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Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

1. During meiosis I, DNA replication of each c. One Y chromosome

chromosome occurs, there by forming a d. One X chromosome
structure consisting of two sisters e. One of chromatin
chromatids attacheds to a single
centromere, which of the following structure 10. A young woman enter a puberty phase with
is the most likely to be above? approximately 400.000 primary oocyts in
a. A synopsed chromosome her ovary. How many of these primary
b. Two chromosome oocytes will be ovulated over the entire
c. A cross over chromosome reproductive life of the woman?
d. A duplicated chromosome a. 40.000
e. A homologus pair b. 35.000
c. 480
2. ……………. d. 48
e. 12
3. Saat meiosis, pasangan kromosom synaps
11. During the S phase of the cell cycle, each
4. …………… chromosome in the cell duplicate to form
another identical chromosome. Each copy
5. Differentiation of primodial germ cells into of chromosome is called…
oogonia begins shortly alter their arrival in a. Sibling Chromosome
the ovary. In the production of female b. Twin Chromosome
gameto, which of the following cells can c. Clone
remain dormant for 12-40 years d. Sister chromatids
a. Primordia germ cell e. Coupled chromosome
b. First polar body
c. Primary oocyte 12. …………..
d. Secondary oocyte
e. Second polar body 13. which of the following is the cell cycle
regulatory that are synthesized and
6. ……… degraded each cell cycle?
a. protooncogans
7. A young woman enters puberty with b. hormones
approximately 40.000 primary oocyte in her c. cdks
ovary, all primary oosit are formed by? d. growth factor
a. 4 weeks embryonic life e. cyclin
b. 5 months of infance
c. Birth 14. posisi sentromer pada jenis metasentris
d. 5 month of fetal life a. in the central of kromosome
e. Puberty b. between central and terminal of
8. We does formoting of primary c. in the terminal of kromosome
spermatocytes begins….. d. di ujung kromosom
a. During fourth week of embryo life e. ada satelit
b. During fifth month of infancy
c. During fifth month fetal live 15. at three month pregnancy, the obstetrician
d. Birth ask to perform amniocentesis for
e. Puberty chromosomes examination. The
chromosome abnormality can be in the
9. Fetal sex can be diagnosed by nothing the number and the structure of chromosome.
presence or the absence of barr body that Which of the following syndrome is
obtained from amniotic fluid. What is the numerical chromosome abnormalitis?
etiology of the barr body ? a. prader-willi
a. Inactivated of X chromosome b. klinefelter
b. Homolog chromosome c. angelman

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

d. cri du cat c. inflammation

e. fragile d. malformation
e. genetic mutation
16. individual blastomeres separates to 4 cell,
each cell is storage in 4 different blastosol 28. During the development of the eye, which of
stage. And enter to 4 different the following layer is the most, likely
pseudopregnant fosced mother. What wiil involved in the for ?
happened in 9 mont later a. endoterm of fore brain
a. 1 baby birth b. mesoderm
b. 4 babies with identical genetically birth c. endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
c. 4 babies with different genetical birth d. neuroectoderm, surface of head,
d. 4 babies with deformation birth mesoderm, neurocrest cell
e. No birth e. neuroendoderm, surface of head,
mesoderm, neurocrest cell
17. the time of delivery is coming and a female
baby is born on a visit to pediatrician, down 29. The definitive adult arch of the aorta is
syndrome and congenital heart defect has derived from which one of the following
notified. Which of the following embryonic aortic arch ?
layer is the heart originated? a. right aortic arch 4
a. somatic mesoderm b. Left aortic arch 4
b. endoderm c. Right arch 5
c. lateral mesoderm d. Right arch 6
d. intermediet mesoderm e. Left arch 4
e. splancnic mesoderm
30. conjoined monozygotic twins that showing
18. ………….. union at the back region of the back region
of the body
19. which of the following statements is the 31. Developing heart is in a very unusual
most likely explanation 4 the cell cycle position, example: cranial to the site of
a. …. future mouth during its early stage
b. ……….. development. And then the primitive heart
c. ……….. tube and pericardial cavity became located
d. ………… ventral to the foregut.
e. G1 phase is period of cell growth Which of the following even is responsible
for rotating the heart to its adult anatomic
20. intestine berasal dari…………… position?
a. mesoderm a. lateral folding of embryo
b. ectoderm b. cranio caudal folding of embryo
c. endoderm c. programmed cell migration
d. ………………. d. programmed cell death
e. programmed cell differentiation
21. ……….
22. ………….. 32. Salah satu dari tiga germ layer yang
23. …………… membentuk endokardium heart pada orang
24. ……………. dewasa..
25. ……………… a. hypoblast
26. …………… b. epiblast
c. endoderm
27. A baby was born with primary error of d. mesoderm
morphogenesis and intrinsic development e. ectoderm
that are caused multifacterial etiology
terminology? 33. Intinya, tentang congenital cardoivaskular.
a. …………… Pilihannya..
b. infection a. coarctation of aorta

