
mail, messenger.
Classification based on the parties involved:
1. Diadic communication: Involves two parties.
2. Group communication: Involves more than two people.
Smaller the group greater is the effect.
3. Public communication: Involves large number of people.
Opportunity for feedback is less. Usually one- way. Eg:
Election rally.
4. Organizational communication: Involves all the above three.
5. Family communication:Involves all the above three.
Characteristics of Inter-personal Communication

1. The sender and receiver are present

2. It takes place when there is urgency
3. There is immediate feedback
4. Body language also plays an important
5. Longer the talk stronger the
Merits & Demerits of Inter-personal

Merits :
1. Better the communication better the
2. The work is done as soon as the message
is conveyed.
Demerits :
1. If the message is not sent properly, it
creates a bad impact.
2. If the receiver takes the message
emotionally, you cannot get the expected
Intrapersonal Communication
Intrapersonal communication could be called our inner
monologue (communicating with oneself).
When we sit down to think of ways to solve a problem, we are
communicating interpersonally.
Even during those moments of quiet reflection about
ourselves, our goals in life, our beliefs, values and
expectations, we are communicating with ourselves.
Intrapersonal communication also includes dreams, fantasies,
talking out loud to yourself and writing, such as in a journal.
Aspects of intrapersonal communication are:
1. Self concept
2. Perception
3. Expectation
4. Motivation
Aspects of intrapersonal communication

1. Self Concept or Self Awareness:

➢ It is the basis for intrapersonal communication, because
it determines how a person sees, thinks and evaluates
➢ To be aware of oneself is to have a concept of oneself.
➢ A person understands oneself based on three things:
i. Beliefs: Varies from person to person.
ii. Values: Deep rooted morals like ; honesty, sincerity,
iii. Attitude: Assessing oneself based on the feedback and
trying to modify the behavior.
Aspects of intrapersonal communication

2. Perception: (External understanding of

the world)
➢Perception is the organization, identification
and interpretation of sensory information in
order to represent and understand the
➢All perception involves signals in the
nervous system, which in turn result from
physical stimulation of the sense organs.
Aspects of intrapersonal communication

3. Expectations:
➢They are future-oriented messages dealing
with long-term roles, sometimes called life
➢These sometimes are projections of learned
relationships within the family or society.
4. Motivation:
➢ Boosting of one’s own morale to reach the
intended goal.

1. Internal Discourse: Involves thinking, concentration

and analysis. Psychologists include both daydreaming
and nocturnal dreaming in this category. Example:
Prayer and meditation.
2. Solo Vocal Communication: Includes speaking aloud to
oneself. This may be done to clarify thinking, to
rehearse a message intended for others, or simply to let
off steam. Example: Talking to yourself as you
complain about your boss.
3. Solo Written Communication: Internal discourse vocal
communication: Deals with writing not intended for
others. Example:An entry in a diary or personal
journal, notes, etc…
Importance of Feedback in Communication

1. Completes the communication process.

2. Creates better understanding
3. Effective coordination
4. Identification of areas for improvement
5. Basis for problem solving
6. Enhances effective communication
7. Creates healthy relationships.
Essentials of a Successful Business

1. Good communication skills

2. Discipline
3. Determination and Ambition
4. Ability to deal with uncertainties
5. Resourcefulness
6. Willingness to reach out to others for advice
7. Willingness to spend significant amount of time
on marketing
8. Courage sand ability to take risk.
Team communication
Team communication

Team: a group of people who must work together to

accomplish a common task.
A group = a collection of individuals gathered together
to meet the individual needs of the members;
A committee = a group of people officially delegated to
perform a function, usually planning or decision-making
Team members make great personal sacrifices of time and
schedule because of their commitment to one another and
the common goal. A successful team generates and thrives
upon a deep personal loyalty between team members.

Team communication is defined as the information,

thoughts and expressions shared by more than three
members of a group, whether the group is an informal
gathering, a religious organization or a business; each
member is a part of the team who involves in taking the
challenge effectively.
▪ It develops coordination & harmonious relationship
between the members of the team.
▪ It is crucial for a healthy, effective and dynamic
communication in an organization.
▪ Both formal and informal communication takes place in
a team.
Significance of Team Communication

1. It is essential for a healthy and thriving

team ;when the members appear to be at
odds with one another and lack direction.
2. Creates an environment where all
members are aiming to reach a common
3. It allows open expression and direct
Functions of Team Communication

1. It is used to guide and direct the team as a

2. It addresses general questions, issues and
agendas in a group setting either through
a lecture or a round table format.
3. It is used to avoid misunderstanding.
4. It generates an atmosphere of unity,
safety and free expression.
5. Results in collective body, in which each
one feels they have a vision.
Objectives of Team Communication

1. It is of great value in decision making.

2. Economical.
3. Sociable in nature.
4. Industrial Democracy.
5. Improves quality of work.
6. Mutual Cooperation.
7. Conflict Resolution.
8. Better team effort.
9. Human Resource Development.
10. Showcases hidden potential and enhances them.
11. Psychologically good environment.
12. Improves personality.
Advantages of Team Communication
1. Improves productivity.
2. Increases job satisfaction.
3. Enhances quality of work.
4. Acceptance of change.
5. Commitment to achieve the goal
6. Builds cordial relationships.
7. Motivation.
8. Increases self-esteem.
9. Boosts the morale.
10. Effective decision.
11. Positive work environment.
12. Trust.
Disadvantages of Team Communication
1. Lack of competence.
2. Unwillingness of the management to respect
3. Political involvement.
4. Non-cooperation.
5. Lack of training.
6. Lack of trust.
7. Interference of the other members of the
8. Universal perception.
Ways to improve Team Communication

1. Open door policy.

2. Encourage two way feedback.
3. Clarity of roles and responsibilities.
4. Improving team spirit.
5. Use of time wisely.
6. Proper training.
7. Use of appropriate forms of communication.
8. Outline the tools necessary instead of meetings.

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