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If the manager ________ time to meet with you today, he'll leave a message on your voicemail.

(A) has
(B) will have
(C) have
(D) had

I think the presentation was too long. ________, it was confusing.

(A) In addition
(B) Another
(C) As well as
(D) Not only

Sally ________ any money, so she can't buy a new car.

(A) don't have
(B) needs not
(C) doesn't have
(D) has

Our products are made of the most reliable material. _____ buy them.
(A) You can to
(B) You should
(C) You will
(D) You have

Could you make me a favor on your way

home tonight, Mike?
(A) Could
(B) make
(C) on your way
(D) home
I was used to go to the library every
day, but now I study at home.
(A) was used
(B) every
(C) but
(D) study
A: Did he have a problem with clause sixteen in the contract?
B: Yes, he _____ the requirement for assignment of the debt.
(A) took issue on
(B) brought down
(C) took issue with
(D) brought over
During I've known him, he's always
been kind and generous.
(A) During
(B) I've
(C) always
(D) been
He asked that the company's guidelines
on personnel expense accounts have shifted
(A) asked
(B) company's
(C) on
(D) shifted
Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months.
(A) haven't been

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(B) has been working
(C) works
(D) have been working
The work ________ in the next day or two.
(A) is going to complete
(B) will have completed
(C) has been completed
(D) will be completed
Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back.
(A) will have finished
(B) have finished
(C) will be finished
(D) would have finished
I quit to smoke two years ago . I feel
much better .
(A) quit
(B) to smoke
(C) years ago
(D) much better
My brother told me there was a restaurant
specializes in southeast Asian cuisine downtown.
(A) told me
(B) there was
(C) specializes
(D) in
A: I'm open for criticism from you regarding the new company policy.
B: __________, I would have to back you up all the way.
(A) After you just pulled
(B) Look at behind you
(C) In terms of efficiency
(D) The chip are up so
But, what if the design would have implicits
detrimental overtones ?
(A) what if
(B) implicits
(C) detrimental
(D) overtones
In deference to Jim's objection regarding the proposal that had been
submitted , the committee will have approved the measure had the majority not
been swayed by the mayor's opinion.
(A) regarding
(B) submitted
(C) will
(D) been
Because of the recent number of break-ins to our system, security measures ________ at the present time.
(A) have been strengthened
(B) will strengthen
(C) have strengthened
(D) are being strengthened
I'll have my most experienced staff member ________ the proposal outline.
(A) review
(B) reviewing
(C) get reviewed
(D) to review
A: Does anyone have an issue with this policy?
B: I _______________ about it.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) propose to publish an article
(B) have to agree
(C) have ethical questions
(D) enthuse
A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please?
B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.
(A) Could I throw in this in
(B) A point of order
(C) Would you just held your horses
(D) I am affirmative
Mr. Patel is ________ the airport waiting for a client to arrive from Tokyo.
(A) to
(B) at
(C) by
(D) on

I don't like driving on that highway. It's ________ road in town.

(A) the busiest
(B) so busy
(C) busier than
(D) too busy

If we organize project teams, we can bring together people ________ have never worked with each other.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) whose
(D) whom

The little girl’s legs ________ to touch the floor when she sits on the piano bench.
(A) aren't enough long
(B) are too long
(C) are so long
(D) aren't long enough

The head of the Purchasing Department told

me send out this order as soon as I possibly could.
(A) Purchasing
(B) told
(C) send out
(D) as soon as

We apologize to the inconvenience in this

matter and will do everything to change the situation.
(A) apologize to
(B) inconvenience
(C) matter
(D) to change
We decided to take a walk on the beach at sunset ________ the bad weather.
(A) because
(B) despite
(C) although
(D) however

We should have had the car to be repaired at the shop before

trying to sell it.
(A) should have
(B) to be repaired
(C) trying
(D) to sell

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

John had received an MBA from a prestigious university.
On the one hand , Mary had been given on-the-job training
in a large finance department.
(A) had received
(B) On the one hand
(C) had been given
(D) on-the-job training

Hiring a new manager is ________ task for you to finish this afternoon.
(A) least important
(B) the most important
(C) less important
(D) most important

I really can't say whose ________ but I'll try to find out for you.
(A) is that computer
(B) computer is it
(C) computer that is
(D) computer

________ she was very sick, Jennifer gave her presentation at the meeting.
(A) However
(B) Nevertheless
(C) Even though
(D) Despite

New strategies ________ introduced by management a few weeks ago.

(A) are being
(B) have been
(C) were
(D) are

We won't be doing business with their company again. The people there have ________ that I have ever come across.
(A) so bad an attitude
(B) the worst attitude
(C) such a bad attitude
(D) much more attitude
________ Tanya saw my car, she didn't know that it was red.
(A) After
(B) While
(C) Until
(D) As

Are accounts receivable have to balance

against assets and profits?
(A) Are
(B) receivable
(C) balance
(D) assets

That was the new personnel manager ________ everyone speaks so highly.
(A) about whom
(B) of who
(C) about which
(D) that

Tammy said ________ like to meet with us after lunch.

(A) she'd
(B) she
(C) she's

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) she'll

We tried to install a natural vent system, but after

installation the system failed functioning
correctly .
(A) to install
(B) installation
(C) functioning
(D) correctly

I formally move that any contract amendments stipulating material modification

be put on hold for the present!

Conversely , amortization of capital assets should
likewise be suspended temporarily.
(A) formally
(B) be
(C) Conversely
(D) should

There are very few areas of the world ________ grow.

(A) where can apricots
(B) apricots can
(C) apricots that can
(D) where apricots can

The language in the purchasing agreement's fifth clause makes the terms ___________ enough to reduce our liability.
(A) restrictive
(B) restrictively
(C) restricting
(D) restrictiveness
The workers on both production teams should always communicate with ________.
(A) another
(B) the other
(C) each
(D) one another

A: Can the formula presented in Diagram 6 be used to predict next quarter's earnings?
B: Yes, but _____ must first be modified to reflect last year's actual revenue.
(A) it
(B) he
(C) they
(D) we

If I ________ my physics class, I will graduate in May.

(A) will pass
(B) would pass
(C) passed
(D) pass

Can you please mail this letter important

for me?
(A) Can you
(B) mail
(C) letter important
(D) for me

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Our stock is low. Do you think our assistant
can order several new merchandise this week?
(A) Do you
(B) assistant
(C) can order
(D) several

My sister ________ go on vacation to Italy last month, but couldn't.

(A) will
(B) is going to
(C) should
(D) was going to

The bank is __________ the hospital and the supermarket.

(A) across
(B) between
(C) at
(D) to

Robert didn't went to the movie last night because he

was tired.
(A) didn't
(B) went
(C) to
(D) was

He wants to visiting his parents in

Washington next week.
(A) wants
(B) to visiting
(C) his
(D) in

Bob is ________ successful salesman in our company.

(A) the lesser
(B) most
(C) least
(D) the most

Although my department always submits its annual report by the end of the year, some ________ wait until the end of January.
(A) had has to
(B) has had to
(C) have had to
(D) had to have

Our company ________ money last year because of poor management decisions.

(A) losing
(B) lost
(C) is losing
(D) lose

John is the kind of person ________ people laugh.

(A) his jokes always make
(B) who his jokes always make
(C) which jokes always make
(D) whose jokes always make

A: So the seller wants to transfer funds between one account and another?
B: He wants access to and from any account; ______, he won't make many transfers.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) thus
(B) beforehand
(C) in spite of
(D) however

________ great employees, a company should listen to their ideas, recognize their contributions, and reward them with special
(A) If we keep
(B) Keeping
(C) To keep
(D) When keeping

He ________ in so much trouble last week if he'd followed the guidelines more carefully.
(A) hadn't been
(B) wouldn't have been
(C) might have been
(D) wouldn't be

As a result of heavy traffic, his flight left

by the time he got to the airport.
(A) As a result of
(B) heavy
(C) left
(D) got

I have already eaten when she arrived.

