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Asuncion, Alwin C.

September 04, 2020

BSED-Math 2A
EDU MATH 07 (27954)
1:00~4:00 pm (Thursday)
Ms. Rebecca Fredeluces

Exercise I: VMG and Netiquettes

Answer the following question comprehensively.

1. Explain how will Vision, Mission and Goal will help you in your future career.

Answer: A vision and mission statement is a paragraph that encapsulates everything

you would like to be, do, and have in your career. It expresses your vision for where
you want to be in the future and it reflects your values, goals, and purpose and how
you want to operate. Both are vital in directing goals. It helps you to
stablish your priorities in life, guide your decision-making, and affect your evaluation
of your success and happiness in life. Take time to reflect what being successful
means to you. Goal setting techniques are used by successful people in all fields. By
setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure your progress and
continuously motivate yourself to progress toward the vision and mission you have
for your ideal work life. You will be able to see forward movement in what might
otherwise feel like a long, pointless grind. By setting and taking action toward your
goals, you will raise your self-confidence.

2. Why do think netiquettes is an important aspect to become an effective learner?

Answer: Netiquettes is an important aspect as they promote communication skills,

prevent miscommunications and help you understand what is socially acceptable
when working and collaborating online. Always be aware that you are talking to a
person, not a device. Therefore, the same rules of courtesy apply. Without
netiquettes we will not respect others and be polite online. In my own experiences,
before we or any of our classmates knew netiquette, we would violate most of the
rules of netiquette. Having rules while doing distance learning can help everyone to
know their limitations and can give them guide on what to do and not what to do. It
can help your learning more effective and can give constant understanding with each

According to, as of 2017, there was an estimated 3.9 billion Internet
users worldwide. And do you know that in this country, internet addiction is officially
considered a disease? They have this so-called “boot camps” aimed at treating
internet and gaming addiction.
Which country considered this disease and called this as the “Electronic Heroin”?

Answer: China

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