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Shakespeare Group 408 and 414



Dr. Mohammed Fahmy Raiyah

Scene i

On a dark winter night, a ghost walks the walls of

Elsinore Castle in Denmark. Discovered first by a pair of
watchmen, they urge Horatio to stand watch with them.
Horatio is skeptical at first, but then the ghost suddenly
appears before the men and disappears immediately. The
ghost appears another time and when Horatio tries to
speak to him, he vanishes. The ghost resembles King
Hamlet, whose brother Claudius has inherited the throne
and married his widow, Queen Gertrude. Horatio
suggests that they have to tell Prince Hamlet.
• Horatio tries to speak to ghost and he answers him( )
• The ghost resembles………
• Who inherited the throne after the king of Denmark ?
• What is the name of the queen ?
• What Horatio suggest to do with ghost ?
Scene ii
King Claudius and Queen Gertrude try to
speak to Hamlet out of his sadness, encouraging
him to end his excessive grieving. Hamlet accuses
Gertrude of pretending grief and rejoicing in the
old king's death. Claudius reminds Hamlet that he
is next in line to the throne, and asks him not to
return to school in Wittenberg.

• What do King Claudius and Queen Gertrude tell Hamlet ?

• Hamlet accuses his mother, Gertrude of …………
• Hamlets school is in …………….
• Who asked Hamlet not to return to School ?
Alone, Hamlet laments the fact that he
cannot commit suicide because his religion
prohibits suicide and claims that he would
rather die than continue watching his mother
engage in her new marriage

Horatio tells Hamlet about the Ghost of the

old king. Hamlet agrees to watch that night in
case the Ghost walks again.

• Why Hamlet cant commit suicide ?

• Why does Hamlet want to die?
• Who tells Hamlet about the ghost ?
• Hamlet doesn’t agree to watch the ghost ( )
Scene iii
Polonius talks to his son, Laertes who
prepares to return to school in Paris. Laertes
advises his sister Ophelia to keep away from
Prince Hamlet. He explains that, to Hamlet, she
can never be anything more than a
plaything. Laertes tells Ophelia, is of a higher
rank than and will never marry her.
Polonius repeats the same advise to her to
reject Hamlet’s advances. Ophelia promises
to obey her father and break off her
relationship with the prince.
• Laters is the son of ……….
• Laters wants to return to his school in …….
• What does Laters advise his sister ,Ophelia?
• Why Laters and Polonius advise Ophelia to keep away from Hamlet ?
Scene iv
Hamlet keeps watch outside the castle with
Horatio and Marcellus, waiting in the cold for the
ghost to appear.Then the ghost appears, and
Hamlet calls out to it. The ghost signals to Hamlet
to follow it out into the night. His companions
urge him not to follow, begging him to consider
that the ghost might lead him toward harm.

• Why Hamlet , Horatio and Marcellus wait outside the castle in cold?
• Why the ghost signals to Hamlet?
• Why Hamlets companions urge him not to follow the ghost ?
Hamlet is unsure whether the apparition
is truly the king’s spirit or an evil demon, but
he declares that he cares nothing for his life. He
follows after the apparition and disappears into
the darkness.

• Hamlet was sure that the apparition spirit is truly the kings spirit ( )
Scene v
The ghost speaks to Hamlet, declaring that it is
his father’s spirit, and that he was murdered by
Claudius. He orders Hamlet to take revenge on the man
who took his throne and married his wife.. Hamlet is
shocked at the revelation that his father has been
murdered. The ghost tells him that as he slept in his
garden, a villain poured poison into his ear—the very
villain who now wears his crown, Claudius. Hamlet’s
worst fears about his uncle are confirmed
• The ghost speaks to Hamlet , declaring that he is ....... And he was murdered by ……….
• What does the ghost order Hamlet ?
• Hamlet doesn’t shock at the revelation that his father has been murdered ( )
• How was the king killed ?
• Who is the villain now ?
• Hamlets worst fear about his uncle aren't confirmed ( )
The ghost tells Hamlet that Claudius has
corrupted Denmark and corrupted Gertrude. But the
ghost urges Hamlet not to act against his mother in
any way, telling him to “leave her to heaven” and to
the pangs of her own conscience. The
ghost then disappears. Hamlet swears to remember
and obey the ghost.

