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Kids 3

Kids 5
Season 11
1. Choose and write(14 points)
Student's name:________________________
Teacher's name:________________________
1. Look at the pictures and write which animal is faster. (8 points)

gazelle turtle cheetah squirrel

wolf mouse skunk rhinoceros

2. Read and connect(8 points)

1. (64 kph) (8 kph)


2. (114 kph) (80 kph)


3. Write dr or tr (10 points)

3. (19 kph) (12 kph)


4. (43 kph) (8 kph)


2. Choose and write a lot of/ a few/ a little. (6 points)

1. There is ____________ lemonade.

2. There is ___________pie.

3. There are ____________ cupcakes.

4. There is ___________ pudding.

5. There are ___________ of nuts.

6. There is ____________ fruit.

3. Look at the pictures and write what the children will be when they grow up.
(8 points)
Example: Mike will be a teacher.
2. Misha

3. John

4. Jessica

4. Unscramble and match the phrases with the pictures. (4 points)

1. sunscreen put on ____ a. ___________________

2. your turn homework in ____ b. __________________________

3. turn TV the on ____ c. _______________________

4. radio up turn the ____ d. ______________________

5. Look at the pictures and write what he/she will do next. (8 points)
Example: She'll probably watch TV.




6. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases. (10 points)

1. go _________________________________________________
2. go ________________________________________________

3. go ________________________________________________

4. go ________________________________________________

5. go ________________________________________________
7. Choose and write: How many/How much. (5 points)
1. __________ hamburgers do you have?

2. __________ yoghurt is there in the fridge?

3. __________ water do you have in your glass?

4. __________ oranges do you have?

5. __________ cake did you eat?

7. Listen and number. (4 points) (CD 1, 20)

8. Write the sentences in past continuous. (10 points)

Example: He was reading a book.

1. She _______________________ the dogs. (walk)

2. They ________________________________. (hike)

3. Anna _______________________________. (skateboard)

4. The children _________________________________ volleyball. (play)

5. Kate ______________________________________ pictures. (take)

9. Write the words in brackets ( ) in present simple and change the adjectives into
adverbs. (10 points)
Example: Hillary bakes (bake) wonderfully.
1. Jenny _________________ (dance) graceful_________.

2. Scott __________________ (draw) beautiful_________.

3. Andy __________________ (walk) quick_________.

4. Jenny __________________ (walk) careful_________.

5. Kate ___________________ (speak) quiet__________.

10. Make sentences. (5 points)

Example: pillow/soft - The pillow feels soft.

1. butterfly/beautiful


2. mask/ugly


3. garbage/bad


4. music/wonderful

5. noise/awful

11. Look and write. (4 points)
1. Have you ever eaten ________________________?
Yes, I ________________________. 12.

2. Has she ever eaten ________________________?

Yes, she _____________________.

3. _______________ kimchi, but I’ve __________________

eaten tacos.

4. Have you ever ______________________ a koala?

No, I __________________________.

negative (2 points).

friendly =___________________________ wrap=______________________________

do=________________________________ sure=_______________________________

13. Reading comprehension. (5 points)

Hopscotch around the world

Have you ever played hopscotch? Its history unclear, but we know it's a very old game!
Ancient Romans played hopscotch. The hopscotch court was 200 meters long.
In Albania, children play hopscotch on a square court. There are nine small squares inside one
big square.
In France, you can find spiral hopscotch courts. All around the world, children love to play
Today, children in many countries play hopscotch. The game has many different names, and
courts have different shapes. But, the rules are similar. Children put markers on a court and
Write True or False.

1. Hopscotch is an old game.

2. Ancient Romans didn't play hopscotch.
3.In Albania children play it on spiral courts.
4. In France children play it on square courts.
5. To play hopscotch you need to put
markers on a court and hop.
14. What does spiral mean? (1 points).

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