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

b. patent ductus a. meiotic division forming blastomere

c. ………….. b. production of highly differentiated
d. truncus … blastomeres
e. …………… c. increasing of cytoplasmic content of
34. During the formation of the placenta, it’s d. increased in the size of blastomere
important that the chorion firmly attaches to e. decreased in size of blastomere
the maternal endometrial stroma. This is
accomplished by the.. 44. German meaves affecting pregnant woman
a. extra embryonic mesoderm in the early stage of gestation could lead to
b. intra embryonic mesoderm congenital birth defect in the offspring.
c. secondary chorionic vili Which of the following period of pregnancy
d. tertiary chorionic vili in the most likely to highly sensitive critical
e. outer cytotrophoblast shell period in human development for including
birth defect?
35. Which of germ layers are present of week 3 a. 1st to 2nd weeks
development? b. 3rd to 8th weeks
a. embryoblast only c. 9th to 14th weeks
b. epiblast & hipoblast d. 15th to 20th weeks
c. ectoderm & endoderm e. after 20th weeks
d. epiblast, mesoderm, hypoblast
e. ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm 45. Breakdown of the blood testis barrier,
appear to be the major factor cause of the
36. ……………….. antigen leakage causing antispermatozoid
37. ……………. antibodies formation. ASA may cause male
infertility by which of the following way?
38. In different embrio entherophyc sexual a. interfere spermatozoon production
differentiation during.. b. interfere spermatozoon capatitation
a. 3 week c. reduce amount of spermatozoa
b. 5 week d. reduce motility of spermatozoa
c. 7 week e. agglutinated and immobilizing of
d. fertilization spermatozoa
e. 20 week
46. …………………
39. Cardiac muscle dibuat dari..
a. neuroectoderm 47. After 3rd week of pregnancy, physician asks
b. ectoderm to perform amniocentesis. Which is the
c. endoderm following layer from amnion?
d. splanaic mesoderm a. sinsitiotropoblast
e. somatic mesoderm b. sitotropoblast
c. epiblast
40. ……………………. d. epiblast and hipoblast
e. amnioblas
41. Function of amniotic fluid :
a. permits asymmetrical external growth 48. ………………………..
b. permits normal lung growth
c. help control maternal body temperature 49. A 30 year old woman was unsure when her
d. …. LMNP was stated that her periods were
e. …. irregular. An ultrasound examination of
pregnant woman sex distinguishable
42. ………………… externally well defined neck. CRL : 45 mm.
Which of the following fetal age is most
43. Which process involved in cleavage of likely to the statement above?
zygote first week development?