(A) have
(B) already
(C) eaten
(D) when

If I didn't check my email every day, I ________ many important messages from the international sales team.
(A) didn't see
(B) wouldn't see
(C) won't have seen
(D) can't see

I'll be in late today. ________ before me, check my email and answer any pending issues.
(A) If you will arrive
(B) If you arrive
(C) If you've arrived
(D) When you arrive

A: Can't you see that my client is in the clear on your illegitimate charges?
B: The account withdrawals are valid; ________, embezzlement is illicit.
(A) furthermore
(B) additionally
(C) in retrospect
(D) notwithstanding

A: Will accounting have to shear a little bit in reporting current obligations?

B: ____ would be more appropriate or even chop.
(A) Slice
(B) Discount
(C) Fluff
(D) Shrivel

Man: Did you hear that when the Head of Finance offered Leslie a promotion, she refused?

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Woman: Yes, if I were in her position, I ______________________ the job too.
(A) would have turned off
(B) will have turned down
(C) would have turned down
(D) will have turned away

She wishes that she has more time

to study computer programming.
(A) wishes
(B) that
(C) has
(D) to study

In 1960, the Director thought we must

all be retiring by the year 2000.
(A) thought
(B) must
(C) retiring
(D) by

You will be happy to hear that the company ________ move to the new location until next month.
(A) should
(B) doesn't have to
(C) would have to
(D) didn't need to

________ everyone else is gone, I think we can lock up and go home.

(A) So
(B) Therefore
(C) While
(D) Since

The last time I ________ her was two months ago.

(A) seeing
(B) see
(C) saw
(D) have seen

Patty asked me where did you buy the blue sweater that I wore yesterday. 

(A) asked me 

(B) where 
(C) did you buy 
(D) that I wore

James left the party ________ I got there, so I didn't see him last night. 
(A) while 
(B) before 
(C) after 
(D) since

She forgot buying a birthday present for her husband, so his feelings were hurt. 

(A) buying 
(B) for 
(C) so 
(D) were

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

I formally move that any contract amendments stipulating material modification be put on hold for the present! 

Conversely , amortization of capital assets should likewise be suspended temporarily. 

(A) formally 
(B) be 
(C) Conversely 
(D) should

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back. 

(A) will have finished 

(B) have finished 
(C) will be finished 
(D) would have finished
Did Erin register her real estate purchase? 
B: Sure, she just stopped by the county _______ office. 

(A) Registering 
(B) to register 
(C) Registrar's 
(D) Register
Ever the schedule is changed on short notice, people get upset. 

(A) Ever 
(B) is changed 
(C) short 
(D) get
The boss asked whether anyone wants to participate in the project, but few volunteered. 

(A) whether 
(B) wants 
(C) to participate 
(D) few
I don't like driving on that highway. It's ________ road in town. 

(A) the busiest 

(B) so busy 
(C) busier than 
(D) too busy
John, the numbers in the last column 

___________ . We need to verify them with Sam before discussing them further. 

(A) had not been thoroughly analyzing 

(B) can not analyze thoroughly 
(C) have not been thoroughly analyzed 
(D) are not going to thoroughly analyze

We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski and________ I.
(A) not either do (B) neither do (C) so do (D) either do
Answer D 
Find the correct answer.

If I ________ my physics class, I will graduate in May. 

(A) will pass (B) would pass (C) passed (D) pass
Answer D
Find the correct answer.
________ the engineers nor the production team has ever worked on this kind of project.

(A) Neither 
(B) Both (C) Either (D) Nor
Answer A
Find the correct answer.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

When I spoke to the vendor, she _____ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time.

(A) would agree (B) has agreed (C) agreed (D) agrees
Answer B
Find the mistake.
I borrowed some money from John yesterday, but I 
paid back him today. 
(A) some money (B) from John (C) but I (D) back him
Answer D
Find the mistake.
Could you tell me the new intern's name again? 
I must try to remember it. I would not do forget it 
normally. Can you remember it ? 

(A) Could you tell me (B) I must try to remember (C) would not do forget it 

(D) Can you remember it

Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months. 
(A) haven't been (B) has been working (C) works D) have been working

Answer B

Find the correct answer.

Please hand me that blue cup ________ on the table. 
(A) where is (B) what is (C) who is (D) which is
Answer D
Find the mistake.
We should have had the car to be repaired at the shop before 
trying to sell it. 
(A) should have (B) to be repaired (C) trying (D) to sell
Answer B
Find the mistake.
John had received an MBA from a prestigious university. 
On the one hand , Mary had been given on-the-job training 
in a large finance department. 
(A) had received (B) On the one hand (C) had been given (D) on-the-job training
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

If I ________ enough money, I would start my own company. 

(A) had had (B) were having (C) had (D)have.

He ________ in that company when he had the chance. 

(A) should invest (B) would have been invested (C) could be investing (D) should have invested
Answer D
Find the correct answer.

The work ________ in the next day or two. 

(A) is going to complete 
(B) will have completed 
(C) has been completed D) will be completed
Answer D 
Find the correct answer.

My boss told me ________ the meeting. 

(A) don't forget (B) not to forget C)not forgetting (D) didn't forget

Answer B

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Find the correct answer.

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back. 

(A) will have finished 
(B) have finished 
(C) will be finished 
(D) would have finished
Answer A 
Find the correct answer.

A: Should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time? 

B: ______ federal regulations dictate our company leave policy.
(A) Lacking options, (B) We are limited because (C) It's a moot point that (D) Due to the fact that
Answer B
Find the mistake.

The head of the Purchasing Department told 

me send out this order as soon as I possibly could. 

(A) Purchasing 
(B) told 
(C) send out 
(D) as soon as
Answer C
Find the mistake.
We tried to install a natural vent system, but after 
installation the system failed functioning 
correctly . 
(A) to install 
(B) installation 
(C) functioning 
(D) correctly
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Last year The Millennium Project ________ by futurist Jerome C. Glenn. 

(A) was co-directing 

(B) has co-directed 
(C) was co-directed 
(D) has been co-directed
Answer C
Find the correct answer.
________ do the sales of chocolate rise in February, but the sales of all other confections also increase.

At no time 
Not only 
Answer B
Find the mistake.
When I was seeing him, I knew immediately that he 
was the CEO. 

(A) When 
(B) was seeing 
(C) knew 
(D) was
Answer B

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Find the mistake.

But, what if the design would have implicits 

detrimental overtones ? 

(A) what if 

(B) implicits 

(C) detrimental 

(D) overtones
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

A: Can't you see that my client is in the clear on your illegitimate charges? 
B: The account withdrawals are valid; ________, embezzlement is illicit.

(A) furthermore 
(B) additionally 
(C) in retrospect 
(D) notwithstanding
Answer A
Find the correct answer.
A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please? 
B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.

(A) Could I throw in this in (B) A point of order 

(C) Would you just held your horses 
(D) I am affirmative
Answer B
Find the correct answer.
He ________ in so much trouble last week if he'd followed the guidelines more carefully.

(A) hadn't been 

(B) wouldn't have been 
(C) might have been 
(D) wouldn't be
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

Joyce: Aren't you going to Shanghai for the conference? Ronnie: Yes. At this time tomorrow, I ____________ across the Pacific

(A) would be flying 

(B) am flying 

(C) will be flying 

(D) would fly
Answer C
8th July 2012

You will be happy to hear that the company ________ move to the new location until next month.

