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A cactus (plural cacti, cactuses, or less commonly, cactus) is a member of
the plant family Cactaceae, a family comprising about 127 genera with some 1750
known species of the order Caryophyllales. The word "cactus" derives, through Latin,
from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a
spiny plant whose identity is now not certain. Cacti occur in a wide range of shapes
and sizes. Most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. Many live in
extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atacama Desert, one of the
driest places on earth. Cacti show many adaptations to conserve water. Almost all
cacti are succulents, meaning they have thickened, fleshy parts adapted to store water.
Unlike many other succulents, the stem is the only part of most cacti where this vital
process takes place. Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines,
which are highly modified leaves. As well as defending against herbivores, spines
help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus and providing some
shade. In the absence of leaves, enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis. Cacti are
native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of
western Canada in the north except for Rhipsalis baccifera, which also grows
in Africa and Sri Lanka.

Cactus spines are produced from specialized structures called areoles, a kind
of highly reduced branch. Areoles are an identifying feature of cacti. As well as
spines, areoles give rise to flowers, which are usually tubular and multipetaled. Many
cacti have short growing seasons and long dormancies, and are able to react quickly to
any rainfall, helped by an extensive but relatively shallow root system that quickly
absorbs any water reaching the ground surface. Cactus stems are often ribbed or
fluted, which allows them to expand and contract easily for quick water absorption
after rain, followed by long drought periods. Like other succulent plants, most cacti
employ a special mechanism called "crassulacean acid metabolism" (CAM) as part of
photosynthesis. Transpiration, during which carbon dioxide enters the plant and water
escapes, does not take place during the day at the same time as photosynthesis, but
instead occurs at night. The plant stores the carbon dioxide it takes in as malic acid,
retaining it until daylight returns, and only then using it in photosynthesis. Because


transpiration takes place during the cooler, more humid night hours, water loss is
significantly reduced.

Many smaller cacti have globe-shaped stems, combining the highest possible
volume for water storage, with the lowest possible surface area for water loss
from transpiration. The tallest free-standing cactus is Pachycereus pringlei, with a
maximum recorded height of 19.2 m (63 ft), and the smallest is Blossfeldia
liliputiana, only about 1 cm (0.4 in) in diameter at maturity. A fully grown saguaro
(Carnegiea gigantea) is said to be able to absorb as much as 200 U.S. gallons (760 l;
170 imp gal) of water during a rainstorm. A few species differ significantly in
appearance from most of the family. At least superficially, plants of the
genera Leuenbergeria, Rhodocactus and Pereskia resemble other trees and shrubs
growing around them. They have persistent leaves, and when older, bark-covered
stems. Their areoles identify them as cacti, and in spite of their appearance, they, too,
have many adaptations for water conservation. Leuenbergeria is considered close to
the ancestral species from which all cacti evolved. In tropical regions, other cacti
grow as forest climbers and epiphytes (plants that grow on trees). Their stems are
typically flattened, almost leaf-like in appearance, with fewer or even no spines, such
as the well-known Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus (in the
genus Schlumbergera).

Cacti have a variety of uses: many species are used as ornamental plants,
others are grown for fodder or forage, and others for food (particularly their
fruit). Cochineal is the product of an insect that lives on some cacti.

Many succulent plants in both the Old and New World – such as
some Euphorbiaceae (euphorbias) – bear a striking resemblance to cacti, and may
incorrectly be called "cactus" in common usage.


Cactus areoles

Fig. 1 Areole of Rhodocactus grandifolius showing its position relative to leaves

Fig. 2 Cross-section of Cereus showing areoles with spines and wool

Fig. 3 Areoles of an Echinopsis species

Fig. 4 Close-up of an areole of Astrophytum capricorne showing fine wool

Fig. 5 Flowers appear from the upper part of an areole, spines from the lower
(Cereus species)


Areoles are structures unique to cacti. Although variable, they typically appear
as woolly or hairy areas on the stems from which spines emerge. Flowers are also
produced from areoles. In the genus Leuenbergeria, believed similar to the ancestor of
all cacti, the areoles occur in the axils of leaves (i.e. in the angle between the leaf stalk
and the stem).[11] In leafless cacti, areoles are often borne on raised areas on the stem
where leaf bases would have been.

Areoles are highly specialized and very condensed shoots or branches. In a

normal shoot, nodes bearing leaves or flowers would be separated by lengths of stem
(internodes). In an areole, the nodes are so close together, they form a single structure.
The areole may be circular, elongated into an oval shape, or even separated into two
parts; the two parts may be visibly connected in some way (e.g. by a groove in the
stem) or appear entirely separate (a dimorphic areole). The part nearer the top of the
stem then produces flowers, the other part spines. Areoles often have multicellular
hairs (trichomes) that give the areole a hairy or woolly appearance, sometimes of a
distinct color such as yellow or brown.[10]

In most cacti, the areoles produce new spines or flowers only for a few years,
and then become inactive. This results in a relatively fixed number of spines, with
flowers being produced only from the ends of stems, which are still growing and
forming new areoles. In Pereskia, a genus close to the ancestor of cacti, areoles
remain active for much longer; this is also the case in Opuntia and Neoraimondia.


The great majority of cacti have no visible leaves; photosynthesis takes place
in the stems (which may be flattened and leaflike in some species). Exceptions occur
in three groups of cacti. All the species
of Leuenbergeria, Pereskia and Rhodocactus are superficially like normal trees or
shrubs and have numerous leaves with a midrib and a flattened blade (lamina) on
either side. Many cacti in the opuntia group (subfamily Opuntioideae, opuntioids) also
have visible leaves, which may be long-lasting (as in Pereskiopsis species) or be
produced only during the growing season and then be lost (as in many species
of Opuntia).[10] The small genus Maihuenia also relies on leaves for
photosynthesis.[12] The structure of the leaves varies somewhat between these groups.
Opuntioids and Maihuenia have leaves that appear to consist only of a midrib.


Even those cacti without visible photosynthetic leaves do usually have very
small leaves, less than 0.5 mm (0.02 in) long in about half of the species studied and
almost always less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in) long. The function of such leaves cannot be
photosynthesis; a role in the production of plant hormones, such as auxin, and in
defining axillary buds has been suggested.


Botanically, "spines" are distinguished from "thorns": spines are modified

leaves, and thorns are modified branches. Cacti produce spines, always from areoles
as noted above. Spines are present even in those cacti with leaves, such
as Pereskia, Pereskiopsis and Maihuenia, so they clearly evolved before complete
leaflessness. Some cacti only have spines when young, possibly only when seedlings.
This is particularly true of tree-living cacti, such as Rhipsalis and Schlumbergera, but
also of some ground-living cacti, such as Ariocarpus.

The spines of cacti are often useful in identification, since they vary greatly
between species in number, color, size, shape and hardness, as well as in whether all
the spines produced by an areole are similar or whether they are of distinct kinds.
Most spines are straight or at most slightly curved, and are described as hair-like,
bristle-like, needle-like or awl-like, depending on their length and thickness. Some
cacti have flattened spines (e.g. Sclerocactus papyracanthus). Other cacti have hooked
spines. Sometimes, one or more central spines are hooked, while outer spines are
straight (e.g., Mammillaria rekoi).