• According to the ghost , Claudius has corrupted …… and corrupted ……..

• What the ghost urge Hamlet about his mother ?
• Who is meant by “ Leave her to heaven “ ?
• The king is dead.
• Claudius marries Queen Gertrude.
• The ghost of the dead king appears.
• In a soliloquy, Hamlet expresses his anger against
his mother for her hasty remarriage.
• The king asks Hamlet to stay in Denmark.
• Laertes and Polonius warn Ophelia against Hamlet.
• The ghost tells Hamlet that he must avenge his
father’s murder.

Hamlet is set in -------------------.

a. Denmark
b. Scotland
c. Sweden
How much time passes between the
death of King Hamlet and the
remarriage of Gertrude to Claudius?

a. three months
b. six months
c. two months
Who marries King Hamlet’s wife?

a. Polonius
b. Claudius
c. Laertes
d. Cornelius
Hamlet's stepfather is also his ------

a. uncle
b. brother
c. grandfather
Where does Hamlet go to university?
a. Luxembourg
b. Germany
c. France
What does Prince Hamlet think of
doing because he is so sad?

a. Killing himself
b. Running away
c. stopping his studies
What does Laertes want Ophelia to

a. Take care of Polonius

b. Keep away from Hamlet
c. pray for him
How did Hamlet’s father die?

a. He was stabbed.
b. He was poisoned.
c. He died in battle.
Who does the ghost of Hamlet’s
father say killed him?

a. Polonius
b. Fortinbras
c. Claudius
What does the Ghost tell Hamlet to do?

a. to forget about this meeting

b. to kill his mother
c. to take revenge
What does the ghost of King Hamlet
say about Gertrude, his wife?

a. He wants Hamlet to kill her

b. He wants her to leave Claudius.
c. He tells Hamlet to leave her alone.
What does Hamlet tell Horatio and
Marcellus about his plan?

a. That he may pretend to be crazy

b. That he intends on killing Claudius
c. That he hopes to marry Ophelia
Of whom does Hamlet say, "Frailty,
thy name is woman"?

a. Ophelia
b. Gertrude
c. Rosencrantz
Scene i
Ophelia obeys her father and rejects Hamlet's
advances and returns his letters. She tells her father
that she has been horrified by Prince Hamlet, who
came to her trembling, his jacket askew, his face pale,
and looking pitiful.
Polonius diagnoses Hamlet's condition as madness
due to his love of Ophelia. Polonius decides to take
his information to the king.
• Why Ophelia is horrified by prince Hamlet ?
• Polonius thinks that Hamlet is ( mad- angry – calm)
due to his love to Ophelia
• Polonius decides to tell the ….. about Hamlet
• Ophelia rejects Hamlet and return his letters (. )
Polonius’s conversation with Ophelia illustrates
Hamlet’s behavior since his meeting with the ghost: he
is behaving as a madman as he has told Horatio
before. His strange treatment of Ophelia could be part
of his plan to pretend insanity, and it could also be the
result of his real distress at seeing Ophelia, who has
recently rejected him. In addition, his mother’s
marriage to Claudius seems to have shattered his
opinion of women in general.