(A) should

(B) doesn't have to

(C) would have to

(D) didn't need to

________ everyone else is gone, I think we can lock up and go home.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) So

(B) Therefore

(C) While

(D) Since

The last time I ________ her was two months ago.

(A) seeing

(B) see

(C) saw

(D) have seen

I lent Peter some money, so he ________ worry about paying the rent.

(A) should

(B) doesn't have to

(C) would have to

(D) must

________ Star Wars four times because it's such a fun movie to watch!

(A) I'd seen

(B) I've seen

(C) I've been seeing

(D) I'm seeing

What's wrong in this sentence?

What do you think about the entrees on 

A B C 

menu in this restaurant? 

(A) do

(B) about

(C) the

(D) menu

Could you tell me the new intern's name again? 

I must try to remember it. I would not do forget it 


normally. Can you remember it ? 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) Could you tell me

(B) I must try to remember

(C) would not do forget it

(D) Can you remember it

We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski and________ I.

(A) not either do

(B) neither do

(C) so do

(D) either do

I have lived here ________ 1998.

(A) from

(B) since

(C) for

(D) during

I hope taking a course in information 

A B 

systems next year to improve my skills. 

C D 

(A) taking

(B) in

(C) systems

(D) next year

Going to Hawaii on vacation sounds

A B C 

as a wonderful idea. 

(A) Going

(B) on

(C) sounds

(D) as

There are many dark clouds in the sky, so it ________ rain tomorrow.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) may be

(B) can

(C) does

(D) might

Sheila looks awful. She ________ to see a doctor.

(A) should

(B) ought

(C) had better

(D) must

Did you know that Peter and Susan ________ since last year?

(A) were dating

(B) are dating

(C) have been dating

(D) dated

I have finally finished analyzing the data you requested. __________ here display the results.

(A) Those histograms

(B) This histogram

(C) These histograms

(D) That histogram

Joe works a lot of overtime and hardly never


has time to relax after work. 

C D 

(A) works

(B) hardly never

(C) time

(D) to relax

I studied really hard, so I'm very happy 

A B 

about pass the mathematics exam. 

C D 

(A) studied

(B) so

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(C) about

(D) pass

We decided to take a walk on the beach at sunset ________ the bad weather.

(A) because

(B) despite

(C) although

(D) however

Until last night, the basketball team ________ a game.

(A) never loses

(B) had never lost

(C) did never lose

(D) had been losing

I quit to smoke two years ago . I feel 

A B C 

much better . 

(A) quit

(B) to smoke

(C) years ago

(D) much better

She wishes that she has more time 

A B C 

to study computer programming. 

(A) wishes

(B) that

(C) has

(D) to study

He ________ in that company when he had the chance.

(A) should invest

(B) would have been invested

(C) could be investing

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) should have invested

A: Does anyone have an issue with this policy?

B: I _______________ about it.

(A) propose to publish an article

(B) have to agree

(C) have ethical questions

(D) enthuse

A: When will we start legal action on this default?

B: Filing a lawsuit _______.

(A) will be my priority tomorrow morning

(B) in the filing cabinet is my priority tomorrow morning.

(C) and to begin prosecution are my priorities tomorrow morning

(D) the legal action will start tomorrow morning.

A: Did Erin register her real estate purchase?

B: Sure, she just stopped by the county _______ office.

(A) Registering

(B) to register

(C) Registrar's

(D) Register

A: Can the formula presented in Diagram 6 be used to predict next quarter's earnings?

B: Yes, but _____ must first be modified to reflect last year's actual revenue.

(A) it

(B) he

(C) they

(D) we

A: Were you aware that Alice was terminated because of her previous employment?

B: Yes, I was very shocked by the news. _______ that kind of injustice.

(A) I feel a contrast to

(B) I am strongly agreeing with

(C) I am opposed to

(D) I can occasionally dispute in

My mother made me to write a thank-you letter 

A B 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

to my grandmother for the birthday present that 


she gave me. 

(A) me

(B) to write

(C) to

(D) that

I don't remember to see her at the party. Are you positive 

A B 

that she came ? 

C D 

(A) remember

(B) to see

(C) that

(D) she came

I wouldn't plan the New York conference in the winter if I ________ to please the staff.

(A) hope

(B) were hoping

(C) should hope

(D) am hoping

He had already paid the bill before she ________ to the table.

(A) has returned

(B) had returned

(C) was returning

(D) returned

My supervisor advised me quit worrying, as


the deadline had been pushed back.

(A) advised

(B) quit

(C) as

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) had been

She forgot buying a birthday present for her husband, 

A B 

so his feelings were hurt.

C D 

(A) buying

(B) for

(C) so

(D) were

I'll have my most experienced staff member ________ the proposal outline.

(A) review

(B) reviewing

(C) get reviewed

(D) to review

My boss told me ________ the meeting.

(A) don't forget

(B) not to forget

(C) not forgetting

(D) didn't forget

That was the new personnel manager ________ everyone speaks so highly.

(A) about whom

(B) of who

(C) about which

(D) that

John is the kind of person ________ people laugh.

(A) his jokes always make

(B) who his jokes always make

(C) which jokes always make

(D) whose jokes always make

It is ________ to contact our international representatives by email than it is to reach them directly by phone.
(A) easy
(B) easier
(C) so easy
(D) very easy

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

When I spoke to the vendor, she _____ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time. 
(A) would agree
(B) has agreed
(C) agreed
(D) agrees

________ the engineers nor the production team has ever worked on this kind of project. 
(A) Neither
(B) Both
(C) Either
(D) Nor

My car is getting fixed. ________ you be able to give me a ride to work? 

(A) Can
(B) Would
(C) Are
(D) Could


have been


20 employees currently 


in the 


marketing division.

(B)  about

(C) working

(D) overseas


asked me


did you buy

the blue sweater 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


that I wore


(A) asked me

(B) where

(C) did you buy

(D) that I wore

At the end of March, I ________ here for five years.

(A) am going to work
(B) would work
(C) will have worked
(D) have worked

The teacher asked the students ________ quiet.

(A) are
(B) to be
(C) being
(D) be


was seeing

him, I 


immediately that he 


the CEO.

(A) When

(B) was seeing

(C) knew

(D) was

My brother 

told me

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

there was

a restaurant 



southeast Asian cuisine downtown.

(A) told me

(B) there was

(C) specializes

(D) in

If I didn't check my email every day, I ________ many important messages from the international sales team.
(A) didn't see
(B) wouldn't see
(C) won't have seen
(D) can't see

A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please?

B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.
(A) Could I throw in this in
(B) A point of order
(C) Would you just held your horses
(D) I am affirmative

Last year The Millennium Project ________ by futurist Jerome C. Glenn. 

(A) was co-directing
(B) has co-directed
(C) was co-directed
(D) has been co-directed

There are very few areas of the world ________ grow.

(A) where can apricots
(B) apricots can
(C) apricots that can
(D) where apricots can

The work ________ in the next day or two. 

(A) is going to complete
(B) will have completed
(C) has been completed
(D) will be completed

A: Should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time?

B: ______ federal regulations dictate our company leave policy. 
(A) Lacking options,
(B) We are limited because
(C) It's a moot point that
(D) Due to the fact that

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


had received

an MBA from a prestigious university. 

On the one hand

, Mary 

had been given

on-the-job training

in a large finance department.

(A) had received

(B) On the one hand

(C) had been given

(D) on-the-job training

In 1960, the Director 




all be 



the year 2000.

(A) thought

(B) must

(C) retiring

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) by

Because of the recent number of break-ins to our system, security measures ________at the present time. 
(A) have been strengthened
(B) will strengthen
(C) have strengthened
(D) are being strengthened
If I ________ enough money last summer, I would have gone to Paris with you. 
(A) had had
(B) didn't have
(C) have had
(D) had





she arrived.

