Automation Control: Department of Industrial Engineering, UET Peshawar

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Department of Industrial Engineering, UET Peshawar

Automation Control Lecture-2

By Sikandar Bilal Khattak


This Lecture

❖ Industrial Automatio
❖ Control Syste
❖ Automation Histor
❖ Factory Automation Hierarchy

Industrial Automation

❖ The use of control systems

❖ With other applications of information technology
❖ To control industrial machinery and processes
❖ Reducing the need for human intervention.

❖ System is an arrangement of physical component
❖ Connected or related in such a manner as to make and/
or act as an entire unit.

For Exampl
Conveyor belt is an arrangement of physical components
(dc motor, sensor and roller in conveyor) connected or
related in such a manner as to make and/or act as an
entire unit.

Control System

❖ The word control is usually taken to mean regulate, or

❖ A control system is an arrangement of physical
components connected or related in such a manner as to
command, direct, or regulate itself or another system.

Types of Control System

❖ Open Loo
❖ No Feedbac
❖ Closed Loo
❖ Have Feedback


❖ Sequence of interdependent and linked procedures

which at every stage, consume one or more resources to
transform input into output.
Process Control
❖ Methods that are used to control process variables when manufacturing a product.
For Example,
❖ Factors such as the proportion of one ingredient to another
❖ The temperature of the materials, how well the ingredients are mixe
❖ The pressure under which the materials are held can signi cantly impact the
quality of an end product.
❖ Manufacturers control the production process for three reasons
❖ Reduce variabilit
❖ Increase ef cienc
❖ Ensure safety


Automation in Manufacturing
❖ Digital Control Technolog
❖ Refers to a Microprocessor based system

For Example

Computer, microcontroller or programmable controlle

❖ Manufacturing Automatio
❖ Self Regulation of Machines and processes by their

Need of Automation?
❖ Repetitive Task
❖ Unpleasant Environment for labor
❖ Specially Chemical and Petrol Chemical Industries
❖ Ability to control precisely in Variatio
❖ Ability to control precisely in Composition of nished
❖ Flexibility


Industrial Revolutions

❖ First
❖ Replacing muscle power with mechanical powe
❖ Secon
❖ Replacing brain power with computer power

Automation History
❖ Before World War II it was common practice to regulate
processes in Industry
❖ By 1940 Concepts/Theory of Servo Mechanism was
❖ We can classify it into two period
❖ Period of Mechanizatio
❖ Development in technologies for self regulation of

Period of Mechanization
S.No Period/Year Happenings
1 18th Century First Industrial Revolution
Steam Engine
Water Wheel
Idea of modern Factory
2 19th Century Industrial Revolution Entered United States
Powered Machinery
Standardization of Product Design for
Batch Production in desired specification along
with tolerances
3 1910 Henry Ford introduces the above concepts in
automobile industry
Transfer Machine, a material handling device
S.No Period/Year Happenings
Ford Factory was a Milestone on the road to
mass production
Term Automation coined by Works Manager
at Ford s Factory
4 20th Century (1900-1949) Detroit Automation
Increase in the level of output per factory
Level of installed horsepower per production
worker grew
Reduction in factory workforce
Its Evolution
❖ 1812, Charles Babbage gave the idea of computer (Only workable Design
❖ 1937, Howard Aikens worked on machine that could solve polynomial
❖ 1944, Howard Aikens (Funded by IBM) developed Mark I. It was an
electromechanical computer with more than 760,000 parts and 500 miles of
❖ 1948, Bell Labortaries invented Transisto
❖ 1948, Logic Gates (AND, OR etc;
❖ 1960, Texas instruments corporation succeeded in combining several of
these gates on a signle fabricated chip
❖ 1970, One could put 50,000 logic gates on a single chip


Charles Babbage
Analytical Engine/Difference Engine

Howard Aiken
Started From Where?
❖ Its not just hardware alon
❖ 1930s-1940s scientist and mathematicians were working on electromechanical contro
❖ Concept of Feedback evolve
❖ Radar Syste
❖ Radar System is naturally sampled system because of the time delay between successive detection of object position
❖ Computers are discrete devices that monitor a process by taking sample also.
❖ So, Computer Technology in control function needed a control theory based on the sampling of feedback
❖ 1946, two radar engineers proposed prototype automatic factory design


Hierarchical Model of Factory Automation

❖ Four Level
❖ Machine Level Automatio
❖ Production Line or Work Cell Automatio
❖ Shop Floor Automatio
❖ Plant Level Automation

Hierarchical Model
Level 4 : Plant Order Processing
Aggregate Production Planning
Level 3 : Shop Floor Materials Management
Quality Management
Shop Floor Scheduling
Level 2 : Work cell Production Line Materials Handling
Part Sequencing
Statistical Process Control
Level 1 : Machine CNC Machine Tools
Programmable Controllers
Automation Control Technology
❖ System (interacting components of universe
❖ Machine Tool is a system of electrical and mechanical
❖ Contains Motors which are themselves system
❖ Two speci cation parameters of System in Manufacturing
in de ning the kind of automatic control require
❖ Tim
❖ Precision


❖ How quickly it is necessary to update the information
on the state of system in order to affect adequate contro
❖ Term “State of System
❖ If the system evolves slowly, time not critica
❖ If the system changes rapidly, continuous updating

“Life is really simple, but men insist on making it



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