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SOLUTIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS If a partial differential equation involves derivatives w.t.t. one of the independent variables only , we can solve it like an ordinary differential equation , eating the other independent variables as 1.13 parameters . We explain the method with the following examples . EXAMPLE (6): Find the solutions of the following partial differential equations @ uy, = 0 (i) uy =2xyu SOLUTION: ) uy, =0 Integrating wrt. x, we get uy = f(y) ay where f(y) is an arbitrary function . Anegrating equation (1) again wrt x, we get XE(y)#E0)) where gy) isan arbitrary function way) vy =2xyu oy Write the equation as * [ay = foxy ay Inu=x Inf(x) where In t x) isan arbitrary Function ‘Taking antilogarithm of both sides, we get wOuy) = foe” BNAMPLE (7): Solve the partial diffe equation wy,43uy—4u = 12. a ae SOLUTION: La D = and DP = Fo then given equation becomes (D7+3D-4)u ‘The auxiliary equation is D?+31¥-4 = 0, whose roots are D = 1,-4 ‘The complementary function is uc(xiy) = f(yetee(ye Also, the particular integral is 2-3 L 2 Drs3p—4(?) = 50-4 ‘Thus the general solution of the given differential equation is jetty = f(ye™ee(ye "3 won) = EXAMPLE (8): Solve the partial differential equation : au oo . SOLUTION: ering he gen qo HEY. eng ¥ fe os Bede onty pean (28-9) ) Fy po s[Benry-taenn furs ged Mh, ‘Now integrating w.rt. y, we get I ah ventyt feman-ay = « fatgnsrs [aOveoren EXAMPLE (9): Solve the following initial — boundary value problem SOLUTION: Given that Integrating watt, x, we get =e'x+A(t) . au at Now integrating wart, t, we get eee = weetxs Jaco atesay Aed or u(x.t) sex tf +e (x)" / a Now applying u(x ..0) = 2, we have from equation (1) 2 = x+f(O)#g(x) or glad = 2x Thus equation (1) be u(x,t) q]ex+ F(t) t2-x-F(0)) JO 0 2) IL teost = £(t)+2-f(0) ecg NX eG) ements (0) Aan, He Finally , from equation (2), we get z u(x,t) = e'x+cost-1+2 or u(x,t) = x(e'=1)+coste li 1.19 D’ALEMBERT’S SOLUTION OF THE WAVE EQUATION We now solve the one ~ dimensional wave equation ye PRoema| vi Bae Oe subject to the Cauchy inital conditions 8 (4,0) =f) 0 uy (x,0) = g(x) Also = OE dx* dn Ox a\idu a . Be 36 *9n) (+ au au gu ou ab (Ean andg Ma ‘Partial Differential Equations 0 Similarly 0 = Simiasty ay. © Imegeating equation (7) wet. we get See nen ‘where “h(n is an arbitrary function yi . : ee) u = JacnaneFcs) uli, = FU) +G0m) @) ‘ter F and G at sbitaryfnctos From equations) and (the gener solide equation (1 ot ee it 5 u= c ¥, = 9) = ‘) F(x+er)+G(x-e0) sCoRTaRTOT ITE G)-wepne fon) =F(A+00)) a £13) 2G¢8) « a) )) \ (x)=36'(x) = B09) AG(n L109) 1) ‘here primes eva ie Weaver. the ene arguments x-+et and xe vespectvely 18 Basic Concept of Partial Difierential Equations Integrating equation (11) . we have x F(x)-G¢x) =4 J g¢@) aa ——— (12) where the constant of integration has been incorporated in the lower limit by introducing an arbitrary constant a , Froniiequations (10) and (12) we obtain \ F(x) = 5 fx) 435 fe(o) do 3) and deeb Jaco ao (is “geet Hence F(xtet) =pOxeenege J caynety/, met and G(x-et) = ff (x-et)- J peayeeh a Finally , the solution of equation (1) subject to conditions (2) and (3) is x4eY ALe(xsety+f(x-et)]+ g(a) do 2 2e x-et vO = «sy ‘This is called D’ Alembert’s solution for the initial — value problem of the wave equation . We note that the

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