(A) have

(B) already

(C) eaten

(D) when

My manager 

put away 

making a decision and instead went home to 

think it over 

. She will 

get back to 

me to 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

clear up 

any remaining issues.

(A) put away

(B) think it over

(C) get back to

(D) clear up

________ you sign that contract, you can't change your mind.

(A) Every time
(B) Once
(C) For as long as
(D) Whenever

Tammy said ________ like to meet with us after lunch.

(A) she'd
(B) she
(C) she's
(D) she'll

The workers on both production teams should always communicate with ________.

(A) another
(B) the other
(C) each
(D) one another

________ arriving early at the airport, our boss still missed the flight for London.
(A) Even
(B) Despite
(C) Because of
(D) As a consequence of
8th Novembe
 rums
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Let me know if my answers are correct !?

31 replies
1 2 3 4
You will be happy to hear that the company ________ move to the new location until next

(A) should

(B) doesn't have to

(C) would have to

(D) didn't need to

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

________ everyone else is gone, I think we can lock up and go home.

(A) So

(B) Therefore

(C) While

(D) Since

The last time I ________ her was two months ago.

(A) seeing

(B) see

(C) saw

(D) have seen

I lent Peter some money, so he ________ worry about paying the rent.

(A) should

(B) doesn't have to

(C) would have to

(D) must

________ Star Wars four times because it's such a fun movie to watch!

(A) I'd seen

(B) I've seen

(C) I've been seeing

(D) I'm seeing

What's wrong in this sentence?

What do you think about the entrees on 

A B C 

menu in this restaurant? 

(A) do

(B) about

(C) the

(D) menu

Could you tell me the new intern's name again? 

I must try to remember it. I would not do forget it 


normally. Can you remember it ? 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) Could you tell me

(B) I must try to remember

(C) would not do forget it

(D) Can you remember it

We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski
and________ I.

(A) not either do

(B) neither do

(C) so do

(D) either do

I have lived here ________ 1998.

(A) from

(B) since

(C) for

(D) during

I hope taking a course in information 

A B 

systems next year to improve my skills. 

C D 

(A) taking

(B) in

(C) systems

(D) next year

Going to Hawaii on vacation sounds

A B C 

as a wonderful idea. 

(A) Going

(B) on

(C) sounds

(D) as
8th November 2011


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Mister Micawber:
These two were wrong, bsraju. I have fixed them:

What do you think about the entrees on the menu in this restaurant? 

We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski andneither
do I.

8th November 2011Veteran Member73,273


Thank you so much. Could you please verify these as well. Thanks in advance. 

There are many dark clouds in the sky, so it ________ rain tomorrow.

(A) may be

(B) can

(C) does

(D) might

Sheila looks awful. She ________ to see a doctor.

(A) should

(B) ought

(C) had better

(D) must

Did you know that Peter and Susan ________ since last year?

(A) were dating

(B) are dating

(C) have been dating

(D) dated

I have finally finished analyzing the data you requested. __________ here display the

(A) Those histograms

(B) This histogram

(C) These histograms

(D) That histogram

Joe works a lot of overtime and hardly never


has time to relax after work. 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

C D 

(A) works

(B) hardly never

(C) time

(D) to relax

I studied really hard, so I'm very happy 

A B 

about pass the mathematics exam. 

C D 

(A) studied

(B) so

(C) about

(D) pass

We decided to take a walk on the beach at sunset ________ the bad weather.

(A) because

(B) despite

(C) although

(D) however

Until last night, the basketball team ________ a game.

(A) never loses

(B) had never lost

(C) did never lose

(D) had been losing

I quit to smoke two years ago . I feel 

A B C 

much better . 

(A) quit

(B) to smoke

(C) years ago

(D) much better

She wishes that she has more time 

A B C 

to study computer programming. 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) wishes

(B) that

(C) has

(D) to study

He ________ in that company when he had the chance.

(A) should invest

(B) would have been invested

(C) could be investing

(D) should have invested

A: Does anyone have an issue with this policy?

B: I _______________ about it.

(A) propose to publish an article

(B) have to agree

(C) have ethical questions

(D) enthuse

A: When will we start legal action on this default?

B: Filing a lawsuit _______.

(A) will be my priority tomorrow morning

(B) in the filing cabinet is my priority tomorrow morning.

(C) and to begin prosecution are my priorities tomorrow morning

(D) the legal action will start tomorrow morning.

A: Did Erin register her real estate purchase?

B: Sure, she just stopped by the county _______ office.

(A) Registering

(B) to register

(C) Registrar's

(D) Register

A: Can the formula presented in Diagram 6 be used to predict next quarter's earnings?

B: Yes, but _____ must first be modified to reflect last year's actual revenue.

(A) it

(B) he

(C) they

(D) we

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

A: Were you aware that Alice was terminated because of her previous employment?

B: Yes, I was very shocked by the news. _______ that kind of injustice.

(A) I feel a contrast to

(B) I am strongly agreeing with

(C) I am opposed to

(D) I can occasionally dispute in

My mother made me to write a thank-you letter 

A B 

to my grandmother for the birthday present that 


she gave me. 

(A) me

(B) to write

(C) to

(D) that

I don't remember to see her at the party. Are you positive 

A B 

that she came ? 

C D 

(A) remember

(B) to see

(C) that

(D) she came

I wouldn't plan the New York conference in the winter if I ________ to please the staff.

(A) hope

(B) were hoping

(C) should hope

(D) am hoping

He had already paid the bill before she ________ to the table.

(A) has returned

(B) had returned

(C) was returning

(D) returned

My supervisor advised me quit worrying, as

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


the deadline had been pushed back.

(A) advised

(B) quit

(C) as

(D) had been

She forgot buying a birthday present for her husband, 

A B 

so his feelings were hurt.

C D 

(A) buying

(B) for

(C) so

(D) were

I'll have my most experienced staff member ________ the proposal outline.

(A) review

(B) reviewing

(C) get reviewed

(D) to review

My boss told me ________ the meeting.

(A) don't forget

(B) not to forget

(C) not forgetting

(D) didn't forget

That was the new personnel manager ________ everyone speaks so highly.

(A) about whom

(B) of who

(C) about which

(D) that

John is the kind of person ________ people laugh.

(A) his jokes always make

(B) who his jokes always make

(C) which jokes always make

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) whose jokes always make
8th November 2011


Mister Micawber:
I have finally finished analyzing the data you requested. __ here display the results.

(C) These histograms

She wishes that she has more time 

A B C 

to study computer programming. 

(C) has

A: When will we start legal action on this default?

B: Filing a lawsuit __.

(A) will be my priority tomorrow morning

I don't remember to see her at the party. Are you positive 

A B 

that she came ? 

C D 

(B) to see

I wouldn't plan the New York conference in the winter if I __ to please the staff.

(B) were hoping

(He had already paid the bill before she __ to the table.

(D) returned

My supervisor advised me quit worrying, as


the deadline had been pushed back.

(B) quit

She forgot buying a birthday present for her husband, 

A B 

so his feelings were hurt.

C D 

(A) buying

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

I'll have my most experienced staff member __ the proposal outline.

(A) review

8th November 2011


Thank you so much.
8th November 2011


Hi Could you please verify my answers below.

It is ________ to contact our international representatives by email than it is to reach them

directly by phone.
(A) easy
(B) easier
(C) so easy
(D) very easy

When I spoke to the vendor, she _____ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time. 
(A) would agree
(B) has agreed
(C) agreed
(D) agrees

________ the engineers nor the production team has ever worked on this kind of project. 
(A) Neither
(B) Both
(C) Either
(D) Nor

My car is getting fixed. ________ you be able to give me a ride to work? 

