The Relationship of The Kidney and Heart in Chinese Medicine - Part Two

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The Relationship between the Kidney

and the Heart in Chinese Medicine -
Part Two
by Leon Hammer
it is familiar to all. `Heart Yang’ fashions the

I n part one, we observed that from the very

beginning in-utero and throughout life the primacy
of the heart, and especially of the water-fire
relationship [Kidney Heart Harmony].
imagination and inspiration of `Heart Yin’ into a
recognizable object that we recognize and appreciate as
a work of art or a discovery of science. It is what
Thomas Edison called `perspiration’. The ultimate
Kidney-Heart Disharmony and Sleep source is Kidney Essence. `Pericardium Yin’ protects
creation and `Pericardium Yang’ projects it, enhanced
harmoniously by the Triple Burner.
If both the Heart and Kidney are yin deficient [left
distal and proximal positions are Tight, sleep is very All of the functions of the Water from Divine Love and
restless. One will easily wake at the smallest sound or Divine Spirit and Divine Power, awe and faith, will
disturbance. and courage in the face of the unknown, all are
potential becoming a reality through the expressive
If the Heart is yin deficient [left distal Tight] and power of the Heart, the great communicator that
Kidney Qi-Yang is deficient [left proximal position reaches out to the world with the `Word’. Will power,
Feeble-Absent], sleep resembles the Heart Blood zhi, a prime function associated with the Kidney, has
deficient pattern. One wakes after approximately five been described as the ability to put one’s Heart into
hours sleep and then can return to sleep after a short what one is doing.
while. This may be due to the Kidney Essence’s
control of the bone marrow that is not making Some expressions that come from the Heart is
sufficient blood and blood is yin. unfamiliar to the culture into which it is introduced.
The unfamiliar inspires the inherent `fear of the
Increasingly common, if both the Heart and Kidneys unknown’ that responds to eliminate the perceived
are qi-yang deficient, [left distal and proximal Feeble- danger and the creator is threatened at which point they
Absent], we have a restless sleep pattern similar to the can withdraw or persist. That persistence requires
Heart –Kidney Yin deficiency. However, there is no courage, courage that man the creator draws from God
restless agitation and more depression. The individual the creator [Kidney Qi-Yang], from the Water of our
is physically very uncomfortable in the reclining existence, the spirit of the `Kidney Qi’ in man, the
position. `essence.’
If the Heart Yin is deficient [Left Distal Tight] and The inspiration and passion ensconced in `Heart Yin’
Kidney Qi-Yang deficient [Left Proximal Position [DRRBF], that longing comes from our `gut' and
Feeble-Absent], circulation is impaired making the cannot be denied except at a much greater price than all
person sluggish. The Heart Yin deficient condition is the `mistakes' along the way that are not mistakes at
associated with agitation that in this instance manifests all, only ruts in the road that make us turn to a different
as a strong tendency to worry that can interfere with direction. We have a mind [heart] and an ego [`Kidney
sleep at any step along the way, especially at the Qi’] and hopefully they have at least a tenuous
beginning. connection to keep us from making fatal mistakes.
Dragon Rises Red Bird Fliesi In passing it should be noted that following the
disruptions in Kidney-Essence that make us
Kidney is the potential, the primordial soup out of psychologically vulnerable, all psychological
which the unconscious is manifested and realized disturbances are maladaptive maneuvers [usually
through the Heart-Mind as` Heart Yin’. The inspiration misconstrued as `defensive’] that are employed as a
and passion ensconced in `Heart Yin’ is unconscious way for an individual to stay in `contact’ in order to
and as original as the individual from whom it is survive and stay `intact’ ii . They are functions of
springs. Yet once brought to a reality by `Heart Yang’ Pericardium yin, the protector of the Heart, as
2 © Chinese Medicine Times - 2012

