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By H. D. Cheng l and M. Miyojim2

ABSTRACT: Statistics published by the Federal Highway Administration indicate that maintenance and reha-
bilitation of highway pavements in the United States requires an expenditure of over $17 billion a year. In
conventional visual and manual pavement distress analysis approaches inspectors traverse roads and stop and
measure distress objects when they are found. Therefore. the conventional approaches are very costly. time
consuming. dangerous. labor intensive. tedious. subjective. have a high degree of variability. are unable to
provide meaningful quantitative information. and almost always lead to inconsistencies in distress detail over
space and across evaluations. In this paper. a new pavement distress image-enhancement algorithm and a new
analysis and classification algorithm are studied. The enhancement algorithm corrects nonuniform background
illumination by calculating multiplication factors that eliminate the background lighting variations. The new
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pavement distress classification algorithm builds a data structure storing the geometry of the skeleton obtained
from the thresholded image. This data structure is pruned. simplified. and aligned. yielding a set of features for
distress classification; the number of distress objects. number of branch intersections. number of loops. relative
sizes of branches in each direction. etc. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can
precisely quantify geometrical and topological parameters. quickly accept new classification rules for classifi-
cation. and accurately estimate the distress severity from the thresholded image.

INTRODUCTION would corroborate or reject the vision data so that dark areas
not caused by pavement distress. such as tire marks, oil spill-
The detection of pavement distress on roads requires special ings. shadows. and recent fillings. may be ruled out. The de-
attention from transportation authorities in every state of the velopment of a crack identification system using the laser
United States and other countries relying on surface transpor- ranging technique was also reported (Walker and Harris 1991).
tation. A machine vision system requiring laser ranging to overcome
Currently. pavement surface inspection is done visually by the optical system shortcomings was declared (Velinsky and
persons who travel the highways watching for distressed areas. Kirschke 1991). They used histogram analysis to identify
stop when one is detected. and measure and record some pa- cracks on asphalt cement concrete pavement without present-
rameters. Therefore. conventional visual and manual pavement ing much detail on the difficulties encountered. Shadow moire
distress analysis approaches are very costly. time consuming. interferometry was used to measure coarse pavement distress.
dangerous. labor intensive. tedious. subjective. have a high such as abnormal elevations and big potholes by Guralnick et
degree of variability. are unable to provide meaningful quan- al. (1993). This method allows for detection of areas of the
titative information. and almost always lead to inconsistencies pavement that deviate from specified flatness criteria. The
in distress detail over space and across evaluations. shadow moire interferograms provide surface elevation varia-
Automated pavement distress analysis systems. especially tion measurements that cannot be obtained through ordinary
automated real-time pavement distress analysis systems. have videotaping. They can detect severe road elevation deforma-
attracted more and more attention from transportation agencies tions caused by heavy loads and potholes with undefined bor-
and researchers in the United States and abroad. Problems with ders, which optical methods cannot detect. An approach to the
the existing automated distress detection systems/methods are: recognition of segmented pavement distress images was stud-
(1) they require special devices (special lights. lasers. etc.). ied by Mohajeri and Manning (1991). It uses directional filters
which would increase cost and limit the application of the to classify the cracks. The crack is longitudinal if there is a
systems/methods; (2) some systems have very low processing high concentration of object pixels in a narrow interval of x
speedllow accuracy; (3) they can only deal with certain kinds (transverse) coordinates; it is transverse if there is a high count
of distresses. When dealing with several kinds of distresses. of object pixels in a narrow interval of y (longitudinal) coor-
the complexity of the systems will increase greatly or the sys- dinates. However. it is not clear how to identify other crack
tems cannot work. types by analyzing these counts. The importance of lighting
Sobel edge detectors and the modified automatic threshold- in determining the fraction of distress not detected by optical
level determination method were employed to evaluate pave- means was pointed out by EI-Korchi et al. (1991). Several
ment distress (Li et al. 1991). To connect the crack segments lighting methods (controlled. natural, ambient. directional, om-
forming a continuous cluster of object pixels. they relied on nidirectional. single-source, and multiple-source) were re-
the assumption that noise clusters had a perimeter of less than searched. The conclusions are as follows: (1) high-quality
20. A standard model was proposed to represent pavement equipment and algorithms detect cracks more completely than
surfaces toward a unified and automated acquisition of key low-quality systems; (2) human vision has a low detection
characteristics for improving data quality (Haas and Hendrick-
threshold. so it may fail to detect many cracks. which explains
son 1990). Laser ranging is executed within a subset of the
in part the subjectivity of human ratings; (3) sunlight and sky-
source image designated the area of interest. The laser ranging
light lead to different levels of distress detection; (4) there are
'Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Compo ScL, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT low-contrast details that cannot be detected by an optical sys-
84322-4205. tem; (5) ambient light is better for crack detection than direct
2Eng., Digitran, Logan, UT 8434l. sunlight; and (6) the worse the equipment and algorithms used.
Note. Discussion open until December I, 1998. To extend the closing the more important is lighting design for a higher crack de-
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager tection probability. A commercial distress measuring device
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on August 28, 1997. This paper is part of the Journal
was described and compared with the traditional manual con-
ojComputtng in elvU Engineering, Vol. 12, No.3, July, 1998. @ASCE, dition survey by Lee (1991). Handmapping on grid paper the
ISSN 0887-3801198/0003-0145-0152/$8.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. distress of a section of pavement O.I-mile long requires 1 h.
16517. according to the paper. There is not enough detail about the

