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Part I: Pre – Colonial Philippines *The Mindanao mountain range begins at Mt.

Halcon and is divided into 3 ranges: the north-

Chapter 1: The Setting west ending at Calavite Point, a landmark of
The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of Ships passing between Manila Bay and Mindoro
more than 7,000 islands and islets stretching Strait; the east which originates from Lake
almost a thousand miles from north to south. Naujan; and the west, which follows the
The land surface is 114,830 square statute miles Mindoro Strait.
and is criss-crossed with mountains and drained *Negros in the Visayas is divided into two by a
by small river systems. Volcanic in origin, the range running from north-west to south- east,
mountain ranges “form the circuit and with Kanlaon Volcano as the notable peak.
watersheds of the Pacific basin of the earth’s
surface. * Panay has a range running from north to
south that separates Antique from Iloilo, Capiz
Mountain Systems and Aklan
3 Large Ranges in the mountain system of *Mindanao has 4 distinct ranges: the Surigao
Luzon: range which follows the contours of the Pacific
1. The Caraballo Del Sur – forms the Coast; the Butuan range which extends to the
nucleus of the system, has its highest south and forms the watershed of the Agusan
peak at the intersection of the River on the east and Pulangui River on the
boundaries of Abra, Ilocos Norte, and west, the central-western ranges of which Mt.
Cagayan. Apo is the highest; and the western range which
2. The Caraballos Occidentales- divide into begins west of Iligan Bay and ends on the shore
to the Cordillera Norte and Cordillera of Basilan Strait.
Central and traverse the region west of River Systems
Cagayan River.
3. The Sierra Madre (also known as Pacific The fluvial system of Luzon is represented by (1)
Coast Range) – This is the longest the Rio Grande de Cagayan and its tributaries,
continuous range in the Philippines. It which drain the Cagayan Valley; (2) the Agno
begins at Baler, Quezon, and crosses Grande which drains Benguet and the valleys of
Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Cagayan. Nueva Ecija, Pangasinan, and Tarlac; (3) the
Abra river system, which receives its tributaries
*The mountain ranges of eastern and south- from the Cordillera and drains Lepanto, Bontoc,
eastern provinces of Luzon extend from the and Abra; and (4) the Rio Grande de Pampanga
Caraballo de Baler to San Bernardino Strait in and its tributaries, which drain the fertile valleys
the South, culminating in Mayon Volcano in of Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, and Bulacan
Albay and Bulusan Volcano in Sorsogon. The
Zamabales range start at Cape Bolinao and *Mindanao has the largest river system in the
follows the China Sea coast to the Bataan Philippines. The Rio Grande de Mindanao drains
Peninsula. The Tagaytay ranges passes through the central basin of Mindanao and receives the
Cavite and Batangas and with Mt. Makiling, water of two lakes. Agusan, which is second to
forms the mountain system of the southern the Rio Grande, drains the basins of Surigao.
Tagalog region.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Volcanoes and Earthquakes Coastline