In addition to normal-length spines, members of the subfamily Opuntioideae

have relatively short spines, called glochids, that are barbed along their length and
easily shed. These enter the skin and are difficult to remove due to being very fine and
easily broken, causing long-lasting irritation.[10]


Cactus spines

Fig. 6 Varied spines of a Ferocactus

Fig. 7 Hooked central spine (cf. Mammillaria rekoi)

Fig. 8 Unusual flattened spines of Sclerocactus papyracanthus

Fig. 9 Glochids of Opuntia microdasys


Fig. 10 Flowers of Opuntia Ficus-Indica in Behbahan, Iran

Like their spines, cactus flowers are variable. Typically, the ovary is
surrounded by material derived from stem or receptacle tissue, forming a structure
called a pericarpel. Tissue derived from the petals and sepals continues the pericarpel,
forming a composite tube—the whole may be called a floral tube, although strictly
speaking only the part furthest from the base is floral in origin. The outside of the
tubular structure often has areoles that produce wool and spines. Typically, the tube
also has small scale-like bracts, which gradually change into sepal-like and then petal-
like structures, so the sepals and petals cannot be clearly differentiated (and hence are
often called "tepals"). Some cacti produce floral tubes without wool or spines
(e.g. Gymnocalycium) or completely devoid of any external structures
(e.g. Mammillaria). Unlike the flowers of most other cacti, Pereskia flowers may be
borne in clusters.

Cactus flowers usually have many stamens, but only a single style, which may
branch at the end into more than one stigma. The stamens usually arise from all over
the inner surface of the upper part of the floral tube, although in some cacti, the
stamens are produced in one or more distinct "series" in more specific areas of the
inside of the floral tube.

The flower as a whole is usually radially symmetrical (actinomorphic), but

may be bilaterally symmetrical (zygomorphic) in some species. Flower colors range
from white through yellow and red to magenta.[10]



The Cactaceae family is native to the American continent and comprises more than
2,000 species that are primarily distributed over four diversity centers in arid and
semiarid regions. The most important centers of cactus diversity are the north-central
region of México through to the southwest of the United States, known as the
Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion (CDE), and the arid and semiarid zone of the
southwestern Andean region. The latter includes parts of Peru, Chile and Argentina.
Other areas with high diversities of cacti are eastern Brazil, the region of Central
America and part of southeastern México, where a significant group of humid-zone
epiphytic species is distributed (Hernández and Bárcenas, 1995, 1996; Ortega-Baes
and GodínezÁlvarez, 2006).

México, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Costa Rica have the highest proportion of
endemic species. México, with more than 600 species, of which approximately 80 %
are endemic, is the most important center of concentrated cactus genera and species
(Ortega-Baes et al., 2010). In México, two regions are particularly rich in species with
high degrees of endemism: the southeastern and eastern regions of the CDE and the
Querétaro-Hidalgo Arid Zone (QHAZ) (Hernández and Bárcenas, 1995, 1996). Other
important centers of high cacti diversity in México are the Sonoran Desert (Turner et
al., 1995), the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley and the Balsas River Basin at the
Tehuantepec Isthmus. Significant relationships have been observed between species
richness and endemism and species richness and number of endangered species
(Godínez-Álvarez and Ortega-Baes, 2007).

Brazil is the third cactus diversity center in importance in the American continent
with a high degree of endemism (Zappi et al., 2011). Cactus species distribution and
the number of endemic species (in brackets) in Brazilian regions is as follows:
northeastern region 90 (34), southeastern 120 (100), center-western 33 (6) southern 70
(41) and northern 17 (1) (Zappi et al., 2011). Native cactus genus and species-
subspecies include Arrojadoa (8), Arthrocereus (7), Bragaia (1), Brasilicereus (2),
Brasiliopuntia (1), Cereus (20), Cipocereus (8), Coleocephalocereus (11), Discocactus
(14), Echinopsis (4), Epiphyllum (1), Espostoopsis (1), Estevesia (1), Facheiroa (5),
Frailea (17), Gymnocalycium (8), Harrisia (2), Hatiora (3), Hylocereus (1), Leocereus
(1), Lepismium (4), Melocactus (31), Micranthocereus (12), Opuntia (6), Parodia


(36), Pereskia (9), Pilosocereus (45), Praecereus (1), Pseudorhipsalis (1), Quiabentia
(1), Rhipsalis (42), Schlumbergera (11), Stephanocereus (2), Strophocactus (1),
Tacinga (10) and Uebelmannia (8) (Zappi et al., 2011). Uses and knowledge of cacti
species in northeastern Brazil have been summarized by Lucena et al. (2013). Cacti
are perennial plants, succulent and slowgrowing, which are particularly known for
their droughttolerant characteristics (xerophytic).

They are highly prized by horticulturists as botanical oddities and ornamental plants.
They may be cultivated for their beautiful flowers, the aesthetics of their stems and
spines, or merely because the plants have an original-look/unique morphology.
Individual cactus species may be arborescent, shrubby or creeping with woody or
succulent stems. The latter may be globular, cylindrical, candelabrum, columnar,
oblong or cladode in shape, with spines distributed uniformly around the stem or
forming longitudinal ribs (Nobel, 1988). The tallest cactus is Pachycereus pringlei (S.
Watson) Britton & Rose, with a recorded maximum height of 19.2 m, and the smallest
is Blossfeldia liliputiana Werdermann, which is approximately 1 cm in diameter at
maturity (Altesor and Ezcurra, 2003). Cactus spines are produced by specialized
structures called areoles, a type of meristematic tissue. Areoles are an identifying
feature of cacti. In addition to spines, areoles produce new branches and flowers,
which are typically tubular and multipetal. Cactus flowers are very attractive and,
depending on the species, are diverse in size, number, form and color. The nocturnal
flowers are always white, with some light-yellow or red tones, whereas diurnal
flowers are white, purple, yellow-orange, red or green (Barthlott and Hunt, 1993;
Anderson, 2001).

Cacti are particularly attractive to homeowners in arid regions where conserving

water by substituting drought-tolerant plants for water-intensive vegetation (such as
grass lawns) is increasingly encouraged. Cacti have been cultivated as ornamental
plants for centuries. Since the XVI century, several herbariums (General Historie of
Plants, 1597; Pinax Theatri Botanici, 1623; Historia Plantarum, 1688; History of
Succulent Plants, 1718, among others) and botanic gardens in Europe have
established collections of cacti and succulents (Pizzeti, 1992). Cacti are very often
grown in greenhouses, particularly in regions unsuited to outdoor cultivation such as
the northern parts of Europe and North America. They are cultivated in pots or grown
in the ground. Cacti are also grown as houseplants, with many being tolerant to the


often-dry atmosphere and are maintained under cover during the winter. Cacti may
also be planted outdoors in regions with suitable climates. These plants are widely
used as ornamentals worldwide. In the USA, cacti are very common as ornamentals in
Arizona and Nevada and are found to varying degrees in California, New Mexico and
Texas. The genera Mammillaria and Opuntia [O. phaecantha Engelm., O. engelmannii
(Griffiths) A. Nelson, O. violacea Engelm., O. basilaris Engelm. & Bigelow and O.
ficus-indica (L.) Mill.] are the most commonly observed ornamentals. Other common
species include Schlumbergera truncata (Haworth), known as Christmas cactus or
thanksgiving cactus, a flat-stemmed, red-, pink-, or white-flowered species that is
grown as a garden or houseplant; the candelabra cactus (Cereus peruvianus Engelm.
& Bigelow), a tree-sized species native to South America (Anderson, 2001; Irish,
2001). The genera Hatiora and Schlumbergera are economically important glasshouse
crops in northern Europe, where they are cultivated widely as flowering potted plants.