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

image-processing methods used by the PAS 1 device devel-
oped by Pavedex, Inc. From the description of the results, it Videotape Still
appears that the PAS 1 device was not accurate, because it was
biased toward transverse cracking and could not detect all al- OD Image freeze

and format
ligator cracks. Another statistical approach was presented
(Koutsopoulos and Downey 1993) in which they recognized
the imperfections of segmentation that cause difficulty in dis- PAVEMENT
tinguishing pavement distress types, especially between block DISTRESS DETECTION
and alligator cracks. In this method, the original image is en- Road trip AND CLASSIFICATION
hanced by subtracting an average of a few plain (nondistress)
images from the same series to compensate for the lighting
variations. Segmentation is done by assigning one out of four
values to each pixel, based on its probability of being an object
pixel. Classification is based on identifying primitives in the
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segmented image: blank, joint, linear segment, vertical, hori-

zontal, and diagonal. The distress is a block crack if it contains
a few joints with several horizontal and vertical primitives. It
is an alligator crack if it contains several joints and diagonal FIG. 1. Global View of Pavement Dlstreea Claealflcatlon Activ-
primitives. Chou et al. (1995) employed a fuzzy filtering image Ities
enhancement, fuzzy thresholding based on the maximum fuzzy
entropies, and classification through a neural network trained An obstacle to automatic detection and classification of
with feature vectors as inputs. The components of feature vec- pavement distress is that road pavement images are usually
tors used are the center of mass, orientation, bounding box, obtained under nonuniform distributed lighting. To recognize
best-fit ellipse, and eccentricity. A nonlinear equation cali- distress patterns with fidelity on the road surfaces, it is nec-
brated from sample images is used to compensate for the essary to first convert all source images to a standardized back-
nonuniform illumination. Some of the sample images pre- ground lighting condition. The consequence of nonuniform il-
sented thresholding imperfections, probably because of an in- lumination is demonstrated in an experiment where the pixel
adequate illumination correction. An effort by the Idaho Trans- intensities of a computer-generated nonuniformly illuminated
portation Department, assigned by VideoComp Corporation, to background are multiplied individually by the corresponding
automate the pavement distress data module was discussed by intensities of an equally computer-generated two-textured im-
Baker et al. (1987). A special vehicle was used to record 2,400 age, which contains graphic information. The second compo-
lane-miles of interstate highways and 380 lane-miles of prin- nent image possesses a biomodal histogram that has a well-
cipal arterial highways. The team learned the following im- defined valley between the modes (Gonzalez and Woods
portant facts about pavement image acquisition: (1) it is not 1992). The histogram of the merged image is entirely different:
difficult to capture images on videotape at highway speeds, there is no clear separation of pixel intensities by a well-
even at times of heavy traffic; (2) image quality is better if marked valley. Most pavement distress images possess this
obtained during the night; (3) time and cost for data gathering kind of intractable histogram.
are not high; and (4) images captured on videotape possess
sufficient quality for later digitization and computer analysis. New Image Enhancement Algorithm
A way to generate images on computers by combining ele-
ments of available real images (textures) with ray-traced sur- The intensity matrix from an image with a pavement crack
faces to provide source images with specified distress patterns, contains three types of variations: (1) nonuniform background
to avoid hunting for hard-to-find images was suggested by illumination, a very low-frequency and fairly high-amplitude
Cheng and Miyojim (1996). A novel fuzzy logic approach to signal; (2) pavement distress or nondistress irregularities
pavement distress detection was described by Cheng et al. (stains or dark materials on surface), a high-amplitude and
(1996). They used a difference image to determine how much strictly negative signal having high-frequency components on
darker the crack pixels were when compared with their sur- the edges; (3) noise caused by heterogeneous materials and
roundings. The information was used to decide the member- granularity, a random, high-frequency, and a low- to medium-
ship function. The connectivity was checked to eliminate small amplitude signal. On variation of the first type, a continuous
segments, which were considered as noise. Automated real- function of light intensity with distance may be assumed, with
time pavement distress detection using fuzzy logic and neural a continuous derivative. Assuming a still image extracted from
networks was studied (Cheng 1996). The proposed system a videotape containing pavement distress, and that it is not
used fuzzy homogeneity for image enhancement and feature possible to illuminate the scenes uniformly, the pixel intensity
extraction. The features will be input to a neural network for I(p), p = {x, y} may have the following composition:
classification. ](p) = ]b(P) + ].(p) + ]J..p)