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

50. Which of the following statement is true 57. Lipid bilayer is the structure cell membrane
explanation for differentiation of somite ? are:
a. Impermeable
a. Form b. Outer bilayer are hidprophobic
b. Desmosome for sclerosome c. Middle layer are hydrophilic
c. Somite form sclerosome, desmosome, d. Semipermeable
myosome e. Permeable
d. …………
e. ………… 58. Nucleosome?
a. A basic packaging unit of chromatin
51. Somebiologically important fatty acid have b. Found only in euchromatin
melting point -50°C? c. Comprised of histone high mobility group
a. Palmitic protein & DNA
b. Stearic d. Condense DNA by wrapping two each
c. Arachidic core histon around 160 base pair of DNA
d. Arcohelalonic e. Package DNA into 10 solenoid fiber
e. Linoleic
59. …………………………….
52. The folow diffusion of the electrolyte in the 60. Which of the following statement will cause
plasma membrane mentioned below one as an increase on the rate of diffusion of
follow substances across a membrane?
a. Na- ion from IiF & EiF a. increasing the effective thickness of the
b. Cl- ion from IiF & EiF membrane
c. K- ion from IiF & EiF b. increasing the concentration gradient of
d. Ca- ion from Iif & EiF the substrate
e. Mg- ion from IiF & EiF c. increasing the molecular weight of the
53. ……………………… d. decreasing the permeability of teh
54. Primery active-transport at exitated e. decreasing the surface area of
membrane membrane
a. The process is always “down hill”
b. Need ADP 61. Which of teh following statement will cause
c. The process is always 2 way direction an increase on the rate of diffusion of
d. Na-ATPase substancess across a membrane?
e. Cl-ATPase a. increasing the effective thickness of the
55. The process of Na-K active transport (Na-K b. increasing the concentration gradient of
ATPase) on the plasma membrane, it teh substrate
become: c. increasing the molecular weight of the
a. Depolarization of the membrane substance
b. Polar d. decreasing the permeability of teh
c. Repolar substrate
d. Hyperpolar e. decreasing the surface area of
e. ……………….. membrane

56. ATP as source of energy can be use for 62. ……………………

process: 63. What happen in depolarization?
a. Primary active transport a. Na difussion
b. Diffusion K+ to ECF b. K diffusion
c. Secondary active transport c. …………..
d. Diffusion Ca+ to ECF d. …………..
e. Influx Na+ e. …………..

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

64. What happen during absolute refractory 79. Dense connective tissue ...
period? a. Have lesser collagen
a. sodium channel inactive b. Have a large ground subtance
b. potassium channel inactive c. Fiber always arrange regulary
c. calcium channel inactive d. In dermis, compose of elastic fibers
d. clor channel inactive predomnantly
e. larger stimulus than normal will generate e. Elastic tissue can be found in the
action potential susposury ligament of penis.

65. ……………………. 80. ……………………..

66. …………………………. 81. General features of osteoclast, which one is

67. ………………………. correct....
a. Cell body content 5-50 or more nuclei
68. Human perception of pitch by the hearing b. They’re derived from fusion of osteocyte
mechanism is believed to be the due to a c. They’re found to lie in Volkmann canal
difference in the .. d. They’re responsible for the synthesis
a. area of tectoral membrane stimulated collagen type I
b. area of basilar membrane stimulated e. Parathormone inhibit osteoclast
c. role oscilation of tectoral membrane resorption of the matrix
d. role oscilation of basilar membrane
e. membrane of osfioritis 82. Injury to the lateral cord of brachial plexus
will also injury to it continous the muscular
69. ……………….. nerve, ditandai oleh...
70. ……………………. a. Weakness abductor arm shoulder
b. Weakness adductor arm shoulder
71. Which of the following statement that c. Weakness extensor fore elbow
appropriate about cell membrane ? d. Weakness flexor fore elbow
e. Weakness supinator fore hand
72. …………………
73. …………………… 83. One of the characteristic of primary bone
74. which is the most correct about transitional a. It’s usually permanent structure
epithelium ? b. It has regular array of collagen fibers
c. Osteocytes can be found fewer than
75. ……………………. those in other type
76. …………………… d. It has same mineral content as in those
other type
77. Desmosome is one of intercellular junction e. It forms bone callus in fracture healing
which adheres an apithelial cell to ots process
neighboring cells. Which of the following
statements is correct about desmosome ? 84. Which of the following statement about
a. Its found only in apical cell histogenesis of cartilage is correct...
b. It forms a junctional complex with tight a. Derived from endoderm and mesoderm
junction and gap junction b. Messenchymal cells secrete matrix to
c. Its structure is same as that zonula become chondroblast
adherens c. Once chondrocytes lie into the lacunae it
d. Intermediete filament anchors into is unable to multiply
intracellular achoring protein d. Matrix gradually become calcified
e. Transmembrane protein binds to e. Results from mitotic proliferation of
fibronestine messenchymal cell

78. …………………….

