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_ The ermal tion i aa kd Sto teh | ——let__ Als) _derale ‘he fel oy oi { ——Permufction on S$ then Als). fours lhe st ___unaler composite nn “ map pp ff | = —giep— Als) any qyen its _ setaege — is eabled ina grep | —___ fra. norma fon qucu [ Se er mutation "yd “ip iS soup i —— whith consist _ rermutabon ‘and _| —_ where brary operetin iS Com posetinn “| 4. napping. . a. Sameer - fo be aa an nN thments then oup o. all op a zal , ee Symmetric -lentled ine. he Jer renal iors Zh é roup i i oa —jwther ar Senp bi a cn be apni move Garep bey f _as = Z a tn sieht lees ve ils — pied pee We Con worile_ ed | — _ element “sh = =e —_tonsder — Tective 3, eS + aa h ted Gg =e - eps ie 4, +) _and_(H, ) ee fies. Xs GH be a j Fanti dy mopping fran _| —— sp 9 6 5. ED i ” =“ Tie” — Sy hat = On feeciisa. oa s Horne rath 1b jum =) rep ao” to __ tte Gieup H. yes (ab) of — Cao. ) of e al ab€G ees Bijective ) _ i —Monomorhis MSM; let in a:G7H be @ = bh a —callecl = $70 ph sr “O_ oie = —tallec! ! an _ aufororph,y~ & 4 _oné-9ne _ and! ea > then fe valid on aM ies RP = [Qgal bo 9 is au E ~ = 2h Gedp os pe a ae fab an aulomorphison, fhus _under ty ened - a ee — in _h&) follows fie fe al PRY- —>}_9 3G fs — ae hese. ci file / eon phism 9) -g groyp: - i al + eG Find _clemtedt og’ ___sonsiter — 'Yne_iny opin IG: G=—=z t jen by ___(q) Ta 4a Whose GEG, | be. te an Pa chic headset | Beach 9G is he rage o)_an clomenl ——$ahe__under__Iq.. CaN To!) myective ——— bala se -for J 6-92 EG wich ee het = (.)Ia = (G)Ic 27g iG 'g.a 24. =9 fA (99a = a'gig.a = alaaa'g. a —— = (0194) (a49,a) = 9 la9-la , vy 919° 4 —_ bene Ta_ is an aulo coop imo. a The: -oqpping hi degine of } : efi, i —__tlleol He _ fio - ict cee ——F __ further for. wMbeG 9}. — eee — Pe — gteup (2 a alloc! — Sel - - fi e == ky Pou) “Pp i mei Sh, aaah 4 - ab=as hb Euchil > —Theorm oo Wes ake 7 cH CH sa"tH1 j SP tty a Beso (a\VTEH sy ghheH — Also Pata igh af 3s ot = at any > are Bd oer bk Sree. diem ii ara Bre ds Ao ie | ese el ome mote X40. Then the. pss He. 2 ee a a = Sean wba amg ! f=: eH ot at oy al i ee : oe obey a3 24 : hen : (ie “wth yevevtitoY e le — (Coty hen vere sul up a | ee acyclic - Group BS Ochi. ___ ee lectuve 06 sy dae Now'aby ers: Led q be a group ad "x. is ao atbitvary Subset Se Ga The norm abi jer of °K" in ay eats the set of alt — these elements iw G «= which Commutes oy Permates with the Sed Xen ano is denoled by Ng (x). : Ng lx) = lacg a eal Since (pean Cen oN e iS: uate identity io Gi So by defini tion 2€ Notx) Nalx) + ¢. Example: let us Consider the 1a.c, a! Te) eeagieg o| ie Ul, b) : pel A hae abt Het lied. (iu), Eth). HI, GH a.lib). ta, ab] Hicq= lible. la, bal. la, cb} GH Hg oy Ok No tu) Oa [i pnt, ee, ah | Hid. eli blo: . Iara ba j Mth ta os Ge Na CH, ) H-olinb]. fo ob] = [bb bla~ la, bor) Jhe noualisers Ne lx) 7 doa Subset x of G__i¢ a Sub g1eup of G. __ roof: i : wie know thet ce Gis 4 gqreup and xXeéGm ther Nowralizers Nox) of Xa is te taker woe aye te prve that Nee) is Subgrous> eG. Since evga =X where © is identity t. element a & 2éNex). aod pence Ne(x) + @. Nom 2 let Gib. GEN Oe eee oi =) GQXaxka & pix = Xb Beinn = asx. pe sy EG Nelx) Now Udi)» é NMS WH \y2 alb'x)=Glxb!)