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION where Ib(p) = background illumination signal; Id(p) = pave-

ment distress signal; and I.(p) represents the noise. To obtain
In this section, we present the image processing and pattern an image to be analyzed for pavement distress, the image is
recognition methods to detect and classify pavement distress thresholded. Because the image to be thresholded usually has
for which new algorithms have been implemented to fulfill the a high-amplitude Ib(p), it may hide the distress component I d
goals of this research: image enhancement, skeleton analysis, (p) so that wrong values are assigned to a large region in
and pavement distress classification. which case the distress information will be lost and threshold-
ing will fail. To extract the distress information with fidelity
System Diagram from the original image, it is necessary to convert the back-
ground function into a constant base intensity, arbitrarily cho-
Fig. 1 shows a global view of the image capture, pavement sen in the gray-level range
distress detection, classification, and severity determination
procedure. ]b(P) =B

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

The I.(p) signal usually has an amplitude less than Id(p). From tection. For example, the sequence of average intensities
the fact that I.(p) has random values uniformly distributed {... 190, 180, 150, 160, 155, 150, ... } is a monotonically
around its average, whereas Id(p) is strongly negative, it is decreasing sequence, except for 150, which has 180 and 160
possible to distinguish one from the other within the source as neighbors. To remove the distress influence, the intensity
I(p) signal after elimination of the variable Ib(p). In other value 150 is replaced by 170, which is the average between
words, converting Ib(p) to a constant has the virtue of reveal- 180 and 160. There is no need to correct the positive-going
ing the distress signal, rendering the image ready for correct distortions, because they do not affect the segmentation of the
thresholding. image, unless they are very pronounced, such as when the
The algorithm that removes the background illumination source image contains traffic-directing yellow or white lines
uses statistical properties common to all pavement distress im- painted on the pavement.
ages. It considers the frame divided into rectangular windows
and starts the process by calculating the average light intensity Skeleton Analysis
for all pixels in each of the windows. An image with varying Because of the variety of skeleton configurations possible,
background illumination containing or not containing pave- a flexible and practical way of collecting and organizing the
ment distress objects presents different average intensities for information requires the analysis of the skeleton geometry. A
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each window. Each average intensity is considered to be lo- data structure resembling the structure of skeletons to be an-
cated at the center of the corresponding window. Windows alyzed has been chosen. The data structure is a linked list of
containing distress objects possess low average intensities PVDUs (pavement distress units), each pointing to a binary
when compared with the majority of windows without distress tree of branches, which are groups of connected object pixels
objects. This may be better understood by examining Fig. 2. terminating in the open background or intersecting other
Because the initial goal of the algorithm is to extract the back- branches. A pavement distress image may have one or more
ground illumination pattern from the image under analysis, this PVDUs, each possessing one or more branches scattered in
effect of pavement distress on the window averages must be the frame, intersecting each other, or forming loops. Fig. 3
neutralized. For this purpose, as it proceeds along a row or presents a view of the data structure built during the analysis
column and finds a sudden decrease in the average intensity of an image skeleton.
with respect to its neighbors, it will replace this low value by
the average value between the neighbors. This operation is Light intensity
repeated throughout the length of all rows and columns of the
matrix of average intensities. Once this matrix is purged of
every distress intrusion, it is converted into a matrix of mul- e Average
tipliers capable of pushing all intensity values to a common intensity
base intensity B. This operation will have the effect of con-
verting the variable background intensity Ib(p) to the constant Noise spikes
B. Each window multiplier is calculated according to

All pixfls having
Assuming the existence of the sequence of window average intensi~es belo?-,
intensities {190, 180, 160, 145, 140}, let it be arbitrated that this thrfshold ~ill
the base intensity B = 160. Dividing the values in the sequence
by B, {1.19, 1.12, 1.00, 0.91, 0.88} is obtained. The goal of """"'" "''''I
the algorithm is to transform the image matrix into another in
which the background pixels present a unit ratio. This is
Pixel positions
achieved by generating multipliers that will be interpolated for
each pixel, so that all the matrix intensities will vary around FIG. 2. Windows Containing Pavement Distress Have Lower
B. In the numerical example, the balancing multiplier sequence Average Intensities
is {0.84, 0.89, 1.00, 1.10, 1.14}. However, because it is nec-
essary to obtain the background only, the distress areas must SKELETON ANALYSIS DATA STRUCTURE
be ignored at this stage. Only a smooth variation of the back-
ground should remain. As may be observed in Fig. 2, the back- Branch contains
ground line passes through the middle of the majority of noise N. transverse
swings, except for the distress region, where it should pass on N. longitudinal
the upper portion. To achieve this goal, the average intensities N. diagonal +
at fixed intervals over matrix windows are calculated. The win- N. diagonal -
dow average intensities thus obtained change from one fixed Total oriented pairs
interval to the next, without large increments or decrements, End point coorda.
such that they lie on the gently varying background illumi- Branch type
nation curve represented by the thicker dashed line on Fig. 2.
This second order continuity is only disturbed by the occur-
rence of distress regions. If there are no disturbances in the
sequence of averages, it is because there are no distress objects
in the image, only noise variations. Because the goal is to
extract the background and ignore the distress regions, the val-
ues that produce sudden changes in the sequence are replaced
by the averages between the neighboring values. The error
introduced by this simplification does not affect the quality of
the segmentation for extraction of the distress features required FIG. 3. Data Structure Containing Skeleton Outstanding Fea-
by the classification algorithm, as compared with visual de- tures