At least ten of the volcanoes are considered Philippines have an irregular coastline that
active; the rest are dormant extends about 10, 850 statute miles, twice as
long as that of the continental United States.
The most famous volcanoes from north to south Manila Bay, which has an area of a little more
are the following than 700 square miles and a circumference of
1. Iraya in Batanes island 120 miles, is one of the finest natural harbours
2. Taal in Batangas in the world.
3. Banahaw in Quezon Products and Natural Resources
4. Mayon in Albay
5. Hibok – Hibok in Camiguin Island Rice, the staple food crop of the country, is
6. Makaturing in Lanao produced largely in the Central Plains of Luzon.
7. Apo in Davao In President Ferdinand Marcos administration,
the “miracle rice” was developed.
Mayon has been the most active volcano. It has
erupted more than 30 times since 1615, while Other products for export were Copra, Abaca,
Taal Volcano (the smallest in the world and Gums, Resins, Rubber, and Sugar. Lumber,
situated in the middle of Taal Lake) has erupted Minerals and Metals have been exported in
no less than 30 times. It most destructive large quantities to swell Philippine exports to an
eruption took place on January 30, 1911, which average of about 800,000,000 PHP. Mining,
killed 1,300 persons. The eruption took place in which is the basic industry, produces more than
early dawn of September 28, 1965 buried 6 700 million pesos worth of minerals. Metallic
barrios and led the loss of 300 lives. The minerals such as copper, gold, silver, iron, lead,
eruption of July 5 and after, 1966 did little zinc, manganese, and chromium are exploited
damage of life and property. The last eruption for their commercial value. While the non-
took place on September 3, 1976. metallic minerals like salt, coal, clay, asbestos,
sulphur, gravel, limestone, and gypsum are so
*The Philippines lies within the Pacific Seismic far not yet exploited for large scale export.
Belt. Manila experiences a severe earthquake in
1937 when many buildings in the commercial The Philippine Forest, which covers some
district were partly destroyed. The earthquake 40,000 square miles, produces timber for local
of August 2, 1968 was so violent that an consumption and export.
apartment building collapsed, killing hundreds
of people. One of the most destructive The People
earthquakes in the Philippine History occurred Filipino belongs to a mixture of races although
in June 3, 1863, when Manila Cathedral and basically he is Malay. The Filipino at the coming
hundreds of government structures and of the Spaniards was browned-skinned like his
residential houses collapsed and many people Malay forbearers. The inter-marriage between
were killed, including the famous Filipino priest, the Filipino and the foreigner, particularly the
Dr. Pedro Pablo Pelaez. By far the most white lead to a class known as “mestizo” class
destructive earthquake occurred in the or humorously called “mestizoisie” The obvious
Philippines was the one that struck Mindanao implication that a person spoken of is Spanish-
on August 17, 1976. It has the intensity of VIII.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Filipino but all other breeds are qualified by the said that it is a sign of good breeding. Next in
nationality of their parents. the degree of respect is the using of first person
plural – atin, natin, tayo. Here the speaker and
There has been a barrier of feeling that borders the person spoken to are lumped together as
on hostility, between the mestizo and the one. The peak of respect is achieved by the use
native. Mestizo by virtue of his social and of third person plural – sila, kanila, nila. Unlike
financial status looked down upon the native as the first two degrees of respect this last shows
a bor. But the mestizo felt inferiority to the detachment, making it appear that the person
“pure” Spaniard who considered him so far spoken to is a faraway person, someone to be
below him as not to be taken seriously. handled and referred to gingerly.
In 1959 a columnist called down a senator by The elders believe and demand that they need
claiming that the latter was a mestizo, being a to be obeyed – right or wrong. The elders are
mestizo, could not be expected to defend the not generally impress by the academic degrees
rights of the Filipino People in so far the attained compared to the experience they had.
question was concerned. You only have the knowledge but they have the
Common Traits wisdom. They would argue that they have
drunk more water than you have. Their decision
The following are traits that are common to an must be sought for all important matters that
average Filipino: affect the family it is because what happens to
one member of the family affects the rest.
Hospitality – One patent Filipino trait that
There is then, collective responsibility for the
immediately commends itself to the foreigner.
family. This collective responsibility is said to be
The Filipinos shows exceptional kindness in
the cause for the late development of Filipino
welcoming guest or strangers.
Nationalism. Rizal painted this common family
Close Family Ties – The Filipino family is scene during the Spanish regime in his El
generally consists of grandparents, the parents Filibusterismo, in the chapter “Cabesang Tales”
and the children. The father as the head of the
Kissing the hands of the elders is a sign of
family but while he rules the mother governs.
respect. Since collective responsibility
She is an educator, financial officer, laundry
characterizes the Filipino Family, it follows that
woman etc. But over the ruler and the
that the better-off member has to take care not
governess are the grandparents whose opinions
only of his immediate family but also of other
and decision on all important matters are
relatives. One may actually trace the root of
sought. The “tyranny” of the elders is such that
corruption and graft to the closeness of family
the Filipino family has remained basically the
ties. Right or wrong, the family comes first and
Respect for the elders – The Filipino trait that is
Fatalistic – The Filipino is naturally fatalistic. He
remained in the book of unwritten laws. The
believes that whatever happens to him is the
particle po shows respect to the older persons.
work of fate. This fatalism is best symbolized in
No other language has carried respect than the
the phrase “Bahala na,” a phrase that defies
Philippine Language; example: are you talking
translation but which may be rendered loosely
to an older man or woman? then used the
as “come what may” Such fatalism has bred in
second person plural – kayo, inyo, ninyo. It is

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
the Filipino sense of resignation. It is thus that intentioned rebuke by a superior might be
he faces disaster or tragedy with resignation. He taken as a slight on his character and integrity.
appears indifferent in the face of graft and
 Manila North High School (Arellano
corruption. He appears impassive in the face of
personal misfortune. Yet this “Bahala na” University) January 1930: A Filipino
brother and sister were sitting beside
attitude prevents him from being a crackpot.
each other and the professor said “you
Loyalty – This trait is very strong in the Filipino. should get into the habit of cleaning
Do him a little favour and he remembers you to yourselves” the professor probably
the end of his days. For a Filipino, friendship is meant no harm, but the student
scared and implies mutual help under any organized a strike. The professor was
circumstances. A friend is expected to come not then sent back to the United States but
only of a personal friend but also the latter’s the ring leaders were suspended, there
family. A man’s friend is considered a member were no March Graduation exercises
of the family and is expected to come to share that happen that year.
its tribulations as well as prosperity and  University of the Philippines a year or
happiness. It is unthinkable for the Filipino to two before and in 1931: A certain
betray his friend, and if there be such one, he American lady professor with a Russian
becomes a marked man: ostracism is the name surname appeared to the
lightest punishment that can be meted out to students a sweeping generalization
him. This concept of loyalty to a friend explains about Filipinos. The result was the
why the Filipino sulks at the thought of not student furore, which led to the
receiving enough aid from the United States. separation of the professor to the
The Filipino rightly or wrongly thinks that he university. An Australian professor of
deserves more aids than for example Japan English said in convocation that 90% of
because the Filipino fought side by side with the the Filipino Students are cheating. The
Yankee. This attitude is beyond the students and the Filipino professors let
comprehension of the Americans. Americans is loose barrage of verbal fireworks which
ruthlessly businesslike and will not allow forced the professor to resign.
sentimentalism to stand in the way of fulfilling
his destiny or objective. This “ruthlessness” This Anglo-Saxon frankness is something that
does not understand by the Filipino, hence the Filipino seldom appreciates.
there has been misunderstanding between the Tendency to be Indolent – Rizal explained this
Filipino and the American with respect to trait as the result of the tropical climate which
material aid. makes even the westerner indolent in some
Sensitive – A Filipino is easily piqued when a parts of the paradise. But aside from the warm
climate, indolence may be partly explained by
foreigner for instance makes a sweeping
generalization that is not flattering to the the abundance of nature that is endowed in the
country – a fact that makes a Filipino exert less
Filipinos, no matter how true the observation
may be. It takes tact, skilful diplomacy, or in effort in the belief that he does not have to
work hard to meet both ends. Then, too,
more sophisticated language, a great deal of
good public relations, to talk to an earring because of close family ties and personal ties.
Filipino employee or worker, for a good

