Table Supporting: Distinction - Between - State - and - Society

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4/15/2021 Political Science: Distinction between Society, Nation, State and Government: State and Society, Distinction between

between State and Soci…

State and Society

State is a political society which needs four elements- population, territory,
government and sovereignty.

Society is social organization encompassing a web of social relationships.

Distinction between State and Society

State Society

Political organisation. Social organisation.

Originated after society. Originated before state.

Artificial institution. Natural institution.

State is a means. Society is an end.

State is sovereign. Society is not sovereign.

Society does not have a permanent

State has a definite territory.

State has laws, which are written and Society has norms, which are unwritten and
thus clear. thus vague.

Disobedience of state՚s laws leads to Disobedience of society՚s laws leads to

punishment. social exclusion.

Table Supporting: Distinction_between_State_and_Society

State and Other Associations

An association has the following features:

Organization of the people

Some common/specific objectives

Joint efforts.

Example of associations: family, cricket club, church, red-cross society, etc.

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4/15/2021 Political Science: Distinction between Society, Nation, State and Government: State and Society, Distinction between State and Soci…

Differences between State and Associations:

State Association

Membership of state is compulsory. Membership of association is voluntary.

Person can be a member of one state Person can be a member of more than one
at a time. association at a time.

State՚s territory is fixed. Association՚s territory is not definite.

State performs general functions. Association performs specific functions.

Character of the association is local,

Character of the state is national.
provincial, national and even international.

State is sovereign. Associations are not sovereign.

State can physically punish or

imprison person if laws are not Association can only expel its member.
Table Supporting: State_and_Other_Associations

State and Government

Government is one element of state. It is the agency through which laws are made,
enforced and those who violate laws are punished.

The difference between state and government are as follows:

State Government

Government draws authority from the

State has an inherent authority.

It is a larger unit. It is a smaller unit.

We cannot see the state. We can see the government.

It is near permanent institution. Government is temporary.

Government՚s powers are delegated and

State՚s powers are real and original.

It is crime to condemn one՚s state, It is the right of citizens to criticise the

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4/15/2021 Political Science: Distinction between Society, Nation, State and Government: State and Society, Distinction between State and Soci…

it will be considered a revolt. government, it will not be termed as revolt.

Its territory is permanent. Its territory is not permanent.

State is a whole. Government is its part.

Table Supporting: State_and_Government

State and Nation

Nation is a historically constituted stable community of people formed on the basis of
a common language, territory, economic life and physiological make up manifested in
a common culture.

Bluntschli says: Nation is “a union of masses of men bound together specially by

language and customs into common civilization which gives them a sense of unity” .

Following are the differences between state and nation:

State Nation

A state may not always be a nation. A nation may not always be a state.

State needs sovereignty to exist. Nation do not need sovereignty to exist.

State is political concept. Nation is a cultural/psychological concept.

Sentiments and emotions bind the people in

Laws bind the people together in a
state. a nation.

There is an element of force There is an element of persuasion connected

connected with state. with nation.

Elements of state are definite i.e.. 4 Elements of nation are not fixed.

It is not equal in size to a nation. It is not equal in size to a state.

Table Supporting: State_and_Nation

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