J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

The current classification rule set for pavement distress has used to preserve the structure of the binary tree. By construc-
been devised by various transportation departments to facili- tion of the data structure, there is no danger of the algorithm
tate visual assessment by human inspectors. Quantification is going into an infinite computational loop.
an area where computers perform far better than humans. In a general case, it is desirable to identify branches be-
The implemented algorithm locates one end of a skeleton longing to the same approximately straight line, so the set may
and follows it through its neighbors until it reaches a branch- be classified as a single longitudinal, transverse, or diagonal
ing point or an ending is found. At the branching points, the crack. Hough's transform can tell whether a pixel given by its
algorithm proceeds recursively; as it proceeds, it changes the coordinates belongs to a given straight line. After extracting
gray level of the current object pixel, which is black from and simplifying all branches within a PVDU, all relevant data
thresholding (level 0), to a gray shade, named gray1. The pa- of each surviving branch are reachable in the corresponding
rameters of a simply connected set of object pixels (a branch) binary tree. If there is more than one approximate straight line
are stored in branch nodes. in different directions, their theoretical intersection point is
When the pavement distress is complex, it sometimes con- determined. If the theoretical intersection lies within the limits
tains loops in the skeletons. When the loops are relatively of each branch, then the algorithm searches the binary tree
large, they certainly belong to a variety of distress known as again, locating by proximity the exact intersection coordinates
Downloaded from by University of Cincinnati on 11/13/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

the alligator crack. An alligator crack contains a multitude of in the skeleton. This is to confirm the existence of intersections
disconnected cracks, some of which may be looped, having a for classification purposes. A similar procedure is repeated
similar general orientation, resembling the cuirass of an alli- among all single-branch PVDUs in an attempt to identify bro-
gator; hence the name. Fig. 4 shows a typical topology of a ken lines, i.e., those with imperfections in the original image
loop in the skeleton under analysis, in this case a simple skel- that separated their skeletons. All PVDUs ending up in a single
eton containing a total of five branches, three of which form aligned group are simplified into a single PVDU. After these
a loop. The numbered arrows represent the temporal sequence integration steps, the remaining short ones are identified as
in which the pixels will be traversed by the algorithm. noise and may finally be discarded with confidence, because
The function starts at the top leftmost object pixel. It reads they will not harm the fidelity of the captured data.
each object pixel that is connected to the current pixel. For all
object pixels down to the one labeled A, the branch is O. Each Quantification
of them has a single neighbor. When the algorithm comes to
pixel A, the algorithm finds two neighbor pixels, B and C. Once the data structure is built and filled with data for the
When this occurs, the function recourses for the two new skeleton under analysis, the outstanding features must be
branches. Before the recursive processes are deployed, the counted from the structure. For the current implementation,
starting pixels are given a distinctive value, for future refer- the following features are counted:
ence. The next branch to be processed is I. With the algorithm
at pixel D two recursions take place, for neighbors E and F. 1. Number of PVDUs directly obtained from the PVDU
Branch 2 is a terminal branch, therefore it reaches the end, head structure.
and the depth 2 re.cursion returns, initiating branch 3. It then 2. Number of loops with significant perimeters (arbitrated
consumes all pixels of branch 3, reaching pixel G. It recourses as 1/12 of the image perimeter).
and processes the pixels of branch 4, starting at pixel I. Branch 3. Count of transversely oriented pairs for all PVDUs and
4 is unique, because it ends up meeting pixel C, which now its proportion in the total.
has gray level gray2. Pixel C is the closure of the loop {4,1,3 }, 4. Count of longitudinally oriented pairs for all PVDUs and
so branch 1 is connected as a child of branch 4. Then comes its proportion in the total.
the turn of branch 5, starting at pixel H. Finally, the depth 1 5. Count of diagonally oriented pairs for all PVDUs, both
recursion starting at pixel C is executed and the corresponding positive and negative slope, and its proportion in the to-
node is deleted, because all its pixels have been already con- tal.
sumed by branch 4. This is the mechanism that enables the 6. Total count of oriented pairs for all PVDUs with pro-
analysis algorithm to identify and record a loop in the skeleton. portion equal to unit.
When an object pixel has three neighbors, a dummy node is
These parameters are the most significant ones, but if neces-
sary, there are other features that may be added to the list. One
good candidate for addition is a measure of the crookedness
of branches and PVDUs, which may be obtained from ratios
between the basic oriented pair counts. If this parameter is
added to the branch and PVDU nodes, then intersections
would only be meaningful among straight branches (with min-
imum crookedness).

Distress Classification
Experimentally, the classification algorithm uses the follow-
ing general rules.