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

85. Which of the following characteristic of a. foramen nerve

cartilage that distinguishes it from the other b. tibial nerve
connective tissue... c. common fibular nerve
a. Its predominant cell type is a d. deep fibular nerve
mesenchyme derivative e. superficial fibular nerve
b. Its type secrets extracellular matrix
c. Its ekstracelular matrix contain collagen 94. your female patient is unable walk on her tip
d. Its lack of blood vessel toes. Damage in what nerve?
e. It has function in mechanical support a. sural
b. tibial
86. Whats the function of niacin... c. common fibular
a. As a coenzyme element TPP d. superficial fibular
b. As a coenzyme element NAD and NADP e. deep fibular
c. As a coenzyme element PLP
d. Myelin sintesis 95. as an orthopedic surgeon is operating in the
e. Immune function posterior compartment of the high, care is
take to preserve the aterial blood supply to
87. Haqiqi lupa nyatet soal mde yang fbs 2 the muscles in that region. These are
branches of which of the following arteries?
88. Brachial plexus injury the muscle for a. deep femoral artery
abduction of arm at the shoulder... b. femoral artery
a. Deltoid and biceps brachii c. superior gluteal artery
b. Deltoid and supraspinatus d. interior gluteal artery
c. Deltoid infraspinatus e. obturator artery
d. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus
e. Coracobiachialis and supraspinatus 96. ……………………….

89. A female 18 years old patient has been 97. Which of the following statement best
improvely fitted with axilary-type crutches. appliesfor rib 1?
Which have put pressure on the posterior a. has costal groove
cord of the brachial plexus. Which of the b. attached at sterna angle by costal
following terminal nerves would most likely cartilage
be affected... c. its head has two face for articulation with
a. Axilla nerve first thoracic vertebrae
b. Musculacutaneus d. contain tubbericity for the serratus
c. Median nerve anterior
d. Radial nerve e. has a scalen tubercle
e. Ulnar nerve
98. ………………………..
90. Fungsi makrofag untuk bakteri...
Jawab : fagosit untuk benda asing 99. anatomical components of the thoracic wall
proper include the?
91. Which of the following muscle would you a. pectoral muscle
perform to the last integrity of radial nerve? b. serratus anterior
a. flexion on the forearm c. trapezius
b. flexion on the hand at the wrist d. intercostae muscle
c. extension on the hand at the wrist e. latissimus dorsi
d. abduction of in …
e. adduction of the little finger 100. …………………………

92. ………………………….. 101. yang termasuk rusuk sejati

a. 7 paling atas
93. you have examined and find is in the flex in b. 12 setelahnya
the kneel. What problem ? c. Tulang rusuk kesebelas

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

d. Tulang rusuk ke duabelas

e. Tulang rusuk keenam 109. ……………………………….

102. Which of the following structures pass 110. gallbladder will be found in its fossa
through the foramen ovale? between which anatomical lobes :
a. Mandibular division of trigeminal a. Quadrate and left lobe
nerve b. Quadrate and right lobe
b. Middle meningeal artery c. Right and quadrate lobe
c. Abducens nerve d. Caudate and right lobe
d. Oneater petrosal nerve e. Caudate and left lobe

103. the body of mandible has a sharp inferior 111. ………………………….