Scene ii
Claudius and Gertrude welcome Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern, two of Hamlet’s friends from
Concerned about Hamlet’s strange behavior and his
inability to recover from his father’s death, the king and
queen have summoned his friends in the hope that they
might be able to discover the cause of it.
Polonius tells Claudius and Gertrude that he has
forbidden Ophelia to accept any advances from the
Prince, which has led poor Hamlet into madness.
Polonius then suggests that he and Claudius hide
themselves behind a curtain so they can
eavesdrop on the couple when Ophelia meets with Hamlet
to return his love gifts.
Hamlet enters reading and Polonius asks the
King and Queen to leave so that he may speak to
Hamlet. Hamlet’s answers to Polonius are very
strange, which convinces Polonius that he is really
A group of actors arrive to perform to the King.
Hamlet meets the actors and knows from them what play
they are going to play. He also tells them that he will
provide them with a scene that he wants them to add to
the play. They agree, and they leave.
The scene that Hamlet wants the actors to add to
their play closely resembles the murder of Hamlet’s
father. Hamlet thinks that if the king is guilty, he will
surely show some visible sign of guilt when he sees his
sin reenacted on stage. Then, Hamlet reasons, he will
have a definitive proof of Claudius’s guilt. “The play’s
the thing,” he declares, “wherein I’ll catch the conscience
of the king.”
Brief Summary of Act II
• Ophelia says that Hamlet acts strangely.
• Claudius employs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
to find out why Hamlet is acting odd.
• Polonius suggests that Hamlet is mad because
Ophelia rejects him.
• A group of actors arrive and Hamlet meets them
and asks them to perform a certain scene similar
to the murder of his father.

• Who are Rosencrantz and


a. Hamlet’s friends
b. Hamlet’s cousins
c. Claudius’s generals
What does Ophelia give Hamlet?

a. A birthday gift
b. The gifts he has given her
c. A letter
According to Polonius, why has
Hamlet gone mad?

a. He's angry at Gertrude for marrying

b. He's angry at Claudius for stealing
the throne.
c. He's in love with Ophelia.
Scene i
Hamlet enters, speaking to himself about the
question of whether to commit suicide to end the pain of
experience: “To be, or not to be: that is the question.” He
says that the miseries of life are such that no one would
bear them, except that they are afraid of “something after
Hamlet notices Ophelia reading. Hamlet, assuming
that she is reading prayers, asks her to pray for him. She
tells him she wishes to return to him gifts he has given
her. He responds that he has given her no gifts. She insists
that he did give her gifts, and she claims that he gave the
gifts to her with love words.
Again he denies having given her the gifts at all and
further denies having ever loved her. Ophelia believes
that Hamlet has become mad.
Scene ii
Hamlet has a group of players perform a play
which is similar in action to the way the ghost told
him about how his uncle have murdered his
father. If Claudius is guilty, he will react in a way
that reveals his guilt. When the moment of the
murder arrives, Claudius hurriedly leaves the
room. Hamlet and Horatio agree that this proves
his guilt.
Scene iii

Hamlet goes to kill Claudius but finds him

praying. Since he believes that killing Claudius
while in prayer would send his soul to heaven,
Hamlet decides to wait.
Hamlet confronts his mother, in whose
bedchamber Polonius has hidden behind a curtain.
Hearing a noise from behind the curtain, Hamlet
thinks it is the king who is hiding there. He stabs
through the curtain, killing Polonius.
appears to Hamlet, telling him to be kind to his
mother. Gertrude does not see the ghost and thinks
Hamlet is mad.
• Hamlet asks a group of actors to act a play that
shows events similar to the killing of King Hamlet
in front of Claudius and Gertrude.
• Hamlet becomes sure of what the ghost told him.
• He wants to kill the king, but finds him praying.
• He confronts his mother and kills Polonius who
was hiding behind the curtain.
Scene i