1. If there are only a few independent significant PVDUs

with no loops the distress is composed of a simple crack,
longitudinal, transverse, or diagonal, depending on
global orientation. For example, an image having a high
proportion of branches in the longitudinal direction is
classified as a longitudinal crack, even if there are a few
other shorter branches or PVDUs with other orientations.
2. If there are no loops, but numerous PVDUs, then the
FIG. 4. Diagram of Loop In Skeleton of Dletre88 Image distress is an alligator crack.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

3. If there are one or more large loops, then the distress is
also an alligator crack.
4. If there are no loops, but the PVDUs intersect each other Number of PVDUs
at two or more points, then the distress is a block crack. Number of loops
5. If there are no loops and there is a single intersection, Number of PAVEMENT
or there are both longitudinal and transverse components intersections
with significant lengths (more than 35% each of the total Sizes of branches DISTRESS I-- Distress
length of skeletons in the image), then the distress is a in each direction
combination crack. Proportions of branches
in each direction CLASSIFIER
The rules are tentative, because a clearly quantified classi-
fication rule set is not available at this time. The classes above Other features
are fuzzy in nature, so it is sometimes unclear exactly what
parameter values mark the end of one class and the beginning
Downloaded from by University of Cincinnati on 11/13/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

of another, just as it is difficult to visually classify certain cases

as alligator or block cracks. When clearly quantified defini- FIG. 5. Inputs to Classifier
tions of each class of pavement distress are available, the rules
above may be modified accordingly.
In Fig. 5, the features used in the current implementation
as inputs for the classifier are shown, together with those that
may be added in the future, represented as other features.

Distress Extent Calculation

To measure the severity of the distress, the ratio between
the total area of the distress and the total area of the image is
calculated. The total distress area is obtained by counting the
number of object pixels in the thresholded image, after noise
removal and morphological closing, whereas the total image
area is given by the total number of pixels in the source image.
The resulting fraction is a reasonable approximation of the
severity of the pavement distress in question.

For this operation to be performed satisfactorily on the en-
hanced image a threshold for the intensities needs to be de-
termined, so that all pixels below the threshold will be as-
signed the minimum gray level 0, whereas all other pixels will
be assigned the maximum gray level 255. The newly devel- FIG. 6. Selected Source Image after Preprocessing
oped enhancement algorithm assigns gray levels to the en-
hanced image with relatively small variations above or below ever, the fuzzy entropy method cannot handle nonuniform il-
the base intensity B in the noise regions, and significantly lumination, Le., it requires a fair separation of statistically nor-
larger variations below B in the distress regions. In addition, mal modes on the histogram between the background and the
it has been noticed that the intensity variations surrounding
objects. The fuzzy entropy method supplies the optimum
distress objects are very steep. Also, source images with high threshold value if the source image is acquired under a uni-
contrast contain noise with a larger amplitude than those with form illumination.
low contrast. Consequently, highly contrasted images present A general approach to illumination correction was necessary
larger standard deviations for their light intensity distributions. to obtain a satisfactory thresholding. The effect of the back-
Experimentation confirmed that an adequate threshold value is ground should somehow be eliminated. Based on principles
obtained by the expression learned from early experiments, a general method of enhance-
T=B - cr ment to approximate the goal was derived. Its action may be
observed from the variation of gray levels along a row of a
where cr = standard deviation of the gray levels in the en- typical source pavement distress image (Fig. 7) into the one
hanced image. shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7 clearly shows why the high amplitude
of the background intensity variation is capable of hiding all
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS the information contained in the smaller swings of intensities
Many experiments have been carried out using the proposed among neighboring pixel clusters.
algorithms. Several different distress source images have been The result from the enhancement of the image of Fig. 6 by
generated by magnifying, reducing, or rotating interesting im- the interpolated multipliers method is shown in Fig. 9.
ages from an original videotape.
Image Thresholding
Image Enhancement
The interpolated multipliers enhancement algorithm gener-
A typical preprocessed image that needs to be enhanced as ates an image matrix where all gray levels vary around a con-
a preparation for thresholding is shown in Fig. 6. Thresholding stant base level B, and the remaining variations are due to
was attempted by means of the histogram fuzzy entropy either noise or pavement distress. During the experiments, it
method (Li et al. 1994; Li et al. 1995), which determines the was observed that a threshold value of the base value minus
optimum threshold level for a wide range of situations. How- the standard deviation, cr, produced visually correct results in

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

..' ,.'.': .....--"..'V...."", It ,,',.,.
Row 171 from Original Test Pavement Image _I,. '" -. '.
I tA"'~~ .~,,)
r .. - ,-' , "," , .

'/ f.l· . , .. I .
i iU'"
fI'/;,} . .
I f, I ,I .1

•• 1- , . ',.. ••~ I 1
., ~ • w \ ..
O. ., I.,
' .. • ,;. r.. .

t,, .
~ ~

~~ /~. . I . . 'O'.~ ~
, ... ri.,
." J
f ..
4 • .' •

" ,

.!! 1 .'•• : J : I" OJ flo. ' "", ,

.<: 150 l.~' ) " .. ., ~~,I 'i ~
6 ••.' r:.L ',: ~ I '. ..." 1"
\......, II .f .... •
:e I
. , . . . f· •• '.' r
r. . •
r:tt·.· ~.. .'., · J r·,· . . r··' ~' ~....
• ,..... .. I ",. - I.' .,

,; • J r~;v ,.'. .
:.::l r f";'J I I, "

\.'.! "J"., ,... tr-.,./!tI, ; ,. .•••

t , t •

.~~ ..-, •..,i . f " .' r. ',1' ','"


... • ~. ~l;.~ ~. 1':·'I ~.J' j'~• • " ',•. ° r
'f!Y. ',.
0 50 100 150 200 300
\ Jr. I~ . 1.1 ••
Downloaded from by University of Cincinnati on 11/13/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Horizontal Pixel Position Indices •" It.• ~. • " •• ' II- '" ~.

