U-01 l-01 Our Folk Songs

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[Unit-01; Lesson- 01 Our Folk Songs]

Read the passage and answer 1,2&3:

Folk songs are songs sung in the traditional style of a community or country. Here the traditional style includes the
themes, words and tunes of the songs that have existed for a long time among the common people.
We have a rich history and collection of folk songs in Bangladesh. Of them Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari,
Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagaan and songs of Hason Raja are very popular. The traditional musical instruments are usually
played with these songs.
Folk(n)- people, humans, persons, individuals, souls, living souls, mortals, citizenry, inhabitants, residents, populace,
population, public, men
Traditional(adj)- conventional, customary, established, long-established, accepted, orthodox, standard, regular, normal,
conservative, common, run-of-the-mill, habitual, set, fixed, routine, usual, accustomed, old-fashioned, staid,
unadventurous, conformist, stereotyped, undistinguished, wonted, old, time-honoured, proven, tried and tested, historic,
classical, classic, craft, old-world, folk, familial, ancestral
ANTONYMS- novel, unconventional, modern
Style(n)- type, kind, manner, variety, sort, nature, genre, vein, species, ilk, vintage, brand, quality, design, pattern, stamp,
model, cast
Community(n)- region, zone, area, local area, locality, locale, neighbourhood
Include(v)- incorporate, comprise, encompass, cover, embrace, involve, take in, number, contain, consist of, be made up
of, be composed of ANTONYMS- exclude, omit
Exist(v)- survive, subsist, live, stay alive, support oneself, eke out a living, eke out an existence
manage, make do, keep going, struggle along, scrape by, keep one's head above water, make ends meet
Common(n)- ordinary, normal, typical, average, unexceptional, run-of-the-mill, plain, simple
History(n)- the past, former times, historical events, days of old, the old days, the good old days, time gone by, bygone
days, yesterday, antiquity ANTONYMS the future
Collection(n)- hoard, pile, heap, stack, gathering, stock, store, stockpile, accumulation, mass, build-up, reserve, supply,
bank, pool, fund, mine, reservoir, conglomeration, cumulation, accrual, aggregation, accretion, agglomerate,
Popular(adj)- well liked, liked, favoured, in favour, well received, approved, admired, accepted, welcome, sought-after,
in demand, desired, wanted, commercial, marketable, saleable, fashionable, in fashion, in vogue, voguish, all the rage,
1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text.
i) Usually
a) prefer b) frequently c) redress d) avowal
ii) song
a) folk b) moisten c) shed d) music
iii) Traditional
a) customary b) perform c) conversation d) personal
iv) style
a) ample b) gorgeous c) type d) require
v) play
a) feared b) happen c) frighten d) perform
2. Answer the following questions:
a) Who usually likes our folk songs?
b) What are called folk songs?
c) What does traditional style include?
d) How are traditional songs sung?
e) Which songs are very popular in Bangladesh?

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