margin that ends posteriorly in the:
a. mental protuberance 112. Posterior end of perineum
b. mental tubercle a. Sacrum
c. angle of mandible b. Posterior inferior illeum spine
d. mandibular condoyle c. Superior posterior illeum spine
e. mandibular notch d. Sacral spine
e. Coccyx
104. ………….
113. The fascial canal formed by a split in the
105. The digastrics muscle is a 2 bellied muscle obturator internus fascia is known as the
that attaches by an intermediate tendon to a. Inguinal canal
the b. Femoral canal
a. mandibular condyle c. Adductor canal
b. thyroid cartilage d. Pudodenal canal
c. cricoids cartilage e. Obturator canal
d. hyoid bone
e. styloid procces 114. The anal triangle is limited anteriorly by the
a. Iliofemoral ligament
106. Saraf dari vagus keluar dari mana? b. Gluteus medius
a. Jugular foramen c. External anal sphincter
b. ………. d. Posterior border of the perineal
c. ……… membrane
d. …………. e. Tip of coccygis
e. …………..
115. The pelvis is closed inferiorly by the
107. you are at the surgery for removal a a. ……….
suspected appendicitis.but the appendix is b. Pelvic diaphragm
not visible. The appendix is rarely in c. Sacrotuberal ...
a. antececal d. Sacral ...
b. Paracecal e. Coccyx
c. Paracolic
d. Retrocecal 116. Which of the following structure is included
e. Retrocolic in the female pudendum
a. Uterus
108. Which of this technique you can use to b. Uterin tube
precisely locate the appendix? c. Mons pubis
a. locate the region … of … d. Uteri tubes
b. Trace the right collect artery e. Bulb of vestibulum
c. Trace the ileocolic artery 117. …………………………
d. Trace the taniae coli on the cecum 118. ………………………..
e. Examine the pelvix cavity …= lupa

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

119. Which of the following about unwinding and 126. A post transcriptional processing event that
separation DNA strand for replication is occurs in the formation of both messenger
correct ? RNA and transfer RNA in eucaryotic
a. Ligase prevent the tendency of negative
super helices to partially unwind 127. Eukaryotic mRNA differ from procaryotic
b. Helicase stabilized the complementary mRNA in that...
base pairs a. …………………..
c. It is due to the action of topoisomerases b. their codding region are separated by
d. It is due to the enzymatic activity of SSB spaces
proteins c. ……..
e. The energy needed is in the form of GTP d. ………….
e. ………….
120. …………………
128. Which of the following compounds is the
121. Which statement is true for okazaki product of hydrolisis reaction that can be
fragment? used to drive thermodinamically unfavorable
a. double stranded react...
b. covalently linked DNA & RNA a. NAD+
c. DNA/RNA hybrid b. ADP
d. they arise from the nicking of the sugar- c. FMN
phosphate backbone of the parental d. FAD
DNA chain e. NADP+
e. they are removed by nucleus activity
129. ………………..
122. ………………….. 130. …………………
131. …………………..
123. Function of gyrase? 132. …………………….
a. to alter supercoil DNA
b. untuk mengkatalis ikatan fosfodiester 133. If a sample of DNA is found to have the
c. unwind the replication fork base composition (mole ratio), what
d. ……………. conclusion can be drown?
e. to polymerize RNA polimerase a. The DNA is circular complex
b. The DNA is linear duplex
124. Which of the statement is correct about c. The DNA is single stranded
factor sigma δ subunit of prokaryot RNA d. The DNA has high repetitive sequence
polymerase? e. The DNA has a high melting point
a. it’s part of the core enzyme
b. bind the antibiotic 134. Di bawah ini tentang DNA yang benar
c. inhibited by α-amanitia adalah…
d. must be present for transcip occur a. Panjang DNA yang proporsional
e. specifically recognize promoter site b. Jumlah yang proporsional dari guanine
cianin dari DNA
125. Which one is correct in to transcription c. Temperature dari DNA denaturasi
a. RNA polymerase does not require a d. Purin yang proporsional
template e. Sama pada semua hewan …
b. all RNA is synthesized in the nucleus
c. consesus sequences are the only known 135. …………………………
promoter elemet 136. ……………………
d. phosphodiester bond formation is 137. ………………………
favored in part because it is accomplish
by phosphate hidrolisis 138. DNA strand 5’GATCTAG3’ → mRNA nya
e. RNA polymerase requires a primer yang mana?
a. 3’CTAGATC5’
b. 3’CUAGAUC5’

Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

139. Anak perempuan menderita α-thalasemia

kemudian karena adanya kelainan akan
terjadi splicing. Jadi mRNA apa yang akan
terbentuk dari transkripsi mutasi gen
tersebut ?
a. Exson 1 too short
b. Exson 1 too long
c. Exson 2 too short How many origins of replication are active in this
d. Exson 2 too long DNA molecule?
e. Exson 2 missing a. 1
b. 2
140. A-20 years old anemic man is found to c. 3
heaven abnormal form of β-globin that is d. …..
172 amino acis long rather than the 14 e. tidak ada yang benar
found in normal protein. Which of the
following point mutation is consistent with 144. 5` ATTT AAAT CCCC GGGG 3`
the abnormality… 3` TAAA TTTA GGGG CCCC 5`
a. UAA → CAA 1 2 3 4
b. UAA → UAG Denaturate 1 ?
c. CGA → UGA
141. In DNA replication, the DNA is regulated as a. Mutation
bubble. How many replication fork(s) is/are b. Polymerise
present in each bubble? c. …………….
a. 1 d. All above true
b. 2 e. None true
c. 3
d. 4 146. *ada gambar ekson2 intron ekson1.
e. 5 Which will be transcripted?
a. Bottom strand
142. b. Top strand
c. Both of strand
d. None of strand
e. Exon1, exon2 without intron

147. A DNA strand of sequence 3’ GTCAAGGAT

5’ would be transcribed to?
a. 3’ GTCAAGGAT 5’
Yang mana yang merupakan awal dari replikasi? b. 5’ GUCAAGGAU 3’
a. a c. 5’ CAGTTCCTA 3’
b. b d. 5’ CAGUUCCUA 3’
c. c e. 3’ AUCCUUGUC 5’
d. d
e. c dan d 148. Which of the sequence is non coding
143. a. Microsatellite
d. CGG repeat
e. none of the above


Departemen Akademik 2009 Brilliant MDE - FBS II

3’ b. May resemble Cyostosin but can’t bond
with Guanin
Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 c. Resemble Timin but can’t bond with
The figure shows a gene structure containing 3 Arginin
exons and 2 introns. The A segments d. Resemble Urasil and wouldn’t be
upstream from figure is… incorporated into DNA
a. the promoter e. Does none the above
b. the poly A tail
c. another intron 159. Acridine is a DNA mutagen. Which mutation
d. a “cap” will it cause?
e. none of the above a. transverse
b. transisi
150. Which of the following statements best c. frameshift
describe the actions of introns? d. one pair of base substitution
a. they are excised upon processing of e. silent mutation
heterogenous hnRNA to mRNA
b. they are retained upon processing of 160. Cyclic AMP regulates the lactose operon
rRNA by?
c. they are spacer sequences
d. they are added to mRNAs during splicing 161. …………………
reactions 162. …………….
e. all of the above 163. …………….
164. ……………..
151. Which of the following is a component of the 165. …………….
splicing reaction necessary to convert 166. ………………
heterogenous nuclear RNA to mRNA in 167. ……………..
eucariotities? 168. ……………
a. A7-methylguanylate cap 169. …….
b. the sequence AAUAAA within the intron 170. ……..
c. ribonuclease P 171. …………
d. the sequences TATAAT adjacent to the
start site (+1) 172. skeletal ……….. muscle will use as a
e. small nuclear ribonucleicacid (SnRNA) predominant source of energy
U1 a. glucose
b. fatty acid
152. …………………………. c. ………….
d. keton
153. Which type of gene that is translated into e. glyserol
a. ………… 173. skeletal ……….. muscle will use as a
b. ………. predominant source of energy
c. ……….. a. glucose
d. non repetitive genes b. fatty acid
e. …………….. c. ………….
d. keton
154. ………………… e. glyserol
155. ………………
156. …………………
157. ………………

158. 5bromouraci I can cause a trantition at

mutation in the base sequence of DNA
because ?
a. Bond irreversibly with Arginin


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