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Oscillatory motion

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson students would be able to:-

1. Recognize the periodic motion all around us.

2. Define the periodic motion .
3. Show the oscillatory motion by an experiment .
4. Define the oscillatory motion.
5. Give 3 examples for the oscillatory motion.
6. Illustrate the relation between the object displacement and its Velocity according to its
rest position.
7. Differentiate between the periodic time and the frequency for an oscillating body.
( According to both definition & law)
8. Calculate the periodic time and the frequency of an oscillating body that makes 300
complete oscillations in half a minute.
9. Draw a graph for a simple harmonic motion of an oscillating body when the frequency
increases to double and the amplitude is constant .
10. Solve a problem for the opposite figure of the oscillatory motion of a simple pendulum,
Time of amplitude .

Teaching strategies
Learning cycle P.O.E
Teaching tools
Thread , small ball , stop watch , pencil , illustrating GIF for tuning
fork , swing , string and simple harmonic motion graph.
Showing them a boy on a moving swing then asking when they swing
how the swing moves , asking them what they observe when we throw
a stone in lake by doing it experimentally.
Then I will listen and discuss their answers
Teaching activities
 I will ask them to throw a stone in bowl of water , asking them what
they predict before and what they observe trying to explain this
observation with them
 I will ask them how the swing moves .
 Then I will illustrate the periodic motion concept asking them to give
me examples for it .
 Then I will ask them to make a simple pendulum experiment by using
pencil, a 30 cm long thread , metallic piece and a stop watch.
 Asking them what they predict if I push the metallic piece , asking
them what they observe after pushing it, and I will ask them to explain
 Illustrating with them the concept of the oscillatory motion and the
relation of the kinetic energy for an oscillating body.
 Asking them to give me 3 examples for oscillatory motion.
 Illustrate the relation between the object displacement and its Velocity
according to its rest position.
 Illustrate the concept and laws for both the periodic time and the
 Solving with them problems.
 Drawing a graph for simple harmonic motion for an oscillating body
that its frequency increases at constant amplitude,
 I will summarize the main points
 I evaluate them
1. Recognize the periodic motion all around us.
2. Define the periodic motion .
3. Show the oscillatory motion by an experiment .
4. Define the oscillatory motion.
5. Give 3 examples for the oscillatory motion.
6. Illustrate the relation between the object displacement and its
Velocity according to its rest position.
7. Differentiate between the periodic time and the frequency for an
oscillating body. ( According to both definition & law)
8. Calculate the periodic time and the frequency of an oscillating
body that makes 300 complete oscillations in half a minute.
9. Draw a graph for a simple harmonic motion of an oscillating body
when the frequency increases to double and the amplitude is
constant .
10.Solve a problem for the opposite figure of the oscillatory motion of
a simple pendulum, calculate:

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