After her confrontation with Hamlet, Gertrude

hurries to Claudius, telling him how mad Hamlet was
and about his killing of Polonius.
Claudius becomes afraid of Hamlet and
orders that he be sent to England at once. He sends
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to bring Hamlet.
Scene ii-iii
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet Hamlet and
convince him to go with them to the king.
Claudius asks Hamlet about Polonius’ body and Hamlet
gives obscure answers. Claudius knows
that he cannot punish Hamlet for killing Polonius
because he is loved by all people. Instead, he
tells Hamlet that he must leave to England. The king
sends to the English king asking him to kill Hamlet
when he arrives there.
Scene iv
In his way to England, Hamlet sees
Fortinbras’ Norwegian army at the borders of
Denmark, marching to Poland to capture a small piece
of disputed land. Hamlet contemplates how these men
are ready to risk their lives for a worthless piece of
land, while he, who has every reason to risk his life in
the cause of revenge, delays and fails to act.
Scene v-vi
Ophelia has gone mad. She is seen singing
strange songs that refer to her father’s death and Hamlet’s
betrayal of her after he promised to marry her.
Laertes arrives at the court with a mob of
followers. He accuses the king of killing his father. The king
denies and explains that Polonius' death is not his fault.
Hamlet is back to Denmark after a pirates’ ship
takes him prisoner.
Scene vii
Claudius explains to Laertes that he buried Polonius
secretly and did not punish Hamlet because people and the
queen love him so much. News come that Hamlet will
come the next day. Laertes is happy because his revenge will
not be delayed. Claudius encourages Laertes to take his
revenge and he prepares a plan.
Claudius arranges a fencing match between Laertes
and Hamlet. Claudius suggests that Laertes be given a sharp
sword while Hamlet’s remains blunt. Laertes will also dip his
sword in poison so that the least scratch will kill Hamlet.
Claudius says he will also prepare a poisoned cup and give it
to Hamlet during the fight.
Ophelia drowns herself.
• The king sends Hamlet to England and sends
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with him, giving
them orders to kill the prince.
• Ophelia becomes mad.
• Hamlet returns to Denmark.
• Claudius puts a plan to kill Hamlet by the
poisoned sword in a duel with Laertes.
• Ophelia drowns in a pond.
Scene i

Hamlet passing by the church graveyard and finds

two gravediggers preparing a grave for a lady.
Hamlet converses with one of them about death. –
Claudius, Gertrude, and Laertes come marching toward the
grave along with a priest and a group of people bearing a
body. Hamlet discovers that this is Ophelia’s funeral. In his
intense grief, Laertes leaps into his sister’s grave to hold her
body again and orders the gravediggers to bury him alive.
Hamlet appears and declares that he loved Ophelia more
than forty thousand brothers could.
Scene ii
The king, queen and other figures of state gather
to watch the duel. Hamlet begs Laertes’ pardon both for
his outburst at Ophelia’s grave and for his rash killing of
Polonius. Laertes appears to accept this apology but
declares that his honor will not be satisfied until they
have had their duel.
Hamlet and Laertes choose their swords. Laertes
chooses the sharp sword with the poisoned blade. As
they prepare to fight, Claudius proposes a drink to
Hamlet wins the first point and the king offers him the
poisoned drink but Hamlet declines. They play another round and
Hamlet wins another point.
Gertrude toasts to Hamlet’s health, drinking from the poisoned
While Hamlet is unguarded, Laertes wounds him with the
poisoned sword. They fight and Hamlet takes Laertes’ poisoned
sword. He wounds Laertes with it.
Just then, the queen collapses. She declares that she has been
poisoned by the drink and then dies. Hamlet asks for the
treachery to be found out and Laertes confesses the plan. He says
that they are both going to die, having been wounded by the
poisoned blade.
Hamlet takes the poisoned sword and wounds Claudius, then
forces the king to drink from his poisoned cup.
Claudius dies.
Laertes asks Hamlet’s forgiveness and then dies.
Hamlet, knowing that he is about to die, asks Horatio to
explain the truth to people. Horatio, on the contrary,
wishes to die with his friend, but Hamlet convinces him
to live a while and clear his name. Hamlet declares that
Fortinbras should become King of Denmark. He then
Fortinbras orders that Hamlet be given military
honors. He orders his soldiers to carry the
bodies out, and the play ends.
• Hamlet and Horatio are at the graveyard.
• A funeral comes and Hamlet discovers that it is Ophelia’s
• Hamlet and Laertes fight.
• Hamlet accepts the fencing contest with Laertes.
• The king offers Hamlet the poisoned drink, but he does not
take it. The Queen drinks it.
• Hamlet is wounded with the poisoned sword, and Hamlet
wounds Laertes with the same sword.
• As Laertes is dying, he tells Hamlet that the king is to blame
for the poisoned sword and the poison in the cup. Hamlet
stabs the king and forces him to drink from the cup.
• Fortinbras, the king of Norway, arrives with his
army to conquer Denmark.
• Hamlet urges Horatio to tell his story. He says
that he wishes Fortinbras to be made King of
Denmark; then he dies.
• Fortinbras orders for Hamlet to be carried
away like a brave soldier.
Hamlet Analysis

