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St Saviour’s Church
27 June 2021 - Trinity 4 / Ord Time 13

Today we reflect on a healing story of a young This week:

girl. Mark is keen to emphasise the inclusion of
Jesus of people who are marginalised, forgotten, Sun 27: Trinity 4
considered as insignificant. These healing stories (Ord Time 13)
of Jesus are lessons to us of how God works in St Saviour’s:
our world. We are always invited to enter with 09:30 Sung Mass;
gratitude into God’s gracious involvement in our St German’s:
own lives and especially the lives of 11:00 Sung Mass
communities and individuals who are suffering, Mon 28:
rejected and crying out for a miracle. 18:00 Mass (St G)
St Irenaeus
Tues 29:
10:00 Mass (St S)
Parish Notes: 20:00 Evensong and
Licensing of Fr Chris Lee
Reserve your seat at St Saviour’s mass via Liz on 07718918846 to St Saviour’s;
New Ministry - Bishop June has appointed the Rev’d Christopher Lee (NSM) to St Saviour’s on an
Sts Peter and Paul
interim basis to work alongside other Ministry Area clergy colleagues in the months ahead. Fr Chris
Wed 30:
will be licensed during a service of Evening Prayer by Bishop June on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul,
this coming Tuesday 29 June, at 8pm. Please book your place the usual way. We hope to record the 10:00 Mass (St G)
service and post it later on on YouTube. Thur 1:
Christian Aid - Many thanks to all who supported our Zoom Bingo. We’ve raised a fantastic £160. If 17:45 Mass (St S)
you would like to make a donation, please speak to David French today. Fri 2:
Pray for Natasha Quinn-Thomas, our former ordinand, who will be ordained to the diaconate next No Mass (St S)
Saturday 3 July. Natasha has used the gift from St Saviour’s to order a Marion Chasuble for use in her Sat 3:
future ministry and to remind her time with us. No Mass (St S)
The Rev’d Geraint John - Prayer cards for Geraint’s ordination on Wednesday 30 June are available on St Thomas, Apostle
the table at the back of church. We are delighted to welcome Geraint back to preach and preside at a
Sun 4: Trinity 5
concelebrated mass on Sunday 11 July.
(Ord Time 14)
Raffle - Today is the final day for money for tickets. The draw takes place next Sunday 4 July after
Mass. Thanks to everyone for the raffle prizes already donated. Thanks to your generosity after today St Saviour’s:
we no longer need prizes. All monies raised go to church funds. 09:30 Sung Mass;
PCC - After the Prize Draw on Sunday 4 July the PCC will meet to formally agree the merger to form St German’s:
the South Cardiff Ministry Area. 11:00 Sung Mass
Leaving Picnic - Fr Phelim’s last Sunday with us will be on 25 July when we plan on meeting in the
church garden between 2-4pm to say our farewells.
Covid Risks Update - Please continue to adhere to social distancing and so go straight to your chair Parish Priest:
and at the end of the service leave in orderly and socially distanced manner. Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Singing - We have considered the risks and updated our risk assessment according to CinW and Welsh 02922 411229,
Gov. guidelines and so it is now possible for some singing to take place in our worship. Two key
precautions: face masks/visors to be worn whilst singing and an ongoing commitment to maintaining (Day off - Friday)
strict social distancing throughout the service. Hymn texts on newsletter from next Sunday.
Cardiff South Ministry Area - MA Transition Team meeting on Wednesday 30 June at 7pm in St
Mary’s. Liz Norman
Recently Departed - Doris Thomas, Philip Brown, Phyllis Joan Park.
David Gibbins

Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24
Ezek 2:2-5 I will praise you,
Ps 30:2+4, 5-6,
Ps 123:1-2a, 2bc, 3-4
2 Cor 12:7-10
Lord, you have
2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 rescued me. (3vv)
Mark 6:1-6
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43


COLLECT rejoice over me.

O Lord, you have raised
my soul from the dead,
O God, the protector of all who
restored me to life A reading from the Holy Gospel
trust in you, without whom from those who sink into the grave. according to Mark.
nothing is strong, nothing is
holy: increase and multiply upon Sing psalms to the Lord, When Jesus had crossed again in the
you who love him, boat to the other side, a great crowd
us your mercy; that with you as give thanks to his holy name. gathered round him; and he was by the
our ruler and guide we may so His anger lasts a moment; lake. Then one of the leaders of the
pass through things temporal his favour all through life. synagogue named Jairus came and,
that we finally lose not the things At night there are tears, when he saw him, fell at his feet and
but joy comes with dawn. begged him repeatedly, ‘My little
eternal; grant this, heavenly daughter is at the point of death. Come
Father, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s The Lord listened and had pity. and lay your hands on her, so that she
sake, who is alive and reigns The Lord came to my help. may be made well, and live.’ So he went
For me you have changed with him. And a large crowd followed
with you, in the unity of the Holy
my mourning into dancing: him and pressed in on him.
Spirit, one God, now and for O Lord my God,
ever. Amen. I will thank you for ever. While he was still speaking, some people
Psalm 30 came from the leader’s house to say,
‘Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the
SECOND READING teacher any further?’ But overhearing
TODAY’S HYMNS: what they said, Jesus said to the leader
The church’s one foundation A reading from the 2nd letter of Paul to of the synagogue, ‘Do not fear, only
Dear Lord and father the Corinthians. believe.’ He allowed no one to follow
All for Jesus him except Peter, James, and John, the
Love divine You always have the most of brother of James. When they came to
everything – of faith, of eloquence, of the house of the leader of the
understanding, of keenness for any synagogue, he saw a commotion, people
cause, and the biggest share of our weeping and wailing loudly. When he
affection – so we expect you to put the had entered, he said to them, ‘Why do
FIRST READING most into this work of mercy too. you make a commotion and weep? The
Remember how generous the Lord Jesus child is not dead but sleeping.’ And they
The First reading is from the book of laughed at him. Then he put them all
was: he was rich, but he became poor
Wisdom outside, and took the child’s father and
for your sake, to make you rich out of
his poverty. This does not mean that to mother and those who were with him,
Death was not God’s doing, he takes no and went in where the child was. He
give relief to others you ought to make
pleasure in the extinction of the living. took her by the hand and said to her,
things difficult for yourselves: it is a
To be – for this he created all; the ‘Talitha cum’, which means, ‘Little girl,
question of balancing what happens to
world’s created things have health in get up!’ And immediately the girl got up
be your surplus now against their
them, in them no fatal poison can be and began to walk about (she was
present need, and one day they may
found, and Hades holds no power on twelve years of age). At this they were
have something to spare that will supply
earth; for virtue is undying. Yet God did overcome with amazement. He strictly
your own need. That is how we strike a
make man imperishable, he made him in ordered them that no one should know
balance: as scripture says: The man who
the image of his own nature; it was the this, and told them to give her
gathered much had none too much, the
devil’s envy that brought death into the
man who gathered little did not go short. something to eat.
world, as those who are his partners will
This is the word of the Lord. This is the Gospel of the Lord.
This is the word of the Lord. 2 Cor 8 Mark 5
Wisdom 1

Alleluia, alleluia!
I will praise you, Lord, you have
Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are
rescued me.
life; you have the message of eternal life.
I will praise you, Lord,
you have rescued me
and have not let my enemies

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