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Lack of Initiative – The Filipino has a fear of to bloody mess. In the newspaper many are
natural competition. For a Filipino society it is reported that because of jealousy they were
cooperative not competitive. The experiences killed. This may seem bloody enough to a
of college and university professors reveal a sad westerner but to a Filipino in whose veins flows
fact that an average Filipino student needs to a Malay “hot” blood, to kill or be killed is an
be hammered and whipped into line to make easy way to avenge his honour.
him work hard. Not only the average student
Individualistic – The Filipino is individualistic in
but also the average business men/women,
they are afraid to compete that they refuses to a different way. One finds a struggling cochero
who cannot put his horse on its feet after
invest a large amount of money in his business;
he is the Spanish parlance – segurista (a man having stumbled on the street. The people who
saw the cochero with apparent unconcern and
who wants to be sure that he doesn’t lose)
would even try to laugh at the cochero who
Curious – The Filipino being a childlike is could not persuade his horse to cooperate
naturally curious. But his curiosity is tainted
with sympathy. There is certainly is nothing Regionalistic – A Filipino does not think of
national boundaries instead he thinks of
malicious in his inquiries about one’s health,
about one’s children, about one’s salary and so regional oneness. This feeling is an extension of
the closeness of family ties. Invariably, the
forth. Not infrequently is a sophisticated Filipino
embarrassed when asked, casually and with an Filipino believes that the person known to him
no matter how bad is better than the person
air of innocent abandon, where he works and
how much he earns. A woman with a little who is unknown to him no matter how good.
Among Filipinos the Tagalogs are the least, if at
Spanish breeding once asked a worker, how
much he earns. The man answered, it was just all, regionalist.
enough for me and my wife. The woman repeat This strong regionalistic may be traced in the
the question and the man metaphorically threw Spanish period where Spanish administrators
up his hands and finally give the information who pursued a policy of “divide and conquer”
sought. This “poking into one’s pie” is easily
misunderstood by a westerner who is not Sense of Pakikisama – Simple as term may
accustomed to such kind of inquisitorial appear to the merely learned, this Filipino trait
method, invariably suspects the Filipino of has not been fully understood, especially in its
invading the privacy of one’s life. The Filipino is connotations. Its original connotations may be
solicitous and if ever he asks too many translated loosely as the intensive signification
questions about another’s life and mode of of camaraderie or spirit of comradeship, the
living it is because, as a man of abundant faith main elements of which are unselfishness and
and sympathy, he wants – and is ready – to good faith. There is, therefore, no element of
offer his unsolicited help. deceit, or dishonesty, or subversion of justice,
attached to the term. Thus, the terms mabuting
Jealousy – He does not look with favour on a pakikisama and its opposite masamang
man who flits with several men. To him the pakikisama really refer to the way of dealing
sweetheart’s heart is meant only for him. Even with its fellowmen; if he is selfish, or incapable
his closest friend cannot kiss his wife with of empathy or if he is helpful and particicpates
impunity that it was only a brotherly kiss. A cheerfully in any community work.
deviation of this unwritten law oftentimes leads