~. 01. ~ ".. : , , "

, 41 ••,' ~. , 'I"

'", " .4'1: {~ i (../: '~1:,', , :' r
FIG. 7. Variation of Light Intensity along Row of Image with

' , ' ,.-

- .... ' "

. • I

4,,_ • •

Row 171 from Test Pavement Image after Enhancement
. ...... ,.••. ~

FIG. 10. Thresholded Image from Fig. 9


alligator crack with a dark right side from the enhancement

rJ executed by means of the interpolated multipliers method.
:ta 150

j 100
Analysis, Classification, and Severity
-ib After building the data structure containing the parameters
:.::l representing the skeleton read on input and executing the nec-
essary simplifications, this algorithm implementation outputs
a summary analysis report containing the outstanding param-
0 50 100 150 ~QQ 2'0 300 eter values leading to the distress classification.
Horizontal Pixel Position Indices
Example Report
FIG. 8. Variation of Light Intensity after Removing Back-
ground Variation For the alligator crack taken as an example throughout this
section the algorithm provided the following results:

Number of PVDUs: 21
Number of loops: o
Number of intersections: 11

Accumulated lengths in oriented pairs:

Orientation Length %

Longitudinal: 1,275 74.6

Transverse: 180 10.5
Diagonals: 255 14.9

Total: 1,710 100.0

Classification: Alligator Crack

Number of object pixels in thresholded image: 27,466
Area of frame in pixels: 234,278
Ratio of distress pixels for this frame = 27,466/234,278
Distress Extent over Total Area: 11.7%.

Note that if we want to compute the areas covered by an

alligator crack, we may find the left-most crack pixel and the
FIG. 9. Image of Fig. 6 after Enhancement right-most crack pixel on each row. The area will be the seg-
ment between these pixels. Then we can add the segments of
all cases. The majority of the distress images studied had (J' all rows and obtain the total areas covered by the alligator
equal to approximately 20. With the base intensity of 180 used, crack.
the threshold of 160 provided good results in all cases. On the Forty-two reports similar to the aforementioned example
other hand, one exceptional image scanned from a still pho- have been obtained, all presenting the correct classification
tograph taken on a sunny day from a close range presented (J' according to the visual assessment. Some of the cracks are
= 46, and any threshold higher than 180 - 46 = 134 caused thin and optically ill-defined, yet the classification is correct.
an excessive level of noise in the thresholded image. Some of the more interesting source images have been reused
Fig. 10 presents the result of thresholding the image of an to generate new source images. For instance, a new source

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

image was obtained by magnifying a part of the alligator crack TABLE 1. Distreas Classification Results
exemplified in the figures to 125% of its original size, a second Number of Error Accuracy
new source image by reducing the original image to 75% of Crack type cases (0/0) (0/0)
its size, and still another by rotating the original image by 90 (1 ) (2) (3) (4)
degrees. Among the distress images classified as transverse
Transverse 10 0 100
cracks were those containing a few more distress objects than Longitudinal 8 0 100
the dominant transverse crack. These are consequences of a Diagonal 2 0 100
design decision to account for the fuzziness of the issue, not Combination 7 0 100
misclassifications, because visually they did not appear com- Block 7 0 100
plex enough to justify being classified as alligator cracks. Alligator 8 0 100
These are cases about which even the experts might disagree Total 42 0 100
among themselves. In the experiments, a crisp threshold value
was used for the number of PYDUs to distinguish compound
transverse cracks from simple alligator cracks, instead of the be completely converted to a new set of rules by rewriting the
usual fuzzy approach used by humans. The same comment is small and accessible classification algorithm code, maintaining
Downloaded from by University of Cincinnati on 11/13/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