= lax) b" = (xadb' 2 Cx) ab" (one SXi Sala ala =) ab" € Nglx) Thus Jem Necessory ane Sufficient Zed, (oh ae Sab set te be Cyfoup Bie NaGwits. G Subgroup of wont of : | | | a Ve Oe pb, - lace’, bs aba and X- lib, bal Sg’ akoes. .% Na (x= ? ab- ba’ ab (bad b= abr : = ated 2 a fo be Calx) ab (ab) b = bCab) Q.= bab. gibi ‘Os. 0b 4" ee Oe DE Cats). . abe at bla b)= ab. | hab 2 abb-@ Efe Oh &: Catx) pee GLX) 2 | yo _ mann Lectwe og. 02-B-202\ . =o - Cprewp>. Theory = a “Theorem. Ss . : 1 cenhabivey Ca lx). Land xis. ag non-empty t Subset__of G- ee The____cectralivets. of a. the set of : GYoup. Gs ia all. these _ erent in G Cummetes wit which Cumm — FF a ENON elements. M. be Cate laeg s areva ver oo “here fore Ca) ¢ G» Since ot -ve, wheye ] i¢ the identity in Ge Now lef ..a.b€ Catx), ay=¥a , byrerxb, = and — bwterb™. Now ab. € Cals) abiy~ albiy) - a (1b") e(awb' = (adr" = x (ab") ab’ é Calx) So from Ne cescor Sufficient Condition of Subset te be a Subgroup Hence | — eae CG)... a Subgroup. — Ceotre OfA. Gop on bed be grep i. The 7 contre. of a oa Gq ee the set __of alt those q . which elements IP. a cil — Commuetes -aod perenne 7 g, and : ti every @temen’ sans ts Clenoled by Zz Gy ie 7Ge) {rec t¥g= 9%. 364] Example: of find the cen tre Due Lua, a’,a’, b, ab, ab, oh, aah’. 1.5 @b- eS bos ke Hane ,ab=ba’. Now Ade dd =>.. 4 é 2 6G) Aled: 4 aAab¢+ba.= a é 204) Veta . ==) WEz(q) y. LEDs. : O'kt ba? a a2 4 2 cq) : 7 baigzab ey bd 2G) ~~ labla# oad). ; = ab &.2(4).. _a ala b+ (aba. = Os b &. 2la) ees alath) + (ab)a > @be 2G) 2q)- twa) 8. “Theover: A Group Gis cad G a Z(G): i le is abelian » He a =>. XY abelian yeyt ae Sy eS ae Flow 2G): [aces vagigtv aed 2G). €_G.... 5. ebevious —O. —s 20a). oo 2) cg abelian | leclue 09, Coseds, tee Gi be a group end His a Subgroup of G. Cet GéG, then the set Hae [ hoa, oh cu] is Called the vight Coset of H in G. Similarly 7 aH=lahs hen | is Caltecl (eft Cesets of Hein q- ; For ~ Qdlelttive’ Group ie 6) Ga right Cosets of H in G ie bh Ew Heaslhea 5 aed] ‘and left Cosekh =of Hen Gq ae a , arHe (ath 3 eg J. Note: @-H-H41- Sinton ly : OfH= H and HiOd=H — So Ho ts etete a ight and left cosets but every el Subgioup Teuanple See eea ae i “ecto, 0,8, a, o, of} a! ors) Et aver) Gaia tetas ere ee men eel 1h ae lan ee Ha ia. [ots [navel q - lao of-Ha 3 pee Ho [I as ales a\.G Gi, a] _ Liaathy | an -la@ ee ieee iC = lavas} ty | ee Has {i cat].o°. la’, os, a] - la’, aS, atal- Laas, al [ Elia. a’, os Ha [ Hat [iata'l.ot lat. at, a} elavt,col- lool -luaias-H. L ot Uat.a'J.a% loa", 0°) L - la’, 040, 08 aloo: | Lat not £0, 0°, otbla 0 we. See -that: Hole fae EG lake and Has Lia's Ha. Ha Hence the clistinct Cosets ane } : fH, Hla} E pepper Soy Deft cosets , Similarly _ SNery coset is net Suh group. The anion of elistinet _ Cased cs equal te that | ee Group. lato, aa’, af) Example: seen Consider the Subgroup . Hela} of H kehein’s.