(A) Can
(B) Would
(C) Are
(D) Could


have been


20 employees currently 


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

in the 


marketing division.

(B)  about

(C) working

(D) overseas


asked me


did you buy

the blue sweater 

that I wore


(A) asked me

(B) where

(C) did you buy

(D) that I wore

At the end of March, I ________ here for five years.

(A) am going to work
(B) would work
(C) will have worked
(D) have worked

The teacher asked the students ________ quiet.

(A) are
(B) to be
(C) being
(D) be

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


was seeing

him, I 


immediately that he 


the CEO.

(A) When

(B) was seeing

(C) knew

(D) was

My brother 

told me

there was

a restaurant 



southeast Asian cuisine downtown.

(A) told me

(B) there was

(C) specializes

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) in

If I didn't check my email every day, I ________ many important messages from the
international sales team.
(A) didn't see
(B) wouldn't see
(C) won't have seen
(D) can't see

A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please?

B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.
(A) Could I throw in this in
(B) A point of order
(C) Would you just held your horses
(D) I am affirmative

Last year The Millennium Project ________ by futurist Jerome C. Glenn. 

(A) was co-directing
(B) has co-directed
(C) was co-directed
(D) has been co-directed

There are very few areas of the world ________ grow.

(A) where can apricots
(B) apricots can
(C) apricots that can
(D) where apricots can

The work ________ in the next day or two. 

(A) is going to complete
(B) will have completed
(C) has been completed
(D) will be completed

A: Should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time?

B: ______ federal regulations dictate our company leave policy. 
(A) Lacking options,
(B) We are limited because
(C) It's a moot point that
(D) Due to the fact that


had received

an MBA from a prestigious university. 

On the one hand

, Mary 

had been given

on-the-job training

in a large finance department.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) had received

(B) On the one hand

(C) had been given

(D) on-the-job training

In 1960, the Director 




all be 



the year 2000.

(A) thought

(B) must

(C) retiring

(D) by

Because of the recent number of break-ins to our system,

security measures ________at the present time. 
(A) have been strengthened
(B) will strengthen
(C) have strengthened
(D) are being strengthened




Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


she arrived.

(A) have

(B) already

(C) eaten

(D) when

My manager 

put away 

making a decision and instead went home to 

think it over 

. She will 

get back to 

me to 

clear up 

any remaining issues.

(A) put away

(B) think it over

(C) get back to

(D) clear up

________ you sign that contract, you can't change your mind.

(A) Every time
(B) Once
(C) For as long as
(D) Whenever

Tammy said ________ like to meet with us after lunch.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) she'd
(B) she
(C) she's
(D) she'll

The workers on both production teams should always communicate with ________.

(A) another
(B) the other
(C) each
(D) one another

________ arriving early at the airport, our boss still missed the flight for London.
(A) Even
(B) Despite
(C) Because of
(D) As a consequence of
8th November 2011


Mister Micawber:
I cannot deal with the formatting of your 'choose-the-wrong-word' questions. Please
eliminate the format and/or paste them directly into the message box. In general, do not
copy-and-paste from word processing software more complex than Wordpad.

8th November 2011



We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski and________ I.
(A) not either do (B) neither do (C) so do (D) either do
Answer D 
Find the correct answer.

If I ________ my physics class, I will graduate in May. 

(A) will pass (B) would pass (C) passed (D) pass
Answer D
Find the correct answer.
________ the engineers nor the production team has ever worked on this kind of project.

(A) Neither 
(B) Both (C) Either (D) Nor
Answer A
Find the correct answer.

When I spoke to the vendor, she _____ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time.

(A) would agree (B) has agreed (C) agreed (D) agrees
Answer B
Find the mistake.
I borrowed some money from John yesterday, but I 
paid back him today. 
(A) some money (B) from John (C) but I (D) back him

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Answer D
Find the mistake.
Could you tell me the new intern's name again? 
I must try to remember it. I would not do forget it 
normally. Can you remember it ? 

(A) Could you tell me (B) I must try to remember (C) would not do forget it 

(D) Can you remember it

Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months. 
(A) haven't been (B) has been working (C) works D) have been working

Answer B

Find the correct answer.

Please hand me that blue cup ________ on the table. 
(A) where is (B) what is (C) who is (D) which is
Answer D
Find the mistake.
We should have had the car to be repaired at the shop before 
trying to sell it. 
(A) should have (B) to be repaired (C) trying (D) to sell
Answer B
Find the mistake.
John had received an MBA from a prestigious university. 
On the one hand , Mary had been given on-the-job training 
in a large finance department. 
(A) had received (B) On the one hand (C) had been given (D) on-the-job training
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

If I ________ enough money, I would start my own company. 

(A) had had (B) were having (C) had (D)have
Answer A
Find the correct answer.

He ________ in that company when he had the chance. 

(A) should invest (B) would have been invested (C) could be investing (D) should have invested
Answer D
Find the correct answer.

The work ________ in the next day or two. 

(A) is going to complete 
(B) will have completed 
(C) has been completed D) will be completed
Answer D 
Find the correct answer.

My boss told me ________ the meeting. 

(A) don't forget (B) not to forget C)not forgetting (D) didn't forget

Answer B
Find the correct answer.

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back. 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) will have finished 
(B) have finished 
(C) will be finished 
(D) would have finished
Answer A 
Find the correct answer.

A: Should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time? 

B: ______ federal regulations dictate our company leave policy.
(A) Lacking options, (B) We are limited because (C) It's a moot point that (D) Due to the fact that
Answer B
Find the mistake.

The head of the Purchasing Department told 

me send out this order as soon as I possibly could. 

(A) Purchasing 
(B) told 
(C) send out 
(D) as soon as
Answer C
Find the mistake.
We tried to install a natural vent system, but after 
installation the system failed functioning 
correctly . 
(A) to install 
(B) installation 
(C) functioning 
(D) correctly
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Last year The Millennium Project ________ by futurist Jerome C. Glenn. 

(A) was co-directing 

(B) has co-directed 
(C) was co-directed 
(D) has been co-directed
Answer C
Find the correct answer.
________ do the sales of chocolate rise in February, but the sales of all other confections also increase.

At no time 
Not only 
Answer B
Find the mistake.
When I was seeing him, I knew immediately that he 
was the CEO. 

(A) When 
(B) was seeing 
(C) knew 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) was
Answer B
Find the mistake.

But, what if the design would have implicits 

detrimental overtones ? 

(A) what if 

(B) implicits 

(C) detrimental 

(D) overtones
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

A: Can't you see that my client is in the clear on your illegitimate charges? 
B: The account withdrawals are valid; ________, embezzlement is illicit.

(A) furthermore 
(B) additionally 
(C) in retrospect 
(D) notwithstanding
Answer A
Find the correct answer.
A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please? 
B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.

(A) Could I throw in this in (B) A point of order 

(C) Would you just held your horses 
(D) I am affirmative
Answer B
Find the correct answer.
He ________ in so much trouble last week if he'd followed the guidelines more carefully.

(A) hadn't been 

(B) wouldn't have been 
(C) might have been 
(D) wouldn't be
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

Joyce: Aren't you going to Shanghai for the conference? Ronnie: Yes. At this time tomorrow, I ____________ across the Pacific

(A) would be flying 

(B) am flying 

(C) will be flying 

(D) would fly
Answer C

I'm not busy, so I ________ finish the report in an hour.

(A) have
(B) ought
(C) am
(D) can<---

If the manager ________ time to meet with you today, he'll leave a message on your voicemail.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) has
(B) will have
(C) have <---
(D) had

If we organize project teams, we can bring together people ________ have never worked with each other.

