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Orientation to Change

Why Change

“The only thing that is Constant is Change.”

- Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher

Change affects us all and we each deal with change differently. This only constant in life, the
only thing we can be sure will happen. No matter the change we experience, how we embrace
that change will impact how we are able to live with the change. Change is a necessary part of
life, without which there would be no life. Our lives are fueled by change, though most of us
want a certain amount of stability. If you can learn to accept change as a helpful friend rather
than something to be avoided, you will experience less stress.

Acceptance involves action through positive coping strategies such as affirmations,

visualization, journaling and mindfulness practice. Another positive approach to change
involves reaching out to a supportive network of fellows, a counselor, family and friends. Their
insight and perspective may be that change is required to push you forward in the right
direction. Changes are a normal part of life of individuals, organizations, nations and
civilizations. It is also important how we have our own resiliency and ability to recover from, or
adjust easily to change. Practice living life with an attitude of gratitude and embrace change as
an opportunity for continuous renewal and growth.

Organizational change is a complex and continuous process, having several consequences. In

the process of planned change, several stakeholders are involved- the corporate management,
the external consultant(s), the task force, the employees etc. There is always resistance to any
change being introduced. Generally, resistance is caused by various kinds of fear and lack of
attention to the actual process. Effective strategies for coping with resistance can be achieved

by understanding and dealing with the sources of resistance. One of the major factors, which
hinders the change management process, is people's natural tendency for inertia. Just as
in Newton's first law of motion, people are resistant to change in organizations because it can
be uncomfortable. The notion of doing things this way, because 'this is the way we have always
done them', can be particularly hard to overcome.

Moving out of Comfort Zone

Moving out of the comfort zone is bound to make one feel a little exposed and that’s a crucial
part of the process. You are going to feel afraid; but moving forward – even while knowing that
failure is a possibility – helps you set new and higher bars for your goals and move into your
zone of courage at the same time.

Here are 5 ways to help move outside your comfort zone:

1. Adapt or die – when you move into the unknown, it is essential that you adapt to the
situation if you want to land on your feet
2. Keep your ego in check
3. Muster courage
4. Avoid stagnation
5. Enlarge your core competency

Management of Change: Action Points

Change in an organization leads to many positive aspects – retains competitive edge,

encourages innovation, develops employee skills and leads to better business opportunities.
Nevertheless, managing change in organization is a complex process. Below are some
important tips to change management-

1. Top Management has to make it loud and clear that, however harsh the
environment, we have to and we can prosper.
2. Top Management has to evolve and communicate a clear and concrete vision.

3. It has to take stock of the environment and make and help make the necessary mind
4. It has to involve all concerned in the thinking and acting needed to convert the
dream into a reality.
5. The plan-record-review-reenergise cycle has to go on relentlessly.
6. The needed skills of leadership, management, technology and team working have to
be honed up at every level.
7. Top Management has to lead from the front.
8. Skilful and continuous communication, using the state of art, has to be made to all
concerned, inside and outside the organisation.
9. Credit has to be shared, and every success needs to be celebrated.

All this has a price in terms of concerted and sustained effort. The pay-off is more than
organisational achievement. There is pride from within and respect from without for all the

At individual level if you want to make a change in your life, you can do positively by following
below-mentioned steps:

1. Identify and understand the need of change.

2. Rid your life of negativity.
3. Exercise more often.
4. Be kind to others.
5. Build a support network.
6. Eliminate the non-essentials.
7. Take baby steps.

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