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Q1. (a) Find the shortest distance from node 0 to node 5.

(b) Consider the graph G as follows, which of the following statements hold for the graph G.

Q2. (a) For the given graph G, write down

(i) a closed walk that is not a closed trail
(ii) a closed trail that is not a cycle
(iii) all the cycles of length 1,2,3 and 4

(b) Find the complement of K4, K3,3 and C5.

Q3. (a)Draw a graph that represents the following friendship among four people
(i) John is friends with Joan and Jill, but not Jack
(ii) Jack is friend with Jill, not Joan
(iii) Joan is friends with Jill.
(b) Prove with an example that there is no 3-regular graph with seven vertices
Q4. (a)Show that L(C4) is isomorphic to C4.
(b) Is the graph K3,4 a planar graph or not? Also write the chromatic no of K3,4 .
Q5. (a) Draw two graphs each with 10 vertices and 13 edges; one that is eulerian but not Hamiltonian and
one that is hamiltonian but not eulerian.
(b) Determine which of the following graphs are eulerian graph
(i) K8
(ii) K8,8
(iii) C8

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