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The Journal of Nutrition

Infant Feeding and the Development of Obesity: What Does the Science Tell Us?

Impact of Infant Feeding Practices on

Childhood Obesity1,2
Nancy F. Butte*

USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030

Childhood obesity is a complex disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors and their interactions. The current
surge in childhood obesity in the United States is attributable to an interaction between a genetic predisposition toward
obesity and a permissive environment. Several recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been published on the
association between breast-feeding and childhood obesity. In these analyses, adjustment for confounding factors
attenuated or nullified the protective effect of breast-feeding on later obesity. The Viva La Familia Study was designed to
identify genetic and environmental factors affecting obesity and its comorbidities in 1030 Hispanic children from 319

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families. Odds ratios for potential risk factors associated with childhood overweight were computed using binary logistic
regression for panel data. Early infant-feeding practices were not significant. Salient independent risk factors for childhood
obesity in this cohort of Hispanic children were age, birth weight, maternal obesity, paternal obesity, number of children in
the family, and the percentage of awake time spent in sedentary activity. Breast-feeding may have a small protective
effect against childhood obesity, although residual confounding may exist. Human milk is exquisitely fitted for optimal
infant growth and development and may uniquely modulate neuroendocrine and immunologic pathways involved in the
regulation of body weight. Nevertheless, other genetic and environmental determinants such as socioeconomic status,
parental obesity, smoking, birth weight, and rapid infancy weight gain far supersede infant-feeding practices as risk factors
for childhood obesity. J. Nutr. 139: 412S–416S, 2009.

Effect of infant feeding practices on childhood obesity
Childhood obesity is a complex disease influenced by genetic and Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have recently been
environmental factors and their interactions. The current surge published on the relation between early infant feeding and later
in childhood obesity in the United States is attributable to an development of obesity in childhood, adolescence, and early
interaction between a genetic predisposition toward obesity and adulthood (1–5). Inconsistency exists across studies because of
a permissive environment. Epidemiological studies have identi- variation in study design and subjects, statistical power, defini-
fied several risk factors for childhood obesity, each with its own tions of infant feeding and obesity, extent of adjustment for
genetic and environmental determinants. In this article, the potentially confounding factors, and age of outcome assessment.
potential effect of early infant feeding on later childhood obesity A systematic review of published studies on early infant
is evaluated in conjunction with other predictors of childhood feeding and later obesity was performed by Owen et al. (1). The
obesity. meta-analysis included 28 studies (298,900 subjects). Breast-
feeding was associated with a reduced risk of obesity compared
with formula feeding. The unadjusted odds ratio (OR)3 was 0.87
(95% CI: 0.85, 0.89). In 6 studies, adjustment for potential
Published as a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition. Presented at the
confounders, parental obesity, maternal smoking, and social
conference ‘‘Infant Feeding and the Development of Obesity: What Does the class, changed the associated risk from 0.86 (95% CI: 0.81, 0.91)
Science Tell Us?’’ held in San Diego, CA, April 9, 2008. The conference was to 0.93 (95% CI: 0.88, 0.99). Low maternal social class and
sponsored by The International Formula Council (IFC), Atlanta, GA. The contents maternal obesity are both associated with formula feeding and a
are the sole responsibility of the authors. The articles comprising this supple-
greater risk for obesity among offspring. Adjustment for
ment were developed independently, and the conclusions drawn do not
represent the official views of IFC. The mention of trade names, commercial confounders in the 6 studies markedly attenuated the relation-
products, or organizations does not imply endorsement by IFC. The Supplement ship between breast-feeding and later obesity.
Coordinator was Heather Gorby, Life Sciences Research Office, Bethesda, MD. Owen et al. (2) also conducted a meta-analysis on the effect
Supplement Coordinator disclosure: H. Gorby is an employee of Life Sciences of breast-feeding on mean BMI later in life to establish whether
Research Office and received compensation for services performed as
Supplement Coordinator. There are no other pending financial interests.
2 3
Author disclosures: N. Butte, no conflicts of interest. Abbreviations used: AOR, adjusted odds ratio; FFM, fat-free mass; FM, fat
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: mass; OR, odds ratio; SES, socioeconomic status.

412S 0022-3166/08 $8.00 ª 2009 American Society for Nutrition.