1-Plot (summary of act 1,2,3,4 and 5)

2-Characters for detailed study:

Hamlet: The Prince of Denmark. He returns to Denmark because his father dies
..His father's ghost asks him to take avenge for his murder.
King Hamlet: Hamlet's father, who was poisoned by Claudius
Ophelia: Polonius's daughter and Hamlet's former love interest
Claudius: Hamlet's uncle, who kills Hamlet's father , becomes a king of Denmark
and marries the widowed Queen Gertrude
Gertrude: Hamlet's mother and Claudius's wife.
Horatio: Hamlet's friend and confidante.
Polonius: Laertes and Ophelia's father. He is a valued courtier .He accidentally
killed by Hamlet.
Laertes is Polonius's son and Ophelia's brother.He studies in Paris and joins
Claudius's plant to kill Hamlet after his father's death.
Fortinbars:The leader of Norwegian army at the borders of Denmark, marching
to Poland to capture a small piece of disputed land.At the end he become the king
of Denmark.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: Hamlet`s friends from Wittenberg. The king and
Queen have summoned them to find why Hamlet is acting very weird .They are
serve Claudius and go with Hamlet to England and they die there .

Hamlet is set in the late middle ages and around the royal palace in
Elsinore, Denmark.

1. Impossibility of Certainty or Dilemma

Hamlet wants to make sure that Claudius is guilty. Because there is no way to
confirm this ,so he waits until he confirms the crime of Claudius by letting the
players act the scene of murder in the play. Once he goes to kill Claudius he finds
him praying so he delays it to other time.

2. Hamlet as Tragedy

Hamlet is the play which ends by the death of main characters, Gertrude,
Laertes,Claduius and Hamlet .The play opens with death of King Hamlet then
Hamlet learns from ghost that his uncle is responsible for the death of his father ,
then he wants to revenge. In the entire play, he has numerous chances to kill
Claudius. He waits until he confirms the crime of Claudius by letting the players
act the scene of murder in the play.Once he also finds Claudius praying, and has a
perfect opportunity to kill him. The delay indirectly cost his own life. However, the
last conversation with Horatio to leave and show the justification of his cause to
the world makes it clear that the intent of delaying was to seek justification.

3. Madness/Is he really mad?

In Hamlet ,the theme of madness is apparent throughout the play, mainly through
the actions and thoughts of Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes. Madness is defined as the
quality or condition of mental illness (being insane). Madness is at the center of the
conflicts and problems of the play .Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes face madness
during the play . All examples of madness begin and end with death. Hamlet’s
madness, or feign of madness begins with the death of Old Hamlet and seeing his

4. Revenge

In Shakespear`s play , Hamlet the theme of revenge can be seen in the events of
play . Hamlet gets shocked by knowing that his father is killed , he decides to take
avenge .He puts a plan with Horatio and tries to let his uncle shows some signs to
prove his crime.Hamlet cant kill Claudius when he gets a chance . At the end he
does his revenge and kills Claudius, it is too late and he is about to die.
5. Woman characters of Hamlet:

