Sin /NN

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 To determine the number of lines per millimeter of the grating using the
green line of the mercury spectrum.
 To calculate the wavelength of the other prominent lines of mercury by
normal incidence method.

2. Formula Used:-

 =sin/nN
Where, N is the number of lines per unit length of the grating
   n is the order of the spectrum
    is the wavelength of light.
 is the diffraction angle.

3. Observations and Calculations:-

 One main scale division = 1/2o

 Number of divisions on Vernier scale = 30
 L.C. = One main scale division/ Number of divisions on Vernier = 1/60
Green,  Left Right
Reading (2) Mean  nN=sin/
Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 1 Ver 2
340.63 160.6 19.03 199 38.4 38.4 19.2 0.00060

Determination of wavelength for prominent lines:-

Left Right
Color Reading (2) Mean   =sin/nN
Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 1 Ver 2
345.63 165.6 14.03 194 28.4 28.4 14.2 407.352019

344.6 164.56 15.06 195.03 30.46 30.46 15.23 436.316832


342.6 162.58 17.06 197.03 34.46 34.45 17.229 491.599945


339.56 159.53 20.1 200.06 40.53 40.53 20.266 573.394551


4. Result:-
The wavelength of Violet = 407.352019 nm
The wavelength of Indigo = 436.316832 nm
The wavelength of Blue = 491.599945 nm
The wavelength of Yellow = 573.394551 nm

5. Snapshot of experiment with email id clearly visible:-

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