The present is envisiticaton work of the caridout in pvp college pravara nagar
(Loni) located cactus garden in the eayer of 2020,21 with propogation cactus plant
1) Material -1)polithing bag
2) cactus
3) Growth Harmon
4) sharp knife
5) Sharp Bleed
6) Sandy soil
7) Pharmialdehyde manure( FYM)
2) We selected cerius cactus varites in order to propogation in cutting method
3) In the Endolica acidic acid growth harmon proper concentration prepare in
4) polithing bags in filled with the soil we., used to propogate cactus
5) Cactus mother plant was cut to a particular size and Linth with help used
with a sharp knife
6) Proper the propogation of pharmialdehyde manure (FYM) and soil was
properly mix in the polithing bag
7) cutting wheare properly place in the polithing bag along with the fertility
8) Cactus cutting where place is the soil present in the polithing bag
9) Growth harmon in where aplyed to the cactus cutting as well as soil
10) Propogation details carredown farther
11) bulbs another cactus on the propogation plant cutting in after 30 days


Further details of the methology propogation is deascuse above in detailsThe

experiment was conducted at the The PVP college of arts scince and commerce,
loni pravaranagar. The municipality is located between the geographic coordinates:
latitude 5°31'21''S, longitude 36°23'14''W and at an altitude of 68 m. The climate
according to the Koppen classification is the type BSs'h semiarid and according to
Gaussen, is type 4aTh, warm tropical and markedly dry. According to INMET
(2005), the mean annual rainfall of the region is 473 mm. During the research
period until the first harvest rainfall of 409.3 mm was recorded, whereas in the
second year, the rainfall was 168.6 mm. According to IDEMA (2008), the mean
annual temperature in the research region area reached a maximum of 32°C and a
minimum of 21°C; the mean relative humidity was 70% and 2,400 h of sunshine
were received per year.

The soil of the experimental area was classified as Cambisol Haplicum

Eutrophic, with a Caatinga hyperxerophilic phase and a plan relief. The soil is
well-drained, with a sandy (648 g kg-1) and clay (220 g kg-1) texture, and a
moderately alkaline or neutral reaction. The chemical analysis of the Laboratory of
Soil, Water and Plants of cactus indicated high values of calcium and potassium
and low phosphorus availability, with the following composition: Ca = 4.60, Mg = 2.35, P = 4.00, K = 136,00, Na =
66.00 and pH of 7.09.

The cactus pear cv. Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.) was planted. The
cladodes were left in the shade for seven days, and were subsequently planted with
a spacing of 2.0 × 0.10 m (50,000 plants ha -1), by placing the cladodes vertically
into the soil to a sufficient depth (20 cm), so that half of each cladode was buried
in the ground.

The trial period lasted 24 months and consisted of two harvests separated by a
12-month interval after the first uniform cut 17 months after planting.

On the standardization cut was performed, with the establishment of cutting

treatments using the organic fertilizer of 40 Mg ha -1 natural cattle manure, 50 kg
urea ha-1 and 500 kg single superphosphate ha-1 in a single application. The cattle
manure used had the following composition according to the analysis performed by


the Laboratory of cactus: moisture = 10%; organic C = 27%; N = 18.89 g kg-1; P =

6.70 g kg-1; K = 32.53 g kg-1; Ca = 15.88 g kg-1; Mg = 9.79 g kg-1; Na = 5.66 g kg-
; Zn = 142.00 mg kg-1; Cu = 64.00 mg kg-1; Fe = 4,550.00 mg kg-1; Mn = 200.00
mg kg-1.

A completely randomized factorial design (3 × 2) was applied, with 12

replicates. The treatments consisted of three cutting intensities: preserving only the
mother cladode (PMC), preservation of all primary cladodes (PPC) or preservation
of all secondary cladodes (PSC) and two harvest years.

The results were derived from two harvests performed on at intervals of 12

months of regrowth. After the first cut was made, a new fertilization with 40 Mg
ha-1 cattle manure (natural material), 500 kg ha -1 superphosphate; 150 kg ha-1 urea
and 50 kg ha-1 potassium chloride, according to the recommendation of the
Laboratory of Soil, Water and Plants of Cactus. The chemical fertilizer was applied
once, whereas organic fertilization was performed by two applications; The
organic fertilizer used in the second year had the following quantitative
composition, according to the Cactus Laboratory: moisture = 37%; organic C =
15%; N = 15.41 g kg-1; P = 5.91 g kg-1; K = 26.74 g kg-1; Ca = 12.39 g kg-1; Mg =
11.55 g kg-1; Na = 5.03 g kg-1; Zn = 134.00 mg kg-1; Cu = 64.00 mg kg-1; Fe =
13,650.00 mg kg-1; Mn = 425.00 mg kg-1.

The irrigation water during the two-year experiment was applied as 5 L per
linear m (2.5 mm) every seven days, totaling 10 mm per month, with the
independent application of the rainfall index. The irrigation system used was
dripping in single rows and the irrigation water was classified according to Pizarro
(1985), as C4S1, with a high salinity and high levels of chlorides, as shown by the
results of chemical analysis, performed by the CACTUS Laboratory, which
showed the following results: pH = 7.2; EC = 5.25 dS m -1; Ca = 19.45 mmol L-1;
Mg = 16.65 mmol L-1; Na = 16.05 mmol L-1; K = 0.30 mmol L-1; Cl = 51.39 mmol
L-1; CO3- = 0.00 mmol L-1; HCO3- = 4.76 mmol L-1 and RAS° = 4.77.

The measurable area of the plot was 2 m2, corresponding to 10 plants in the
central m of the plots with dimensions of 6 m², with 1 m on each side as borders.
At the end of each period, the following variables were evaluated: plant height, the


number of cladodes per plant (NC), the length, width, perimeter and thickness of
the cladodes, the area of the cladodes (AC), the cladode area index (CAI), fresh-
matter production (FMP) and dry-matter production (DMP) of cactus pear cv.
Gigante with 12 months of regrowth. The FMP was calculated by cutting and
weighing 10 plants within the central meter of the sample area (2 m 2), which were
harvested according to the cutting intensity treatment. To determine the DM, a
cladode sample of about 1 kg was collected and weighed, and was then dried in a
forced circulation oven at 55ºC according to Silva and Queiroz (2009) before
reweighing and calculation of the DM yield.