described in Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies.iii [Message is: To get love must be perfect]
Adult [paradise Lost]
Literature and Shen-Hun-Po Avoid judgment of finished product by “never
With regard to the Shen, Hun, Po etc., during our Avoid criticism
material life on this planet, Fire and Water meet in the Generally cold, even to the bone
Earth phase, the other source of Heart Blood. Addictions
Ultimately all are expressed by the Shen-Heart that Alcoholic for 30 years recovering for 15 years
houses Awareness through which all reaches Cocaine
consciousness. 8 months age 30 yrs
Pot irregularly for 17 years
`Water is of heaven cascading down into the heart Nicotine
where it is life on earth.' Another version is that the 31 years ages 14 to 45
Fire of heaven entered the Heart and was taken by the
Triple Burner to be stored in the Mingmen, the source Mental-Emotional
of Kidney Yang. Li Shi-Zhen supports this perspective
in this 16th century excerpt: “According to recent a. What else would you want to be different about
findings, mingmen is located between the two yourself or your life apart from not being involved with
kidneys."21 This Fire of the Mingmen is carried to the cigarettes and alcohol?
Heart by the Triple Burner and resides there to the To not be afraid to fail.
degree that the Heart is free of longings and addictions. To charm less and listen more.
Triple Burner is a servant of ming men for the To believe that I am as smart as I pretend that I am.
distribution of Original Breaths, yuan qi, through the To have not smoked
body.* To have not given up potential by drinking
b. How are you a problem to yourself or others now or
Case study in the past apart from alcohol?

Patient: Female Age 60 5’1 125lb Identifiable Problems

Chief Complaints [only those relevant to presentation]  Avoid judgment of finished product by “never
1. Physical  “ not as directed”
a. Breathing difficulties  Agitated- Scattered- multitasking rather than
Sx: focusing on one thing
Emphysema, 60%  Avoid reflection
SOB severe  Never sat down long enough to think
Worse  Avoid directly expressing anger: hold it until
On mild exertion- walking up hills situation intolerable and move on
Hx:  Impulsive and Impatient
Child  Opportunist
Delicate; multiple illnesses and asthma.  Move through life according to what comes along
Adult that seems convenient for the moment-
Smoke for 40 yrs- one pack/day  No goals or direction of own
Bronchitis every winter  Problem to Self
b. Back Problems  Impatient. judgmental. procrastinator.
Sx: disorganized
Low back & dull
Hx: Identifiable Strengths
Severe trauma going back 35 years without healing
c. Bowel Problems  Survived
Constipation since very young; every few days
 Stopped smoking
Currently sometimes loose
 Stopped drinking
No appetite since childhood
d. Fatigue  Honest
Fatigue after eating  Empathetic: Good friend; helper [except self]
e. ROS  Ended addictions
Child  Daughter graduated high school
Youngest child [Paradise Gained]  Understands herself re:
Overprotected: Fragile child  Would change about self if did it over again
Considered perfect- could do no wrong  To not be afraid to fail
3 © Chinese Medicine Times - 2012

Signs Overprotected: Fragile child

Considered perfect- could do no wrong
1. Pulse Consequence
All the findings are summarized here with only the Adult [paradise Lost]
ones important to our conversation in the Heart and Avoid judgment of finished product by “never
Kidneys in italics [in the interests of space]. finishing”
a. HEART Avoid criticism
i. Qi deficiency [Mild to Moderate] Comment
Mitral Valve: ~ Choppy; ~Rough Vibration; Amplitude There is the issue of her being born `fragile’ with many
Change [3] signs and symptoms of Kidney Yang-Jing deficiency
Rate slightly Slow complicated by overprotection that deprived her of a
ii. Phlegm-Misting the Orifices [Severe] sense of self that she could recover from failure. [Fear
LDP: Slippery [3] of Unknown and diminished courage to overcome it]
iii. Heart Qi Agitation [Moderate] [blue color around mouth]
LDP: Smooth Vibration [3] Message is:
68] To get love must be perfect
iv. Yin deficiency [Moderate]
LDP: Tight 2. SECONDARY [Fire]
b. KIDNEY-BLADDER a. Compensatory adaptations to `defend’ her fragile
i. Separation of Yin-Yang [Severe] ego [from failure]
1). LPP: Changing Qualities: Feeble  Always to avoid judgment of a finished
2). RPP: Intensity Changing [3] product by never finishing.
ii. Qi deficiency  Called `defenses’;
LPP: Feeble; Qi Depth Diminished;  Reduced  I call them `adaptations’-usually `mal-
Pounding adaptations’ as with this patient.
iii. Neo-plastic Activity (Stagnation of All Substances) i. Pericardium Yin Excess
[?] 1). Acting Out
RPP: Muffled [?] a). Whenever she was faced with a life decision she
iv. Excess Heat grasped at the nearest escape such as an impulsive
LPP: Tense; Robust Pounding injudicious marriage or signing on to a equally
v. Blood Stagnation in Lower Burner [Moderate] impulsive sailing adventure
vi. LPP: ~choppy [3] b). Describes herself as an `opportunist’
vii. Blood Deficiency [Severe] 2). Denial
RPP: Thin [4] a). An ego defense mechanism that operates
2. Tongue unconsciously to resolve emotional conflict, and to
Swollen [3+]; shallow teeth indentations: reduce anxiety by refusing to perceive the more
Thick yellow Coat- thicker at root unpleasant aspects of external reality
Wide crack down middle with yellow coat b). Describes self as “non-reflective”
Sides red- pale underneath 3). Displacement
Tip indented From awareness of anxiety about wasting her life to
3. Eyes cigarettes and ultimately to emphysema, to alcohol and
Pale: Blood deficiency drugs and thereby Liver Yin/Yang deficiency and
Loss of discreet lines Separation of Yin and Yang
Right- horizontal line ii. Liver Yang Deficiency
4. Sound Passive-Aggressive [Wood `No’ Phase]
Groan a}. “not as directed”
5. Color: This passive-resistance is gives her a false sense of
Green around mouth power to compensate for her surrendering her real
Inner cheeks: red power to avoid failure.
Outer cheeks: Yellow –Green In DRRBF terms this is Liver Yang deficiency
Summary b). Drained Liver Yang Qi-Yang that would be
otherwise used to move her forward
1. PRIMARY [Water] The core of the existential problem for this woman is
Psycho-energetic era that is undeveloped is the Water her `fear of the unknown’ as an extension of her
Phase Kidney Yang-Essence deficiency that occurred at least
Kidney Yang-Essence deficiency at birth and considering her fragility as a child,
Hx: probably in-utero.
Youngest child [Paradise Gained]
4 © Chinese Medicine Times - 2012