applicable to the longitudinal and diagonal cracks. What unchanged the more complex skeleton analysis algorithm.
should be emphasized is not the experimental classification The same flexibility does not occur for neural networks,
results, but the fact that the algorithm specifies parameters that because the reason for misclassification is not clearly recog-
may be adjusted to make its decisions match the experts' opin- nizable. To increase the correct classification rate of a neural
ions. Once these adjustments are made, the classification al- network it is necessary to input more training images with the
gorithm will behave as expected in all limiting cases. In other expected classification, but it is difficult to define the minimum
words, the automatic classification will not be worse than hu- number of training images to accomplish this goal.
man classification in the cases where ambiguity arises.
The algorithm correctly classifies all cases that are within CONCLUSION
typical parameters: simple cracks (transverse, longitudinal, and
diagonal) and complex cracks (block, alligator). For cases not In this section we describe the advantages and limitations
clearly within any of those typical situations, however, there of the new algorithms for enhancement, analysis, and classi-
are no qualified rules on which to base a decision, because the fication of pavement distress images. Also, the additional re-
current visually based standards are fuzzy. This is exactly what search and development efforts necessary to complete an au-
causes ambiguity in the classification, allowing subjective in- tomated PMS (Pavement Management System) are presented.
terpretations to come into play. The proposed algorithm is ca-
pable of quantifying many geometric features outside the cur- Advantages and Limitations
rent list; those features have not been measured in the current
implementation because there is no need for them. This pre- A statistical thresholding method assumed that object and
sents an opportunity to introduce some new classes that will background gray-level values were normally distributed
contain cases presently unqualifiable under the visual stan- (Kittler and IIlingwoth 1986). The proposed enhancement
dards. The algorithm could additionally measure, for example, method is better because it eliminates the nonuniform back-
the degree of crookedness of the branches and PYDUs to spec- ground illumination without assuming any particular statistical
ify more clearly what an alligator crack is supposed to be. It distribution for the source image gray levels. In the statistical
could assign a class to cases where there are two longitudinal approach (Koutsopoulos and Downey 1993), the source image
extensive cracks or three transverse cracks, for instance, be- was enhanced by subtracting an average of a few plain (non-
cause at present it would be necessary to consider such cases distress) images from the same set of images. Such an illu-
as either simple or alligator cracks. Therefore, incomplete vi- mination correct method may introduce distortion and noise in
sual standards account for some uncertainty in the design of ~e .enh~c~d image, which is why they reported difficulty in
this classifier, which is capable of assigning the correct class dlstmgulshmg a block from an alligator crack. The new en-
to any case that is input, provided the class delimiters are hancement algorithm is better because it uses information from
defined. the source image itself, not depending on other images of the
Despite the fact that combination cracks are a subset of set, so that the enhanced image will be faithful to the source
block cracks, they have been separately classified in the ex- image. The candidate pixel cluster perimeters were measured
periments to test the ability of the algorithm to accept addi- to distinguish noise clusters from object clusters (Li et al.
tional classes defined by stringent conditions. Experimentation 1991). Distinguishing clusters by size is safe only when no
~howed that the algorithm has this capability. In the same way, noise clusters lie close to the object and the noise clusters are
It could be modified to classify "rutting," which is a kind of significantly small when compared with the distress clusters.
distress having several longitudinal cracks concentrated on ~e ad~antage of the proposed enhancement algorithm is that
both sides of the pavement. To classify rutting, the quantifier It effectively separates background and noise from the distress
would require a counter of longitudinal PYDUs with holders portions of the source image, reducing the noise presence in
for the Hough transform p variable in order to distinguish rut- the thresholded image to a minimum. When compared with
ting from alligator cracks. In the current classifier implemen- the approach to the recognition of segmented pavement dis-
tation, the rutting cracks are included in the alligator crack tress images using directional filters for crack classification
class. (Moha~eri and Manni~g 1991), the advantages of the proposed
extraction of geometncal features from the image skeleton are
Experiment Summary its capability to quantify distress features in terms of under-
standing parameters (lengths, numbers of intersections, loops,
Table 1 summarizes the test results with the classification PYDUs, etc.) and its ability to classify the source image based
algorithm. An open approach such as the proposed classifier on such quantities. A fuzzy filtering image enhancement was
has a powerful appeal, because it quantifies features from the used to classify distress through a neural network (Chou et al.
source image in a manner understandable to the distress man- 1995). An image-independent nonlinear equation is used to
agement personnel. It may be adapted to recognize new in- correct the nonuniform illumination. The proposed enhance-
serted classes by adjusting its class delimiters and may also ment algorithm has the advantage of relying on the source

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

image alone to extract the features, so there are no distortions mination correction of the background to make faithful
caused by extraneous images. On the other hand, moment in- thresholding of a wide variety of pavement distress
variants were used as features, which may have similar values source images feasible without requiring them to possess
for a wide range of orientations, in a case a distress object is special statistical qualifications. It can also accumulate
wide and short (Chou et al. 1995). The proposed skeleton anal- the task of segmenting the image as it executes the en-
ysis algorithm is more specific and precise, because the skel- hancement.
eton for an object with a given orientation is unique for a wide 2. A new algorithm for pavement distress image analysis,
range of aspect ratios (thicknesses), so that there is no ambi- quantification, and classification, using the skeletons of
guity in the detected orientation. In addition, neural networks the thresholded image. The algorithm is open to added
do not clearly show how their decisions are made after train- functionality and updating of the classification rules
ing. The advantage of the proposed skeleton analysis algorithm based on topological and geometrical parameters under-
is that the distress orientations are clearly determined from the standable by both PMS developers and users.
object geometric features. Its classification rules are stated in
easily understandable terms such as branches and PVDUs, APPENDIX. REFERENCES
number of loops, number of intersections, and proportions of
Downloaded from by University of Cincinnati on 11/13/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