The height of the plants and the length, width and perimeter of the cladodes
were measured using a tape-measure and the thickness of the cladodes was
measured with a digital caliper. The AC and CAI were calculated according
to Santos (1992) using the equations for cactus pear cv. Gigante: AC = -211.5104
+ 8,8649P (P = perimeter) and CAI = the AC of a plant/soil area of a plant.

Data were subjected to analysis of variance by analysing the effects of cutting

intensities, year of harvesting and their interaction, using the statistical analysis
SAS program version 8 as a tool. When significant differences between treatments
for the different variables were detected, they were compared using the Bonferroni
test at 5% probability.

Propagating by grafting
You will need:

 Cacti
 Sharp knife
 Polythene Bag
 Growth Harmon
 Candy Soil
 Formaldehyde


Grafting is the process of taking a cut piece of a cactus and attaching in onto a severed
piece of another cactus. The cut or grafted part is called a ‘scion’ and the base or
rooted part is called the ‘rootstock’. Grafting requires a compatible and hardy
Compatibility is very important for grafting to be successful. The compatibility is
higher when the rootstock and scion are from the same species. The compatibility
decreases the further the cacti are in their genetic relations.

Cacti grafting is done for different purposes. One purpose is to produce stems that are
less susceptible to diseases and pests. Another reason is to replace an existing stem
that is rotting. Some gardeners want to enhance photosynthesis in some cacti that lack
the ability. Grafting seems intimidating but is pretty straightforward that even a
beginner gardener can try their hand at.


Easy steps on how to propagate a cactus

There are a few different ways to propagate succulents. Below are some simple
steps to follow to propagate your cacti successfully.
Propagating from cactus pads
Step 1
Disinfect your tools. Use a sharp knife or razor blade. Pruning shears are not ideal
for making a clean cut. You want a clean cut and avoid jagged edges or crushing
the tissues of the cacti.
Make sure the knife or blade you are using is cleaned and disinfected to prevent
the spread of disease. You can wash them with warm soapy water or use alcohol
wipes to disinfect. Be careful to disinfect every time you perform a cutting by
wiping the tool to avoid introducing fungus and diseases.

Step 2
Protect your hands and fingers. When handling prickly and spiny cacti, it is
always a good idea to wear gloves and use tools like tongs or pieces of cloth to
protect your fingers and hands.
Step 3
Cut off one of the pads. Select a pad to cut. Ideally, you want to choose a healthy
plant to have a better success rate. Avoid using pads with visible signs of stress,
disease or discoloration.
Sometimes, pads break off easily. Simply grab a cactus pad using your tongs or a
piece of cloth to break off the pad from the main plant. You can also use a sharp
sterile knife to cut one of the pads off.


Step 4
Let it dry. After cutting, let the pads dry for a few days to allow for the wound to
heal and callous over. Keep away from direct sunlight while drying.

Step 5
Dip in rooting hormone (optional). Once dried, dip the cut part of the pad in
rooting hormone. This step is optional and you can decide to skip it altogether.
Step 6
Plant the cutting. Prepare a potting mix suitable for cacti with good drainage. You
can plant the dried cutting into a the potting mix by sticking the cut part into the
soil. About ⅓ of the cutting should be in the soil. Pack the soil around the pad to
secure it so it does not tip over.
Lay the pads flat. Instead of planting right away, some choose to lay the pads flat
until roots start developing. Once roots develop, plant in a suitable potting mix.
Step 7
Water sparingly. Wait for a few days before watering the newly potted pad. You
can mist the soil every few days or when the soil feels dry. Once the roots are
established, decrease watering and allow the soil to dry out before watering again.
Step 8
Keep away from direct sunlight. Place in a bright location but protect from direct
sunlight until roots are established.


You have a new plant. It will take several weeks for the roots to be established. A
few months later, you will notice new growth and you have yourself a new plant.
You can slowly increase the amount and intensity of sunlight to avoid burning the
Propagation is the process of producing new plants from the plants you already
have. In the wild, propagation from seeds is the most common method. This is
achieved from flowering, pollination, fertilization, and eventually seed formation.
As natural habitats of succulents and cacti decline, the need to propagate and
maintain these species in cultivation becomes more and more crucial for their
Propagating by stem cuttings is probably the most common and easiest route.
Many cacti can be propagated successfully by stem cuttings. Stem cuttings are
taken from an existing plant, then allowed to dry and callous. The cuttings will
eventually start rooting from the cut end and start growing as a new plant.


Propagating from columnar cactus cuttings

Step 1
Disinfect your tools. Use a sharp knife or razor blade. Pruning shears are not ideal
for making a clean cuts. You want a clean cut and avoid jagged edges or crushing
the tissues of the cacti. Make sure the knife or blade you are using is cleaned and
disinfected to prevent the spread of disease.
You can wash them with warm soapy water or use alcohol wipes to disinfect. Be
careful to disinfect every time you perform a cutting by wiping the tool to avoid
introducing fungus and diseases.
Step 2
Protect your hands and fingers. When handling prickly and spiny cacti, it is
always a good idea to wear gloves and use tools like tongs or pieces of cloth to
protect your fingers and hands.
Step 2
Protect your hands and fingers. When handling prickly and spiny cacti, it is
always a good idea to wear gloves and use tools like tongs or pieces of cloth to
protect your fingers and hands.
Step 3
Select a columnar cactus to cut. A good size is at least about four inches long and
no more than four inches in diameter. Wider columnar cacti are harder to root.
Step 4
Make a clean cut. Using one hand to steady the top of the columnar cactus, make a
clean cut with sharp clean knife.
Step 5
Let it dry. Let the cutting dry for a few days to allow for the wound to dry and
callous over. Depending on the size of the cutting, this can take from three days to
a week or more. Let the cut part of the cutting be exposed to air. Keep away from
direct sunlight while drying.
Step 6
Dip in rooting hormone (optional). Once dried, dip the cut part in rooting
hormone. This step is optional and you can decide to skip it altogether.
Step 7
Plant the cutting. Prepare a suitable potting mix for cacti with very good drainage.
Place the dried cutting into a the potting mix by sticking the cut part into the soil.