This sense of vulnerability and inadequacy was KI-22 Walking on Veranda [Corridor] Bulong; Exit
exacerbated by exaggerated overprotection as the point
`perfect child’ that rendered her feeling that to be loved  Probable name for location on ribcage
one must be perfect. For the rest of her life she could  Energy transition from Middle to Appendix Upper
not take a chance on being anything less and so she Heater
never `tried’. Her life is a cameo of Thoreau assertion  Exit point from Kidney to Pericardium
that “most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go  Relation between fear and intimacy
to the grave with the song still in them.’  Transition to spirit
 Despondency - isolation
While her original attempts to live with this  Combined with Entry Points [WOS] [PC-1-
desperation were through mind-awareness numbing
Tianchi in man & PC-2Tianguan in woman]
maneuvers such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, even
 Feel free
marriage, her Heart was strong enough to assist the
Kidneys make a life and function through more
KI-23 - Spirit Seal – Shengfeng
sophisticated mal-adaptations. These were drawn from
other aspects of the Fire Phase Pericardium energies  Seal as in Emperors jade stamp, giving mandate of
that permitted to protect her fragile ego by `not trying’ heaven
so she could not fail, and through the Triple Burner  IDENTITY -like energy of metal (VIII-4 middle
that maintained a connection with her Water. seal).
Otherwise without the latter she would have lost the  Relation of breathing (in heaven) and Will
vital connection of the brain and mind and probably  Kidney 23 and 25 strong together!
become psychotic.  Storehouse - to add power, but less powerful than
Kid27; can use them together; to keep what was
Treatment hers in her

Acupuncture Ki23 - Physically strong - no will to live

 Spiritual Seal -if Spirit is with me
1. Channel Kidney Points  Are one with God in relation to terror

Kidney 4 KI-24 - Spirit Burial Ground – Lingxu

Allows the Kidney to communicate with the Heart, P-  Located over Heart.
3, 6, 8  Resurrect dead spirit, no will, no ambition.
 Shark Eyes - too much ambition.
Kidney 9  No spirit behind it.
 Phlegm disturbing the Heart  People totally involved in grief and can't let go of
 Communicates between Kidney and Heart the corpse; "They're dead and you have to revive
 Cry and laugh for no reason them"
Kidney 12 with Ren 17  Resurrects spirit if part of us dies
Kidney 16  God is with me- terrors
Calms the mind by bringing Yin to the Heart thru Bl-
43 KI-25 - Spirit Storehouse [Ling]-Shencang
Kidney 21  Identity and sense of purpose is emergent but it
Profound old terror hasn't crystallized for them yet
2. Upper-Lower: Kidney and Heart  Identity – to get through a difficult time bring
a. Chong Mai [Ancestral Channel] + Yin Qiao Mai and Spirit up
Upper Kidney Points  To seal a treatment- 3 moxa
 Give spirit strength.
Cope with self [literally `stand up to self’-
 As opposed to: KI-27 – KI 25 Storehouse is more
Starts at inner ankle, Ki- 6]
b. Chong Mai [Ancestral Channel] + Yang Qiao Mai
and Upper Kidney Points
IV Energy at level of IX-1,2 - breathing and IV.
 Acquired spirit-ling; Spirit Storehouse
Cope with self [literally `stand up to others’-
c. Exit-entry Points  Reservoir
 Fluid flowing across our spirit- refreshes us
KI- 22 – P- 1.2
d. Sometimes H/W imbalance comes from this level
and you must use upper Kidney points to break it.
5 © Chinese Medicine Times - 2012