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
However, owing mainly to the inroads of happens to invite his companions. It would be
“civilizations” particularly of politics and difficult for a Samtoy, under the circumstances,
materialism, pakikisama has been a term of to dig into his pockets to take charge of the
debase an attitude that makes an amiable crook situation. This is because he eans his money the
well – liked or least admired. For a person a hard way and he is not nullify his efforts by
“mabuting pakikisama” is when he is dishonest, being a spendthrift.
or unjust or unprincipled by subverting justice
Samtoy finds his surroundings not conducive to
in order to be in good graces of many naive
people. It is a “masamang pakikisama” if he is humour. He takes life seriously and considers it
an object of struggle. That is why he appears
just too honest, doesn’t want to subvert justice
just to please the naive people. sluggish and shy and creates impression that he
is getting ready to wrestle with surrounding
The beautiful trait of pakikisama has been forces. He takes time in deliberating and
denuded of its nobility by political imperatives appears hesitant in his manners. This lumbering
and the perverted sense of value that have characteristic of the Samtoy is shown not only
dominated the character of the Filipino since in his physical movements but also in their
the last world war. literature. He is not lyrical type; he is rather, the
epic type. Of all Filipinos the Samtoy is the most
Regional Traits regionalistic.
Ilocano or Samtoy – An excursion into the Tagalog Belt consist of the provinces of Nueva
northern region reveals that the Samtoy has Ecija, Bulacan, Bataan, and a small part of
spilled into the provinces of Abra, Cagayan, Tarlac, Rizal, Laguna, Cavite, Batangas, Quezon,
Nueva Vizcaya, northern Nueva Ecija, and islands of Marinduque, and Mindoro.
Pangasinan, Zambales and Part of Tarlac. The Manila the political capital of the Philippines
Ilocos region is hemmed in on one side by and center of cultural and commercial life is the
forbidding mountains ranges and the other by heart of the region. It is this historical accident
the restless sea, so that the economic that makes the Tagalog feel superior. He is
opportunities are limited. The small piece of neither frugal nor extravagant. His code of
land he cultivates is not sufficient to yield ethics is strict, his pride is fierce. The ties that
abundant crops. Such a environment could only bind him to his home is strong that he doesn’t
produce adventurous industrious, hardy, want to leave his homeland that migrating to
patient and frugal people. Economic pressures the greener valleys to carve out his fortune. The
forces him to migrate to some greener valleys result is that among the Filipinos he has
either in Mindanao or in Hawaii and continental developed the strongest tendency to live with
United States. There, because of his patience, his parents or in laws after marriage. The
industry, frugality, he carves out his fortunes Tagalog enjoys the finer things in life. He is at
and most of the time succeeds. He is not one to once a lover, a born poet, and a musician. The
stay put in a locality if better opportunities in poetry of the tagalong is lyrical. He is a dreamer
some land beckon. It is the reason that one and takes the slightest opportunity to burst out
finds the Samtoy everywhere in the Philippines. into a declamation, hence, the sing-song nature
Samtoy frugality is proverbial and compares of the Tagalog declamation and the
favourably with that of the Scot. It has been the impassioned balagtasan (poetical joust). It is no
custom of the Filipino to foot the bill if he wonder then that the best lyricist is found in

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
this region. The Tagalogs also excel in music. looked down upon as an aberration – “Moro”
The greatest Filipino composers came from this with all the ugly implications. The result was
region. that he becomes antagonistic to any attempt to
bring him to the Christianity fold, for he
Bicolano – He is known for his even temper and believes that the attempt was made not
religiosity. Kindly like the Visayan, he views life because he is loved, but because his conversion
with studied calmness and seldom shows rough to the Christian way of Life is necessary. Muslim
edges. But, like the Visayan, he knows how to does not accept such imposition.
enjoy life and take its offerings with
philosophical equanimity. He is fond of spicy One wonders why the Muslim brother has not
food and no food is good to him which is not been integrated into the Philippine body politic.
liberally sprinkled with spices, particularly red The reason was that as a Non-Christian who has
pepper. However, when a Bicolano is not for centuries struggled for his individual
enjoying mundane life to the hilt, he is identity, he came to suspect his Christian
contemplating it in the church or seminary. brother would betray him, for the Christians
Many Filipino taxi dancers and priest came from were used by the conquerors in their attempt to
the Bicol Region. obliterate Muslim culture and Religion.
Consequently the Muslim cast suspicious eyes
Visayan – He is known for being a happy go on his Christian Brother who, he thinks is
lucky person more interested in the here and affiliated with Messianic Delusions. There is
now than in the past or the future. He exceeds nothing more abominable to the Muslim than
the Tagalog in his love for finer things in life. He to be told to discard hi “Moro” life. Then, too,
is ready to spend his last peso to enjoy life to his the various Philippine governments, from the
last drop. It is because he is not compelled by Spanish government down to the recent times,
his environment to work hard. He is also had utterly neglected the Muslim, let alone the
adventurous and is affected by wanderlust. The other minorities.
Visayan girl can leave the house without
compunction to follow the gleam of Adventure.
For this reason she is more self-reliant

Muslim – He is known as the fiercest lover of

freedom. Adventurous like the Visayan and
Samtoy, he dares the high seas in search of
manly adventure. He is a man of honour who
sticks to his plighted word and will brave
dangers to redeem his vow or promise. He is
easily best friend one can have, and, certainly,
the worst enemy. He is hardy like the Samtoy
and also produced epics. He is proud of his
culture and does not offer meek apologies for it.
Thus when most part of the Philippines were
baptized by Christianity they guarded there land
and fought against the conquistadores. Also,
because of this love of culture the Muslim is