The Role of Women in Hamlet in William Shakespeare's Play Gertrude and Ophelia,
the only two women in Hamlet, reflect the general status of women in Elizabethan
Times. Women were suppressed by the males in their lives (brothers, fathers, and
partners) and were always inferior. Ophelia and Gertrude have little or no power due
to restricted legal, social and economic rights that were found in Elizabethan society.
The male characters in Hamlet reflect this sexist view point, represented by
Hamlet’s judgement that “frailty, thy name is woman”.
Act 1
1. Act 1, Scene 2. line 11-13
Speaker: King Claudius
Listener: All the resident of Denmark
"With an auspicious and a dropping eye,
With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage,
In equal scale weighing and dole "

SITUATION: When King Hamlet dies , Claudius becomes the king and in the
speech he explains his sadness and tells that with a sad joy; with one eye merry and
the other crying; with laughter at a funeral and grieving at a wedding; with equal
measures of happiness and sadness—He has married his former sister-in-law and
made her his queen.

2. Act 1, Scene 2. Lines 47-49

Speaker:King Claudius
Listener: Laertes and Polonius
"The head is not more native to the heart,
The hand more instrumental to the mouth,
Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father"

SITUATION: King Claudius asks Laertes if he wants any favor from him and the
king tells Laertes that Polonius and the Danish throne are as close as the mind and
the heart, or the hand and the mouth.

3. Act 1, Scene 2. Lines 146

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: (Soliloquy)
"…Frailty, thy name is woman-"
SSITUATION: Hamlet sees his mother relation with his uncle seems very good , he
talks to himself after all the love that was between my father and her who will
believe now within a month of his death she gets married with his brother .He
doesn’t even want to think about it. Because according to him women are so weak.

4. Act 1, Scene 2. Line 255-258

Speaker :Hamlet
Listener: No one

"My father’s spirit in arms! All is not well.

I doubt some foul play. Would the night were come!
Till then sit still, my soul! Foul deeds will rise,
Though all the earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes."

SITUATION: When Hamlet knows that there is a ghost resembles his father he
thinks there is something wrong about his father's death , so he decides to be calm
and wait till night ,he says that bad deeds will appear even if the people try to hide

5. Act 1, Scene 3 Line 102-104

Listener: Ophelia
" Affection! Pooh! You speak like a green girl,
Unsifted in such perilous circumstance.
Do you believe his tenders, as you call them? "

SITUATION: Polonius warns his daughter, Ophelia about her relation with Prince
Hamlet telling her that she is not able to understand that Prince Hamlet plays with
her .So that she must keep away from Prince Hamlet.
6. Act 1, Scene 5. Lines 38-40
Listener: Hamlet
"…But know, thou noble youth,
The serpent that did sting thy father’s life
Now wears his crown."

SITUATION:The ghost of king Hamlet tells Hamlet that everyone in Denmark

knows that there is a snake bits him when he was in the garden and this is not
true.The snake which stings him is now wearing his crown.

7. Act 1, Scene 5 Lines 105-106

"O most pernicious women!
O villain, villain; smiling, damned villain!"

SITUATION: When Hamlet knows how his father dies, he feels very angry with his
uncle and he calls him as an evil woman .Hamlet notices that the one who smiles
can turn out to be a villain.
Act 11

1. Act 11, Scene 2 Lines 164 -165

Speaker :Polonius
Listenr:Claudius and Gertrude
"At such a time I’ll loose my daughter to him.
Be you and I arras then;"

SITUATION:Polonius tells the king, Claudius and the Queen, Gertrude that
Hamlet is mad because of his love to Ophelia . Then he offers to send his daughter to
Hamlet while he is hidden to let them see that he is not lying.

2. Act 11,Scene 2 Lines 365-366

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: Guildenstern
"I am but mad north-north-west; when the wind is
southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw".
SITUATION: Hamlet explains to his friend, Guildenstern that he is only crazy
sometimes, but other times, he is not .