KI26 - Amidst Elegance - Yuzhong Zi He Che 4.5 gm Placenta

 Ambition; anxiety with anger (bad temper) Bai Zi Ren 4.5 gm Biota Seed
 More like an induction compared to a command Long Yan Rou 6.0 gm Longan
(relative to others); gentler: "Yes, you can have Suan Zao Ren 6.0 gm Zizyphus
this" instead of "Get moving" (kid 27) or "HAVE Yue Jin 6.0 gm Curcumae [Tuber]
an identity" - A little push; artful quality to Shu Di Huang 9.0 gm Rehmannia [Cooked in wine]
embracing aspect of Kidney Ye Jiao Teng 9.0 gm Polygalae Multifloriae
 Riches of the inherited constitution Sha Ren 1.5 gm Fr. Seu Se. Amomi
 In touch with elegance but flow of life stopped; Fo Shou 3.0 gm Fr. Citri Sarcodactylis
illusions are shattered Dan Shen 9.0 gm Salvia
 Flow changes; helps restore harmony Mai Men Dong 6.0 gm Ophiopogon
 The Essence- `Clever Official’, a bright person Chang Pu 6 .0 gm Acorus
whom we can imagine squandering their Gan Cao 3.0 gm Licorice
inheritance. Old clothes -- we can see them as Fu Zi 0.25 gm Aconite
elegant. Huang qi 10.0gm Astragalus
Shan Yu Ru 6.0gm Cornus
 Related to BL-10 [Heavenly Pillar]- pillar of spirit.
Gou Qi Zi 6.0gm Lycium Berry
BL-10 is "Holding one's head high"
Du Zhong 6.0gm Eucommia
 Like GV-12 [Great shuttle], the pillar of the body
Dong Chong 2.0gm Cordyceps
(spine) weaving together fabric of life
Fu Xiao Mai 3gm Tritici Levis Semen
Ge Jie 3.0gm Gecko
KI-27- Storehouse of Spirit Shu Mansion Shufu
Yin Yang Huo 8gm Epidmedii
 Overall energy - add power
Rou Cong rong 10gm Cistanches
 Physically weak - no will to live . Use with Ki23 Ci Shi 20gm Magnetite
 Storehouse - for all-mind, body, spirit together
 Strengthen the adrenals. Note: For `Phlegm Misting the Orifices’ the most
 Impotence, frigidity - sexual energy is stuck and effective combination is Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan
they don't have access to it. especially with serious mental disturbance
 Asthma
3. Other Points
Yin Deficiency Stated at the beginning of this paper and once again at
HT-7 and BL-40: regulates the Lower Burner and the end, the practical significance of harmony between
calms the Fire the Heart and the Kidney is the relationship of the
For nervous and slightly hyperactive children w/ mind-spirit [controlled by the Heart] and the brain-
nocturnal enuresis. marrow [created and sustained by the Kidney].
Together they determine mental stability and function.
P- 5 More than any other measure, mental acuity and
Creates communication between Heart and Kidney constancy determines the quality of life and the
Clears phlegm from heart that must interfere with freedom to live it outside the constraints that society
Kidney-Heart connection proscribes and excludes people with significant mental
SP-4, w/ CV 3, 4,; Hua Tuo at GV- 4, 6; BL- 23 dysfunction.
Outer Shu Points [Moxa on needle]
Especially Bl- 43
The integrity of Kidney Essence is
Upper and Lower Burner
Lu- 9, Ht 5-7, Anmien, Yin Tang; DU 24 determined by the in-utero and birth
Ren 17 experience. The integrity of the Heart is
Shu point for the Pericardium particularly a function of that in-utero
Triple Burner Kidney Essence that establishes the onset of
TB2- controls water metabolism
TB-3-controls thermostat the Kidney-Heart, brain-mind-spirit
connection [Kidney-Heart Harmony].
Kidney is the potential, the primordial soup out of
1. HEART QI AND BLOOD AND KIDNEY YANG-ESSENCEwhich the unconscious is manifest in reality through
Note: In lieu of Cinnebar use Magnetite that is specific the
for creative
K-H inspiration of Heart-Mind. While `fear of
Disharmony the unknown’, the root ineluctable and ongoing
existential dilemma, assuaged by faith, love and hope,
Yi Yang Shen 4.5 gm American Ginseng is a Water-Kidney issue, making this conscious and
Korean Ginseng 4.5 gm manageable is a Fire-Heart issue.
6 © Chinese Medicine Times - 2012