About ⅓ of the cutting should be planted in the soil . Pack the soil around the
cutting to secure it so it does not tip over.
Step 8
Water sparingly. Wait for a few days before watering the newly potted columnar
cactus. You can mist the soil every few days or when the soil feels dry. Once the
roots are established, decrease watering and allow the soil to dry out before
watering again.
Step 9
Keep away from direct sunlight. Place in a bright location but protect from direct
sunlight until roots are established.
You have a new plant. It will take several weeks for the roots to be established. A
few months later, you will notice new growth from the top of your newly potted
plant as well as the mother plant from you obtained your cutting from. You can
slowly increase the amount and intensity of sunlight to avoid burning the plant.
Propagating from offshoots
Step 1
Find a cactus that has produced offshoots. Offshoots are the babies that grow from
the mother plant. Not all cacti produce offshoots. The ones that do include
echinopsis species, mammillaria species and many others.
Step 2
Disinfect your knife. Use a sharp knife that has been cleaned or disinfected. You
can do this by washing with warm soapy water or wiping with rubbing alcohol. Be
careful to disinfect every time you perform a cutting by wiping the knife with
alcohol to avoid introducing fungus or diseases.
Step 3
Protect your hands and fingers. When handling prickly and spiny cacti, it is
always a good idea to wear gloves and use tools like tongs or pieces of cloth to
protect your fingers and hands.
Step 4
Find offshoots to be removed. Once an offshoot has grown large enough or has
started producing roots, they can be removed from the mother plant. Try to get
some roots when removing the offshoot.
You can remove one without roots, but you will have much greater success with
ones that have roots already growing. Offshoots without roots will eventually root


themselves, but offshoots with existing roots have a greater chance of survival on
their own.

Step 5
Remove the offshoot. You can use a clean knife to gently remove the offshoot
from the mother plant. Some offshoots are easier to remove than others.
Sometimes they can be separated by gently pulling the offshoot from the mother
plant. Most times you need to use a sharp knife or tool. Carefully separate the
baby plant from its mother plant by inserting the knife blade between the mother
plant and the offshoot.
Slowly pull apart the baby plant from the mother plant and sever the connecting
root. If removing while still planted in the soil, insert the knife blade into the soil
between the mother plant and the offshoot. Slide the blade down the soil to sever
the connecting roots.
Carve out a 2-inch radius in the soil around the base of the offshoot then dig a few
inches down the radial parameter using sharp end of a a small spade. Insert the
spade at an angle underneath the offshoot and carefully pry it loose from the soil
to remove.

Step 6
Plant the offshoot. Once removed, the offshoot can be planted on its own. Prepare
a suitable well-draining potting mix and fill a small pot with it. Plant the offshoot
into the soil. Pack the soil lightly around the plant until secure.
Step 7
Water sparingly. Wait for a few days before watering the newly potted columnar
cactus. You can mist the soil every few days or when the soil feels dry. Once the
roots are established, decrease watering and allow the soil to dry out before
watering again.
Step 8
Keep away from direct sunlight. Place in a bright location but protect from direct
sunlight until roots are established.
You have a new plant. Once the roots are established, you can slowly increase the
amount and intensity of sunlight to avoid burning the plant.


Step 1
Disinfect your knife. Use a sharp knife that has been cleaned or disinfected. You
can do this by washing with warm soapy water or wiping with rubbing alcohol. Be
careful to disinfect every time you perform a cutting by wiping the knife with
alcohol to avoid introducing fungus or diseases.
Step 2
Select your cacti to be grafted. Grafting requires a compatible and hardy
rootstock. Compatibility is very important for grafting to be successful. A
suggestion is choosing a fast growing one as the base or rootstock and a slow
growing one on top or the scion.
Common cacti used as rootstocks are Hylocereus
Trigonus or Undatus and Trichocereus Spachianus. Having the rootstock and
scion from the same species increases the compatibility.
Step 3
Prepare the rootstock. Cut about a few inches above the soil. This beheaded cactus
will be your rootstock.
Step 4
Cut the scion. Cut the top off a cactus stem about 1-inch in diameter. This will be
the scion.
Step 5
Place the scion on top of the rootstock. Carefully place the scion on the cut portion
of the rootstock so that the vascular cambium of both cacti is touching each other.
The vascular cambium is the distinct ring in the center of the cut cactus. The
vascular cambium of the scion and rootstock need to come in contact with each
other for successful grafting to take place.
Step 6
Secure the two together. Use rubber bands or electrical tape to secure the two cacti
together. Make sure the scion is well secured and pressing against the rootstock.
Step 7
Wait about two months. After about one or two months, remove the rubber bands
or tape. The scion should be firmly attached to the rootstock and you have a newly
grafted cactus plant.
How to root a broken piece of cactus
Step 1


Disinfect your knife. Use a sharp knife that has been cleaned or disinfected. You
can do this by washing with warm soapy water or wiping with rubbing alcohol. Be
careful to disinfect every time you perform a cutting by wiping the knife with
alcohol to avoid introducing fungus or diseases.
Step 2
Inspect the broken end of the cactus. If you find uneven or jagged cuts from where
it broke off, cut out the uneven edges with a sharp clean knife to even it out.
Step 3
Let it dry. Set the broken piece aside and let it dry and callous over to heal. This
may take anywhere from a couple of days to weeks depending on the size of the
cactus and the humidity. Keep the cut in a bright location but away from direct

Step 4
Prepare the pot. Choose a pot with drainage holes that is appropriate for the size of
the broken cactus. Fill the pot with a suitable cactus mix that is well draining.
Step 5
Dip in rooting hormone (optional). You can dip the dried end in rooting hormone
before planting. This step is optional.
Step 6
Plant the broken piece. Put the dried end into the potting mix about ⅓ into the soil.
Make sure the piece is standing erect. Pack the soil around the plant to secure it.
Place the pot in a bright location but away from direct sunlight.
Step 7
Wait before watering. Do not water until two to four weeks later. Then wait until
the soil is completely dry or two weeks later before watering again.
Step 8
Increase sunlight. The roots will start to form in about two to six weeks. You can
check for roots by pulling the plant. If you feel resistance while tugging, the plant
has started developing roots. Once roots are more established, you can slowly
increase the intensity of sunlight it receives.
Congratulations! You have yourself a new plant from a broken piece.



All cacti have some adaptations to promote efficient water use. Most cacti—
opuntias and cactoids—specialize in surviving in hot and dry environments (i.e. they
are xerophytes), but the first ancestors of modern cacti were already adapted to
periods of intermittent drought. A small number of cactus species in the
tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae have become adapted to life as climbers
or epiphytes, often in tropical forests, where water conservation is less important.

Leaves and spines

The absence of visible leaves is one of the most striking features of most
cacti. Pereskia (which is close to the ancestral species from which all cacti evolved)
does have long-lasting leaves, which are, however, thickened and succulent in many
species.[9] Other species of cactus with long-lasting leaves, such as the
opuntioid Pereskiopsis, also have succulent leaves. A key issue in retaining water is
the ratio of surface area to volume. Water loss is proportional to surface area, whereas
the amount of water present is proportional to volume. Structures with a high surface
area-to-volume ratio, such as thin leaves, necessarily lose water at a higher rate than
structures with a low area-to-volume ratio, such as thickened stems.