3. Act 11,Scene 2 Lines 529-530

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener( soliloquy)
"…Now I am alone.
O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!"
SITUATION: Hamlet is alone and he is excited to see how his uncle will react after
seeing the scene of murder .
4. Act 11, Scene 2 Lines 538-539
Listener: Soliloquy
"What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weep for her? "
SITUATION: Hamlet describes the useless of his uncles plan ,Claudius is meeting
the needs of his act—and all for nothing. For Hecuba!

5. Act 11, Scene 2, Lines 584-585

Speaker :Hamlet
Listener: Solilquy
"…The play’s the thing
Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King"
SITUATION: The play is the thing which confirm the guilt of his uncle ,when the moment
of murder arrive the king will show some visible sings .

Act 111

1. Act 111,Scene 1, Lines 57

Listener: Soliliquy
"To be, or not to be – that is the question:"
SITUATION: Hamlet is asking himself is better to be alive to pursue this way he
has or to die ? Because he faces many troubles in his life , he is unable to choose
the right option .
2. Act 111,Scene 3, Lines 73 -78
Speaker: Hamlet
"Now might I do it pat, now a is a-praying;
And now I’ll do’t – and so goes to heaven;
And so am I revenged. That would be scanned.
A villain kills my father, and for that
I, his sole son, do this same villains end
To heaven"
SITUATION: After Clauduis leaves the room with anger ,Hamlet goes to kill
him but finds him praying .Since he believes that killing Claudius while in
prayer would send his soul to heaven ,Hamlet decides to wait.

3. Act 111,Scene 4, Lines 125 – 129

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: ghost and Gertrude
"On him, on him! Look you, how pale he glares!
His foem and cause conjoined, preaching to stones
Would them capable".

SITUATION: Hamlet is telling the ghost how Claudius afraid, and his look
during the play is shown that he is in trouble.
Act IV

1. Scene 2. Lines 25 – 26
Listener: Claudius,Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
"The body is with the King, but the King is not with the body. The King is a thing –"
SITUATION: When Claudius sends Hamlet`s friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
To find out where the Polonius's body ,then Hamlet gives them a obscure answer that
the body is with the king, but the king is not with the body. The king’s a thing .

2. Scene 3. Lines 26 – 27
" A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a King,
And eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm."
SITUATION: When Claudius asks Hamlet about Polonius's body Hamlet gives him a strange
answer contains worms are eating Polonius now then he clarifies it by saying that a man can
fish with the worm that ate a king, and then eat the fish he catches with that worm.

3. Scene 4. Lines 32 – 33
Listener: soliloquy
"How all occasions do inform against me,
And spur my dull revenge!"
SITUATION: Hamlet in his way to England , he meets Fortinbars then he thinks about
his life and says to his God that Everything he sees shows him how wrong he is and tells
him to hurry up and get on with the revenge.
4. Scene 4. Lines 56 – 62
Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: soliloquy
": …How stand I, then,
That have a father kill, a mother stained,
Excitement of my reason and my blood,
And let all sleep, while, to my shame, I see
The imminent death of twenty thousand men,
That for a fantasy and trick of fame
Go to their graves like beds,…"
SITUATION :Hamlet is blaming himself for being useless and cant do anything
,compared with the army they risk their lives to get these small lands He thinks that
the greatness is to fight when the honor is stake . So where does that leave him , whose
father has been murdered and mother defiled, ignoring these mental and emotional
provocations and letting well enough alone? Meanwhile, to his shame, he watches
twenty thousand men go marching to their deaths for a little bit of fame, fighting for a
tiny piece of land not even big enough to bury them all. From now on, if his thoughts
aren’t violent he’ll consider them worthless.