First published online December 23, 2008; doi:10.3945/jn.108.097014.
breast-feeding reduces adiposity. Thirty-six studies (355,301 the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, early-life
subjects) were identified. Breast-feeding was associated with risk factors for childhood obesity at age 7 were explored (7).
slightly lower BMI than formula feeding (20.04; 95% CI: Paternal obesity (AOR ¼ 2.54; 95% CI: 1.72, 3.75), maternal
20.05, 20.02). Adjustment for socioeconomic status (SES), obesity (AOR ¼ 4.25, 95% CI: 2.86, 6.32), very early adiposity
maternal BMI, and maternal smoking in 11 studies abolished the rebound (AOR ¼ 15.0, 95% CI: 5.32, 42.3), . 8 h/d TV at age 3
effect of breast-feeding on mean BMI (20.10, 95% CI: 20.14, (AOR ¼ 1.55, 95% CI: 1.13, 2.12), catch-up growth (AOR ¼
20.06 to 20.01, 95% CI: 20.05, 0.03). In 3 studies, prolonged 2.60, 95% CI: 1.09, 6.16), weight at 8 mo (AOR ¼ 3.13, 95%
breast-feeding had a slightly greater protective effect on BMI, CI: 1.43, 6.85), weight gain in y 1 of life (AOR ¼ 1.06, 95% CI:
but the protective effect was eliminated once data were adjusted 1.02, 1.10), birth weight (AOR ¼ 1.05, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.07),
for SES, maternal BMI, and maternal smoking in 2 studies. and short sleep duration (AOR ¼ 1.45, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.89)
Breast-feeding may be associated with lower prevalence of were associated with increased risk of childhood obesity. Sex,
obesity but not related to mean BMI. breast-feeding, age of introduction of solids, and dietary
The effect of breast-feeding duration on the risk of obesity was patterns were not significant predictors.
explored in a comprehensive meta-analysis of 17 studies by Harder
et al. (3). Duration of breast-feeding was negatively associated Socioeconomic status. The effect of SES on childhood obesity
with the risk of overweight; the crude OR was 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89, varies across populations. In Westernized countries and societies
0.98). The OR decreased with the duration of breast-feeding from in transition, obesity is usually more prevalent in areas of social
0.81 at 1–3 mo, 0.76 at 4–6 mo, 0.67 at 7–9 mo, and 0.68 at .9 deprivation and poverty (8). In the United States, the relation-
mo. The authors argue that it is unlikely that exposure-confounder ship between SES and overweight is weaker and less consistent
association would exaggerate the dose-response gradient. How- (9). In the NHANES III data, overweight prevalence among
ever, confounding factors such as the extent of maternal obesity or Mexican-American and black children and adolescents was not
familial diet and physical activity practices may covary in a graded related to family income; however, an inverse relation was seen
response with the duration of breast-feeding (6). for white adolescents. In general, $13 y parental education was