Spines, which are modified leaves, are present on even those cacti with true
leaves, showing the evolution of spines preceded the loss of leaves. Although spines
have a high surface area-to-volume ratio, at maturity they contain little or no water,
being composed of fibers made up of dead cells.[13] Spines provide protection
from herbivores and camouflage in some species, and assist in water conservation in
several ways. They trap air near the surface of the cactus, creating a moister layer that
reduces evaporation and transpiration. They can provide some shade, which lowers
the temperature of the surface of the cactus, also reducing water loss. When
sufficiently moist air is present, such as during fog or early morning mist, spines can
condense moisture, which then drips onto the ground and is absorbed by the roots.[10]



Fig. 11 Stem of young Cereus hildmannianus subsp. uruguayanus, showing

ribbing and waxy coating

The majority of cacti are stem succulents, i.e., plants in which the stem is the
main organ used to store water. Water may form up to 90% of the total mass of a
cactus. Stem shapes vary considerably among cacti. The cylindrical shape of
columnar cacti and the spherical shape of globular cacti produce a low surface area-
to-volume ratio, thus reducing water loss, as well as minimizing the heating effects of
sunlight. The ribbed or fluted stems of many cacti allow the stem to shrink during
periods of drought and then swell as it fills with water during periods of
availability. A mature saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) is said to be able to absorb as
much as 200 U.S. gallons of water during a rainstorm. The outer layer of the stem
usually has a tough cuticle, reinforced with waxy layers, which reduce water loss.
These layers are responsible for the grayish or bluish tinge to the stem color of many

The stems of most cacti have adaptations to allow them to conduct

photosynthesis in the absence of leaves. This is discussed further below
under Metabolism.


Many cacti have roots that spread out widely, but only penetrate a short
distance into the soil. In one case, a young saguaro only 12 cm (4.7 in) tall had a root


system with a diameter of 2 m (7 ft), but no more than 10 cm (4 in) deep. Cacti can
also form new roots quickly when rain falls after a drought. The concentration of salts
in the root cells of cacti is relatively high. All these adaptations enable cacti to absorb
water rapidly during periods of brief or light rainfall. Thus, Ferocactus
cylindraceus reportedly can take up a significant amount of water within 12 hours of
as little as 7 mm (0.3 in) of rainfall, becoming fully hydrated in a few days.




Fig. 20 Cultivated Notocactus warasii at the San Diego County Fair, California

The popularity of cacti means many books are devoted to their cultivation.
Cacti naturally occur in a wide range of habitats and are then grown in many countries
with different climates, so precisely replicating the conditions in which a species
normally grows is usually not practical. A broad distinction can be made between
semidesert cacti and epiphytic cacti, which need different conditions and are best
grown separately.[93] This section is primarily concerned with the cultivation of
semidesert cacti in containers and under protection, such as in a greenhouse or in the
home, rather than cultivation outside in the ground in those climates that permit it. For
the cultivation of epiphytic cacti, see Cultivation of Schlumbergera (Christmas or
Thanksgiving cacti), and Cultivation of epiphyllum hybrids.

Growing medium

Fig. 21 Cacti in a greenhouse in Darjeeling, India


The purpose of the growing medium is to provide support and to store water,
oxygen and dissolved minerals to feed the plant. In the case of cacti, there is general
agreement that an open medium with high air content is important. When cacti are
grown in containers, recommendations as to how this should be achieved vary greatly;
Miles Anderson says that if asked to describe a perfect growing medium, "ten growers
would give 20 different answers".[95] Roger Brown suggests a mixture of two parts
commercial soilless growing medium, one part hydroponic clay and one part
coarse pumice or perlite, with the addition of soil from earthworm castings. [94] The
general recommendation of 25–75% organic-based material, the rest being inorganic
such as pumice, perlite or grit, is supported by other sources. However, the use of
organic material is rejected altogether by others; Hecht says that cacti (other than
epiphytes) "want soil that is low in or free of humus", and recommends coarse sand as
the basis of a growing medium.


Semi-desert cacti need careful watering. General advice is hard to give, since
the frequency of watering required depends on where the cacti are being grown, the
nature of the growing medium, and the original habitat of the cacti. Brown says that
more cacti are lost through the "untimely application of water than for any other
reason" and that even during the dormant winter season, cacti need some water. Other
sources say that water can be withheld during winter (November to March in the
Northern Hemisphere). Another issue is the hardness of the water; where it is
necessary to use hard water, regular re-potting is recommended to avoid the build-up
of salts. The general advice given is that during the growing season, cacti should be
allowed to dry out between thorough watering. A water meter can help in determining
when the soil is dry.

Light and temperature

Although semi-desert cacti may be exposed to high light levels in the wild,
they may still need some shading when subjected to the higher light levels and
temperatures of a greenhouse in summer. Allowing the temperature to rise above
32 °C is not recommended. The minimum winter temperature required depends very
much on the species of cactus involved. For a mixed collection, a minimum
temperature of between 5 °C and 10 °C is often suggested, except for cold-sensitive


genera such as Melocactus and Discocactus.[105][93] Some cacti, particularly those from
the high Andes, are fully frost-hardy when kept dry (e.g. Rebutia minuscula survives
temperatures down to −9 °C in cultivation) and may flower better when exposed to a
period of cold.


Cacti can be propagated by seed, cuttings or grafting. Seed sowed early in the
year produces seedlings that benefit from a longer growing period. Seed is sown in a
moist growing medium and then kept in a covered environment, until 7–10 days after
germination, to avoid drying out. A very wet growing medium can cause both seeds
and seedlings to rot. A temperature range of 18–30 °C is suggested for germination;
soil temperatures of around 22 °C promote the best root growth. Low light levels are
sufficient during germination, but afterwards semi-desert cacti need higher light levels
to produce strong growth, although acclimatization is needed to conditions in a
greenhouse, such as higher temperatures and strong sunlight.

Fig. 22 Grafted forms of Gymnocalycium mihanovichii grown in Israel

Reproduction by cuttings makes use of parts of a plant that can grow roots.
Some cacti produce "pads" or "joints" that can be detached or cleanly cut off. Other
cacti produce offsets that can be removed. [108] Otherwise, stem cuttings can be made,
ideally from relatively new growth. It is recommended that any cut surfaces be
allowed to dry for a period of several days to several weeks until a callus forms over
the cut surface. Rooting can then take place in an appropriate growing medium at a
temperature of around 22 °C.

Grafting is used for species difficult to grow well in cultivation or that cannot
grow independently, such as some chlorophyll-free forms with white, yellow or red
bodies, or some forms that show abnormal growth (e.g., cristate or monstrose forms).
For the host plant (the stock), growers choose one that grows strongly in cultivation


and is compatible with the plant to be propagated: the scion. The grower makes cuts
on both stock and scion and joins the two, binding them together while they unite.
Various kinds of graft are used—flat grafts, where both scion and stock are of similar
diameters, and cleft grafts, where a smaller scion is inserted into a cleft made in the

Commercially, huge numbers of cacti are produced annually. For example, in

2002 in Korea alone, 49 million plants were propagated, with a value of almost
US$9 million. Most of them (31 million plants) were propagated by grafting.

Pests and diseases

A range of pests attack cacti in cultivation. Those that feed on sap

include mealybugs, living on both stems and roots; scale insects, generally only found
on stems; whiteflies, which are said to be an "infrequent" pest of cacti red spider
mites, which are very small but can occur in large numbers, constructing a fine web
around themselves and badly marking the cactus via their sap sucking, even if they do
not kill it; and thrips, which particularly attack flowers. Some of these pests
are resistant to many insecticides, although there are biological controls available.
Roots of cacti can be eaten by the larvae of sciarid flies and fungus
gnats. Slugs and snails also eat cacti.