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Part I: Pre – Colonial Philippines were at least a man who lives in the Philippines
21,000 or 22,000 years ago.
Chapter 2: Before the Conquest
The discovery of the Tabon Man at the Tabon
Peopling of the Philippines cave in 1962 shows that man came earlier to
Up to the early 1970’s it had been assumed that the Philippines than to the Malay Peninsula
the Philippines is part of the Mainland China. It where according to the old theory Filipinos
is theorized that during the Pleistocene Age or came from
Ice Age, the waters surrounding the Philippines Jocano summarized his findings with that:
fell about 156 feet below the present levels. As
a result, a vast area of land was exposed and 1. The people of prehistoric island
become a sort of land bridges to Asia. In Southeast Asia belonged to the same
February 1976 the theory of land bridges was grew out of the
disputed by Dr. Fritjof Voss, a German Scientist combination of human evolution which
who studied the geology of the Philippines. He occurred in the island of Southeast Asia
said that the Philippines were never part of the about 1.9 million years ago, as
mainland China instead it rose from the bottom evidenced by the fossil materials
of the sea and continues to rise as the thin recovered from the different regions.
Pacific crush moves below it. As a proof Dr. Voss 2. The core population share a common
points to the fact that when scientific studies cultural orientation that includes both
done in 1964-67 on the thickness of the earth’s flake and core implements and their
crust, it was found that the 35 kilometre thick complex ceramic industries...
crust underneath China does not extend in the 3. The configuration of these shared
Philippines. Hence, the Philippines is not part of elements into a common way of life is
the Mainland China. what we call the base culture. It
emerges from similar responses people
The widely accepted theory about the people of made to similar geographical
the Philippines is that the Negritos were the conditions, climate, fauna and flora.
aborigines of the Philippines, but now it is 4. None of these ancient men can be
severely criticized in the anthropologically categorized under any of the historically
literate quarters. identified ethnic groups...
F. Landa Jocano of the University of the 5. The explanation of peopling of the
Philippines, disputes Professor H. Otley Beyer’s Philippines through a series of waves of
assumption that the Malay migrated to the migration as documented by folk
Philippines and now constitutes the largest history like Maragtas has to be
population of the Philippines. It was also Beyer considered. The undue credit given to
who theorized that the present Filipinos have a the Malays as the original settlers of the
Malayan culture. However, Jocano believes that region and dominant cultural
the fossil evidences of ancient men show that transmitter must be corrected...
they come not only in the Philippines but to
New Guinea, Java, Borneo and Australia.
Though there is no way of telling whether it is a
negrito or not, the primary concern is that there

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Introduction of Islam Dampuans because of their prosperity aroused
the jealousy of the Buranuns, who, in a fit of
The foundation of Islam was laid in Malaysia by anger, massacred some of the Orang
the Arabian scholar, Mudum, who arrived in the Dampuans. The Orang Dampuans then took
Malay Peninsula about the middle of the 14 th their bloody revenge on Buranuns and having
century. He succeeded in establishing in levelled the enemy’s villages to the ground and
Malacca a rather tenuous foothold for Islam. sailed back to their homeland. It was not until
About 1380 he proceeded to Sulu and preached the 13th century that the Orang Dapuans
the doctrines of Mohammed. 1390, Raja returned to Sulu to have a peaceful trade with
Baginda one of the petty rulers of the native.
Menangkabaw, Sumatra, arrived at Sulu and
promptly converted some of the natives into Relations with Banjarmasin
Islam. His religious activities were followed by
Abu Bakr, who about 1450 left Palembang for The fame of Sulu reached as far as northern
Borneo and soon Banjarmasin and Brunei, two
Sulu. He married Raja Baginda’s daughter,
Paramisuli. After Baginda’s death, Abu Bakr of the important sub-states of the Empire of Sri
Vijaya, sent traders to Sulu. The latter’s famous
exercised his powers as sultan and established a
government patterned after the Sultanate of pearl beads drew the interest of the
Banjarmasin merchants and adventurer. Thus,
Arabia. Islam spread rapidly to all parts of Sulu.
regular trade relations were established
In Mindanao, Serif Kabungsuan, who had between the people of Sulu and the men of
meanwhile arrived from Johore with his men, Banjar, as the men of Banjarmasin were called.
immediately began laying the foundation of The Buranuns looked with suspicion the men of
Islam. He converted many tribes to his religion Banjar for they have not forgotten their
and having married to an influential family, experience with the Orang Dampuans . But the
made himself the first sultan of Mindanao. men of Banjar were more diplomatic than their
From then on, Islam spread rapidly to the predecessors, knew how to assuage the
Visayas and Luzon. The arrival of the Spaniards wounded pride of the Buranuns. Realizing the
in the second half of 16th century and the power of a beautiful woman who can soften the
subsequent conquest of Luzon lead the Muslims heart of a hostile ruler, the men of Banjar
to retreat to the south where they maintained bought their beautiful princess to Sulu. She was
their independence from foreign powers to the offered to the Buranun ruler, who did not need
end of the Spanish Regime. a second look to decide that the princess was fit
to be his queen. Sulu thus came to be under the
Relations with the Orang Dampuans influences of Banjarmasin. With Sulu now under
Between 900 and 1200 A.D. another groups of their thumb, the men of Banjar sent more
immigrants came to the Philippines from adventurers and traders to Sulu until as the
southern Annam known as Orang Dampuans or time went on the Buranuns were slowly
Men from Champa, they established trading pressured into the hinterland leaving the coast
post in Sulu and Southern Annam. The Orang to the wily men of Banjar. Under the latter Sulu
Dampuans were not politically minded and had developed into an emporium and trading ships
no intention of dominating the people of Sulu, from Cambodia, China, Java and Sumatra cast
who were called Buranuns. Their interest lay in anchor at Sulu ports to savour their wealth and
trade. As usually happened, the Orang splendour.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
From the union of the Buranun chieftain and tried to maintain a kind sovereignty over Luzon
the Banjarmasin princess became the rulers of and sent Ko-ch’a-lao to the island as a governor.
Sulu. For many years thereafter, Sulu remained
In the 15th century when Islam begun to spread
under the influenced of Banjarmasin.
to the southern Philippines, the Indo-China
Relations with China trade suffer a setback and the Chinese traders
were pressed back by the Muslim thus, they
From the scanty records that came down to the sought new trading routes to those parts of the
present, it is known that the Philippines had Philippines were Islam were not yet gained a
some commercial relations with the foothold. Later on, the Chinese were allowed to
neighbouring countries such as China. Trade trade with the areas under the sway of Islam.
Relation started in the 9th century when some
Arab traders who were barred from the Central The Ten Bornean Datus
China Coast found an alternative route. Goods
from Southeast Asia and the Western World The Malay settlement of Panay in the Visayas is
told in the Maragtas, which is legendary or at
were carried by the Arab traders to the
Philippines through the southern route. least semi-historical. It appeared that Sultan
Makatunaw was mistreating his subjects, so
Philippine goods on the other hand, were
bought by the Arab ships to the Chinese that the ten chieftains decided to leave for
unknown parts in search for freedom.
Mainland through the Port of Canton.