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Quigley (4) suggested that the meta-analysis performed by associated with the lowest prevalence of childhood overweight.
Harder et al. (3) may have been inappropriate because of the
significant heterogeneity among the included studies. Studies Parental obesity. Parental obesity is a strong predictor of
included a wide age range (,1 mo to 33 y), variable definitions of childhood obesity, reflecting both environmental and genetic
overweight, breast-feeding and the comparison non-breast-fed contributions. Numerous studies have documented the positive
category, and a lack of adjustment for potential confounding influence of maternal and paternal obesity on the risk of obesity in
factors. Quigley (4) repeated the meta-analysis on the duration of the offspring (10–13). Early-onset obesity (,10 y) has been
breast-feeding and risk of overweight, adjusting for confounding associated with an increased relative risk of 2.14 (95% CI not
factors where possible. In 5 studies that used the definition of reported) for obesity in first-degree relatives, suggesting higher
overweight as BMI percentile $95 or 97, the crude OR was 0.95 genetic loading and familial aggregation (14). The genetic
(95% CI: 0.92, 0.98). Adjustment for confounders weakened the contribution to the epidemic of childhood obesity may also
OR to adjusted odds ratio (AOR) ¼ 0.97 (95% CI: 0.94, 0.99). In involve an increase in assortative mating (15). If this is occurring,
4 studies that used the definition of overweight as BMI percentile children born to 2 obese parents would have a substantial chance
$90, the crude OR was 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89, 1.01). Adjustment of inheriting susceptibility gene variants from both parents and of
for confounders weakened the OR to 0.97 (95% CI: 0.93, 1.02). developing severe obesity.
Although the duration of breast-feeding seems to be associated
with a reduction in childhood obesity, it is unclear if this is Maternal smoking. Maternal smoking during pregnancy has
because of residual confounding; for instance, only 3 studies been identified as a positive predictor of childhood obesity despite
adjusted for maternal BMI. the well-recognized adverse effect of maternal smoking on birth
In a systematic review using a priori selection criteria of eligible weight (16). Smoking leads to intrauterine growth retardation
studies, Arenz et al. (5) identified 9 studies including 69,000 and a substantial reduction in birth weight. In a cohort of Swedish
participants to investigate the relationship between breast-feeding men born 1973–1985, maternal BMI (AOR ¼ 1.23, 95% CI:
and childhood obesity. Inclusion criteria were obesity defined by 1.16, 1.30) and smoking (AOR ¼ 1.71, 95% CI: 1.21, 2.43) were
BMI $90, 95, or 97 kg/m2, age at follow-up assessment 5–18 y, the strongest predictors of overweight at age 18 y. A modifying
presentation of a risk estimate, and adjustment of at least 3 effect of maternal smoking on the association between birth
relevant confounding factors. The crude OR for breast-feeding weight and later overweight was seen. Birth weight was positively
and obesity was 0.67 (95% CI: 0.62, 0.73). The AOR was 0.78 associated with later obesity only in offspring born to mothers
(95% CI: 0.71, 0.85). In a meta-analysis, birth weight, maternal who were nonsmokers (AOR ¼ 1.46, 1.18, 1.81).
overweight, maternal smoking, and SES contributed up to 0.14 to
the difference between AOR and crude OR. A dose-dependent Birth weight. Early life experiences can impact later childhood
effect of breast-feeding duration on the prevalence of obesity was obesity. A large number of epidemiological studies have dem-
reported in 4 of the studies. Although results were adjusted for at onstrated a positive relationship between birth weight and BMI
least 3 confounding variables, residual confounding is still attained in childhood and adulthood (17,18). Low birth weight
possible. Further adjustment for other relevant factors might seems to be associated with later risk for central obesity, which
reduce the effect, but the protective effect would not likely be also confers increased risk for cardiovascular disease (19), type 2
reduced to zero. Breast-feeding appears to have a small but diabetes (20), and the metabolic syndrome in young adults (21).
consistent protective effect against obesity in children.
Rapid infancy weight gain. A systematic review of 18 studies
Other early life determinants of childhood obesity examined the relationship between infant weight or BMI and
In addition to infant feeding practices, epidemiological studies rapid infancy weight gain on later obesity (22). The OR for
have identified several other risk factors for childhood obesity. In infant weight or BMI and obesity at age’s 3–35 y ranged from
Risk factors for childhood obesity 413S
1.50–9.38. The OR for rapid growth and later obesity ranged the risk of being obese is increased when relatives are also obese.
from 1.17–5.70. There was no convincing evidence that expo- Formalized quantitative genetic analyses of measures of obesity-
sure at a particular time during infancy was more critical than related phenotypes have consistently found significant heritabil-
others. Infants defined as obese, at the upper end of distribution ities, suggesting that there is an additive or oligogenic component
for weight or BMI, or who grew rapidly during infancy, were to obesity. Estimates of the heritability of BMI generally range
more likely to develop obesity or to remain obese later on. from 20% to 60% (25). Based on data from .25,000 twin pairs
In the National Collaborative Perinatal Project, the crude OR and 50,000 biological and adoptive family members, the
for weight gain during the first 4 mo of life (per 100 g per mo) on weighted mean heritabilities for BMI were 0.74 for monozygotic
overweight status at age 7 y was 1.29 (95% CI: 1.25, 1.33) (23). twins, 0.32 for dizygotic twins, 0.25 for siblings and 0.19 for
Adjusted for confounding factors of sex, race, first-born status, parent-offspring pairs (26).
birth weight, weight at age 1 y, maternal BMI, and maternal
education, the AOR was 1.17 (95% CI: 1.11–1.24). In an Viva La Familia Study: Early life determinants of
alternative model, risk of overweight also was associated with childhood obesity
weight gain between 4 and 12 mo (OR ¼ 1.60, 95% CI: 1.48, The Viva La Familia Study was designed to identify genetic and
1.73). Initiation of breast-feeding was not significantly associ- environmental factors affecting obesity and its comorbidities in
ated with overweight status at age 7 y. 1030 Hispanic children from 319 families enrolled between
The association between rapid infancy weight gain and later November 2000 and August 2004 in Houston, Texas (27). Family
obesity appears to be independent of birth weight. No significant eligibility included an overweight child between ages 4 and 19 y.
interaction between birth weight and rapid infancy weight gain Here we compute OR for potential risk factors associated with
on risk for later obesity was detected (24). Full-term infants who childhood overweight. Binary logistic regression for panel data
experience catch-up growth after intrauterine growth retarda- were used to examine the effect of putative risk factors on
tion are not protected against an increased risk of later obesity. childhood obesity (STATA, v 10; STATA Corp, College Station,
TX) (Table 1). To account for correlated data within families,