(A) which
(B) who <---
(C) whose
(D) whom

The music downstairs was too loud that I couldn't

get any sleep last night!

(A)downstairs <---
(B) too
(C) get
(D) any

Are accounts receivable have to balance

against assets and profits?
(A) Are <---
(B) receivable
(C) balance
(D) assets

Greg said he ________ help next time.

(A) would request <---

(B) will request
(C) might have requested
(D) requested

A: So the seller wants to transfer funds between one account and another?
B: He wants access to and from any account; ______, he won't make many transfers.

(A) thus
(B) beforehand
(C) in spite of
(D) however <---

The head of the Purchasing Department told

me send out this order as soon as I possibly could.
(A) Purchasing
(B) told
(C) send out <---
(D) as soon as

I really look forward for studying Japanese to prepare

for my trip to Tokyo.
(A) look forward
(B) for studying <---
(C) to prepare
(D) for my trip

The negative financial returns from last quarter ________ an impact on hiring policies in the coming months.

(A) makes
(B) are going to show <---
(C) is having
(D) are going to have

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

New safety requirements ________ by the government.

(A) have created

(B) will create
(C) would create
(D) were created<---

________ do the sales of chocolate rise in February, but the sales of all other confections also increase.

(A) At no time
(B) Not only <---
(C) Never
(D) Regardless

The organization will be able to borrow more funds if it ________ some of its current debts.

(A) pays off

(B) could pay off <---
(C) should pay off
(D) will pay off

I'll be in late today. ________ before me, check my email and answer any pending issues.

(A) If you will arrive

(B) If you arrive <---
(C) If you've arrived
(D) When you arrive

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back.

(A) will have finished <---

(B) have finished
(C) will be finished
(D) would have finished

If we offer training sessions to our employees, they would

learn more quickly.
(A) offer <---
(B) sessions
(C) to
(D) learn

Ever the schedule is changed on short notice, people

get upset.
(A)Ever <---
(B) is changed
(C) short
(D) get

I really can't say whose ________ but I'll try to find out for you.

(A) is that computer

(B) computer is it
(C) computer that is <---
(D) computer

I haven't ________ to Canada before, but I'd like to go there for a vacation some time.

(A) never been

(B) ever been <---
(C) already been
(D) just been

The boss asked whether anyone wants to participate


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

in the project, but few volunteered.
(A) whether <---
(B) wants
(C) to participate
(D) few

During I've known him, he's always

been kind and generous.
(A)During <---
(B) I've
(C) always
(D) been

I ________ telephone messages for the chairman several times since he called.

(A) have left

(B) was leaving
(C) have been leaving <---
(D) left

A: What shall I do about Joe's debts?

B: You'll have to figure out ______ to get the money.

(A) where <---

(B) why
(C) who
(D) whose

If I were you, I ________ invest in the stock market.

(A) will
(B) can
(C) would <---
(D) would have

A: Do you know which function pertains to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
B: According to the presentation, the Bureau ______ to monitor dangerous items in society.

(A) can dictate

(B) is designated <---
(C) has allocated
(D) has designed

Alex can't travel tomorrow. The problem is ________ his passport has expired and he needs a new one.

(A) about
(B) that <---
(C) what
(D) if

Megan isn't going to travel to Europe by herself, ________ ?

(A) doesn't she

(B) will she
(C) won't she <---
(D) is she

We can not only expand into the Eastern European market ________ move into the South American market.

(A) as well as
(B) but also <---
(C) nor
(D) and
Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months.

(A) haven't been

(B) has been working <---

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(C) works
(D) have been working

The marketing strategy what was used for so long

was finally rejected outright by the stockholders.

(A) what <---

(B) for so long
(C) was
(D) outright

We tried to install a natural vent system, but after

installation the system failed functioning
correctly .
(A) to install
(B) installation
(C) functioning
(D) correctly<---

She didn't win anything in the contest;

on other hand, she didn't lose anything.

(A) win
(B) anything
(C) on other hand
(D) lose<---


that the 



personnel expense accounts have 


(A)  asked

(B)  company's

(C)  on

(D)  shifted

A: Were you able to attend the semi-annual managers

meeting yesterday afternoon? 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

B: No, I _______, but I was delayed by a lengthy
conference call with an important client.

(A)  should have attended

(B)  could have being present

(C)  must have gone

(D)  may have appeared

________ Tanya saw my car, she didn't know that it was


(A)  After

(B)  While

(C)  Until

(D)  As

I'm going

to buy 

new pair 


shoes for the wedding. 


(A)  I'm going

(B)  me

(C)  a

(D)  of

did call


was meeting

with the 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted




(A)  did call

(B)  while

(C)  was meeting

(D)  sales

1. Greg said he _______ help next time. (A) would request (B) will request (C) might have requested (D) requested2.
2. I ________ telephone messages for the chairman several times since he called. (A) have left (B) was leaving (C) have
been leaving (D) left
3. 3. Megan isn't going to travel to Europe by herself, ________ ? (A) doesn't she (B) will she (C) won't she (D) is she
4. 4. The organization will be able to borrow more funds if it____ some of its current debtsa. pays off b. could pay off c.
should pay off d. will pay off
5. 5. A: Does anyone have an issue with this policy? B: I ____ about it.a. Propose to publish an article b. Have to agree c.
Have ethical questions d. Enthuse
6. 6. When I spoke to the vendor, she _______ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time. (A) would agree (B) has
agreed (C) agreed (D) agrees
7. 7. A: Were you aware that Alice was terminated because of her previous employment? B: Yes, I was very shocked by the
news. _________ that kind of injustice.(A) I feel a contrast to (B) I am strongly agreeing with (C) I am opposed to (D) I can
occasionally dispute in
8. 8. He had already paid the bill before she __________ to the table. (A) has returned (B) had returned (C) was returning
(D) returned
9. 9. The museum is very popular. It __________ by more than 10 million people since it opened. (A) was visited (B) had
been visited (C) has visited (D) has been visited
10. 10. A: Did he have a problem with clause sixteen in the contract? B: Yes, he _______ the requirement for assignment of
the debt. (A) took issue on (B) brought down (C) took issue with (D) brought over
11. 11. A: This session of congress shall now commence. New business, please? B:_________, if you please. We do not
have quorum herea. Could I throw in this in b. A point of order c. Would you just held your horses d. I am affirmative
12. 12. A: should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time? B: ________federal leaves dictate our
company policy a. Lacking options b. We are limited because c. It’s a moot point that d. Due to the fact that
13. 13. A: Will accounting have to shear a little bit in reporting current obligations B: ________ would be more appropriate or
even chopa. Slice b. Discount c. Fluff d. Shrivel
14. 14. I think the presentation was too long_______, it was confusinga. in addition b. another c. as well as d. not only
15. 15. The negative financial returns from last quarter ________ an impact on the hiring policies in the coming monthsa.
makes b. are going to show c. is having d. are going to have
16. 16. If I ___ enough money, I will start my own companya. had had b. were having c. had d. have
17. 17. If I __________ my physics class, I will graduate in May. (A) will pass (B) would pass (C) passed (D) pass
18. 18. If I __________ enough money last summer, I would have gone to Paris with you.(A) had had (B) didn't have (C) have
had (D) had
19. 19. I would not plan the New York conference in the winter if I ____ to please the staff in the wintera. hope b. were hoping
c. should hope d. am hoping
20. 20. A: Were you aware that Alice was terminated because of her previous employment B: I was very shocked by the
news_________that kind of injusticea. I feel a contrast to b. I am stongly agreeing with c. I was opposed to d. I can
occasionally dispute in
21. 21. Joyce: Aren’t you going to shanghai for the conference? Ronnie: Yes. At this time tomorrow, I ______across the
pacific oceana. Would be flying b.Am flying c.Will be flying d. Would fly
22. 22. A: Can’t you see that my client is in the clear on your illegitimate charges B: The account withdrawals are valid;_____,
embezzlement is illicita. Furthermore b. Additionally c. In retrospect d. Not withstanding

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

1. If I ____ enough money last summer, I would have gone to Paris with you. 
( A ) had had 
( B ) didn't have 
( C ) have had 
( D ) had
Answer: have had had had (You need the past perfect of "have" in this pattern.)