¢. group then find the _ Jett and right Cosel of H WG. bec - Vel 1s. Cu by ej}. we (;ecbras) lecture 10. Nor val Su bgvoup>: Dekn ition: @ : A subg rou> Hof a Group (G, CS Noimal in Gg if hr a Jef t Coset of H in & es alto a right coset of H Hey Ihus if H cs Q@_ normal Sub 97 oup of G and aH is a typical Pofe Cosete of Hf iG ther theye enict b EG ky. which OAH = Hh, QAEAH ey Qé&b. Q:+=hhEH «=» ab'eh EH Sy ObE eC Fl. Q=hb = Hafl=Hhb = Hab=hb ChéH, hhéu) je Hb Ha = ateHa, iPus we Com Say that —A Sib group ee ee pormal subgvou)> of. G AN aH =Ha.» VaeG. 2. A Subgrow> Hoek ad —gyoup Gy os nomal — Subgvoup of = Gf boy Every 9éG and HEH . She element 965° fc in 4. Bat gig” is _the sel Consis ay of all elements of the form ghge : ine gh! = [ghg' 5 96S SbCHy peg ee ea ay that. A Subgroup H of a 4. goHp G és normal OG a gig @H. _ ne DE és nomnrat + Subgroup “oy Gs Can porte H AG. Vheorem: Intersection of any two normal Subgroups of GCG x ao a nomeal Subgreup> of G 2 : | Foot: { we know * a Subgrow> oH. of a group CG, is neymal __. Subgroup of G cf a P xg EH, ¥ géG anc ¥éEH s Now — bef H and k be two S normal Subgroup af G. We of te = prove that HOK is normal Subgroup of § For this det YE HNK ancl 9£4 =) YEH. ancl YER Bt HAG and kKAd So by cle fini tion a pormal Subgroup. OG gXg: EH and 9g é k . BF € HOK = ed: ews AL gu bq You NI , of a Vp Gis normed Subaraup of G iff ave ah 1 coset ah N) Pn G lurn—te b , & Neff racedy AN in G, i I, 1 Keel | Leb as N Is Novae lt _!| Su bareup we Show that |. No = 4 NI | NI is Vo _ S nomad S90 by lef, | fA eM ING Na 7 Ale = AY ‘ie = ™4 Canveis hy ji tet No = NO nd is8aece e teas an Nts norm al : 5, 4 | | t. | | 2 a lLemnaa: If Gis abelian | “Tae Bia subi ae of G Ps normal. . OK I ! Evers adeeaug, “\ a4 i} 1 Gbeltian pour Is pavina | | Roofs Lol G Is an abebfan and Hts aaa subjroua a\ Go. we are 72 Prove Ha lel es cand hen t || ang ——Censtcler_9h 9° = T Since | 964 and het, ahe4 ad (i oG) Bat G fy abelfen | u, = sir | Vd hag I: - i aq -he ghg'she-heH | | aha! ¢ ghee | The rs ce 4f bid t ES Let har a L- I, L, -¢f I as, fag, | = _ I COnversSé | this Lemme, - nel treet béceauke | O,- feted, tor ef || Ghictentaa MS ret abel mee sube ean of Gy | nerve da i f es us - Gon Stctey Sup pos e be r a: SSS a fos. ays Led Lt. Show aS J aCe coset 4 An S86 a. ot cose, XE 20g Foe s every - g HA Og | Qh. Frou, _G. _tg-— Spent’ La: a 2 fe ober subs Ht “4 2 whe i Te ae he 2G) ) eee d abana subgroup | Ga efi tS “iafed_aa Le o— anil Per

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