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Genetics. Classical genetic studies on twins, siblings, nuclear family identification number was used as a cluster variable.
families, and in extended pedigrees have repeatedly shown that Childhood overweight was defined according to the Centers for

TABLE 1 Early life risk factors for childhood obesity evaluated in the Viva La Familia cohort of
Hispanic children and adolescents

Risk factors OR 95% CI P-value AOR 95% CI P-value

Child characteristics
Age, y 1.046 1.004 1.09 0.03 0.923 0.854 0.998 0.04
Gender 0.704 0.524 0.946 0.02
Tanner stage 1.058 0.934 1.199 0.37
Child order 0.854 0.75 0.974 0.02
Birth weight, kg 1.826 1.278 2.613 0.001 1.538 1.097 2.157 0.01
Family characteristics
Children in family, n 0.778 0.679 0.891 0.001 0.781 0.639 0.953 0.02
Household income 0.949 0.861 1.046 0.29
Maternal education, y 0.994 0.92 1.074 0.87
Paternal education, y 0.894 0.83 0.964 0.003
Maternal obesity ($30 kg/m2) 1.843 1.348 2.520 0.001 1.613 1.029 2.531 0.04
Paternal obesity ($30 kg/m2) 1.666 1.235 2.248 0.001 1.461 1.0 1.220 0.05
Early infant feeding
Exclusive breastfeeding (yes/no) 1.09 0.799 1.498 0.58
Partial breastfeeding (yes/no) 1.037 0.768 1.402 0.81
Breastfeeding duration, mo 0.995 0.964 1.028 0.76
Age introduction of solid food, mo 0.986 0.935 1.04 0.6
Diet intake
Total energy intake, kJ/d 1.0004 1.0001 1.0006 0.003
Diet fat, % energy 1.021 0.996 1.046 0.11
Diet carbohydrate, % energy 0.977 0.957 0.998 0.03
Diet protein, % energy 1.038 0.988 1.092 0.14
Dinner test meal, kJ 1.004 1.003 1.005 0.001
Eating in absence of hunger, kJ 1.001 1.0006 1.002 0.001
Physical activity
TV, h/wk 1.116 1.014 1.228 0.02
Sleep time, min 0.998 0.996 1.0009 0.23
Total counts, counts/d 0.996 0.994 0.999 0.006
Awake sedentary time, % 1.037 1.023 1.05 0.001 1.051 1.028 1.074 0.001
Awake light time, % 0.946 0.929 0.964 0.001
Awake moderate time, % 0.974 0.948 1 0.06
Awake vigorous time, % 0.841 0.629 1.124 0.24

414S Supplement
Disease Control as percentile for BMI $95 and was coded 0 ¼ Multiple logistic regression identified independent risk fac-
nonoverweight, 1 ¼ overweight. Risk factors were evaluated tors for childhood obesity in this cohort of Hispanic children
individually and then simultaneously to identify statistically (Table 1). AOR were significant for age, birth weight, maternal
independent risk factors for overweight. obesity, paternal obesity, number of children in the family, and
the percentage of awake time spent in sedentary activity.
Family characteristics. A high degree of obesity was present in
these families (27). The majority of the parents were either SUMMARY
overweight (34%) or obese (57%). Mean BMI of the fathers and Epidemiological studies have identified several risk factors for
mothers was 30.8 6 0.2 and 33.5 6 0.2, respectively. OR for childhood obesity, including infant-feeding practices. Breast-
obesity increased significantly if the mother (OR ¼ 1.84; P ¼ feeding appears to have a small but consistent protective effect
0.001) or father (OR ¼ 1.67; P ¼ 0.001) was obese. Risk against childhood obesity. Residual confounding may exist, but
decreased with increasing years of paternal education. Risk for then again, human milk is exquisitely suited for optimal infant
obesity increased with the number of children in the family. growth and development and uniquely may modulate neuroen-
docrine and immunologic pathways involved in the regulation of
Child characteristics. Birth weight was higher in overweight body weight. Nevertheless, other genetic and environmental
than nonoverweight children (3.56 6 0.03 vs. 3.42 6 0.03 kg), determinants such as SES, parental obesity, parental smoking,
controlling for gestational age (28). Birth weights exceeded 4.0 kg birth weight, and rapid infancy weight gain far supersede infant-
in 17.7% of the children. Birth weight, controlled for gestational feeding practices as risk factors for childhood obesity.
age, was a significant predictor of current BMI Z-score (adj r2 ¼
0.14; P ¼ 0.004), height Z-score (adj r2 ¼ 0.44; P ¼ 0.001), but QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION
not percentage fat mass (FM) (28). Risk of childhood obesity [Q1]: If part of the relationship of maternal obesity to child
increased significantly with birth weight (P ¼ 0.001). obesity is mediated by less breast-feeding, then you are over-
Childhood obesity was shown to be heritable in this cohort of controlling by putting maternal obesity in the model. I think that