Fungi, bacteria and viruses attack cacti, the first two particularly when plants
are over-watered. Fusarium rot can gain entry through a wound and cause rotting
accompanied by red-violet mold. "Helminosporium rot" is caused by Bipolaris
cactivora (syn. Helminosporium cactivorum); Phytophthora species also cause similar
rotting in cacti. Fungicides may be of limited value in combating these
diseases. Several viruses have been found in cacti, including cactus virus X. These
appear to cause only limited visible symptoms, such as chlorotic (pale green) spots
and mosaic effects (streaks and patches of paler color). However, in an Agave species,
cactus virus X has been shown to reduce growth, particularly when the roots are
dry. There are no treatments for virus diseases.



The plant is about twelve feet high and sixteen inches in diameter , with thirty
- four ribs near the top . It is evidently increasing rapidly in size , and is so insecurely
rooted in the sand that it may be easily swayed . The number of spines arising from
one areole was found to be the same in this as in an individua ' of the same species
growing on the east slope of Senti nel Hill , near the Desert Laboratory ( about twenty
- five ) , but those of the Sahuarito plant were but one - half to one - third as long , and
very much more slender and bristle - like . The epi dermis and palisade tissue,
however, were thicker, and the section cut was richer in starch and chlorophyll . The
parenchymatous tissue was somewhat green for several centimetres inward from the
sinuses, and at these points the vascular tissue was hardest to The point which first
drew attention, however, was the very remarkable profusion of buds , flowers and
green fruits in all stages of development , that covered the plant on all sides for three
feet from its top . A careful estimate placed the number of these upon the plant, at
three hundred to sever.


Sr. Treatmen Contr height Width No. of No. of Buds flower Average Mean
t conc. ol clods spines

1 25% 3 20cm 5cm - 4 2 2 25+20+5+4+2+2/3=56.67

2 35% 5 22 cm 5.5 cm 1 1 3 4 35+22+55+1+7+3+4/3=74.83
3 45% 8 24 cm 6 cm 2 5 1 2 45+24+6+2+5+1+2/3=83.67

4 55% 6 26 cm 6.5 cm 3 9 0 3 55+26+6.5+3+9+3/3=100.5

5 65% 4 28 cm 7 cm 4 8 2 1 65+28+7+4+8+2+1/3=114.33
6 75% 5 30 cm 7.5 cm 5 6 1 2 75+30+7.5+5+6+1+2/3=125.167


Observation table for effect of growth in after parameter

Sr. Control Treatment height No. of No. of Buds flower

conc. clods spines
1 3 25 20cm 0 4 2 2
2 5 35 22 cm 1 1 3 4
3 8 45 24 cm 2 5 1 2
4 6 55 26 cm 3 9 0 3
5 4 65 28 cm 4 8 2 1
6 5 75 30 cm 5 6 1 2


Table 1

Observation table effect of growth parameter after 30 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 7 7 6 20 20/3=16
2 35% 8 7 8 23 23/3=17.67
3 45% 9 9 8.5 26.5 23/3=20.83
4 55% 10 9 9.5 28.5 28.5/3=9.5
5 65% 11 9.5 9.6 30.1 30.1/3=10.03
6 75% 12 10.2 10.3 32.5 32.5/3=25.63

Width for 30 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2.3 2 3 7.3 7.3/3=5.3
2 35% 3 2.7 2 7.7 7.7/3=6.367
3 45% 4 4.1 3.2 11.3 11.3/3=9.767
4 55% 5.2 4.8 4 14 14/3=11.33
5 65% 6 5.1 5.4 16.5 16.5/3=12.9
6 75% 6.5 6.5 6.2 19.2 19.2/3=15.061

No of spine for 30 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 4 4 3 11 11/3=11
2 35% 5 4 4 13 13/3=10.33
3 45% 6 4 5 15 15/3=11.667
4 55% 7 6 4 17 17/3=14.33
5 65% 8 4 7 19 19/3=14.33
6 75% 9 7 21 21 21/3=17.667


30 days result final

Sr. Treatment Control height Width No. of No. of Buds flower

conc. clods spines
1 25 1.3 16 5.3 3 11 - -
2 35 2.1 17.67 6.367 6 10.3 - -
3 45 2.5 20.83 9.367 8 11.667 - -
4 55 2.8 9.5 11.33 5 14.33 - -
5 65 3 10.03 12.9 4 14.33 - -
6 75 3.4 25.69 15.067 7 17.66 - -


60 days height

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 15 14.2 15 42.2 42.2/3=33.53
2 35% 16 16 15.3 47.5 47.5/3=37.167
3 45% 17 16.1 15 48.1 48.1/3=38.1
4 55% 18 18.3 18.2 54.5 54.5/3=42.367
5 65% 19 19 18.1 56.1 56.1/3=44.3
6 75% 20 19.5 19 58.5 58.5/3=19.9

Width for 60 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 6.7 8.8 0.5 18.5 18.5/3=15.176
2 35% 7 7.1 6.9 21 21/3/=16.4
3 45% 8.2 8 7.8 7.4 7.4/3=18.8
4 55% 9 8.7 8.1 25.8 25.8/3=20.4
5 65% 10 9.9 8.4 28.4 28.4/3=22.73
6 75% 10.5 9.2 9.4 29.1 29.1/3=22.83

Number of cladodes for 60 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 1 0 2 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 1 1 4 4/3=1.33
3 45% 4 3 2 9 9/3=3
4 55% 3 4 2 9 9/3=3
5 65% 5 3 2 10 10/3=3.33
6 75% 4 2 2 8 8/3=2.667


No. of spines for 60 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 3 2 4 9 9/3=3
2 35% 4 3 5 12 12/3=4
3 45% 6 5 3 14 14/3=4.67
4 55% 5 2 6 13 13/3=4.334
5 65% 7 5 4 16 16/3=5.33
6 75% 9 7 4 20 20/3=6.667

No. of Flowers for 60 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 2 1 5 5/3=1.67
3 45% 3 1 3 7 7/3=2.33
4 55% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
5 65% 2 4 3 9 9/3=3
6 75% 2 3 3 8 6/3=2

No. of buds for 60 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 2 1 5 5/3=1.67
3 45% 3 1 3 7 7/3=2.33
4 55% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
5 65% 2 4 3 9 9/3=3
6 75% 2 3 3 8 6/3=2