Sung Dynasty (960 – 1127) Chinese goods began 1. Datu Puti

2. Datu Bangkaya
to flow in a continuous stream to the
Philippines. Chinese Colonies were founded in 3. Datu Dumalugdog
4. Datu Sumakwel
the coastal towns of archipelago. During the
Ming period (1368-1644), other colonies were 5. Datu Lubay
6. Datu Paiburong
established in the hinterland.
7. Datu Dumangsil
Cambodia and Champa, in Indo-China, trade 8. Datu Balensusa
their porcelain products for Philippine ware. 9. Datu Paduhinog
Annam, Siam and Tonkin also began to trade 10. Datu Dumangsol
with the Philippines. 20% - 40% of the total
trade with the Southern Philippines was Non- These chieftains secretly sailed in their
balangays without any definite destination.
Chinese. Keen rivalry lasted up to the Javanese
or Madjapahit period (1377-1478). After sailing the Datus reached Panay which at
the time was inhabited by the Negritos called
Chinese regained control of the Philippine trade Atis, who ruled by their chieftain Marikudo and
when the Ming emperor (Yung Lo) 1402 – 1424 his wife Maniwantiwan. Realizing that the Atis
sent a large fleet consisting of more than sixty suspected them of evil intention, Datu Puti
vessels to the Philippines under the command (leader of the Bornean Datus ) assured peaceful
of Admiral Cheng Ho. The fleet visited Lingayen intentions. All they wanted he explained was a
in Pangasinan, Manila Bay, Mindoro and Sulu. land where his men could settle peacefully.
These visits took place in 1405-06, 1408-10, and Marikudo, after consulting with the elders,
1417. For a short period Chinese Emperor even decided to sell a portion of land to the
newcomers. The purchase price was a gold

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
salakot and to satisfy feminine vanity, a long never had any political designs in the
gold necklace for Maniwantiwan. With the Philippines.
Datus settled in Panay, Datu Puti, Datu
From the Chinese the ancient Filipinos learned
Balensusa, Datu Dumangsil sailed northward to
Luzon, disembarking in the region around Lake how to use umbrellas, gongs, lead, and
porcelain, the manufacture of gun powder,
Bonbon (Taal). The fertility of the soil lead Datu
Balensusa and Datu Dumangsil to settle while mining methods and metallurgy. Equally
important was the adoption of the Filipinos of
Datu Puti returned to Borneo. In the course of
time Dumangsil and Balensusa’s families spread some Chinese customs such as the arrangement
of marriages among children by the parents was
out in neighbouring regions now known as
Laguna and the Bicol Peninsula. As for the seven probably of Chinese Origin; also the wearing of
white shirts and dress to show mourning was a
Datus in Panay, they too prospered. They are
divided into 3 Districts: custom that is definitely Chinese.

Indian Influences
Hantik (Antique): Datu Sumakwel
Irong – Irong (Iloilo): Datu Paiburong Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo De Tavera, in his study of
Aklan (Aklan or Capiz): Datu Bangkaya Sanskrit loan words in Tagalog, classifies this
loanwords into those with signify intellectual
For purposes of protection as well as for acts, moral conceptions, emotions,
maintain close family relations, the Datus superstitions, names of deities, of planets, of
established a political organization known as numerals of high numbers, of botany, of war, of
the Confederation of Madyaas, whose ranking titles, some animals, instruments of industry,
chieftain was Datu Sumakwel. and names of money.