5. Scene 5. Lines 74 – 75
Speaker: King Claudius
"O, this is the poison of deep grief: it springs
All from her father’s death."
SITUATION:Claudius notices how Ophelia becomes strange due to her father's death
and tells Gertrude that, her grief has poisoned her mind.
6. Scene 5. Lines 129 – 134
7. Listener:Cladius and Gertrude
8. " How came he dead? I'll not be juggled with.
To hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil!
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation. To this point I stand,
That both the worlds I give to negligence,
Let come what comes, only I'll be revenged
Most thoroughly for my father."
SITUATION: Laertes comes with a mob asking how did his father end up dead? And telling
that Don’t mess with him . he accuses the king , but the king tells him that his father is killed
by Hamlet, then Laertes decides Whatever happens he’ll get revenge for his father’s murder.

9. Scene 7. Lines 193 – 195

Speaker King Claudius
10. "How much I had to do to calm his rage!
Now fear I this will give it start again.
Therefore let’s follow"
SITUATION:When Ophelia dies ,Laertes seems in a bad condition ,so the king tells the
Queen to follow Laertes . Because he worked so hard to calm him down, and now he is
worried that Laertes will return not to be calm.


1) Scene 1 Lines 8-9

Speaker :Gravedigger
Listener: Other gravedigger
"It must be se offendendo; it cannot be else. For here lies
the point: if I drown myself wittingly, it argues an act."
SITUATION: Because Ophelia drowns he self , it considers as a suicide. The two
gravediggers discuss if she kills herself so she wont have a Christian funeral unless
she kills herself in defense and the other gravedigger tells him that what they say .But
according to gravedigger that it is a self- offensive.

2) Scene 1 Lines 49-54

Speaker: Gravedigger
Listener: Other gravedigger
"Ay, tell me that, and unyoke.
Mary, now I can tell.
Mass, I cannot tell.
Cudgel thy brains no more about it, for your dull ass will
not mend his pace with beating."
SITUATION: The two gravediggers talk about Christian funeral ,to unyoke the oxen means to
stop working, or, in the case of this metaphor, to rest your brain
3) Scene 1 Lines 91-95
Speker :Hamlet
Listener: gravediggers & Horatio
"There’s another. Why may not that be the skull of a
lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillities, his
cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Why does he suffer this
mad knave now to knock him about the sconce of his action of
SITUATION: In the graveyard at Elsinore, Hamlet and Horatio come upon two
gravediggers, one of whom sings while he works. The gravediggers are debating whether
the person for whom they are digging the grave committed suicide. Observing them,
Hamlet ponders all the different skulls in the graveyard, wondering who they once
belonged to.

4) Scene 1. Lines 100-104

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: gravedigger
"Will his vouchers vouch him no
more of his purchases, and double ones too, than the
length and breadth of a pair of indentures? The very
conveyances of his lands will hardly lie in this box; and
must th’inheritor himself have no more, ha?"
SITUATION: Hamlet meets gravediggers and start talking about death with one of them
,he mentions that all the things that one keeps wont cover him in ground except coffin .The deeds
would barely fit in his coffin.
5) Scene 2. Lines 64-67
Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: Horatio
"He that hath killed my King, and whored my mother;
Popped in between th’election and my hopes;
Thrown out his angle for my proper life,
And with such cozenage- isn’t not perfect conscience."
SITUATION: When Hamlet leaves England , he is telling Horatio it is a right time to kill
Claudius .Due to his plan for killing my father and corrupting Denmark with my mother .In

addition , he takes the throne that he supposes to get it, then he puts a plan to kill him
.Hamlet cant wait anymore ,he doesn’t want to let this demand live to continue doing
more bad deeds .

6) Scene 2. Lines 337-342

Speaker: Hamlet
Listener: Horatio
"O, I die, Horatio.
The potent poison o’ercrows my spirit.
I cannot live to hear the news from England;
But I do prophesy th’election lights
On Fortinbras. He has my dying voice;
So tell him, with the occurrents, more and less,
Which have solicited-the rest is silence."

SITUATION: Hamlet is dying and telling Horatio it is a strong poison , he can't bear
it .Also, he will not live to hear the news from Denmark. But he suggests that
Fortinbras will be the king of Denmark

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