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Immediately after observing the locust swarm invasion, the field

functionaries have to sensitize the farmers to take the following
preventive measures.

1. Farmers should go to their cropped field and make loud sound

by beating empty tins /metal plates, drum or radio or through
other electronic sound system to prevent locust swarm landing
in the crop.

2. Spray Neem based formulation 0.15% EC @ 45 ml per 15 litres

of water on standing crop as a feeding deterrent.

3. Dust the crop with Quinalphos 1.5% DP or Chlorpyriphos 1.5

DP or Methyl Parathion 2% DP @25 Kg per ha on standing
● Mix 500 ml DDVP 76% EC in 500 ml water in 100 Kg Dry Sand
/ Fine Soil and sprinkle on standing crop to kill adult locust.
● Locusts are generally knocked down within short time after
sprinkling the mixture.

✔ Apply during cool hours: Between 7.00 – 10.00 AM or 5.00-
7.00 PM.
✔ Wear protective clothing/face mask/hand gloves/goggles/head
cap while applying this mixture and leave the field as early as
✔ The crop should not be harvested for 7 days after this

4. If Oviposition holes are found in the uncultivated fields, dust any

insecticide (Quinalphos 1.5% DP or Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP or
Methyl Parathion 2% DP @ 25 kg per hectare and then plough the
field to kill the eggs and emerging nymphs.
5. If hatching of eggs started and nymphs observed, spray bio-
pesticide metarrhizium anisopliae variety acridum @ 75 grams
per 15 litres of water or dust any insecticide i.e Quinalphos 1.5%
DP or Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP or Methyl Parathion 2% DP @ 25 kg
per hectare to kill the emerging nymphs.

6. If Hopper Band is formed and observed marching, bonfires with

dry grass or any trash in front of the marching Hopper Band to
kill the nymphs.

7. Dig a trench 2 feet deep and 2 feet wider in front of the marching
Hopper Band and then apply Quinalphos 1.5% DP or
Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP or Methyl Parathion 2% DP dust in the
trench or if water is available pour water in the trench.

8. If the Hopper Band is roosting, either go for dusting Quinalphos

1.5% DP or Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP or Methyl Parathion 2% DP
dust @ 25 kg per hectare or spray Malathion 96% ULV (Ultra Low
Volume) @1 Litre per Ha or Fenitrothion 96% ULV (Ultra Low
Volume) @1 Litre per Ha with the help of ULV Sprayer directly on
the Hopper Band.

9. If the adult locust swarm has settled on the ground in the

cultivated field, either go for dusting Quinalphos 1.5% DP or
Chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP or Methyl Parathion 2% DP dust @ 25 kg
per hectare or spray Malathion 96% ULV (Ultra Low Volume) @1
Litre per Ha or Fenitrothion 96% ULV (Ultra Low Volume) @1 Litre
per Ha with the help of ULV Sprayer directly on the Hopper Band
provided it is in the small area.

10.If it is on large uncultivated land, apply the same dust of ULV

formulations using vehicle mounted dusters / ULV Sprayers
as the case may be.
List of various approved pesticides for control of Desert Locust
on crops, Acacia and other trees:

Type of
A.i formulatio Dilution in Dosage per
S.No. Insecticide Grams n water Litre of
per ha (grams/ml (Litres/Ha) water
per Ha)
Chlorpyriphos 20%
1 240 1200 500 2.4 ml
Chlorpyriphos 50%
2 240 500 500 1 ml
Deltamethrin 2.8%
3 12.5 500 500 1 ml
Deltamethrin 1.25%
4 12.5 1000 N/A N/A
Diflubenzuron 25% (Only for Need
5 240  
WP Hoppers Based
6 Fipronil 5% SC 6.25 125 500 0.25 ml
7 Fipronil 2.92% EC 6.25 220 500 0.45 ml
8 20 400 500 1 ml
5% EC
9 20 200 500 0.5 grams
10% WP
10 Malathion 50% EC 925 1850 500 3.7 ml
11 Malathion 25% WP 925 3700 500 7.4 grams

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