2. If I ______enough money, I would start my own company

a. had had
b. were having
c. had
d. have
Answer: had OK.

3. If I ______enough money, I will start my own company

a. had had
b. were having
c. had
d. have
Answer: have OK.

4. A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please? 

B: _______________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here. 
( A ) Could I throw in this in 
( B ) A point of order
( C ) Would you just hold your horses 
( D ) I am affirmative
Answer: D. Would you just hold your horses A point of order
You can't talk like a common laborer when you're in Congress! You need a more formal expression.

1. The traffic was terrible! When we finally arrived at the airport, the plane____
a. Already left b. Had already left
c. Has already left d. Has been leaving already

2. Ms. Wenger, I _____ a contract this morning that I think you’ll be very happy with. Please review it and let me know if you have
any questions.
a. Drew up b. Had drawn up c. Drawn up d.Draw up

3. Sorry I missed our scheduled time to meet this morning, Doris. I couldn't meet with you because I ___ bring Jasmine up to speed
on last week’s developments in production.
a.Had got to b.Mist c.Needed to d.Have to

4.We ___ find a source of funding or this company is going to go out of business by the end of the year
a. Shouldn’t b.Might c.Ought d. Had better

5. ___ the economic conditions in Asia seem to be improving, we have decided to boost our market presence there,
a. because b.because of c. Due to d.Now

6. I __ Rupert Andres around the office ___. Does he still work for Global Solutions?
a. Did not see | already b. Haven’t seen | recently
c. Didn’t see | lately d. Have not seen | since

7.Jeff: We’re below our sales targets for the third month in a row.
Arden: Your boss must be really upset about ____
a.Which b. that c.this d.that’s

8.Brain: Mark, I think there’s room for negotiation with Yansen Pharmaceuticals. When we talk with them again tomorrow, let’s try to
be open to suggestions.
Mark: ___ sounds like a reasonable idea. Let’s do it.
a.That b.That’s c.This d.These

9. Robert, I know how busy you’ve been lately, but I have an emergency. I ___ if you might be able to type this report for me this

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

a. Was hope b.Was hoping
c. Was wondering d.Was wondering

10. If chemics International ___ financial problems, they wouldn’t be thinking about downsizing

a. Hadn’t b.Doesn’t have c. Didn’t have d. Will not have

11. I ___ and reward hardworking employees if this ___ my company

a. Will promote | will be b. Will promote | were
c. Would promote | will be d. Would promote |were

12.Jim: Another secretary quit! Are we losing people because of the pay?
Mary: Definitely! If we __ more, we __ losing secretary after secretary
a. Are paying | will not keep
b. Paid | wouldn’t keep
c. Paid | will not keep
d. Pay | Wouldn’t keep

13. Carmen: Marcus, when do you think you’ll have time to talk with me about the new children’s product line?
Marcus: I ____ we could meet and talk over lunch. Does that sound good?
a. Am think b.Was thinking

c.Was wondering wondering

14. Julie: What did you talk about with Mr. Peterson this morning?
Max: Well, I ____ to bring up the subject of pay, but he ___ it up before I did
a. Had planned | brought
b. Have planned | brought
c. Had planned | brings
d. Have planned | will bring

Please hand me that blue cup ________ on the table. 

(A) where is

(B) what is

(C) who is

(D) which is

________ the storm, they were unable to attend the conference. 

(A) Although

(B) As a result of

(C) Even though

(D) Because

It's a difficult choice. I'm going to have either the steak ________ the fish.

(A) or

(B) with

(C) nor

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) from

A: Are you responsible for the confusion caused by last year's financial report?

B: ___________________

(A) Yes, that was the report last year.

(B) No, I don't know anything about that.

(C) No, that report responded to it.

(D) Yes, that has me confused.

A: I'm open for criticism from you regarding the new company policy.

B: __________, I would have to back you up all the way.

(A) After you just pulled

(B) Look at behind you

(C) In terms of efficiency

(D) The chip are up so

A: When will we start legal action on this default?

B: Filing a lawsuit _______.

(A) will be my priority tomorrow morning

(B) in the filing cabinet is my priority tomorrow morning.

(C) and to begin prosecution are my priorities tomorrow morning

(D) the legal action will start tomorrow morning.

Bob is ________ successful salesman in our company.

(A) the lesser

(B) most

(C) least

(D) the most

The little girl’s legs ________ to touch the floor when she sits on the piano bench.

(A) aren't enough long

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(B) are too long

(C) are so long

(D) aren't long enough

Did you finish ________ the new employees? 

(A) to train

(B) trained

(C) trains

(D) training

George lost some money ________ the downturn in the stock market.

(A) although

(B) just as

(C) because

(D) due to

________ she was very sick, Jennifer gave her presentation at the meeting.

(A) However

(B) Nevertheless

(C) Even though

(D) Despite

Elvis Presley wasn't the first rock-and-roll singer, ________ he was the one who made it popular.

(A) and

(B) in spite of

(C) but

(D) so

Did the auditor ________ frustrated when you told her about the missing travel expense receipts?

(A) resemble

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(B) listen

(C) sound

(D) hear

I'm sorry ________ you can't come to the wedding. We'll miss you.

(A) for

(B) about

(C) that

(D) which

Hiring a new manager is ________ task for you to finish this afternoon.

(A) least important

(B) the most important

(C) less important

(D) most important

________ my husband nor my children had ever been on such a long trip before we went to Africa.

(A) Neither

(B) Both

(C) Either

(D) Nor

The CEO might lose his job ________ the 9 percent decrease in profits.

(A) because of

(B) although

(C) because

(D) since

New strategies ________ introduced by management a few weeks ago.

(A) are being

(B) have been

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(C) were

(D) are

Mr. Patel is ________ the airport waiting for a client to arrive from Tokyo.

(A) to

(B) at

(C) by

(D) on

A: Do you know which function pertains to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
B: According to the presentation, the Bureau __ (B)to monitor dangerous items in society.
(A) can dictate
(B) is designated
(C) has allocated
(D) has designed

Alex can't travel tomorrow. The problem is __ (B) his passport has expired and he needs a new one.
(A) about
(B) that
(C) what
(D) if

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back.

(A) will have finished

(B) have finished

(C) will be finished

(D) would have finished

I really can't say whose ________ but I'll try to find out for you.

(A) is that computer

(B) computer is it

(C) computer that is

(D) computer

I haven't ________ to Canada before, but I'd like to go there for a vacation some time.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) never been

(B) ever been

(C) already been

(D) just been

I ________ telephone messages for the chairman several times since he called.

(A) have left

(B) was leaving

(C) have been leaving

(D) left

A: What shall I do about Joe's debts?

B: You'll have to figure out ______ to get the money.

(A) where

(B) why

(C) who

(D) whose

If I were you, I ________ invest in the stock market.

(A) will

(B) can

(C) would

(D) would have

A: Do you know which function pertains to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?

B: According to the presentation, the Bureau ______ to monitor dangerous items in society.

(A) can dictate

(B) is designated

(C) has allocated

(D) has designed

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Alex can't travel tomorrow. The problem is ________ his passport has expired and he needs a new one.