Indian Influences is also present in the ancient

The Alleged Code of Kalantiyaw religious beliefs among Filipinos. Among the
It had been alleged that about 1433, the third Muslim, Indra Batara was the most
mythological figure, Indra being the Indian King
chief of Panay, Datu Kalantiyaw, probably the
descendant of Datu Sumakwel issued orders for of Heaven. The other goods which the Muslim
believes in were of Vedic or Indian Origin. It is
the guidance of his people. This called the Code
of Kalantiyaw. therefore probable that the ancient paganism
of the Filipinos, which amounted to demon and
Chinese Influence spirit worship came from India through old
The long contacts of the Filipinos with the
Chinese, beginning with the tenth century of  Some of the ancient customs survived
Christian era inevitably led to the Chinese the inroads of the western imperialism
cultural penetration of the Philippines. Chinese find their counterparts in India. It may
influences on Filipino life were mainly economic be inferred that those customs were of
for the Chinese to come to the island were Indian origin. (Page 33 excerpt by Tara
“economic” men whose interest lay in profits Ali Baig, “Sisters under the skin,” in
rather than in political domination. Except Saturday Mirror Magazine, October 2,
perhaps for the, short period but the Chinese 1954)

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
Part I: Pre – Colonial Philippine presumably to prevent their enemy
from surprising them in a raid.
Chapter 3: Early Customs and Practices
Social classes:
 Nobles
 Kanggang (male) - chiefs and their families; wielded
-A black or blue collarless jacket with tremendous influence in the barangay
short sleeves. The color of the jacket and enjoyed rights that others don’t;
indicated the rank of the wearer. Chief usually called “Gat or Lakan”
= Red.  Freemen/Mahadlika (Tagalog)
 Bahag (Male) - freemen or dependents who earned
-Consists of a strip of cloth wrapped their freedom.
about the waist, passing down between  Dependent/Alipin
the thighs. - May have acquired their low status by
 Baro/Camisa (Female) inheritance, captivity, war, failure to
-Jacket with sleeves pay debt, purchase, or by committing a
 Saya (Female) crime.
-Called Patadyong by the Visayans is a - Either Namamahay (Had his own
loose skirt family and served during plant ting and
 Tapis (Female) harvest season) or Sagigilid (had no
-A piece of red or white cloth tied property of his own, lived with his
around the waist master, and had to even ask for
 Putong (Male) permission before marriage)
-Piece of cloth wrapped around the -Among the Visayans, there are 3 kinds:
head. The color shows the manliness, Tumataban (work when summoned),
red putong means the wearer killed a Tumarampuk (work for one day), Ayuey
man in war. An embroidered one (work for 3 days)
means that the wearer killed atleast 7. -Gradations among dependents: Full
Dependents, Half Dependents, Quarter
 Kalumbiga – armlets
 Tattoo is considered an ornament, but it
also exhibits a man’s war record. Position of Women
 Visayans were called Pintados (Painted
Ones); their island called Islas del  Equal to men
Pintados (Island of the Painted People)


 Houses were built to suit the tropical

climate; the ancient house was made of
wood, bamboo, and nipa palm. Marriage Customs
 Ilongots, Kalingas, Mandayas, anf
Bagobos built their houses on tree tops

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
 They have to marry someone within rice to the guest with a
their ranks but it is not strictly shout
followed.  Among Freemen:
 The legitimate wife is called - The same ceremony minus the
“Asawa” while the other women uncooked rice
were called “friends”  Among Dependents:
 Only legitimate children will inherit - they would just ask and then they
 Bigay-kaya — dowry composed of would be married.
land, gold, dependents.  Courtship Among Muslims
 Panghimuyat – money that will also o Panalanguni/ Betrothal –
served as dowry. first stage, a group of
 Bigay-suso — to be given to the wet tribesmen of the groom
nurse who breast fed the girl. paid the girl a visit and will
 Himaraw — another set of money announce the wedding
given to the parents that will serve proposal.
as payment for feeding the girl o Pedsungud - Settlement of
during her infancy. the dowry; 7 Kinds:
 Sambon, bribe among the Zambals  Kawasateg (given to
that the relatives will receive. the relatives)
 Among Nobles:  Siwaka (Brassware
o The groom will hire a go- or few pesos given
between to those who had
o The go-between will fetch helped arranged
the bride the marriage)
o The bride will pretend to be  Enduatuan
bashful, shy (brassware or
o The father will give the money given to the
bride something to village chief)
encourage her to go inside  Pangatulian
o The girl will not sit down, (jewelry given to
she will receive another gift the mother and
o She will not eat or drink, aunts)
and will receive another gift  Tatas (Blade given
o The Bride and Groom will to the uncle)
drink from one cup  Langkad (Fine given
o An old man would to the parents’ for
by-passing the
announce that the
ceremony would begin elder sister.)
 Lekat (Given to the
o Old priestess would put the
girl’s attendant.)
couple’s hand over a plate
o Pegkawing – 3rd stage, party
of uncooked rice, then she
at the chief’s house, is
would threw the uncooked
followed a by 6 days of