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children (28). The heritabilities of body weight, BMI, and FM all investigation in this field needs to carefully consider the
were 0.36, 0.39, and 0.33, respectively (27). Birth weight was possible mechanisms and adjust or construct their models
highly heritable (h2 ¼ 0.92), controlling for gestational age, accordingly. If part of the reason for higher rate of overweight
gestation diabetes, mother’s age in pregnancy, birth order, father in non-breast-fed children has to do with gaining more energy by
and mother’s education level, family income, and gender. bottle, just because it is easier and there is less opportunity for self-
Bivariate genetic analyses between birth weight and later regulation by the baby, then the only category where that would
body size and composition were performed (28). Positive genetic be ruled out would be exclusive breast-feeding.
correlations between birth weight and childhood height (r ¼ [Dr. Butte]: If there is a mechanism for the protective effect of
0.56), weight (r ¼ 0.36), fat-free mass (FFM) (r ¼ 0.59), and breast-feeding, it is unlikely that it will be discovered through
FM (r ¼ 0.37) suggest shared genetic determinants of birth epidemiological or observational studies because of confound-
weight and later body size. Bivariate linkage analyses of birth ing. For instance, if breast-feeding is having an effect on later
weight mapped to a region on chromosome 10q22, providing rates of weight gain, you need to carefully assess complementary
further evidence of shared genetic influences on birth weight, feeding and what was happening during and beyond that period.
childhood body weight, hip circumference, and FM in Hispanic Our study provided a cross-sectional view of what was going on
children. during childhood, but I certainly do not know what was going
on in the interim. I leave open the possibility that human milk
Infant feeding practices. With respect to infant feeding may have a unique programming effect on neuroendocrine or
practices, the predominant milk source was human milk only in immunological pathways during intrauterine development and
34% of cases for a median duration of 8.2 6 0.4 mo (27). Mixed during that first year of life, when the brain is developing, but
feeding of human milk and formula was reported in 24% of cases. I do not think we are going to get those answers from the
Formula only was used in 42% of cases for a median duration of epidemiological studies.
10.4 6 0.2 mo. Solid foods were introduced at a mean of 5.1 6 [Q2]: I was wondering if you had stratified your results by sex
0.1 mo for all cases. Neither exclusive nor partial breast-feeding and saw differences between males and females, especially
was associated with the risk of childhood obesity. Nor was the age because males and females metabolize LDL and triglycerides
of introduction to solid foods related to the risk of obesity. differently.
[Dr. Butte]: No, we did not stratify for sex, but we always
Childhood diet intake. Adjusted for FFM and FM, total energy control for sex in our models.
intake assessed by 2 24-h diet recalls (29) was positively [Q3]: The issue of noise is a matter of noise to signal; every
associated with the risk of childhood obesity (P ¼ 0.003). measurement has some noise in it; and if the signal is large enough
Carbohydrate, as a percentage of energy intake, was inversely you pick the signal up despite the noise. So, for instance, a 91%
related to the risk (P ¼ 0.03). In a laboratory-based test of eating signal, which is what we saw for yes-or-no recall of breast-
behavior (30), ad libitum energy intake at dinner and amount of feeding, is an enormously good signal; you need very little to pick
energy consumed in the absence of hunger were associated with that up. The critical factor is the sample size; the bigger the sample
increased obesity risk (P ¼ 0.001). size, the less the noise plays a role, and with an infinite sample size,
noise plays no role whatsoever. In studies that are negative, it is
Childhood physical activity. Physical activity, as reflected by very important to look at that noise-to-signal ratio because you
total accelerometry counts (31), was protective against obesity will conclude that something is not there when in fact it is just
risk. Television viewing (h/wk) was related to increased risk of noise.
obesity. OR for obesity increased with the percentage of awake [Dr. Butte]: The quality of the epidemiological studies in this
time spent in sedentary activity and decreased with the time area has improved greatly, both in sample size and in the
spent in light activity. assessment of confounding factors. There seems to be a small
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