branch sizes in longitudinal, transverse, or diagonal orienta- Baker, J., Dahlstrom, B., Longenecker, K., and Buu, T. (1987). "Video
tions. Another advantage of this algorithm is that its rules are image distress analysis technique for Idaho Transportation Department
pavement management system." Transp. Res. Record, JI17, Transpor-
open to developers and users of the system, and are modifiable tation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 159-163.
to suit the requirements set by pavement managers. Zee (1991) Cheng, H. D. (1996). "Automated real-time pavement distress detection
described how imprecise the PAS 1 pavement distress mea- using fuzzy logic and neural networks." SPIE Proc., on Nondestructive
suring device was when compared with the manual condition Evaluation of Bridges and Highways, 140-151.
survey results. Although the article did not provide details Cheng, H. D., Chen, J. R., and Glazier, C. (1996). "A novel fuzzy logic
about the image processing tools used by PAS 1, its limitations approach to pavement distress detection." SPIE Proc.. on Nondestruc-
tive Evaluation of Bridges and Highways, 97-108.
were most probably caused by the nonuniform background Cheng, H. D., and Miyojim, M. (1996). "Synthesized images for pave-
illumination in the images analyzed. Because of the presence ment management system design." J. Compo in Civ. Engrg., 10(1),
of background effects, PAS 1 could not capture the distress 60-66.
signals faithfully, resulting in a preferential direction (trans- Chou, J. C., O'Neill, W. A., and Cheng, H. D. (1995). "Pavement distress
verse), poor detection of alligator cracks, and poor repeatabil- evaluation using fuzzy logic and moment invariants." Transp. Res.
ity. The proposed algorithms have the advantage of removing Record, 1505, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 39-
the effect of the background illumination so that repeated im- EI-Korchi, T., Gennert, M. A., Ward, M. 0., and Wittels, N. (1991).
age acquisition of the same section of pavement at different "Lighting design for automated pavement surface distress evaluation."
time of day or illumination conditions can render similar thres- Transp. Res. Record, 1311, Transportation Research Board, Washing-
holded images, resulting in consistent classifications for all the ton, D.C., 144-148.
repetitions. Also, the new algorithms are not direction biased Gonzalez, R. C., and Woods, R. (1992). Digital image processing.
and can clearly distinguish alligator cracks from longitudinal Addison- Wesley Publishing Co., New York, N.Y.
Guralnick, S. A., Suen, E. S., and Smith, C. (1993). "Automating in-
and transverse cracks. spection of highway pavement surfaces." J. Transp. Engrg., 119(1),
Limitations of the new algorithms are as follows: (1) they 1-12.
do not distinguish legitimate cracks from other optical effects Haas, C., and Hendrickson, C. (1990). "Computer-based model of pave-
that optically resemble cracks; (2) they cannot detect pavement ment surfaces." Transp. Res. Record. 1260, Transportation Research
distress that causes gentle variations of light reflections, such Board, Washington, D.C., 91-98.
as roadbed elevation distortions, certain potholes, etc. Kittler, J., and Illingworth, J. (1986). "Minimum error thresholding."
Pattern Recognition, 14(1),41-47.
Koutsopoulos, H. N., and Downey, A. B. (1993). "Primitive-based clas-
Future Research sification of pavement cracking images." J. Transp. Engrg., 19(3),
The following are complementary research tasks concerning Lee, H. (1991). "Accuracy, precision, repeatability, and compatibility of
an automatic PMS: the pavedex PAS 1 automated distress measuring device." Transp. Res.
Record. 1311, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
1. Combine the proposed optical enhancement and analysis 136-143.
algorithms with existing laser ranging or moire interfer- Li, L., Chan, P., Rao, A., and Lytton, R. L. (1991). "Flexible pavement
ence subsystems to overcome the current limitations and distress evaluation using image analysis." Proc.• 2nd Int. Conf. on
obtain complete image acquisition, processing, and clas- Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transp. Engrg., 473-477.
Li, X., Zhao, Z., Cheng, H. D., Huang, C., and Harris, R. W. (1994).
sification methods. "Fuzzy logic approach to image segmentation." Proc., 12th lAPR Int.
2. Experiment with the following method to remove non- Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 337-341.
uniform background lighting. a. Obtain the Fourier trans- Li, X., Zhao, Z., and Cheng, H. D. (1995). "Fuzzy entropy threshold
form of the image. b. Filter out the very low frequencies. approach to breast cancer detection." Information Sci. Applications:
c. Transfer to the space domain d. Compare the quality Int. J., 4(1), 49-56.
of the enhancement with the proposed enhancement al- Mohajeri, M. H., and Manning, P. J. (1991). "ARIA: An operating system
of pavement distress diagnosis by image processing." Transp. Res.
gorithm. Record, 1311, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
Contributions Velinsky, S. A., and Kirschke, K. R. (1991). "Design considerations for
automated pavement crack selling machinery." Proc.. 2nd Int. Conj.
This research contributes the following components for a on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transp. Engrg., 77 -80.
practical automated PMS: Walker, R. S., and Harris, R. L. (1991). "Noncontact pavement crack
detection system." Transp. Res. Record. 1311, Transportation Research
1. A new image enhancement algorithm that provides illu- Board, Washington, D.C., 149-157.


J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1998.12:145-152.

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