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
festivities. They can only will drink from the same cup making
sleep together at the 7th them blood brothers.
day.  Wars are caused by: murders,
kidnapping, maltreatment. Vengeance
was the motive power that drove men
Mixed Marriages:
to war.
 Mixed marriages equally divide their Laws:
children in inheriting their status, in odd
numbers the odd child would be a mix  Either Customary (handed down orally
of their rank. from generation to generation and
constituted the bulk of the laws of the
Inheritance and Succession:
barangay) or Written (laws the chieftain
 Legitimate children would inherit the and his elders promulgated from time
property of the parents even without a to time as necessity arose.
proper will.  Laws are made by asking the approval
 Partiality with the favorite is possible of the elder, and then an announcer
(mas mataas kapag favorite) called umalohokan, with a bell in hand
 Extra money given to a son as a dowry will call the people and say it.
is not considered an inheritance. Judicial Process:
 Things given in advance (except if
stated that it is not) is automatically  They would call neutral elders from
part of the inheritance. other barangays that would act as
 Illegitimate children from dependents arbiters.
would not receive inheritance but  Trials are held publicly and decision
instead would be given freedom (from were rendered promptly to avoid
the legitimate children) and to give ‘justice delayed’.
Trial by order:
 Ordeals: place a stone in a boiling water
 The barangay was the unit of the then dip your hands, the most scalded
government, consists of 30-100 families hand is guilty; lighted candles, the first
, derived from the Malay word Balangay to die out is guilty; plunge into the river
which means ‘’boat’. Each of it is with lances, one who came out first is
independent and ruled by a chieftain. guilty;chew uncooked rice, will be asked
 Members pay tributes (buwis) in the to spit it, one with the thickest saliva is
form of crops. The chief’s relatives guilt,
don’t.  Bultong – wrestling
 Chieftain exercised all functions of the  Alaw – combat
Religious beliefs:
 Blood Compact/Sanduguan is a sign of
agreement between barangays, they  They believe in life after death

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
 Rituals were based on belief in a deity Divination and Magic Charms:
called “Bathalang Maykapal”
 Pangatauhan – people endowed with
 Bathala – creator of earth, man, and
extraordinary powers to the fortune of
superior to all other deities,
anybody who cared to know
 Idiyanale – god of agriculture
beforehand what the days ahead had in
 Sidapa – god of death
store for him.
 Balangaw – god of rainbow
 Asuwang – European poltergeist,
 Mandarangan – god of other world
change his form from man to dog,
 Agni – fire god
 Mangkukulam – who could injure
 Lalahon – god of harvest
anyman by prickling an image of a man
 Siginarugan – god of hell
 Manggagaway – can bring harm to
 Diyan Masalanta – god of love
anyone he wanted to destroy
 They kept alive the memory of their
 Tiyanak – took pleasure in sucking the
dead relatives by carving idols of stone
blood of the unborn babies.
or ivory which they called likha or
 Tikabalang – change forms to mislead
travelers at night.
 Anitos – ancient Filipino idols, diwata in
 Anting-anting/agimat – insured a man
against weapon of any kind.
 Sacrifices are performed by priestesses
 Gayuma – made anyone loveable
or priests called baylana or katalona
 Odom – made bicolano invisible
and consisted of food, wine, pigs, and
 Wiga (Visaya)/ sagabe (tagalong) –
could make the possessor of this charm
Burial: walk in a storm or swim in a river
without getting wet.
 Belief in life after death made ancient  Tagahupa (bicol) – was mixed in a drink
Filipinos respectful of their dead and made the unfortunate drinker a
members. sort of vassal to the drinker.
 Mourning rituals: wearing white
shirts/skirts, others went berserk, Economic Life:
wearing rattan bands around their neck,
 Agriculture – main source of livelihood
legs and arms, or my abstaining from
 Pigafetta – chronicler of the Magellan
eating meat and drinking wine.
 Mourning for women is Morotal.
 Productivity was increased by the use of
Mourning for men is called Maglahi.
irrigation ditches as evidenced by the
 Sipa –relatives of the dead fasted and
world- famous Ifugao Rice Terraces of
limited nutrition to vegetables.
Mountain Province
 Balata – the act of avenging the dead
 Less arable lands along the slope of
 Pasiyam – celebration of the dead after
mountain are considered public
the ninth day.
property, while rich cultivated lands
 Tibawan – staging a play in honor of the
were considered private preserve of the
nobles and the datus.
 Tibaw – the play itself.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)
 Lumbering and shipbuilding were
flourishing industries
 Pre-colonial Filipinos used barter
system in their business transaction.

Part I: Pre – Colonial Philippine

Chapter 4: Pre – Colonial Culture


The eight considered major languages of the


1. Tagalog
2. Iloko
3. Pangasinan
4. Pampangan
5. Sugbuhanon
6. Hiligaynon
7. Samarnon (Samar-Leyte)
8. Magindanao

These languages are sister-languages whose

lexicon shows that they descended from one
parent stock, the Austronesian or Malayo –

System of Writing

Father Pedro Chirino: “I found in this language

[Tagalog] four qualities of the four greatest
languages – Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Spanish.
It has the mysticism and difficulties of the
Hebrew, the distinctive terms of the Greek not
only in the common but also in the proper
names, the fullness and elegance of Latin, and
the civility and courtesy of Spanish.

The Filipinos had a syllabary which was

probably of Sanskrit or Arabic provenance.
These syllabary consisted of 17 symbol, where
there are 3 vowels standing for the present five
vowels and fourteen consonants.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People. (C & E Publishing Inc.: Quezon City)

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