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Reflective Entry 10B

Self Reflection

On the 24th June 2021, I managed to conduct my textbook macro teaching

video simulation. The theme that I have chosen for my lesson plan is People and
Culture and the topic is Mobile Phone Novel.

First of all, one of the strength for my textbook based macro teaching is I
managed to utilise or used the textbook efficiently. I choose a topic in the textbook
that can relate with the students. To illustrate, I choose to teach them about mobile
phone novel because nowadays every students already got a cellphone and know how
to use it. Therefore, this topic can attract them to learn more about another function of
mobile phone. The textbooks need to be linked and integrated with other resources
(Horsley, Knight and Huntly, 2010). For example, before I introduced the topic, I
show them a mobile phone and a novel. This is to give them some gist what they are
going to learn. Despite that, even though some people said that, using an authentic
materials is actually more effective than textbook but we cannot abandoned the
important of textbook. Despite the politicians’ claims that digital media are the
teaching tool of the future, printed textbooks still play a major role among other
classroom curricular resources (Horsley and Sikorova, 2014). As a teacher, we need
to know how to use the textbook to make it more interesting and can catch the
students attention.

Other than that, I noticed that I discuss the answer for every exercises that
were given. It is very good as it can build a relationship with the students, can create
an interaction between the class, reduce the students anxiety and can control the
classroom. According to Colby (2011), discussions is like scaffoldings are highly
valuable because their presence confirms and legitimates students’ observations,
analyses, conclusions, and convictions. Discussion really can help teacher and
students in learning and teaching process.
However, despite the two strengths I elaborate above, there are some
weaknesses that I commit. One of it is lack of eye contact with the students.
Korthagen (2014) stated that eye contact with students (i.e., both gaze at each other) is
an element of good teacher-student interaction. It is very important to have eye
contact with the students. Teachers who gaze at the students during listening to them
are, according to students, preferred over teachers who gaze at them during teacher
talk (McIntyre, 2016). Other than that, I keep on stuttering while teaching. This is
because, I tried to control my voice and also think what to talk next. I will keep
practice more on this.

In conclusion, I think that, if I can balance between the my strength and

weakness, it can give me a lot of advantages to teach the students more effectively.
Scott Hayden once said, “Teachers have 3 loves : love of learning, love of learners
and the love of bringing the first two loves together”.


Haataja, E., Salonen, V., Laine, A., Toivanen, M., & Hannula, M. S. (2020). The
Relation Between Teacher-Student Eye Contact and Teachers’ Interpersonal
Behavior During Group Work: a Multiple-Person Gaze-Tracking Case Study in
Secondary Mathematics Education. Educational Psychology Review, 33(1), 51–

Stará, J., Chvál, M., & Starý, K. (2017). The Role of Textbooks in Primary Education.
e-Pedagogium, 17(4), 60–69.

Ying, J. (2020). The Importance of the Discussion Method in the Undergraduate

Business Classroom. Humanistic Management Journal, 5(2), 251–278.

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