60 days result final

Sr. Treatment Control Height Width No. of No. of Buds flower

conc. cm clods spines
1 25 3 33.53 15.16 1 3 1.33 3

2 35 3.5 37.167 16.4 1.33 4 2.33 3.5

3 45 3.9 38.1 18.8 3 4.67 2 3.9

4 55 4.2 42.367 204 3 4.334 2.33 4.2

5 65 4.6 44.03 22.73 3.33 5.33 2.667 4.6

6 75 5 19.5 22.83 2.667 6.667 2 5


No. of height for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 23 23.7 22 68.7 68.7/3=54.03
2 35% 25 24.3 23 72.3 72.3/3=56.96
3 45% 26 26 25.6 77.6 77.6/3=60.53
4 55% 27.11 26.4 24 77.5 77.5/3=61.5
5 65% 28 27.3 27 82.53 82.53/3=64.3
6 75% 30 29.2 28 87.2 87.2/3=68.533

No. of width for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 23 23.7 22 68.7 68.7/3=54.03
2 35% 25 24.3 23 72.3 72.3/3=56.96
3 45% 26 26 25.6 77.6 77.6/3=60.53
4 55% 27.11 26.4 24 77.5 77.5/3=61.5
5 65% 28 27.3 27 82.53 82.53/3=64.3
6 75% 30 29.2 28 87.2 87.2/3=68.533

No. of Flowers for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 2 1 5 5/3=1.67
3 45% 3 1 3 7 7/3=2.33
4 55% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
5 65% 2 4 3 9 9/3=3
6 75% 2 3 3 8 6/3=2


No. of buds for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 2 1 5 5/3=1.67
3 45% 3 1 3 7 7/3=2.33
4 55% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
5 65% 2 4 3 9 9/3=3
6 75% 2 3 3 8 6/3=2
No. of spines for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 3 2 4 9 9/3=3
2 35% 4 3 5 12 12/3=4
3 45% 6 5 3 14 14/3=4.67
4 55% 5 2 6 13 13/3=4.334
5 65% 7 5 4 16 16/3=5.33
6 75% 9 7 4 20 20/3=6.667

No. of Flowers for 90 days

Sr. conc. treatment Parameter Total Mean

1 2 3
1 25% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
2 35% 2 2 1 5 5/3=1.67
3 45% 3 1 3 7 7/3=2.33
4 55% 2 1 0 3 3/3=1
5 65% 2 4 3 9 9/3=3
6 75% 2 3 3 8 6/3=2


90 days result final

Sr. Treatment Control Height Width No. of No. of Buds flower

conc. cm clods spines
1 25 5.2 54.03 21.9 1.3 10 2.67 3.667

2 35 5.9 56.96 23.33 2.3 10.33 2.67 3.667

3 45 6.5 60.53 24.567 3.33 14.67 2.33 12.33

4 55 6.8 61.5 25.93 4.33 16.33 3 3.67

5 65 6.7 64.3 27.43 4 16.33 4 12.33

6 75 7 68.35 31.3 1.33 20.67 4.33 13.667





Nascimento et al., working with cactus pear cv. Gigante with a dense planting
spacing of 1.7 × 0.10 m (58,800 plants ha-1) and an organic fertilization rate of 30 Mg
ha-1, found 11.9 cladodes per plant after 11 months of growth.

In general, the NC at the cutting intensities of PSC and PPC was higher than that
reported in the literature. Ramos et al. found 11.45 cladodes per plant for 15-month-
old cactus pear Opuntia ficus-indica. Almeida et al. reported that a spacing of 1.0 m
× 0.25 m and organic fertilization with cattle manure (30 Mg ha -1) resulted in a mean
of 16 cladodes per plant following harvest at 24 months of age. Silva et al. evaluated
the morphological characteristics of 49 clones of Opuntia and found a mean of 12.5
cladodes per plant. These numbers highlight the importance of leaving a high residual
photo synthetically active area after harvest, especially secondary cladodes, to
accelerate the recovery of cactus plantations.

A large area of cladodes (AC) remaining following cutting by maintaining the

secondary cladodes might also favor the further growth of plants, since the cladodes
photosynthesize and hence, affect biomass production.

The PSC treatment resulted in a higher CAI value than the PPC or PMC treatment.
This suggests that the cactus pear has a low carbohydrate reserve, because the plants
recover more rapidly following a more severe cut (as in PMC) and the residual
cladode area is important for this species, which depends on a minimum area of
cladodes to sprout vigorously.

The increase in the number of shoots following the PSC cutting intensity promoted a
greater CAI and thereby, maximized forage production. Several factors might
contribute to an increase in cactus pear forage production, such as a large cladode area
and the spacing used. Dubeux Jr. et al. evaluated different planting densities for
forage cactus and found that plantations with populations of 40,000 plants ha -
resulted in a higher CAI and dry matter production than densities of 5,000 plants.




Future research Most cacti can be propagated relatively easily by seeds.
Unfortunately, in most species seed availability is insufficient to produce the number
of plants required for marketing or for use in reintroduction programs. In these cases
asexual propagation may be very useful. Tissue culture should be an important tool
for cactus vegetative propagation. Thus far, a limited number of cactus species have
been micropropagated for commercial purposes, and in some other cases, the primary
aim has been the multiplication of endangered or threatened species to restore their
populations in the wild. Therefore, future research should focus primarily on the
establishment of micropropagation protocols for a large number of cactus species that
must be propagated for commercial or ecological reasons.

Tissue culture techniques should be of great value for conserving and

preserving cactus genetic resources primarily for endangered or threatened species;
this work should be facilitated by the fact that, in general, in vitro cultures from cacti
typically show slower growth than those from other plant species and, therefore, do
not need frequent subculturing. Some other potential biotechnological applications of
cactus tissue culture, such as haploid and double-haploid plant generation and genetic
modification by genetic engineering, appear to have not been widely explored thus
far. Isolation, characterization and production of secondary metabolites by organs,
tissues or cell cultures from cactus species are currently very limited and should also
be extended to obtain knowledge of their potential uses.



Cactaceae members are greatly appreciated as ornamental plants worldwide.

In general, cacti are very well adapted to growth in arid or semiarid regions where
water availability is very limited. However, typically, they grow very slowly. Thus,
the time required for their multiplication and commercial availability to customers is
so long that in many cases, the natural populations are over-collected and over-
exploited causing dramatic reductions leading to many species being threatened,
endangered or brought to the brink of extinction. Tissue culture techniques have been
applied as an alternative to reduce the propagation time. To date, more than 100
cactus species have been successfully propagated in vitro.

The interest of researchers has been focused on those species that have
agricultural importance (e.g.: the genera Opuntia and Hylocereus), species with high
orna mental value (Schlumbergera) and endangered species. In the last group, what
stands out are the successful reports of species of the genera Coryphantha,
Mammillaria, Pelecyphora and Turbinicarpus. They fully prove that in vitro
propagation can be the more efficient alternative for the rescue of such species. A
case that exemplifies this is Mammillaria san angelensis, species endemic to a small
region within the Federal District, Mexico, which was rescued from imminent
extinction through in vitro propagation (Martínez-Vázquez and Rubluo, 1989) and
can now even be acquired from commercial nurseries. Although there are reports of in
vitro propagation of cacti through organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis, the
most used pathway has been the multiplication from areoles. For this, the only
requirement is the use of explants containing areoles and culture on a medium
supplemented with cytokinins. The cytokinin which has yielded the best results has
been benzyladenine (BA).


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