The Heart [mind] is home to the spirit

(shén), which is received from above, while the natural world as well as an individual depends
the ‘nervous system’ is derived from the upon approximately equal amounts of each in a
dynamic stability called homeostasis.
more material basis of Kidney Essence.
Balance between these two poles is II. Substances
necessary and mediated by the Triple i. Measured separately
Burner’s regulating function. Kidney Yin and Yang deficiency at same time
ii. Measured quantitatively [1-5]

The significance of the Heart in all In another framework Yin and Yang are substances. In
disruptions of Awareness iv is paramount. represents substance, the body fluids including water,
blood and tissue, while the Yang represents the
The tendency to associate emotions solely
metabolic heat of the body or a particular organ,
according to the conventional activity, function and movement closely allied with the
correspondences fails to recognize that warming, nourishing and moving aspects of Qi. This
Kidney Essence ‘nervous system’ is the use of the terms is most common clinically and rather
ineluctable source of mental-emotional than being balanced in which more of one means less
of another, we can a deficiency or superabundance of
integrity and that Heart-Mind-Spirit both Yin and Yang at the same time.
mediates the expression of this integrity.
This is true primarily because of the Heart’s III. Strong – Weak
preeminence in all aspects of awareness. The Yin – Weak
Yang – Strong
manifestation of almost all psychological
disorders can and must be understood in Though he used the substance aspect of Yin and Yang
terms of awareness and communication. just described, during my apprenticeship with Dr. Shen
When there are issues with communication, , often he used the terms as meaning deficient [Yin] or
the associated Fire energies of the Heart, excess [Yang]. Therefore rather than describe a
deficient patient as such the patient was referred to as
Pericardium, Triple Burner, and Small a Yin person. Likewise a patient with a strong terrain
Intestine are likewise involved. was referred to as a Yang person. This was initially
Without the Awareness that is characterized by a Heart
whose orifices are open, all of the above would operate IV. Stabilizing Functional Relationship
outside of consciousness, raising the question that has Yin is substance [parenchyma-80% Water]
come down through the ages, if a tree falls deep in the Yang is function
forest and no one is there to observe it, did it really `Contact’ is necessary to stability [vs. chaos]
happen? Significant deficiency of either causes Separation of
Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang v. DRRBF
In Chinese medicine the terms Yin and Yang are used The final use of which I am aware of the concept
variously depending upon the context Yin/Yang is that employed in Dragon Rises Red Bird
I. Complementary-Dynamically Interdependent Flies in which Yin refers to the passive aspects of
Opposites-Inter-consuming phase activity and the Yang refers to the active aspects
When one gains the other diminishes to maintain of the phase.
equilibrium Example:
The principle issue is the dynamic balance and Yin the passive function; Yang is the active function
harmony that we call homeostasis Wood
Yin – retreat
In our study of Chinese medicine we are introduced Yang- advance
initially to the cosmic use of Yin/Yang as Heart
interdependent-inter-consuming states in which each Yin- chaos- creative inspiration
defines a state of the environment. When one increases Yang- form – the perspiration
the other diminishes. Yang is essentially the state of Hammer, Leon I., M.D.; Dragon Rises Red Bird
increased activity, of heat, dryness and brightness Flies; Eastland Press, 2005, Pgs. xxxiii, 77, 392
while Yin is a state of diminished activity, heat and Hammer, Leon I., M.D.; Dragon Rises Red Bird
light and a damp environment. A healthy condition of Flies; Eastland Press, 2005, Pg. 77, 79
Li Shi-Zhen: Pulse Diagnosis. Paradigm Press,
Brookline, MA 1981, p.7.
Hammer, Leon I. M.D.; Awareness in Chinese
Medicine, The American Acupuncturist, Fall 2007,
Volume 41

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