(A) about

(B) that

(C) what

(D) if

Megan isn't going to travel to Europe by herself, ________ ?

(A) doesn't she

(B) will she

(C) won't she

(D) is she

We can not only expand into the Eastern European market ________ move into the South American

(A) as well as

(B) but also

(C) nor

(D) and

Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months. 

(A) haven't been

(B) has been working

(C) works

(D) have been working

If we ________ attract the younger market, our sales will automatically go up.

(A) will

(B) can

(C) may

(D) have

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

The music downstairs was too loud that I couldn't get any sleep last night! 
(A) downstairs 
(B) too Too should be so. It's a so ... that ... construction.
(C) get 
(D) any

Are accounts receivable have to balance against assets and profits? 

(A) Are OK. But what should it be?
(B) receivable 
(C) balance 
(D) assets

The head of the Purchasing Department told me send out this order as soon as I possibly could. 
(A) Purchasing 
(B) told 
(C) send out Yes. It should be told me to send out.
(D) as soon as 

I really look forward for studying Japanese to prepare for my trip to Tokyo. 
(A) look forward 
(B) for studying
(C) to prepare 
(D) for my trip OK.

If we offer training sessions to our employees, they would learn more quickly. 
(A) offer 
(B) sessions 
(C) to 
(D) learn OK.

Ever the schedule is changed on short notice, people get upset. 

(A) Ever 
(B) is changed 
(C) short 
(D) get OK.

The boss asked whether anyone wants to participate in the project, but few volunteered. 
(A) whether 
(B) wants 
(C) to participate 
(D) few OK.

During I've known him, he's always been kind and generous. 
(A) During 
(B) I've 
(C) always 
(D) been OK.

The marketing strategy what was used for so long was finally rejected outright by the stockholders. 
(A) what
(B) for so long 
(C) was 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(D) outright OK.

We tried to install a natural vent system, but after installation the system failed functioning correctly . 
(A) to install 
(B) installation 
(C) functioning
(D) correctly OK.

She didn't win anything in the contest; 

on other hand, she didn't lose anything. 
(A) win 
(B) anything 
(C) on other hand Should be 'on the other hand'.
(D) lose

We should have had the car to be repaired at the shop before trying to sell it. 
(A) should have 
(B) to be repaired
(C) trying 
(D) to sell OK.

I formally move that any contract amendments stipulating material modification be put on hold for the
present! Conversely , amortization of capital assets should likewise be suspended temporarily. 
(A) formally 
(B) be 
(C) Conversely
(D) should OK.

But, what if the design would have implicits detrimental overtones ? 

(A) what if 
(B) implicits Should be implicit. Adjectives don't have plural forms.
(C) detrimental
(D) overtones 

In deference to Jim's objection regarding the proposal that had been submitted , the committee will have
approved the measure had the majority not been swayed by the mayor's opinion. 
(A) regarding 
(B) submitted 
(C) will
(D) been OK.

We have stand in line at the movie theater for 30 minutes already . 

(A) have stand
(B) in 
(C) for 
(D) already OK.

He insists on to work every day until 7 p.m. 

(A) insists on 
(B) to work Should be 'working'. After a preposition (like 'on') use the -ing form.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(C) every day 
(D) until 7 p.m

We need to take some lessons, because my boyfriend doesn't know how to ski and________ I.
(A) not either do (B) neither do (C) so do (D) either do

Find the correct answer.

If I ________ my physics class, I will graduate in May. 

(A) will pass (B) would pass (C) passed (D) pass
Answer D
Find the correct answer.
________ the engineers nor the production team has ever worked on this kind of project.

(A) Neither 
(B) Both (C) Either (D) Nor
Answer A
Find the correct answer.

When I spoke to the vendor, she _____ to guarantee the delivery of the products on time.

(A) would agree (B) has agreed (C) agreed (D) agrees
Answer B
Find the mistake.
I borrowed some money from John yesterday, but I 
paid back him today. 
(A) some money (B) from John (C) but I (D) back him
Answer D
Find the mistake.
Could you tell me the new intern's name again? 
I must try to remember it. I would not do forget it 
normally. Can you remember it ? 

(A) Could you tell me (B) I must try to remember (C) would not do forget it 

(D) Can you remember it

Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Mr. Lee ________ on the manufacturing project in Hong Kong for two months. 
(A) haven't been (B) has been working (C) works D) have been working

Answer B

Find the correct answer.

Please hand me that blue cup ________ on the table. 
(A) where is (B) what is (C) who is (D) which is

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Answer D
Find the mistake.
We should have had the car to be repaired at the shop before 
trying to sell it. 
(A) should have (B) to be repaired (C) trying (D) to sell
Answer B
Find the mistake.
John had received an MBA from a prestigious university. 
On the one hand , Mary had been given on-the-job training 
in a large finance department. 
(A) had received (B) On the one hand (C) had been given (D) on-the-job training
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

If I ________ enough money, I would start my own company. 

(A) had had (B) were having (C) had (D)have

He ________ in that company when he had the chance. 

(A) should invest (B) would have been invested (C) could be investing (D) should have invested
Answer D
Find the correct answer.

The work ________ in the next day or two. 

(A) is going to complete 
(B) will have completed 
(C) has been completed D) will be completed
Answer D 
Find the correct answer.

My boss told me ________ the meeting. 

(A) don't forget (B) not to forget C)not forgetting (D) didn't forget

Answer B
Find the correct answer.

Don't worry. I ________ the work by the time you get back. 

(A) will have finished 
(B) have finished 
(C) will be finished 
(D) would have finished
Answer A 
Find the correct answer.

A: Should people on sick leave be allowed to accumulate vacation time? 

B: ______ federal regulations dictate our company leave policy.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

(A) Lacking options, (B) We are limited because (C) It's a moot point that (D) Due to the fact that
Answer B
Find the mistake.

The head of the Purchasing Department told 

me send out this order as soon as I possibly could. 

(A) Purchasing 
(B) told 
(C) send out 
(D) as soon as
Answer C
Find the mistake.
We tried to install a natural vent system, but after 
installation the system failed functioning 
correctly . 
(A) to install 
(B) installation 
(C) functioning 
(D) correctly
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

Last year The Millennium Project ________ by futurist Jerome C. Glenn. 

(A) was co-directing 

(B) has co-directed 
(C) was co-directed 
(D) has been co-directed
Answer C
Find the correct answer.

________ do the sales of chocolate rise in February, but the sales of all other confections also increase.

At no time 
Not only 
Answer B

Find the mistake.

When I was seeing him, I knew immediately that he 

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

was the CEO. 

(A) When 
(B) was seeing 
(C) knew 
(D) was
Answer B
Find the mistake.

But, what if the design would have implicits 

detrimental overtones ? 

(A) what if 

(B) implicits 

(C) detrimental 

(D) overtones

A: Can't you see that my client is in the clear on your illegitimate charges? 
B: The account withdrawals are valid; ________, embezzlement is illicit.

(A) furthermore 
(B) additionally 
(C) in retrospect 
(D) notwithstanding
Answer A

Find the correct answer.

A: This session of Congress shall now commence. New business, please? 
B: ___________________, if you please. We do not have a quorum here.

(A) Could I throw in this in (B) A point of order 

(C) Would you just held your horses 
(D) I am affirmative
Answer B
Find the correct answer.
He ________ in so much trouble last week if he'd followed the guidelines more carefully.

(A) hadn't been 

(B) wouldn't have been 
(C) might have been 
(D) wouldn't be
Answer B
Find the correct answer.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Joyce: Aren't you going to Shanghai for the conference? Ronnie: Yes. At this time tomorrow,
I ____________ across the Pacific Ocean!

(A) would be flying 

(B) am flying 

(C) will be flying 

(D) would fly
Answer C

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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