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Here are some tips on how to teach a new word to your student.
For example you are teaching the word ‘vacation’.

Teacher: Let’s study some new words and let’s start with
the word ‘vacation.’ Can you say that word again?
Read the word and let the student Student: Vacation. (Mispronounced it)
repeat. It’s important for the student to
STEP 1 Teacher: One more time, please. ‘Vacation’
get the correct pronunciation of the Student: Vacation. (Pronounced it correctly)
word that he is learning so please teach Teacher: Alright, that was perfect! So, do you understand the
the correct pronunciation. word vacation?
Student: Yes, I do!

Teacher: That’s great! So let’s talk about our vacation. I had my

vacaion a few months ago. I went to the U.S.A to meet
Make a sample sentence using the new
my cousins whom I haven’t met for quite a long time.
word. Make sure that the sample
What about you? When was the last time you had your
sentence is easy to understand so that
the student will be able to make his own
Student: Ahm. Me last vacation was last week. I went to house of
sentences as well. However, you don’t
parents in Beijing, China and celebrated my birthday.
directly ask the student to make a
Teacher: Belated happy birthday! That sounds cool.
sentence. You must ask good and
STEP 2 However, it’s better to say, I had my vacation last week. I
relevant questions so that the student
went to my parents’ house in Beijing, China to celebrate
will be able to make sentences using the
my birthday. Can you say that again? (Make sure you type
new word. If the student gives you
your corrections because you need to ask the student to
wrong sentences, you must explain the
read the correct sentence.)
word until the student understands the
Student: I had my vacation last week. I went to my parents’ house
usage of that word.
in Beijing, China to celebrate my birthday.
Teacher: Great job!
Student: Thank you, teacher!

Teacher: Alright, so if you were given a chance to have 1 week

vacation, where would you like to go and who would you
You should have a very short like to be with?
conversation using the new word. Student: Well, I would like to go to Paris, France and
Relate the word to the student’s life. witness the beauty of the Eiffel Tower and I would
Always remember that the best way to
definitely invite my fiancé to go there since it’s a very
memorize a word is to relate such word romantic place.
to the person’s life. So please make sure Teacher: Wow!!! That sounds so sweet! I must say your fiancé is
that the student will learn and master very lucky to have you!
the word before proceeding to the next Student: I guess we are both lucky to be with one another so I
word. want to give her the best vacation someone could ever
Teacher: You are indeed so romantic!
Student: Thank you!

Teacher: My pleasure! So, do you have any questions?

Student: No, I don’t.
Teacher: Well, let’s talk about some synonyms and antonyms of
the word ‘vacation’. The word vacation may also mean
Introduce 1-2 synonyms and antonyms
leisure time. So, what do you do when you have some
to widen the vocabulary of the student.
STEP 4 leisure time?
Teach the usage of the words as well
Student: I spend my leisure time watching movies and surfing
and don’t just read the word.
the internet.
Teacher: Nice sentence! What about the antonym of the word
vacation? Work is the opposite of the word vacation. So,
how do you find your work?
Student: I can say that the kind of work that I have can provide for
my family so I’m happy with it.
Teacher: Glad to hear that! Well, I guess you really understood the
words. Well, then let’s proceed to the next word.

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